### Example: `ora` (use like openai pypi package) ### load model (new) more gpt4 models in `/testing/ora_gpt4.py` find the userid by visiting https://ora.sh/api/auth/session ( must be logged in on the site ) and session_token in the cookies, it should be: __Secure-next-auth.session-token ```python # if using CompletionModel.load set these ora.user_id = '...' ora.session_token = '...' # normal gpt-4: b8b12eaa-5d47-44d3-92a6-4d706f2bcacf model = ora.CompletionModel.load(chatbot_id, 'gpt-4') # or gpt-3.5 ``` #### create model / chatbot: ```python # import ora import ora # create model model = ora.CompletionModel.create( system_prompt = 'You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible', description = 'ChatGPT Openai Language Model', name = 'gpt-3.5') # init conversation (will give you a conversationId) init = ora.Completion.create( model = model, prompt = 'hello world') print(init.completion.choices[0].text) while True: # pass in conversationId to continue conversation prompt = input('>>> ') response = ora.Completion.create( model = model, prompt = prompt, includeHistory = True, # remember history conversationId = init.id) print(response.completion.choices[0].text) ```