
324 行
10 KiB
Raw 通常表示 履歴

# Copied from:,
# which is licensed under the BSD License.
# See
import typing
from import Mapping
HeaderTypes = typing.Union[
typing.Mapping[str, str],
typing.Mapping[bytes, bytes],
typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]],
typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]],
def to_str(value: typing.Union[str, bytes], encoding: str = "utf-8") -> str:
return value if isinstance(value, str) else value.decode(encoding)
def to_bytes_or_str(value: str, match_type_of: typing.AnyStr) -> typing.AnyStr:
return value if isinstance(match_type_of, str) else value.encode() # type: ignore
SENSITIVE_HEADERS = {"authorization", "proxy-authorization"}
def obfuscate_sensitive_headers(
items: typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[typing.AnyStr, typing.AnyStr]]
) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple[typing.AnyStr, typing.AnyStr]]:
for k, v in items:
if to_str(k.lower()) in SENSITIVE_HEADERS:
v = to_bytes_or_str("[secure]", match_type_of=v)
yield k, v
def normalize_header_key(
value: typing.Union[str, bytes],
lower: bool,
encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> bytes:
Coerce str/bytes into a strictly byte-wise HTTP header key.
if isinstance(value, bytes):
bytes_value = value
bytes_value = value.encode(encoding or "ascii")
return bytes_value.lower() if lower else bytes_value
def normalize_header_value(
value: typing.Union[str, bytes], encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None
) -> bytes:
Coerce str/bytes into a strictly byte-wise HTTP header value.
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
return value.encode(encoding or "ascii")
class Headers(typing.MutableMapping[str, str]):
HTTP headers, as a case-insensitive multi-dict.
def __init__(
headers: typing.Optional[HeaderTypes] = None,
encoding: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if headers is None:
self._list = [] # type: typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]]
elif isinstance(headers, Headers):
self._list = list(headers._list)
elif isinstance(headers, Mapping):
self._list = [
normalize_header_key(k, lower=False, encoding=encoding),
normalize_header_key(k, lower=True, encoding=encoding),
normalize_header_value(v, encoding),
for k, v in headers.items()
if isinstance(headers[0], (str, bytes)):
sep = ":" if isinstance(headers[0], str) else b":"
h = []
for line in headers:
k, v = line.split(sep, maxsplit=1) # type: ignore
v = v.lstrip()
h.append((k, v))
h = headers
self._list = [
normalize_header_key(k, lower=False, encoding=encoding), # type: ignore
normalize_header_key(k, lower=True, encoding=encoding), # type: ignore
normalize_header_value(v, encoding), # type: ignore
for k, v in h
self._encoding = encoding
def encoding(self) -> str:
Header encoding is mandated as ascii, but we allow fallbacks to utf-8
or iso-8859-1.
if self._encoding is None:
for encoding in ["ascii", "utf-8"]:
for key, value in self.raw:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# The else block runs if 'break' did not occur, meaning
# all values fitted the encoding.
self._encoding = encoding
# The ISO-8859-1 encoding covers all 256 code points in a byte,
# so will never raise decode errors.
self._encoding = "iso-8859-1"
return self._encoding
def encoding(self, value: str) -> None:
self._encoding = value
def raw(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
Returns a list of the raw header items, as byte pairs.
return [(raw_key, value) for raw_key, _, value in self._list]
def keys(self) -> typing.KeysView[str]:
return {key.decode(self.encoding): None for _, key, _ in self._list}.keys()
def values(self) -> typing.ValuesView[str]:
values_dict: typing.Dict[str, str] = {}
for _, key, value in self._list:
str_key = key.decode(self.encoding)
str_value = value.decode(self.encoding)
if str_key in values_dict:
values_dict[str_key] += f", {str_value}"
values_dict[str_key] = str_value
return values_dict.values()
def items(self) -> typing.ItemsView[str, str]:
Return `(key, value)` items of headers. Concatenate headers
into a single comma separated value when a key occurs multiple times.
values_dict: typing.Dict[str, str] = {}
for _, key, value in self._list:
str_key = key.decode(self.encoding)
str_value = value.decode(self.encoding)
if str_key in values_dict:
values_dict[str_key] += f", {str_value}"
values_dict[str_key] = str_value
return values_dict.items()
def multi_items(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]]:
Return a list of `(key, value)` pairs of headers. Allow multiple
occurrences of the same key without concatenating into a single
comma separated value.
return [
(key.decode(self.encoding), value.decode(self.encoding))
for _, key, value in self._list
def get(self, key: str, default: typing.Any = None) -> typing.Any:
Return a header value. If multiple occurrences of the header occur
then concatenate them together with commas.
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
def get_list(self, key: str, split_commas: bool = False) -> typing.List[str]:
Return a list of all header values for a given key.
If `split_commas=True` is passed, then any comma separated header
values are split into multiple return strings.
get_header_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding)
values = [
for _, item_key, item_value in self._list
if item_key.lower() == get_header_key
if not split_commas:
return values
split_values = []
for value in values:
split_values.extend([item.strip() for item in value.split(",")])
return split_values
def update(self, headers: typing.Optional[HeaderTypes] = None) -> None: # type: ignore
headers = Headers(headers)
for key in headers.keys():
if key in self:
def copy(self) -> "Headers":
return Headers(self, encoding=self.encoding)
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:
Return a single header value.
If there are multiple headers with the same key, then we concatenate
them with commas. See:
normalized_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding)
items = [
for _, header_key, header_value in self._list
if header_key == normalized_key
if items:
return ", ".join(items)
raise KeyError(key)
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
Set the header `key` to `value`, removing any duplicate entries.
Retains insertion order.
set_key = key.encode(self._encoding or "utf-8")
set_value = value.encode(self._encoding or "utf-8")
lookup_key = set_key.lower()
found_indexes = [
for idx, (_, item_key, _) in enumerate(self._list)
if item_key == lookup_key
for idx in reversed(found_indexes[1:]):
del self._list[idx]
if found_indexes:
idx = found_indexes[0]
self._list[idx] = (set_key, lookup_key, set_value)
self._list.append((set_key, lookup_key, set_value))
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
Remove the header `key`.
del_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding)
pop_indexes = [
for idx, (_, item_key, _) in enumerate(self._list)
if item_key.lower() == del_key
if not pop_indexes:
raise KeyError(key)
for idx in reversed(pop_indexes):
del self._list[idx]
def __contains__(self, key: typing.Any) -> bool:
header_key = key.lower().encode(self.encoding)
return header_key in [key for _, key, _ in self._list]
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Any]:
return iter(self.keys())
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._list)
def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
other_headers = Headers(other)
except ValueError:
return False
self_list = [(key, value) for _, key, value in self._list]
other_list = [(key, value) for _, key, value in other_headers._list]
return sorted(self_list) == sorted(other_list)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
encoding_str = ""
if self.encoding != "ascii":
encoding_str = f", encoding={self.encoding!r}"
as_list = list(obfuscate_sensitive_headers(self.multi_items()))
as_dict = dict(as_list)
no_duplicate_keys = len(as_dict) == len(as_list)
if no_duplicate_keys:
return f"{class_name}({as_dict!r}{encoding_str})"
return f"{class_name}({as_list!r}{encoding_str})"