import { AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig, CreateAxiosDefaults } from 'axios'; import { getRandomOne, Lock, md5, randomStr, sleep } from './index'; import { CreateAxiosProxy, CreateNewPage } from './proxyAgent'; import { Page } from 'puppeteer'; import Mailjs from '@cemalgnlts/mailjs'; // @ts-ignore import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; export enum TempEmailType { // need credit card TempEmail = 'temp-email', // not need credit card , hard limit 100/day TempEmail44 = 'temp-email44', // not need credit card and not need credit rapid_api_key TempMailLOL = 'tempmail-lol', Inbox = 'inbox', Internal = 'internal', SmailPro = 'smail-pro', SmailProGmail = 'smail-pro-gmail', SmailProGoogleMail = 'smail-pro-googlemail', SmailProOutlook = 'smail-pro-outlook', SmailProRandom = 'smail-pro-random', SmailProStoreGmail = 'smail-pro-storegmail', Gmail = 'gmail', EmailNator = 'emailnator', MailTM = 'mailtm', YopMail = 'yopmail', } const gmailLock = new Lock(); const smailProLock = new Lock(); export function CreateEmail( tempMailType: TempEmailType, options?: BaseOptions, ): BaseEmail { switch (tempMailType) { case TempEmailType.TempEmail44: return new TempMail44(options); case TempEmailType.TempEmail: return new TempMail(options); case TempEmailType.TempMailLOL: return new TempMailLOL(options); case TempEmailType.Inbox: return new Inbox(options); case TempEmailType.Internal: return new Internal(options); case TempEmailType.SmailPro: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: '', }); case TempEmailType.SmailProGmail: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: '', }); case TempEmailType.SmailProGoogleMail: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: '', }); case TempEmailType.SmailProOutlook: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: '', }); case TempEmailType.SmailProRandom: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: 'random', }); case TempEmailType.SmailProStoreGmail: return new SmailPro({ ...options, lock: smailProLock, mail: '', }); case TempEmailType.Gmail: return new Gmail({ ...options, lock: gmailLock }); case TempEmailType.EmailNator: return new EmailNator(options); case TempEmailType.MailTM: return new MailTM(); case TempEmailType.YopMail: return new YopMail(); default: throw new Error('not support TempEmailType'); } } export interface BaseMailMessage { // main content of email content: string; } export interface TempMailMessage extends BaseMailMessage { _id: { oid: string; }; createdAt: { milliseconds: number; }; mail_id: string; mail_address_id: string; mail_from: string; mail_subject: string; mail_preview: string; mail_text_only: string; mail_text: string; mail_html: string; mail_timestamp: number; mail_attachments_count: number; mail_attachments: { attachment: any[]; }; } interface BaseOptions {} abstract class BaseEmail { public constructor(options?: BaseOptions) {} public abstract getMailAddress(): Promise; public abstract waitMails(): Promise; } export interface TempMailOptions extends BaseOptions { apikey?: string; } class Inbox extends BaseEmail { private readonly client: AxiosInstance; private address: string | undefined; constructor(options?: TempMailOptions) { super(options); const apikey = options?.apikey || process.env.rapid_api_key; if (!apikey) { throw new Error('Need apikey for TempMail'); } this.client = CreateAxiosProxy( { baseURL: '', headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': apikey, 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '', }, } as CreateAxiosDefaults, false, ); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { this.address = `${randomStr()}@${await this.randomDomain()}`; const res = await`inboxes/${this.address}`); console.log(; return this.address; } public async waitMails(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let time = 0; const itl = setInterval(async () => { const response = await this.client.get(`inboxes/${this.address}`); if ( && > 0) { resolve( any) => ({ ...item, content: item.mail_html, })), ); clearInterval(itl); return; } if (time > 5) { resolve([]); clearInterval(itl); return; } time++; }, 10000); }); } async getDomainsList(): Promise { const res = await this.client.get(`/domains`); return any) => item.qdn); } async randomDomain(): Promise { const domainList = await this.getDomainsList(); return domainList[Math.floor(Math.random() * domainList.length)]; } } class TempMail extends BaseEmail { private readonly client: AxiosInstance; private address: string | undefined; private mailID: string = ''; constructor(options?: TempMailOptions) { super(options); const apikey = options?.apikey || process.env.rapid_api_key; if (!apikey) { throw new Error('Need apikey for TempMail'); } this.client = CreateAxiosProxy({ baseURL: '', headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': apikey, 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '', }, } as CreateAxiosDefaults); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { this.address = `${randomStr()}${await this.randomDomain()}`; this.mailID = md5(this.address); return this.address; } public async waitMails(): Promise { const mailID = this.mailID; return new Promise((resolve) => { let time = 0; const itl = setInterval(async () => { const response = await this.client.get(`/mail/id/${mailID}`); if ( && > 0) { resolve( any) => ({ ...item, content: item.mail_html, })), ); clearInterval(itl); return; } if (time > 5) { resolve([]); clearInterval(itl); return; } time++; }, 10000); }); } async getDomainsList(): Promise { const res = await this.client.get(`/domains/`); return; } async randomDomain(): Promise { const domainList = await this.getDomainsList(); return domainList[Math.floor(Math.random() * domainList.length)]; } } class TempMail44 extends BaseEmail { private readonly client: AxiosInstance; private address: string = ''; constructor(options?: TempMailOptions) { super(options); const apikey = options?.apikey || process.env.rapid_api_key; if (!apikey) { throw new Error('Need apikey for TempMail'); } this.client = CreateAxiosProxy( { baseURL: '', headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': apikey, 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '', }, } as CreateAxiosDefaults, false, ); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { const response = await'/new', {}, { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, } as AxiosRequestConfig); this.address =; return this.address; } public async waitMails(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let time = 0; const itl = setInterval(async () => { try { const response = await this.client.get(`/${this.address}/messages`); if ( && > 0) { resolve( any) => ({ ...item, content: item.body_html, })), ); clearInterval(itl); return; } if (time > 5) { resolve([]); clearInterval(itl); return; } time++; } catch (e: any) { console.error('tempmail lol error', e.message); } }, 10000); }); } } class TempMailLOL extends BaseEmail { private readonly client: AxiosInstance; private address: string = ''; private token: string = ''; constructor(options?: TempMailOptions) { super(options); this.client = CreateAxiosProxy({ baseURL: '', } as CreateAxiosDefaults); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { const response = await this.client.get('/generate'); this.address =; this.token =; return this.address; } public async waitMails(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let time = 0; const itl = setInterval(async () => { const response = await this.client.get(`/auth/${this.token}`); if ( && > 0) { resolve( any) => ({ ...item, content: item.html, })), ); clearInterval(itl); return; } if (time > 5) { resolve([]); clearInterval(itl); return; } time++; }, 10000); }); } } class Internal extends BaseEmail { private apiUrl: string; private client: AxiosInstance; constructor(options?: BaseOptions) { super(options); this.apiUrl = ''; this.client = CreateAxiosProxy({ baseURL: '', }); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { const length = Math.floor(Math.random() * (15 - 8 + 1)) + 8; const characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; let address = ''; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { address += characters.charAt( Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length), ); } const data = { name: address, domain: '', }; const response = await'/email/new', data); const result =; console.log(data); console.log(result); return; } public async waitMails(): Promise { const mailAddress = await this.getMailAddress(); let times = 0; while (true) { const response = await this.client.get(`/email/${mailAddress}/messages`); console.log(`正在获取邮件:${times}`); if (response.status === 200) { const data =; if (data.length > 0) { try { const mail = data[0]; const content = mail.body_html; const parser = new DOMParser(); const htmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html'); const codeDiv = htmlDoc.querySelector( "div[style='font-family:system-ui, Segoe UI, sans-serif;font-size:19px;font-weight:700;line-height:1.6;text-align:center;color:#333333;']", ); const code = codeDiv?.textContent || ''; return [{ content: code }]; } catch (error) { console.log('error'); } break; } } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)); times++; } return []; } } export class SmailPro extends BaseEmail { private page!: Page; private mail: string; constructor(options: SmailProOptions) { super(options); this.mail = options.mail || 'gmail'; } async getMailAddress() { try { if (! { = await CreateNewPage('', { simplify: true, }); setTimeout(() => { ?.browser() .close() .catch((e) => console.error(e.message)); }, 360 * 1000); } const page =; await sleep(5000); await page.waitForSelector('.grid > div > div > button:nth-child(2)'); await'.grid > div > div > button:nth-child(2)'); await page.waitForSelector( '.relative > .absolute > .text-gray-500 > .h-6 > path', ); await'.relative > .absolute > .text-gray-500 > .h-6 > path'); await sleep(1000); await page.waitForSelector('#autosuggest__input', { visible: true }); await'#autosuggest__input'); await page.keyboard.type(`random@${this.mail}`); await'Enter'); console.log('generating email'); await sleep(5000); let times = 0; while (true) { times += 1; await page.waitForSelector('div > h1'); const [email, domain] = await page.evaluate(() => // @ts-ignore document.querySelector('div > h1').textContent.split(' '), ); if (email === '...') { if (times > 5) { throw new Error('get mail failed, max retry times!'); } await sleep(5 * 1000); continue; } return email + domain; } } catch (e) { console.log('get mail failed, err:', e); await{ path: `./run/smailpro_${randomStr(10)}.png`, });; throw e; } } async waitMails(): Promise { const page =; if (!page) { return []; } let times = 0; while (true) { try { await page.waitForSelector( '.flex-auto > .flex > .inline-flex > .order-last > .h-6', { timeout: 5 * 1000 }, ); await '.flex-auto > .flex > .inline-flex > .order-last > .h-6', ); await page.waitForSelector( '.flex-auto > .flex > .py-2 > .scrollbar > .px-2', { timeout: 5 * 1000 }, ); await'.flex-auto > .flex > .py-2 > .scrollbar > .px-2'); await page.waitForSelector('.flex > div > div > .mt-2 > .w-full', { timeout: 5 * 1000, }); // 获取 srcdoc 属性 const content = await page.evaluate(() => { return ( //@ts-ignore // prettier-ignore document.querySelector('.flex > div > div > .mt-2 > .w-full')?.contentDocument.documentElement.outerHTML || '' ); }); if (content) { await; return [{ content }]; } await sleep(10 * 1000); } catch (e: any) { if (times >= 6) { await{ path: `./run/smailpro_${randomStr(10)}.png`, }); await; throw new Error('got mails failed'); } } finally { times += 1; } } return []; } } export interface GmailOptions extends BaseOptions { lock: Lock; } export interface SmailProOptions extends GmailOptions { lock: Lock; mail: string; } class Gmail extends BaseEmail { private readonly client: AxiosInstance; private address: string = ''; private timestamp?: number = 0; private lock: Lock; constructor(options: GmailOptions) { super(options); const apikey = process.env.rapid_api_key || ''; this.lock = options.lock; if (!apikey) { throw new Error('Need apikey for TempMail'); } this.client = CreateAxiosProxy( { baseURL: '', headers: { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': apikey, 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '', }, } as CreateAxiosDefaults, false, ); } public async getMailAddress(): Promise { await this.lock.lock(60 * 1000); const response: any = await this.client.get('/get', { params: { domain: '', username: 'random', server: 'server-2', type: 'real', }, } as AxiosRequestConfig); this.address =; this.timestamp =; return this.address; } public async check(): Promise<[boolean, string]> { try { const checkres = await this.client.get(`/check`, { params: { email: this.address, timestamp: `${this.timestamp}`, }, }); const mid =[0]?.mid; return [ === 'ok', mid || '']; } catch (e: any) { console.log('check email failed, err = ', e.message); return [false, '']; } } public async waitMails(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let time = 0; const itl = setInterval(async () => { try { const [ok, mid] = await this.check(); if (!mid) { return; } const response = await this.client.get(`/read`, { params: { email: this.address, message_id: mid }, }); if ( && { const item =; resolve([{ ...item, content: item.body }]); this.lock.unlock(); clearInterval(itl); return; } if (time > 5) { resolve([]); this.lock.unlock(); clearInterval(itl); return; } } catch (e: any) { console.error(e.message); } time++; }, 20 * 1000); }); } } export class EmailNator extends BaseEmail { page!: Page; private clear?: NodeJS.Timeout; private email?: string; constructor(options?: BaseOptions) { super(options); } async getMailAddress(): Promise { try { if (! { = await CreateNewPage(''); await'#custom-switch-domain'); await'#custom-switch-domain'); await '.mb-3 > .card-body > .justify-content-md-center > .mx-auto > .btn-lg', ); await '.mb-3 > .card-body > .justify-content-md-center > .mx-auto > .btn-lg', ); this.clear = setTimeout(() => {; }, 360 * 1000); } await '.col-lg-7 > .mb-3 > .card-body > .mb-3 > .form-control-lg', ); const emailInput = await$( '.col-lg-7 > .mb-3 > .card-body > .mb-3 > .form-control-lg', ); await sleep(5000); // @ts-ignore const email = await emailInput.evaluate((el) => el.value); // await sleep(10 * 60 * 1000); if (!email) { throw new Error('get email failed'); } = email; await sleep(3000); await '.col-lg-7 > .mb-3 > .card-body > .text-center > .btn-lg', ); await '.col-lg-7 > .mb-3 > .card-body > .text-center > .btn-lg', ); return email; } catch (e) { throw e; } } private async getMails() { try { await '.card > .card-body > .mb-3 > .col-md-6 > .float-md-end', ); setImmediate(() => { '.card > .card-body > .mb-3 > .col-md-6 > .float-md-end', ); }); const res = await (res) => res.url() === '' && res.headers()['content-type'].indexOf('application/json') > -1, ); let mails: any[] = (await res.json()).messageData; mails = mails.filter((v) => v.messageID !== 'ADSVPN'); return mails || []; } catch (e: any) { console.log('get mails failed, err = ', e.message); return []; } } async getMailDetail(mail: string, messageID: string) { try { .goto(`${mail}/${messageID}`) .catch(console.error); const res = await (res) => res.url() === '', ); return await res.text(); } catch (e) { throw e; } } async waitMails(): Promise { let tryTimes = 0; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const mails = await this.getMails(); const v = mails.find( (v) => v.time.indexOf('Just Now') > -1 || v.time.indexOf('one minute ago') > -1, ); if (!v) { if (tryTimes >= 3) { reject(new Error('get mail failed')); await; return; } await sleep(5000); continue; } const content = (await this.getMailDetail( || '', v.messageID)) || ''; resolve([{ content } as BaseMailMessage]); setTimeout(() =>, 5000); return; } reject(new Error('get mail failed')); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); } } export class MailTM extends BaseEmail { private readonly mailjs: Mailjs; private password?: string; private account?: string; constructor() { super(); this.mailjs = new Mailjs(); } async getMailAddress(): Promise { const account = await this.mailjs.createOneAccount(); this.mailjs.on('ready', () => console.log('Ready To Listen!')); // @ts-ignore return; } async waitMails(): Promise { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const messages = await this.mailjs.getMessages(1); if ( === 0) { await sleep(3000); continue; } const one =[0]; const message = await this.mailjs.getMessage(; return [{ content:'\n') }]; } return []; } } export class YopMail extends BaseEmail { client = CreateAxiosProxy({ baseURL: '' }, false, true); private realMail!: string; private randomMail!: string; private mailName!: string; async getMailAddress(): Promise { this.realMail = await this.getMail(); this.mailName = this.realMail.split('@')[0]; const mailSfx = getRandomOne(await this.getMailSuffix()); this.randomMail = this.realMail.replace('', mailSfx); return this.randomMail; } async waitMails(): Promise { let msgs: BaseMailMessage[] = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { const inbox: { inbox: { id: string; subject: string }[] } = await this.getInbox(this.realMail); inbox.inbox = inbox.inbox.filter( (v) => v.subject.indexOf('Progress report') === -1, ); if (inbox.inbox.length === 0) { await sleep(10 * 1000); continue; } for (const v of inbox.inbox) { const msg: { data: string } = await this.readMessage( this.mailName,, 'html', ); msgs.push({ content: }); } return msgs; } throw new Error('wait mail failed'); } async getMailSuffix(): Promise { const res = await this.client.get('/zh/domain?d=list'); const regex = /