

16 コミット

作成者 SHA1 メッセージ 日付
守矢諏訪子 8ce0a3ba04 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/zedeus/nitter 2022-12-16 16:05:13 +09:00
Zed d923c20aa6 Explicitly don't support 'model3d' cards
Fixes #597
2022-11-27 18:19:30 +01:00
Zed 9bae009bbc Fix 'unknown' compilation error 2022-11-27 17:27:07 +01:00
Zed da4d6eabdd Add enum hooks to log parseHook jsony errors 2022-11-27 17:24:29 +01:00
Zed 6a7e56b613 Linting 2022-11-27 16:20:53 +01:00
Zed 78b6877b02 Add "Search (...)" to tab title
Fixes #247
2022-11-27 16:19:30 +01:00
Zed 096d44856f Remove Location field autofocus from search panel 2022-11-27 16:06:36 +01:00
Zed 310b0ab9a1 Update test 2022-11-27 16:00:16 +01:00
Zed 85316f8f8d Reduce usage of strformat, minor perf improvement 2022-11-27 15:50:08 +01:00
Zed 92a6eb0339 Bump Dockerfile Nim to 1.6.10 2022-11-27 12:49:50 +01:00
Zed b1ef505cff Fix "Show this thread" for pinned threads 2022-11-27 01:57:32 +01:00
Zed 9ef0f649fd Bump dependencies 2022-11-27 01:02:49 +01:00
Zed 8ad8cef875 Revert /c/ removal from YouTube replacer
Fixes #724
2022-11-27 00:40:33 +01:00
Zed dd18471568 Make YouTube regex case insensitive
Fixes #726
2022-11-27 00:28:49 +01:00
Zed 02557b67c3 Fix minor bug 2022-11-27 00:03:11 +01:00
Kavin 6272297d64
Update hostname for piped (#728) 2022-11-19 02:47:29 +00:00


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM nimlang/nim:1.6.2-alpine-regular as nim
FROM nimlang/nim:1.6.10-alpine-regular as nim
LABEL maintainer="setenforce@protonmail.com"
RUN apk --no-cache add libsass-dev pcre


@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ tokenCount = 10
theme = "Loli"
replaceTwitter = "twitter.076.ne.jp"
replaceYouTube = "youtube.076.ne.jp"
replaceReddit = ""
replaceReddit = "teddit.net"
replaceInstagram = ""
replaceOdysee = "odysee.076.ne.jp"
proxyVideos = true


@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ bin = @["nitter"]
# Dependencies
requires "nim >= 1.4.8"
requires "jester >= 0.5.0"
requires "jester#baca3f"
requires "karax#6abcb77"
requires "sass#e683aa1"
requires "nimcrypto#a5742a9"
requires "nimcrypto#b41129f"
requires "markdown#a661c26"
requires "packedjson#9e6fbb6"
requires "supersnappy#2.1.1"
requires "supersnappy#6c94198"
requires "redpool#8b7c1db"
requires "https://github.com/zedeus/redis#d0a0e6f"
requires "zippy#0.9.11"
requires "flatty#0.2.3"
requires "zippy#61922b9"
requires "flatty#9f885d7"
requires "jsony#d0e69bd"


@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ proc parseMedia(component: Component; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
durationMs: videoInfo.durationMillis,
variants: videoInfo.variants
of model3d:
result.title = "Unsupported 3D model ad"
proc parseUnifiedCard*(json: string): Card =
let card = json.fromJson(UnifiedCard)
@ -82,6 +84,8 @@ proc parseUnifiedCard*(json: string): Card =
component.parseMedia(card, result)
of buttonGroup:
of ComponentType.unknown:
echo "ERROR: Unknown component type: ", json
case component.kind
of twitterListDetails:


@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ type
Component* = object
kind*: ComponentType
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ type
vanity*: string
MediaType* = enum
photo, video
photo, video, model3d
MediaEntity* = object
kind*: MediaType
@ -77,3 +78,29 @@ converter fromText*(text: Text): string = text.content
proc renameHook*(v: var HasTypeField; fieldName: var string) =
if fieldName == "type":
fieldName = "kind"
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var ComponentType) =
v = case s
of "details": details
of "media": media
of "swipeable_media": swipeableMedia
of "button_group": buttonGroup
of "app_store_details": appStoreDetails
of "twitter_list_details": twitterListDetails
of "community_details": communityDetails
of "media_with_details_horizontal": mediaWithDetailsHorizontal
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (ComponentType): ", s; unknown
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var AppType) =
v = case s
of "android_app": androidApp
of "iphone_app": iPhoneApp
of "ipad_app": iPadApp
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (AppType): ", s; androidApp
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var MediaType) =
v = case s
of "video": video
of "photo": photo
of "model3d": model3d
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (MediaType): ", s; photo


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let
twRegex = re"(?<=(?<!\S)https:\/\/|(?<=\s))(www\.|mobile\.)?twitter\.com"
twLinkRegex = re"""<a href="https:\/\/twitter.com([^"]+)">twitter\.com(\S+)</a>"""
ytRegex = re"([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)"
ytRegex = re(r"([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)", {reStudy, reIgnoreCase})
igRegex = re"(www\.)?instagram\.com"
odRegex = re"(www\.)?(odysee\.com|lbry\.tv|open\.lbry\.com)"
@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ proc replaceUrls*(body: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string =
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0 and "youtu" in result:
result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube)
if prefs.replaceYouTube in result:
result = result.replace("/c/", "/")
if prefs.replaceInstagram.len > 0:
result = result.replace(igRegex, prefs.replaceInstagram)
@ -67,11 +65,11 @@ proc replaceUrls*(body: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string =
result = result.replace(odRegex, prefs.replaceOdysee)
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0 and ("twitter.com" in body or tco in body):
result = result.replace(tco, &"{https}{prefs.replaceTwitter}/t.co")
result = result.replace(tco, https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "/t.co")
result = result.replace(cards, prefs.replaceTwitter & "/cards")
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
result = result.replacef(twLinkRegex, a(
prefs.replaceTwitter & "$2", href = &"{https}{prefs.replaceTwitter}$1"))
prefs.replaceTwitter & "$2", href = https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "$1"))
if prefs.replaceReddit.len > 0 and ("reddit.com" in result or "redd.it" in result):
result = result.replace(rdShortRegex, prefs.replaceReddit & "/comments/")


@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ proc parseGraphList*(js: JsonNode): List =
banner: list{"custom_banner_media", "media_info", "url"}.getImageStr
proc parsePoll(js: JsonNode): Poll =
let vals = js{"binding_values"}
# name format is pollNchoice_*
@ -206,6 +205,10 @@ proc parseTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
# fix for pinned threads
if result.hasThread and result.threadId == 0:
result.threadId = js{"self_thread", "id_str"}.getId
if js{"is_quote_status"}.getBool:


@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ template `?`*(js: JsonNode): untyped =
if j.isNull: return
template `with`*(ident, value, body): untyped =
template with*(ident, value, body): untyped =
if true:
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil: body
template `with`*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
template with*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
if true:
let ident {.inject.} = value
if value.notNull: body


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, strutils, strformat, tables, times, hashes, uri
import asyncdispatch, tables, times, hashes, uri
import jester
@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ include "../views/rss.nimf"
export times, hashes
proc redisKey*(page, name, cursor: string): string =
result = page & ":" & name
if cursor.len > 0:
result &= ":" & cursor
proc timelineRss*(req: Request; cfg: Config; query: Query): Future[Rss] {.async.} =
var profile: Profile
@ -42,8 +47,8 @@ proc timelineRss*(req: Request; cfg: Config; query: Query): Future[Rss] {.async.
template respRss*(rss, page) =
if rss.cursor.len == 0:
let info = case page
of "User": &""" "{@"name"}" """
of "List": &""" "{@"id"}" """
of "User": " \"" & @"name" & "\" "
of "List": " \"" & @"id" & "\" "
else: " "
resp Http404, showError(page & info & "not found", cfg)
@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
cursor = getCursor()
key = &"search:{hash(genQueryUrl(query))}:cursor"
key = redisKey("search", $hash(genQueryUrl(query)), cursor)
var rss = await getCachedRss(key)
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
@ -84,9 +89,8 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
cond cfg.enableRss
cond '.' notin @"name"
cursor = getCursor()
name = @"name"
key = &"twitter:{name}:{cursor}"
key = redisKey("twitter", name, getCursor())
var rss = await getCachedRss(key)
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
@ -101,18 +105,20 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
cond cfg.enableRss
cond '.' notin @"name"
cond @"tab" in ["with_replies", "media", "search"]
let name = @"name"
let query =
case @"tab"
of "with_replies": getReplyQuery(name)
of "media": getMediaQuery(name)
of "search": initQuery(params(request), name=name)
else: Query(fromUser: @[name])
name = @"name"
tab = @"tab"
query =
case tab
of "with_replies": getReplyQuery(name)
of "media": getMediaQuery(name)
of "search": initQuery(params(request), name=name)
else: Query(fromUser: @[name])
var key = &"""{@"tab"}:{@"name"}:"""
if @"tab" == "search":
key &= $hash(genQueryUrl(query)) & ":"
key &= getCursor()
let searchKey = if tab != "search": ""
else: ":" & $hash(genQueryUrl(query))
let key = redisKey(tab, name & searchKey, getCursor())
var rss = await getCachedRss(key)
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
@ -132,28 +138,27 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
cursor = getCursor()
if list.id.len == 0:
resp Http404, showError(&"""List "{@"slug"}" not found""", cfg)
resp Http404, showError("List \"" & @"slug" & "\" not found", cfg)
let url = &"/i/lists/{list.id}/rss"
let url = "/i/lists/" & list.id & "/rss"
if cursor.len > 0:
redirect(&"{url}?cursor={encodeUrl(cursor, false)}")
redirect(url & "?cursor=" & encodeUrl(cursor, false))
get "/i/lists/@id/rss":
cond cfg.enableRss
id = @"id"
cursor = getCursor()
key =
if cursor.len == 0: "lists:" & @"id"
else: &"""lists:{@"id"}:{cursor}"""
key = redisKey("lists", id, cursor)
var rss = await getCachedRss(key)
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
respRss(rss, "List")
list = await getCachedList(id=(@"id"))
list = await getCachedList(id=id)
timeline = await getListTimeline(list.id, cursor)
rss.cursor = timeline.bottom
rss.feed = renderListRss(timeline.content, list, cfg)


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, strformat, uri
import strutils, uri
import jester
@ -14,32 +14,34 @@ export search
proc createSearchRouter*(cfg: Config) =
router search:
get "/search/?":
if @"q".len > 500:
let q = @"q"
if q.len > 500:
resp Http400, showError("Search input too long.", cfg)
prefs = cookiePrefs()
query = initQuery(params(request))
title = "Search" & (if q.len > 0: " (" & q & ")" else: "")
case query.kind
of users:
if "," in @"q":
redirect("/" & @"q")
if "," in q:
redirect("/" & q)
let users = await getSearch[User](query, getCursor())
resp renderMain(renderUserSearch(users, prefs), request, cfg, prefs)
resp renderMain(renderUserSearch(users, prefs), request, cfg, prefs, title)
of tweets:
tweets = await getSearch[Tweet](query, getCursor())
rss = "/search/rss?" & genQueryUrl(query)
resp renderMain(renderTweetSearch(tweets, prefs, getPath()),
request, cfg, prefs, rss=rss)
request, cfg, prefs, title, rss=rss)
resp Http404, showError("Invalid search", cfg)
get "/hashtag/@hash":
redirect(&"""/search?q={encodeUrl("#" & @"hash")}""")
redirect("/search?q=" & encodeUrl("#" & @"hash"))
get "/opensearch":
let url = getUrlPrefix(cfg) & "/search?q="
resp Http200, {"Content-Type": "application/opensearchdescription+xml"},
generateOpenSearchXML(cfg.title, cfg.hostname, url)
generateOpenSearchXML(cfg.title, cfg.hostname, url)


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, strutils, strformat, sequtils, uri, options, times
import asyncdispatch, strutils, sequtils, uri, options, times
import jester, karax/vdom
import router_utils
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ proc showTimeline*(request: Request; query: Query; cfg: Config; prefs: Prefs;
template respTimeline*(timeline: typed) =
let t = timeline
if t.len == 0:
resp Http404, showError(&"""User "{@"name"}" not found""", cfg)
resp Http404, showError("User \"" & @"name" & "\" not found", cfg)
resp t
template respUserId*() =


@ -138,7 +138,6 @@
.attribution {
display: flex;
pointer-events: all;


@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
font-size: 18px;
@media(max-width: 600px) {
.main-tweet .tweet-content {
font-size: 16px;


@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ proc renderHead*(prefs: Prefs; cfg: Config; req: Request; titleText=""; desc="";
if titleText.len > 0:
text &"{titleText}|{cfg.title}"
text titleText & " | " & cfg.title
text cfg.title


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ proc renderUserCard*(user: User; prefs: Prefs): VNode =
let url = replaceUrls(user.website, prefs)
icon "link"
a(href=url): text shortLink(url)
a(href=url): text url.shortLink
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ proc renderProfile*(profile: var Profile; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
let sticky = if prefs.stickyProfile: " sticky" else: ""
tdiv(class=("profile-tab" & sticky)):
renderUserCard(profile.user, prefs)
if profile.photoRail.len > 0:


@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ proc genCheckbox*(pref, label: string; state: bool): VNode =
else: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox")
proc genInput*(pref, label, state, placeholder: string; class=""): VNode =
proc genInput*(pref, label, state, placeholder: string; class=""; autofocus=true): VNode =
let p = placeholder
buildHtml(tdiv(class=("pref-group pref-input " & class))):
if label.len > 0:
label(`for`=pref): text label
if state.len == 0:
if autofocus and state.len == 0:
input(name=pref, `type`="text", placeholder=p, value=state, autofocus="")
input(name=pref, `type`="text", placeholder=p, value=state)


@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ proc renderSearchPanel*(query: Query): VNode =
genDate("until", query.until)
span(class="search-title"): text "Near"
genInput("near", "", query.near, placeholder="地域…")
genInput("near", "", query.near, "地域…", autofocus=false)
proc renderTweetSearch*(results: Result[Tweet]; prefs: Prefs; path: string;
pinned=none(Tweet)): VNode =


@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from parameterized import parameterized
text = [
'Trev Page', '@Model3Owners',
'TREV PAGE', '@Model3Owners',
"""As of March 58.4% of new car sales in Norway are electric.
What are we doing wrong? reuters.com/article/us-norwa"""],