import numpy as np cimport numpy as cnp cnp.import_array() from pandas._libs.util cimport is_array cdef cnp.dtype _dtype_obj = np.dtype("object") cpdef check_result_array(object obj, object dtype): # Our operation is supposed to be an aggregation/reduction. If # it returns an ndarray, this likely means an invalid operation has # been passed. See test_apply_without_aggregation, test_agg_must_agg if is_array(obj): if dtype != _dtype_obj: # If it is object dtype, the function can be a reduction/aggregation # and still return an ndarray e.g. test_agg_over_numpy_arrays raise ValueError("Must produce aggregated value") cpdef inline extract_result(object res): """ extract the result object, it might be a 0-dim ndarray or a len-1 0-dim, or a scalar """ if hasattr(res, "_values"): # Preserve EA res = res._values if res.ndim == 1 and len(res) == 1: # see test_agg_lambda_with_timezone, res = res[0] return res