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2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
# Free LLM APIs
2023-04-01 21:53:30 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
This repository provides reverse-engineered language models from various sources. Some of these models are already available in the repo, while others are currently being worked on.
2023-04-01 21:55:00 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
> **Important:** If you come across any website offering free language models, please create an issue or submit a pull request with the details. We will reverse engineer it and add it to this repository.
2023-04-01 21:55:00 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
## Table of Contents
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2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
- [Current Sites (No Authentication / Easy Account Creation)](#current-sites)
- [Sites with Authentication (Will Reverse Engineer but Need Account Access)](#sites-with-authentication)
- [Usage Examples](#usage-examples)
- [`poe`](#example-poe)
- [`t3nsor`](#example-t3nsor)
- [`ora`](#example-ora)
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## Current Sites <a name="current-sites"></a>
2023-04-01 21:53:30 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
| Website | Model(s) |
| -------------------------- | -------------------- |
| []( | GPT-3.5 |
| []( | GPT-4/3.5 (paid now, looking for bypass)|
| []( | GPT-4/3.5 |
| [](|GPT-3.5 / Internet|
2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
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## Sites with Authentication <a name="sites-with-authentication"></a>
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
These sites will be reverse engineered but need account access:
* [](
* [](
* [](
## Usage Examples <a name="usage-examples"></a>
### Example: `poe` (use like openai pypi package) - GPT-4 <a name="example-poe"></a>
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
# Import poe
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
import poe
# poe.Account.create
# poe.Completion.create
# poe.StreamCompletion.create
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2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
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#### Create Token (3-6s)
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
token = poe.Account.create(logging = True)
print('token', token)
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
#### Streaming Response
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
for response in poe.StreamingCompletion.create(model = 'gpt-4',
prompt = 'hello world',
token = token):
print(response.completion.choices[0].text, end="", flush=True)
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
#### Normal Response:
2023-03-30 05:10:42 +09:00
response = poe.Completion.create(model = 'gpt-4',
prompt = 'hello world',
token = token)
2023-03-30 05:12:12 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
### Example: `t3nsor` (use like openai pypi package) <a name="example-t3nsor"></a>
2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
# Import t3nsor
2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
import t3nsor
# t3nsor.Completion.create
# t3nsor.StreamCompletion.create
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2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
#### Example Chatbot
2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
messages = []
while True:
user = input('you: ')
t3nsor_cmpl = t3nsor.Completion.create(
prompt = user,
messages = messages
print('gpt:', t3nsor_cmpl.completion.choices[0].text)
{'role': 'user', 'content': user },
{'role': 'assistant', 'content': t3nsor_cmpl.completion.choices[0].text}
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
#### Streaming Response:
2023-03-30 04:00:39 +09:00
for response in t3nsor.StreamCompletion.create(
prompt = 'write python code to reverse a string',
messages = []):
2023-04-01 21:53:30 +09:00
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
### Example: `ora` (use like openai pypi package) <a name="example-ora"></a>
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
# import ora
import ora
#### create model / chatbot:
2023-04-01 22:07:17 +09:00
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
# inport ora
import ora
# create model
model = ora.CompletionModel.create(
system_prompt = 'You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible',
description = 'ChatGPT Openai Language Model',
name = 'gpt-3.5')
# init conversation (will give you a conversationId)
init = ora.Completion.create(
model = model,
prompt = 'hello world')
while True:
# pass in conversationId to continue conversation
prompt = input('>>> ')
response = ora.Completion.create(
model = model,
prompt = prompt,
conversationId =
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
## Dependencies
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
The repository is written in Python and requires the following packages:
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2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
* websocket-client
* requests
* tls-client
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
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You can install these packages using the provided `requirements.txt` file.
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
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## Repository structure:
2023-04-01 22:06:46 +09:00
2023-04-02 06:04:33 +09:00
├── ora/
├── poe/
├── t3nsor/
├── <-- this file.
└── requirements.txt