import sys from collections import OrderedDict from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from functools import partial from ipaddress import ip_address import itertools import logging import random import ssl import struct import urllib.parse from typing import List, Optional import trio import from exceptiongroup import BaseExceptionGroup from wsproto import ConnectionType, WSConnection from wsproto.connection import ConnectionState import wsproto.frame_protocol as wsframeproto from import ( AcceptConnection, BytesMessage, CloseConnection, Ping, Pong, RejectConnection, RejectData, Request, TextMessage, ) import wsproto.utilities _TRIO_MULTI_ERROR = tuple(map(int, trio.__version__.split('.'))) < (0, 22, 0) CONN_TIMEOUT = 60 # default connect & disconnect timeout, in seconds MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE = 1 MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2 ** 20 # 1 MiB RECEIVE_BYTES = 4 * 2 ** 10 # 4 KiB logger = logging.getLogger('trio-websocket') def _ignore_cancel(exc): return None if isinstance(exc, trio.Cancelled) else exc class _preserve_current_exception: """A context manager which should surround an ``__exit__`` or ``__aexit__`` handler or the contents of a ``finally:`` block. It ensures that any exception that was being handled upon entry is not masked by a `trio.Cancelled` raised within the body of the context manager. """ __slots__ = ("_armed",) def __init__(self): self._armed = False def __enter__(self): self._armed = sys.exc_info()[1] is not None def __exit__(self, ty, value, tb): if value is None or not self._armed: return False if _TRIO_MULTI_ERROR: filtered_exception = trio.MultiError.filter(_ignore_cancel, value) # pylint: disable=no-member elif isinstance(value, BaseExceptionGroup): filtered_exception = value.subgroup(lambda exc: not isinstance(exc, trio.Cancelled)) else: filtered_exception = _ignore_cancel(value) return filtered_exception is None @asynccontextmanager async def open_websocket(host, port, resource, *, use_ssl, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, connect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT, disconnect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT): ''' Open a WebSocket client connection to a host. This async context manager connects when entering the context manager and disconnects when exiting. It yields a :class:`WebSocketConnection` instance. :param str host: The host to connect to. :param int port: The port to connect to. :param str resource: The resource, i.e. URL path. :param Union[bool, ssl.SSLContext] use_ssl: If this is an SSL context, then use that context. If this is ``True`` then use default SSL context. If this is ``False`` then disable SSL. :param subprotocols: An iterable of strings representing preferred subprotocols. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing HTTP header key/value pairs to send with the connection request. Note that headers used by the WebSocket protocol (e.g. ``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``) will be overwritten. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :param float connect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the connection before timing out. :param float disconnect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait when closing the connection before timing out. :raises HandshakeError: for any networking error, client-side timeout (:exc:`ConnectionTimeout`, :exc:`DisconnectionTimeout`), or server rejection (:exc:`ConnectionRejected`) during handshakes. ''' async with trio.open_nursery() as new_nursery: try: with trio.fail_after(connect_timeout): connection = await connect_websocket(new_nursery, host, port, resource, use_ssl=use_ssl, subprotocols=subprotocols, extra_headers=extra_headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size) except trio.TooSlowError: raise ConnectionTimeout from None except OSError as e: raise HandshakeError from e try: yield connection finally: try: with trio.fail_after(disconnect_timeout): await connection.aclose() except trio.TooSlowError: raise DisconnectionTimeout from None async def connect_websocket(nursery, host, port, resource, *, use_ssl, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE): ''' Return an open WebSocket client connection to a host. This function is used to specify a custom nursery to run connection background tasks in. The caller is responsible for closing the connection. If you don't need a custom nursery, you should probably use :func:`open_websocket` instead. :param nursery: A Trio nursery to run background tasks in. :param str host: The host to connect to. :param int port: The port to connect to. :param str resource: The resource, i.e. URL path. :param Union[bool, ssl.SSLContext] use_ssl: If this is an SSL context, then use that context. If this is ``True`` then use default SSL context. If this is ``False`` then disable SSL. :param subprotocols: An iterable of strings representing preferred subprotocols. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing HTTP header key/value pairs to send with the connection request. Note that headers used by the WebSocket protocol (e.g. ``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``) will be overwritten. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :rtype: WebSocketConnection ''' if use_ssl is True: ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() elif use_ssl is False: ssl_context = None elif isinstance(use_ssl, ssl.SSLContext): ssl_context = use_ssl else: raise TypeError('`use_ssl` argument must be bool or ssl.SSLContext') logger.debug('Connecting to ws%s://%s:%d%s', '' if ssl_context is None else 's', host, port, resource) if ssl_context is None: stream = await trio.open_tcp_stream(host, port) else: stream = await trio.open_ssl_over_tcp_stream(host, port, ssl_context=ssl_context, https_compatible=True) if port in (80, 443): host_header = host else: host_header = f'{host}:{port}' connection = WebSocketConnection(stream, WSConnection(ConnectionType.CLIENT), host=host_header, path=resource, client_subprotocols=subprotocols, client_extra_headers=extra_headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size) nursery.start_soon(connection._reader_task) await connection._open_handshake.wait() return connection def open_websocket_url(url, ssl_context=None, *, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, connect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT, disconnect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT): ''' Open a WebSocket client connection to a URL. This async context manager connects when entering the context manager and disconnects when exiting. It yields a :class:`WebSocketConnection` instance. :param str url: A WebSocket URL, i.e. `ws:` or `wss:` URL scheme. :param ssl_context: Optional SSL context used for ``wss:`` URLs. A default SSL context is used for ``wss:`` if this argument is ``None``. :type ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext or None :param subprotocols: An iterable of strings representing preferred subprotocols. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing HTTP header key/value pairs to send with the connection request. Note that headers used by the WebSocket protocol (e.g. ``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``) will be overwritten. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :param float connect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the connection before timing out. :param float disconnect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait when closing the connection before timing out. :raises HandshakeError: for any networking error, client-side timeout (:exc:`ConnectionTimeout`, :exc:`DisconnectionTimeout`), or server rejection (:exc:`ConnectionRejected`) during handshakes. ''' host, port, resource, ssl_context = _url_to_host(url, ssl_context) return open_websocket(host, port, resource, use_ssl=ssl_context, subprotocols=subprotocols, extra_headers=extra_headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, disconnect_timeout=disconnect_timeout) async def connect_websocket_url(nursery, url, ssl_context=None, *, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE): ''' Return an open WebSocket client connection to a URL. This function is used to specify a custom nursery to run connection background tasks in. The caller is responsible for closing the connection. If you don't need a custom nursery, you should probably use :func:`open_websocket_url` instead. :param nursery: A nursery to run background tasks in. :param str url: A WebSocket URL. :param ssl_context: Optional SSL context used for ``wss:`` URLs. :type ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext or None :param subprotocols: An iterable of strings representing preferred subprotocols. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing HTTP header key/value pairs to send with the connection request. Note that headers used by the WebSocket protocol (e.g. ``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``) will be overwritten. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :rtype: WebSocketConnection ''' host, port, resource, ssl_context = _url_to_host(url, ssl_context) return await connect_websocket(nursery, host, port, resource, use_ssl=ssl_context, subprotocols=subprotocols, extra_headers=extra_headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size) def _url_to_host(url, ssl_context): ''' Convert a WebSocket URL to a (host,port,resource) tuple. The returned ``ssl_context`` is either the same object that was passed in, or if ``ssl_context`` is None, then a bool indicating if a default SSL context needs to be created. :param str url: A WebSocket URL. :type ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext or None :returns: A tuple of ``(host, port, resource, ssl_context)``. ''' url = str(url) # For backward compat with isinstance(url, yarl.URL). parts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) if parts.scheme not in ('ws', 'wss'): raise ValueError('WebSocket URL scheme must be "ws:" or "wss:"') if ssl_context is None: ssl_context = parts.scheme == 'wss' elif parts.scheme == 'ws': raise ValueError('SSL context must be None for ws: URL scheme') host = parts.hostname if parts.port is not None: port = parts.port else: port = 443 if ssl_context else 80 path_qs = parts.path # RFC 7230, Section 5.3.1: # If the target URI's path component is empty, the client MUST # send "/" as the path within the origin-form of request-target. if not path_qs: path_qs = '/' if '?' in url: path_qs += '?' + parts.query return host, port, path_qs, ssl_context async def wrap_client_stream(nursery, stream, host, resource, *, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE): ''' Wrap an arbitrary stream in a WebSocket connection. This is a low-level function only needed in rare cases. In most cases, you should use :func:`open_websocket` or :func:`open_websocket_url`. :param nursery: A Trio nursery to run background tasks in. :param stream: A Trio stream to be wrapped. :type stream: :param str host: A host string that will be sent in the ``Host:`` header. :param str resource: A resource string, i.e. the path component to be accessed on the server. :param subprotocols: An iterable of strings representing preferred subprotocols. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing HTTP header key/value pairs to send with the connection request. Note that headers used by the WebSocket protocol (e.g. ``Sec-WebSocket-Accept``) will be overwritten. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :rtype: WebSocketConnection ''' connection = WebSocketConnection(stream, WSConnection(ConnectionType.CLIENT), host=host, path=resource, client_subprotocols=subprotocols, client_extra_headers=extra_headers, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size) nursery.start_soon(connection._reader_task) await connection._open_handshake.wait() return connection async def wrap_server_stream(nursery, stream, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE): ''' Wrap an arbitrary stream in a server-side WebSocket. This is a low-level function only needed in rare cases. In most cases, you should use :func:`serve_websocket`. :param nursery: A nursery to run background tasks in. :param stream: A stream to be wrapped. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :type stream: :rtype: WebSocketRequest ''' connection = WebSocketConnection(stream, WSConnection(ConnectionType.SERVER), message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size) nursery.start_soon(connection._reader_task) request = await connection._get_request() return request async def serve_websocket(handler, host, port, ssl_context, *, handler_nursery=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, connect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT, disconnect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED): ''' Serve a WebSocket over TCP. This function supports the Trio nursery start protocol: ``server = await nursery.start(serve_websocket, …)``. It will block until the server is accepting connections and then return a :class:`WebSocketServer` object. Note that if ``host`` is ``None`` and ``port`` is zero, then you may get multiple listeners that have *different port numbers!* :param handler: An async function that is invoked with a request for each new connection. :param host: The host interface to bind. This can be an address of an interface, a name that resolves to an interface address (e.g. ``localhost``), or a wildcard address like ```` for IPv4 or ``::`` for IPv6. If ``None``, then all local interfaces are bound. :type host: str, bytes, or None :param int port: The port to bind to. :param ssl_context: The SSL context to use for encrypted connections, or ``None`` for unencrypted connection. :type ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext or None :param handler_nursery: An optional nursery to spawn handlers and background tasks in. If not specified, a new nursery will be created internally. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). :param float connect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for a client to finish connection handshake before timing out. :param float disconnect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for a client to finish the closing handshake before timing out. :param task_status: Part of Trio nursery start protocol. :returns: This function runs until cancelled. ''' if ssl_context is None: open_tcp_listeners = partial(trio.open_tcp_listeners, port, host=host) else: open_tcp_listeners = partial(trio.open_ssl_over_tcp_listeners, port, ssl_context, host=host, https_compatible=True) listeners = await open_tcp_listeners() server = WebSocketServer(handler, listeners, handler_nursery=handler_nursery, message_queue_size=message_queue_size, max_message_size=max_message_size, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, disconnect_timeout=disconnect_timeout) await class HandshakeError(Exception): ''' There was an error during connection or disconnection with the websocket server. ''' class ConnectionTimeout(HandshakeError): '''There was a timeout when connecting to the websocket server.''' class DisconnectionTimeout(HandshakeError): '''There was a timeout when disconnecting from the websocket server.''' class ConnectionClosed(Exception): ''' A WebSocket operation cannot be completed because the connection is closed or in the process of closing. ''' def __init__(self, reason): ''' Constructor. :param reason: :type reason: CloseReason ''' super().__init__() self.reason = reason def __repr__(self): ''' Return representation. ''' return f'{self.__class__.__name__}<{self.reason}>' class ConnectionRejected(HandshakeError): ''' A WebSocket connection could not be established because the server rejected the connection attempt. ''' def __init__(self, status_code, headers, body): ''' Constructor. :param reason: :type reason: CloseReason ''' super().__init__() #: a 3 digit HTTP status code self.status_code = status_code #: a tuple of 2-tuples containing header key/value pairs self.headers = headers #: an optional ``bytes`` response body self.body = body def __repr__(self): ''' Return representation. ''' return f'{self.__class__.__name__}' class CloseReason: ''' Contains information about why a WebSocket was closed. ''' def __init__(self, code, reason): ''' Constructor. :param int code: :param Optional[str] reason: ''' self._code = code try: self._name = wsframeproto.CloseReason(code).name except ValueError: if 1000 <= code <= 2999: self._name = 'RFC_RESERVED' elif 3000 <= code <= 3999: self._name = 'IANA_RESERVED' elif 4000 <= code <= 4999: self._name = 'PRIVATE_RESERVED' else: self._name = 'INVALID_CODE' self._reason = reason @property def code(self): ''' (Read-only) The numeric close code. ''' return self._code @property def name(self): ''' (Read-only) The human-readable close code. ''' return self._name @property def reason(self): ''' (Read-only) An arbitrary reason string. ''' return self._reason def __repr__(self): ''' Show close code, name, and reason. ''' return f'{self.__class__.__name__}' \ f'' class Future: ''' Represents a value that will be available in the future. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' self._value = None self._value_event = trio.Event() def set_value(self, value): ''' Set a value, which will notify any waiters. :param value: ''' self._value = value self._value_event.set() async def wait_value(self): ''' Wait for this future to have a value, then return it. :returns: The value set by ``set_value()``. ''' await self._value_event.wait() return self._value class WebSocketRequest: ''' Represents a handshake presented by a client to a server. The server may modify the handshake or leave it as is. The server should call ``accept()`` to finish the handshake and obtain a connection object. ''' def __init__(self, connection, event): ''' Constructor. :param WebSocketConnection connection: :type event: ''' self._connection = connection self._event = event @property def headers(self): ''' HTTP headers represented as a list of (name, value) pairs. :rtype: list[tuple] ''' return self._event.extra_headers @property def path(self): ''' The requested URL path. :rtype: str ''' return @property def proposed_subprotocols(self): ''' A tuple of protocols proposed by the client. :rtype: tuple[str] ''' return tuple(self._event.subprotocols) @property def local(self): ''' The connection's local endpoint. :rtype: Endpoint or str ''' return self._connection.local @property def remote(self): ''' The connection's remote endpoint. :rtype: Endpoint or str ''' return self._connection.remote async def accept(self, *, subprotocol=None, extra_headers=None): ''' Accept the request and return a connection object. :param subprotocol: The selected subprotocol for this connection. :type subprotocol: str or None :param extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing key/value pairs to send as HTTP headers. :type extra_headers: list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] or None :rtype: WebSocketConnection ''' if extra_headers is None: extra_headers = [] await self._connection._accept(self._event, subprotocol, extra_headers) return self._connection async def reject(self, status_code, *, extra_headers=None, body=None): ''' Reject the handshake. :param int status_code: The 3 digit HTTP status code. In order to be RFC-compliant, this should NOT be 101, and would ideally be an appropriate code in the range 300-599. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing key/value pairs to send as HTTP headers. :param body: If provided, this data will be sent in the response body, otherwise no response body will be sent. :type body: bytes or None ''' extra_headers = extra_headers or [] body = body or b'' await self._connection._reject(status_code, extra_headers, body) def _get_stream_endpoint(stream, *, local): ''' Construct an endpoint from a stream. :param trio.Stream stream: :param bool local: If true, return local endpoint. Otherwise return remote. :returns: An endpoint instance or ``repr()`` for streams that cannot be represented as an endpoint. :rtype: Endpoint or str ''' socket, is_ssl = None, False if isinstance(stream, trio.SocketStream): socket = stream.socket elif isinstance(stream, trio.SSLStream): socket = stream.transport_stream.socket is_ssl = True if socket: addr, port, *_ = socket.getsockname() if local else socket.getpeername() endpoint = Endpoint(addr, port, is_ssl) else: endpoint = repr(stream) return endpoint class WebSocketConnection( ''' A WebSocket connection. ''' CONNECTION_ID = itertools.count() def __init__(self, stream, ws_connection, *, host=None, path=None, client_subprotocols=None, client_extra_headers=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE): ''' Constructor. Generally speaking, users are discouraged from directly instantiating a ``WebSocketConnection`` and should instead use one of the convenience functions in this module, e.g. ``open_websocket()`` or ``serve_websocket()``. This class has some tricky internal logic and timing that depends on whether it is an instance of a client connection or a server connection. The convenience functions handle this complexity for you. :param SocketStream stream: :param ws_connection wsproto.WSConnection: :param str host: The hostname to send in the HTTP request headers. Only used for client connections. :param str path: The URL path for this connection. :param list client_subprotocols: A list of desired subprotocols. Only used for client connections. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] client_extra_headers: Extra headers to send with the connection request. Only used for client connections. :param int message_queue_size: The maximum number of messages that will be buffered in the library's internal message queue. :param int max_message_size: The maximum message size as measured by ``len()``. If a message is received that is larger than this size, then the connection is closed with code 1009 (Message Too Big). ''' self._close_reason = None self._id = next(self.__class__.CONNECTION_ID) self._stream = stream self._stream_lock = trio.StrictFIFOLock() self._wsproto = ws_connection self._message_size = 0 self._message_parts = [] # type: List[bytes|str] self._max_message_size = max_message_size self._reader_running = True if ws_connection.client: self._initial_request = Request(host=host, target=path, subprotocols=client_subprotocols, extra_headers=client_extra_headers or []) else: self._initial_request = None self._path = path self._subprotocol = None self._handshake_headers = None self._reject_status = None self._reject_headers = None self._reject_body = b'' self._send_channel, self._recv_channel = trio.open_memory_channel( message_queue_size) self._pings = OrderedDict() # Set when the server has received a connection request event. This # future is never set on client connections. self._connection_proposal = Future() # Set once the WebSocket open handshake takes place, i.e. # ConnectionRequested for server or ConnectedEstablished for client. self._open_handshake = trio.Event() # Set once a WebSocket closed handshake takes place, i.e after a close # frame has been sent and a close frame has been received. self._close_handshake = trio.Event() # When not None, set immediately upon receiving CloseConnection from peer, # followed by sleep(0) for a context switch. Used to test close race # conditions between client and server. self._for_testing_peer_closed_connection: Optional[trio.Event] = None @property def closed(self): ''' (Read-only) The reason why the connection was closed, or ``None`` if the connection is still open. :rtype: CloseReason ''' return self._close_reason @property def is_client(self): ''' (Read-only) Is this a client instance? ''' return self._wsproto.client @property def is_server(self): ''' (Read-only) Is this a server instance? ''' return not self._wsproto.client @property def local(self): ''' The local endpoint of the connection. :rtype: Endpoint or str ''' return _get_stream_endpoint(self._stream, local=True) @property def remote(self): ''' The remote endpoint of the connection. :rtype: Endpoint or str ''' return _get_stream_endpoint(self._stream, local=False) @property def path(self): ''' The requested URL path. For clients, this is set when the connection is instantiated. For servers, it is set after the handshake completes. :rtype: str ''' return self._path @property def subprotocol(self): ''' (Read-only) The negotiated subprotocol, or ``None`` if there is no subprotocol. This is only valid after the opening handshake is complete. :rtype: str or None ''' return self._subprotocol @property def handshake_headers(self): ''' The HTTP headers that were sent by the remote during the handshake, stored as 2-tuples containing key/value pairs. Header keys are always lower case. :rtype: tuple[tuple[str,str]] ''' return self._handshake_headers async def aclose(self, code=1000, reason=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ ''' Close the WebSocket connection. This sends a closing frame and suspends until the connection is closed. After calling this method, any further I/O on this WebSocket (such as ``get_message()`` or ``send_message()``) will raise ``ConnectionClosed``. This method is idempotent: it may be called multiple times on the same connection without any errors. :param int code: A 4-digit code number indicating the type of closure. :param str reason: An optional string describing the closure. ''' with _preserve_current_exception(): await self._aclose(code, reason) async def _aclose(self, code, reason): if self._close_reason: # Per AsyncResource interface, calling aclose() on a closed resource # should succeed. return try: if self._wsproto.state == ConnectionState.OPEN: # Our side is initiating the close, so send a close connection # event to peer, while setting the local close reason to normal. self._close_reason = CloseReason(1000, None) await self._send(CloseConnection(code=code, reason=reason)) elif self._wsproto.state in (ConnectionState.CONNECTING, ConnectionState.REJECTING): self._close_handshake.set() # TODO: shouldn't the receive channel be closed earlier, so that # get_message() during send of the CloseConneciton event fails? await self._recv_channel.aclose() await self._close_handshake.wait() except ConnectionClosed: # If _send() raised ConnectionClosed, then we can bail out. pass finally: # If cancelled during WebSocket close, make sure that the underlying # stream is closed. await self._close_stream() async def get_message(self): ''' Receive the next WebSocket message. If no message is available immediately, then this function blocks until a message is ready. If the remote endpoint closes the connection, then the caller can still get messages sent prior to closing. Once all pending messages have been retrieved, additional calls to this method will raise ``ConnectionClosed``. If the local endpoint closes the connection, then pending messages are discarded and calls to this method will immediately raise ``ConnectionClosed``. :rtype: str or bytes :raises ConnectionClosed: if the connection is closed. ''' try: message = await self._recv_channel.receive() except (trio.ClosedResourceError, trio.EndOfChannel): raise ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) from None return message async def ping(self, payload=None): ''' Send WebSocket ping to remote endpoint and wait for a correspoding pong. Each in-flight ping must include a unique payload. This function sends the ping and then waits for a corresponding pong from the remote endpoint. *Note: If the remote endpoint recieves multiple pings, it is allowed to send a single pong. Therefore, the order of calls to ``ping()`` is tracked, and a pong will wake up its corresponding ping as well as all previous in-flight pings.* :param payload: The payload to send. If ``None`` then a random 32-bit payload is created. :type payload: bytes or None :raises ConnectionClosed: if connection is closed. :raises ValueError: if ``payload`` is identical to another in-flight ping. ''' if self._close_reason: raise ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) if payload in self._pings: raise ValueError(f'Payload value {payload} is already in flight.') if payload is None: payload = struct.pack('!I', random.getrandbits(32)) event = trio.Event() self._pings[payload] = event await self._send(Ping(payload=payload)) await event.wait() async def pong(self, payload=None): ''' Send an unsolicted pong. :param payload: The pong's payload. If ``None``, then no payload is sent. :type payload: bytes or None :raises ConnectionClosed: if connection is closed ''' if self._close_reason: raise ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) await self._send(Pong(payload=payload)) async def send_message(self, message): ''' Send a WebSocket message. :param message: The message to send. :type message: str or bytes :raises ConnectionClosed: if connection is closed, or being closed ''' if self._close_reason: raise ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) if isinstance(message, str): event = TextMessage(data=message) elif isinstance(message, bytes): event = BytesMessage(data=message) else: raise ValueError('message must be str or bytes') await self._send(event) def __str__(self): ''' Connection ID and type. ''' type_ = 'client' if self.is_client else 'server' return f'{type_}-{self._id}' async def _accept(self, request, subprotocol, extra_headers): ''' Accept the handshake. This method is only applicable to server-side connections. :param request: :param subprotocol: :type subprotocol: str or None :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] extra_headers: A list of 2-tuples containing key/value pairs to send as HTTP headers. ''' self._subprotocol = subprotocol self._path = await self._send(AcceptConnection(subprotocol=self._subprotocol, extra_headers=extra_headers)) self._open_handshake.set() async def _reject(self, status_code, headers, body): ''' Reject the handshake. :param int status_code: The 3 digit HTTP status code. In order to be RFC-compliant, this must not be 101, and should be an appropriate code in the range 300-599. :param list[tuple[bytes,bytes]] headers: A list of 2-tuples containing key/value pairs to send as HTTP headers. :param bytes body: An optional response body. ''' if body: headers.append(('Content-length', str(len(body)).encode('ascii'))) reject_conn = RejectConnection(status_code=status_code, headers=headers, has_body=bool(body)) await self._send(reject_conn) if body: reject_body = RejectData(data=body) await self._send(reject_body) self._close_reason = CloseReason(1006, 'Rejected WebSocket handshake') self._close_handshake.set() async def _abort_web_socket(self): ''' If a stream is closed outside of this class, e.g. due to network conditions or because some other code closed our stream object, then we cannot perform the close handshake. We just need to clean up internal state. ''' close_reason = wsframeproto.CloseReason.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE if self._wsproto.state == ConnectionState.OPEN: self._wsproto.send(CloseConnection(code=close_reason.value)) if self._close_reason is None: await self._close_web_socket(close_reason) self._reader_running = False # We didn't really handshake, but we want any task waiting on this event # (e.g. self.aclose()) to resume. self._close_handshake.set() async def _close_stream(self): ''' Close the TCP connection. ''' self._reader_running = False try: with _preserve_current_exception(): await self._stream.aclose() except trio.BrokenResourceError: # This means the TCP connection is already dead. pass async def _close_web_socket(self, code, reason=None): ''' Mark the WebSocket as closed. Close the message channel so that if any tasks are suspended in get_message(), they will wake up with a ConnectionClosed exception. ''' self._close_reason = CloseReason(code, reason) exc = ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) logger.debug('%s websocket closed %r', self, exc) await self._send_channel.aclose() async def _get_request(self): ''' Return a proposal for a WebSocket handshake. This method can only be called on server connections and it may only be called one time. :rtype: WebSocketRequest ''' if not self.is_server: raise RuntimeError('This method is only valid for server connections.') if self._connection_proposal is None: raise RuntimeError('No proposal available. Did you call this method' ' multiple times or at the wrong time?') proposal = await self._connection_proposal.wait_value() self._connection_proposal = None return proposal async def _handle_request_event(self, event): ''' Handle a connection request. This method is async even though it never awaits, because the event dispatch requires an async function. :param event: ''' proposal = WebSocketRequest(self, event) self._connection_proposal.set_value(proposal) async def _handle_accept_connection_event(self, event): ''' Handle an AcceptConnection event. :param wsproto.eventsAcceptConnection event: ''' self._subprotocol = event.subprotocol self._handshake_headers = tuple(event.extra_headers) self._open_handshake.set() async def _handle_reject_connection_event(self, event): ''' Handle a RejectConnection event. :param event: ''' self._reject_status = event.status_code self._reject_headers = tuple(event.headers) if not event.has_body: raise ConnectionRejected(self._reject_status, self._reject_headers, body=None) async def _handle_reject_data_event(self, event): ''' Handle a RejectData event. :param event: ''' self._reject_body += if event.body_finished: raise ConnectionRejected(self._reject_status, self._reject_headers, body=self._reject_body) async def _handle_close_connection_event(self, event): ''' Handle a close event. :param event: ''' if self._wsproto.state == ConnectionState.REMOTE_CLOSING: # Set _close_reason in advance, so that send_message() will raise # ConnectionClosed during the close handshake. self._close_reason = CloseReason(event.code, event.reason or None) if self._for_testing_peer_closed_connection: self._for_testing_peer_closed_connection.set() await trio.sleep(0) await self._send(event.response()) await self._close_web_socket(event.code, event.reason or None) self._close_handshake.set() # RFC: "When a server is instructed to Close the WebSocket Connection # it SHOULD initiate a TCP Close immediately, and when a client is # instructed to do the same, it SHOULD wait for a TCP Close from the # server." if self.is_server: await self._close_stream() async def _handle_message_event(self, event): ''' Handle a message event. :param event: :type event: or ''' self._message_size += len( self._message_parts.append( if self._message_size > self._max_message_size: err = f'Exceeded maximum message size: {self._max_message_size} bytes' self._message_size = 0 self._message_parts = [] self._close_reason = CloseReason(1009, err) await self._send(CloseConnection(code=1009, reason=err)) await self._recv_channel.aclose() self._reader_running = False elif event.message_finished: msg = (b'' if isinstance(event, BytesMessage) else '') \ .join(self._message_parts) self._message_size = 0 self._message_parts = [] try: await self._send_channel.send(msg) except (trio.ClosedResourceError, trio.BrokenResourceError): # The receive channel is closed, probably because somebody # called ``aclose()``. We don't want to abort the reader task, # and there's no useful cleanup that we can do here. pass async def _handle_ping_event(self, event): ''' Handle a PingReceived event. Wsproto queues a pong frame automatically, so this handler just needs to send it. :param event: ''' logger.debug('%s ping %r', self, event.payload) await self._send(event.response()) async def _handle_pong_event(self, event): ''' Handle a PongReceived event. When a pong is received, check if we have any ping requests waiting for this pong response. If the remote endpoint skipped any earlier pings, then we wake up those skipped pings, too. This function is async even though it never awaits, because the other event handlers are async, too, and event dispatch would be more complicated if some handlers were sync. :param event: ''' payload = bytes(event.payload) try: event = self._pings[payload] except KeyError: # We received a pong that doesn't match any in-flight pongs. Nothing # we can do with it, so ignore it. return while self._pings: key, event = self._pings.popitem(0) skipped = ' [skipped] ' if payload != key else ' ' logger.debug('%s pong%s%r', self, skipped, key) event.set() if payload == key: break async def _reader_task(self): ''' A background task that reads network data and generates events. ''' handlers = { AcceptConnection: self._handle_accept_connection_event, BytesMessage: self._handle_message_event, CloseConnection: self._handle_close_connection_event, Ping: self._handle_ping_event, Pong: self._handle_pong_event, RejectConnection: self._handle_reject_connection_event, RejectData: self._handle_reject_data_event, Request: self._handle_request_event, TextMessage: self._handle_message_event, } # Clients need to initiate the opening handshake. if self._initial_request: try: await self._send(self._initial_request) except ConnectionClosed: self._reader_running = False while self._reader_running: # Process events. for event in event_type = type(event) try: handler = handlers[event_type] logger.debug('%s received event: %s', self, event_type) await handler(event) except KeyError: logger.warning('%s received unknown event type: "%s"', self, event_type) except ConnectionClosed: self._reader_running = False break # Get network data. try: data = await self._stream.receive_some(RECEIVE_BYTES) except (trio.BrokenResourceError, trio.ClosedResourceError): await self._abort_web_socket() break if len(data) == 0: logger.debug('%s received zero bytes (connection closed)', self) # If TCP closed before WebSocket, then record it as an abnormal # closure. if self._wsproto.state != ConnectionState.CLOSED: await self._abort_web_socket() break logger.debug('%s received %d bytes', self, len(data)) if self._wsproto.state != ConnectionState.CLOSED: try: self._wsproto.receive_data(data) except wsproto.utilities.RemoteProtocolError as err: logger.debug('%s remote protocol error: %s', self, err) if err.event_hint: await self._send(err.event_hint) await self._close_stream() logger.debug('%s reader task finished', self) async def _send(self, event): ''' Send an event to the remote WebSocket. The reader task and one or more writers might try to send messages at the same time, so this method uses an internal lock to serialize requests to send data. :param event: ''' data = self._wsproto.send(event) async with self._stream_lock: logger.debug('%s sending %d bytes', self, len(data)) try: await self._stream.send_all(data) except (trio.BrokenResourceError, trio.ClosedResourceError): await self._abort_web_socket() raise ConnectionClosed(self._close_reason) from None class Endpoint: ''' Represents a connection endpoint. ''' def __init__(self, address, port, is_ssl): #: IP address :class:`ipaddress.ip_address` self.address = ip_address(address) #: TCP port self.port = port #: Whether SSL is in use self.is_ssl = is_ssl @property def url(self): ''' Return a URL representation of a TCP endpoint, e.g. ``ws://``. ''' scheme = 'wss' if self.is_ssl else 'ws' if (self.port == 80 and not self.is_ssl) or \ (self.port == 443 and self.is_ssl): port_str = '' else: port_str = ':' + str(self.port) if self.address.version == 4: return f'{scheme}://{self.address}{port_str}' return f'{scheme}://[{self.address}]{port_str}' def __repr__(self): ''' Return endpoint info as string. ''' return f'Endpoint(address="{self.address}", port={self.port}, is_ssl={self.is_ssl})' class WebSocketServer: ''' WebSocket server. The server class handles incoming connections on one or more ``Listener`` objects. For each incoming connection, it creates a ``WebSocketConnection`` instance and starts some background tasks, ''' def __init__(self, handler, listeners, *, handler_nursery=None, message_queue_size=MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE, max_message_size=MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, connect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT, disconnect_timeout=CONN_TIMEOUT): ''' Constructor. Note that if ``host`` is ``None`` and ``port`` is zero, then you may get multiple listeners that have _different port numbers!_ See the ``listeners`` property. :param handler: the async function called with a :class:`WebSocketRequest` on each new connection. The call will be made once the HTTP handshake completes, which notably implies that the connection's `path` property will be valid. :param listeners: The WebSocket will be served on each of the listeners. :param handler_nursery: An optional nursery to spawn connection tasks inside of. If ``None``, then a new nursery will be created internally. :param float connect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for a client to finish connection handshake before timing out. :param float disconnect_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for a client to finish the closing handshake before timing out. ''' if len(listeners) == 0: raise ValueError('Listeners must contain at least one item.') self._handler = handler self._handler_nursery = handler_nursery self._listeners = listeners self._message_queue_size = message_queue_size self._max_message_size = max_message_size self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout self._disconnect_timeout = disconnect_timeout @property def port(self): """Returns the requested or kernel-assigned port number. In the case of kernel-assigned port (requested with port=0 in the constructor), the assigned port will be reflected after calling starting the `listen` task. (Technically, once listen reaches the "started" state.) This property only works if you have a single listener, and that listener must be socket-based. """ if len(self._listeners) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Cannot get port because this server has' ' more than 1 listeners.') listener = self.listeners[0] try: return listener.port except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError(f'This socket does not have a port: {repr(listener)}') from None @property def listeners(self): ''' Return a list of listener metadata. Each TCP listener is represented as an ``Endpoint`` instance. Other listener types are represented by their ``repr()``. :returns: Listeners :rtype list[Endpoint or str]: ''' listeners = [] for listener in self._listeners: socket, is_ssl = None, False if isinstance(listener, trio.SocketListener): socket = listener.socket elif isinstance(listener, trio.SSLListener): socket = listener.transport_listener.socket is_ssl = True if socket: sockname = socket.getsockname() listeners.append(Endpoint(sockname[0], sockname[1], is_ssl)) else: listeners.append(repr(listener)) return listeners async def run(self, *, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED): ''' Start serving incoming connections requests. This method supports the Trio nursery start protocol: ``server = await nursery.start(, …)``. It will block until the server is accepting connections and then return a :class:`WebSocketServer` object. :param task_status: Part of the Trio nursery start protocol. :returns: This method never returns unless cancelled. ''' async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: serve_listeners = partial(trio.serve_listeners, self._handle_connection, self._listeners, handler_nursery=self._handler_nursery) await nursery.start(serve_listeners) logger.debug('Listening on %s', ','.join([str(l) for l in self.listeners])) task_status.started(self) await trio.sleep_forever() async def _handle_connection(self, stream): ''' Handle an incoming connection by spawning a connection background task and a handler task inside a new nursery. :param stream: :type stream: ''' async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery: connection = WebSocketConnection(stream, WSConnection(ConnectionType.SERVER), message_queue_size=self._message_queue_size, max_message_size=self._max_message_size) nursery.start_soon(connection._reader_task) with trio.move_on_after(self._connect_timeout) as connect_scope: request = await connection._get_request() if connect_scope.cancelled_caught: nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() await stream.aclose() return try: await self._handler(request) finally: with trio.move_on_after(self._disconnect_timeout): # aclose() will shut down the reader task even if it's # cancelled: await connection.aclose()