# This file was taken from the repository poe-api https://github.com/ading2210/poe-api and is unmodified # This file is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 and written by @ading2210 # license: # ading2210/poe-api: a reverse engineered Python API wrapepr for Quora's Poe # Copyright (C) 2023 ading2210 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import hashlib import json import logging import queue import random import re import threading import time import traceback from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests import requests.adapters import websocket parent_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent queries_path = parent_path / "graphql" queries = {} logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger() user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0" def load_queries(): for path in queries_path.iterdir(): if path.suffix != ".graphql": continue with open(path) as f: queries[path.stem] = f.read() def generate_payload(query_name, variables): return {"query": queries[query_name], "variables": variables} def request_with_retries(method, *args, **kwargs): attempts = kwargs.get("attempts") or 10 url = args[0] for i in range(attempts): r = method(*args, **kwargs) if r.status_code == 200: return r logger.warn( f"Server returned a status code of {r.status_code} while downloading {url}. Retrying ({i + 1}/{attempts})..." ) raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to download {url} too many times.") class Client: gql_url = "https://poe.com/api/gql_POST" gql_recv_url = "https://poe.com/api/receive_POST" home_url = "https://poe.com" settings_url = "https://poe.com/api/settings" def __init__(self, token, proxy=None): self.proxy = proxy self.session = requests.Session() self.adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) self.session.mount("http://", self.adapter) self.session.mount("https://", self.adapter) if proxy: self.session.proxies = {"http": self.proxy, "https": self.proxy} logger.info(f"Proxy enabled: {self.proxy}") self.active_messages = {} self.message_queues = {} self.session.cookies.set("p-b", token, domain="poe.com") self.headers = { "User-Agent": user_agent, "Referrer": "https://poe.com/", "Origin": "https://poe.com", } self.session.headers.update(self.headers) self.setup_connection() self.connect_ws() def setup_connection(self): self.ws_domain = f"tch{random.randint(1, 1e6)}" self.next_data = self.get_next_data(overwrite_vars=True) self.channel = self.get_channel_data() self.bots = self.get_bots(download_next_data=False) self.bot_names = self.get_bot_names() self.gql_headers = { "poe-formkey": self.formkey, "poe-tchannel": self.channel["channel"], } self.gql_headers = {**self.gql_headers, **self.headers} self.subscribe() def extract_formkey(self, html): script_regex = r"" script_text = re.search(script_regex, html).group(1) key_regex = r'var .="([0-9a-f]+)",' key_text = re.search(key_regex, script_text).group(1) cipher_regex = r".\[(\d+)\]=.\[(\d+)\]" cipher_pairs = re.findall(cipher_regex, script_text) formkey_list = [""] * len(cipher_pairs) for pair in cipher_pairs: formkey_index, key_index = map(int, pair) formkey_list[formkey_index] = key_text[key_index] formkey = "".join(formkey_list) return formkey def get_next_data(self, overwrite_vars=False): logger.info("Downloading next_data...") r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, self.home_url) json_regex = r'' json_text = re.search(json_regex, r.text).group(1) next_data = json.loads(json_text) if overwrite_vars: self.formkey = self.extract_formkey(r.text) self.viewer = next_data["props"]["pageProps"]["payload"]["viewer"] self.next_data = next_data return next_data def get_bot(self, display_name): url = f'https://poe.com/_next/data/{self.next_data["buildId"]}/{display_name}.json' r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, url) chat_data = r.json()["pageProps"]["payload"]["chatOfBotDisplayName"] return chat_data def get_bots(self, download_next_data=True): logger.info("Downloading all bots...") if download_next_data: next_data = self.get_next_data(overwrite_vars=True) else: next_data = self.next_data if not "availableBots" in self.viewer: raise RuntimeError("Invalid token or no bots are available.") bot_list = self.viewer["availableBots"] threads = [] bots = {} def get_bot_thread(bot): chat_data = self.get_bot(bot["displayName"]) bots[chat_data["defaultBotObject"]["nickname"]] = chat_data for bot in bot_list: thread = threading.Thread(target=get_bot_thread, args=(bot,), daemon=True) threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() self.bots = bots self.bot_names = self.get_bot_names() return bots def get_bot_names(self): bot_names = {} for bot_nickname in self.bots: bot_obj = self.bots[bot_nickname]["defaultBotObject"] bot_names[bot_nickname] = bot_obj["displayName"] return bot_names def get_remaining_messages(self, chatbot): chat_data = self.get_bot(self.bot_names[chatbot]) return chat_data["defaultBotObject"]["messageLimit"]["numMessagesRemaining"] def get_channel_data(self, channel=None): logger.info("Downloading channel data...") r = request_with_retries(self.session.get, self.settings_url) data = r.json() return data["tchannelData"] def get_websocket_url(self, channel=None): if channel is None: channel = self.channel query = f'?min_seq={channel["minSeq"]}&channel={channel["channel"]}&hash={channel["channelHash"]}' return f'wss://{self.ws_domain}.tch.{channel["baseHost"]}/up/{channel["boxName"]}/updates' + query def send_query(self, query_name, variables): for i in range(20): json_data = generate_payload(query_name, variables) payload = json.dumps(json_data, separators=(",", ":")) base_string = payload + self.gql_headers["poe-formkey"] + "WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k" headers = { "content-type": "application/json", "poe-tag-id": hashlib.md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest(), } headers = {**self.gql_headers, **headers} r = request_with_retries(self.session.post, self.gql_url, data=payload, headers=headers) data = r.json() if data["data"] is None: logger.warn(f'{query_name} returned an error: {data["errors"][0]["message"]} | Retrying ({i + 1}/20)') time.sleep(2) continue return r.json() raise RuntimeError(f"{query_name} failed too many times.") def subscribe(self): logger.info("Subscribing to mutations") result = self.send_query( "SubscriptionsMutation", { "subscriptions": [ { "subscriptionName": "messageAdded", "query": queries["MessageAddedSubscription"], }, { "subscriptionName": "viewerStateUpdated", "query": queries["ViewerStateUpdatedSubscription"], }, ] }, ) def ws_run_thread(self): kwargs = {} if self.proxy: proxy_parsed = urlparse(self.proxy) kwargs = { "proxy_type": proxy_parsed.scheme, "http_proxy_host": proxy_parsed.hostname, "http_proxy_port": proxy_parsed.port, } self.ws.run_forever(**kwargs) def connect_ws(self): self.ws_connected = False self.ws = websocket.WebSocketApp( self.get_websocket_url(), header={"User-Agent": user_agent}, on_message=self.on_message, on_open=self.on_ws_connect, on_error=self.on_ws_error, on_close=self.on_ws_close, ) t = threading.Thread(target=self.ws_run_thread, daemon=True) t.start() while not self.ws_connected: time.sleep(0.01) def disconnect_ws(self): if self.ws: self.ws.close() self.ws_connected = False def on_ws_connect(self, ws): self.ws_connected = True def on_ws_close(self, ws, close_status_code, close_message): self.ws_connected = False logger.warn(f"Websocket closed with status {close_status_code}: {close_message}") def on_ws_error(self, ws, error): self.disconnect_ws() self.connect_ws() def on_message(self, ws, msg): try: data = json.loads(msg) if not "messages" in data: return for message_str in data["messages"]: message_data = json.loads(message_str) if message_data["message_type"] != "subscriptionUpdate": continue message = message_data["payload"]["data"]["messageAdded"] copied_dict = self.active_messages.copy() for key, value in copied_dict.items(): # add the message to the appropriate queue if value == message["messageId"] and key in self.message_queues: self.message_queues[key].put(message) return # indicate that the response id is tied to the human message id elif key != "pending" and value is None and message["state"] != "complete": self.active_messages[key] = message["messageId"] self.message_queues[key].put(message) return except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.disconnect_ws() self.connect_ws() def send_message(self, chatbot, message, with_chat_break=False, timeout=20): # if there is another active message, wait until it has finished sending while None in self.active_messages.values(): time.sleep(0.01) # None indicates that a message is still in progress self.active_messages["pending"] = None logger.info(f"Sending message to {chatbot}: {message}") # reconnect websocket if not self.ws_connected: self.disconnect_ws() self.setup_connection() self.connect_ws() message_data = self.send_query( "SendMessageMutation", { "bot": chatbot, "query": message, "chatId": self.bots[chatbot]["chatId"], "source": None, "withChatBreak": with_chat_break, }, ) del self.active_messages["pending"] if not message_data["data"]["messageEdgeCreate"]["message"]: raise RuntimeError(f"Daily limit reached for {chatbot}.") try: human_message = message_data["data"]["messageEdgeCreate"]["message"] human_message_id = human_message["node"]["messageId"] except TypeError: raise RuntimeError(f"An unknown error occurred. Raw response data: {message_data}") # indicate that the current message is waiting for a response self.active_messages[human_message_id] = None self.message_queues[human_message_id] = queue.Queue() last_text = "" message_id = None while True: try: message = self.message_queues[human_message_id].get(timeout=timeout) except queue.Empty: del self.active_messages[human_message_id] del self.message_queues[human_message_id] raise RuntimeError("Response timed out.") # only break when the message is marked as complete if message["state"] == "complete": if last_text and message["messageId"] == message_id: break else: continue # update info about response message["text_new"] = message["text"][len(last_text) :] last_text = message["text"] message_id = message["messageId"] yield message del self.active_messages[human_message_id] del self.message_queues[human_message_id] def send_chat_break(self, chatbot): logger.info(f"Sending chat break to {chatbot}") result = self.send_query("AddMessageBreakMutation", {"chatId": self.bots[chatbot]["chatId"]}) return result["data"]["messageBreakCreate"]["message"] def get_message_history(self, chatbot, count=25, cursor=None): logger.info(f"Downloading {count} messages from {chatbot}") messages = [] if cursor is None: chat_data = self.get_bot(self.bot_names[chatbot]) if not chat_data["messagesConnection"]["edges"]: return [] messages = chat_data["messagesConnection"]["edges"][:count] cursor = chat_data["messagesConnection"]["pageInfo"]["startCursor"] count -= len(messages) cursor = str(cursor) if count > 50: messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50, cursor=cursor) + messages while count > 0: count -= 50 new_cursor = messages[0]["cursor"] new_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, min(50, count), cursor=new_cursor) messages = new_messages + messages return messages elif count <= 0: return messages result = self.send_query( "ChatListPaginationQuery", {"count": count, "cursor": cursor, "id": self.bots[chatbot]["id"]}, ) query_messages = result["data"]["node"]["messagesConnection"]["edges"] messages = query_messages + messages return messages def delete_message(self, message_ids): logger.info(f"Deleting messages: {message_ids}") if not type(message_ids) is list: message_ids = [int(message_ids)] result = self.send_query("DeleteMessageMutation", {"messageIds": message_ids}) def purge_conversation(self, chatbot, count=-1): logger.info(f"Purging messages from {chatbot}") last_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50)[::-1] while last_messages: message_ids = [] for message in last_messages: if count == 0: break count -= 1 message_ids.append(message["node"]["messageId"]) self.delete_message(message_ids) if count == 0: return last_messages = self.get_message_history(chatbot, count=50)[::-1] logger.info(f"No more messages left to delete.") def create_bot( self, handle, prompt="", base_model="chinchilla", description="", intro_message="", api_key=None, api_bot=False, api_url=None, prompt_public=True, pfp_url=None, linkification=False, markdown_rendering=True, suggested_replies=False, private=False, ): result = self.send_query( "PoeBotCreateMutation", { "model": base_model, "handle": handle, "prompt": prompt, "isPromptPublic": prompt_public, "introduction": intro_message, "description": description, "profilePictureUrl": pfp_url, "apiUrl": api_url, "apiKey": api_key, "isApiBot": api_bot, "hasLinkification": linkification, "hasMarkdownRendering": markdown_rendering, "hasSuggestedReplies": suggested_replies, "isPrivateBot": private, }, ) data = result["data"]["poeBotCreate"] if data["status"] != "success": raise RuntimeError(f"Poe returned an error while trying to create a bot: {data['status']}") self.get_bots() return data def edit_bot( self, bot_id, handle, prompt="", base_model="chinchilla", description="", intro_message="", api_key=None, api_url=None, private=False, prompt_public=True, pfp_url=None, linkification=False, markdown_rendering=True, suggested_replies=False, ): result = self.send_query( "PoeBotEditMutation", { "baseBot": base_model, "botId": bot_id, "handle": handle, "prompt": prompt, "isPromptPublic": prompt_public, "introduction": intro_message, "description": description, "profilePictureUrl": pfp_url, "apiUrl": api_url, "apiKey": api_key, "hasLinkification": linkification, "hasMarkdownRendering": markdown_rendering, "hasSuggestedReplies": suggested_replies, "isPrivateBot": private, }, ) data = result["data"]["poeBotEdit"] if data["status"] != "success": raise RuntimeError(f"Poe returned an error while trying to edit a bot: {data['status']}") self.get_bots() return data load_queries()