"""This module is designed for community supported date conversion functions""" from __future__ import annotations import warnings import numpy as np from pandas._libs.tslibs import parsing from pandas._typing import npt from pandas.util._exceptions import find_stack_level def parse_date_time(date_col, time_col) -> npt.NDArray[np.object_]: """ Parse columns with dates and times into a single datetime column. .. deprecated:: 1.2 """ warnings.warn( """ Use pd.to_datetime(date_col + " " + time_col) instead to get a Pandas Series. Use pd.to_datetime(date_col + " " + time_col).to_pydatetime() instead to get a Numpy array. """, # noqa: E501 FutureWarning, stacklevel=find_stack_level(), ) date_col = _maybe_cast(date_col) time_col = _maybe_cast(time_col) return parsing.try_parse_date_and_time(date_col, time_col) def parse_date_fields(year_col, month_col, day_col) -> npt.NDArray[np.object_]: """ Parse columns with years, months and days into a single date column. .. deprecated:: 1.2 """ warnings.warn( """ Use pd.to_datetime({"year": year_col, "month": month_col, "day": day_col}) instead to get a Pandas Series. Use ser = pd.to_datetime({"year": year_col, "month": month_col, "day": day_col}) and np.array([s.to_pydatetime() for s in ser]) instead to get a Numpy array. """, # noqa: E501 FutureWarning, stacklevel=find_stack_level(), ) year_col = _maybe_cast(year_col) month_col = _maybe_cast(month_col) day_col = _maybe_cast(day_col) return parsing.try_parse_year_month_day(year_col, month_col, day_col) def parse_all_fields( year_col, month_col, day_col, hour_col, minute_col, second_col ) -> npt.NDArray[np.object_]: """ Parse columns with datetime information into a single datetime column. .. deprecated:: 1.2 """ warnings.warn( """ Use pd.to_datetime({"year": year_col, "month": month_col, "day": day_col, "hour": hour_col, "minute": minute_col, second": second_col}) instead to get a Pandas Series. Use ser = pd.to_datetime({"year": year_col, "month": month_col, "day": day_col, "hour": hour_col, "minute": minute_col, second": second_col}) and np.array([s.to_pydatetime() for s in ser]) instead to get a Numpy array. """, # noqa: E501 FutureWarning, stacklevel=find_stack_level(), ) year_col = _maybe_cast(year_col) month_col = _maybe_cast(month_col) day_col = _maybe_cast(day_col) hour_col = _maybe_cast(hour_col) minute_col = _maybe_cast(minute_col) second_col = _maybe_cast(second_col) return parsing.try_parse_datetime_components( year_col, month_col, day_col, hour_col, minute_col, second_col ) def generic_parser(parse_func, *cols) -> np.ndarray: """ Use dateparser to parse columns with data information into a single datetime column. .. deprecated:: 1.2 """ warnings.warn( """ Use pd.to_datetime instead. """, FutureWarning, stacklevel=find_stack_level(), ) N = _check_columns(cols) results = np.empty(N, dtype=object) for i in range(N): args = [c[i] for c in cols] results[i] = parse_func(*args) return results def _maybe_cast(arr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not arr.dtype.type == np.object_: arr = np.array(arr, dtype=object) return arr def _check_columns(cols) -> int: if not len(cols): raise AssertionError("There must be at least 1 column") head, tail = cols[0], cols[1:] N = len(head) for i, n in enumerate(map(len, tail)): if n != N: raise AssertionError( f"All columns must have the same length: {N}; column {i} has length {n}" ) return N