import axios, { AxiosInstance, CreateAxiosDefaults } from 'axios'; import HttpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent'; import { SessionConstructorOptions } from 'tls-client/dist/esm/types'; import { Session } from 'tls-client/dist/esm/sessions'; import tlsClient from 'tls-client'; import puppeteer from 'puppeteer-extra'; import { Page, PuppeteerLaunchOptions } from 'puppeteer'; import StealthPlugin from 'puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth'; import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import WebSocket from 'ws'; import moment from 'moment'; import { closeOtherPages } from './puppeteer'; import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; puppeteer.use(StealthPlugin()); const reqProxy = (config: any) => { config.params = { ...config.params, target: (config.baseURL || '') + (config.url || ''), }; config.baseURL = ''; config.url = process.env.REQ_PROXY || ''; return config; }; export function CreateAxiosProxy( config: CreateAxiosDefaults, useReqProxy = true, proxy = true, options?: { retry: boolean }, ): AxiosInstance { const { retry = true } = options || {}; const createConfig = { ...config }; const useProxy = proxy ? process.env.http_proxy : ''; createConfig.proxy = false; if (useProxy) { createConfig.httpAgent = HttpsProxyAgent(useProxy); createConfig.httpsAgent = HttpsProxyAgent(useProxy); } const client = axios.create(createConfig); const retryClient = axios.create(createConfig); if (useReqProxy && process.env.REQ_PROXY) { client.interceptors.request.use( (config) => { config.params = { ...config.params, target: (config.baseURL || '') + (config.url || ''), }; config.baseURL = ''; config.url = process.env.REQ_PROXY || ''; return config; }, (error) => { // 对请求错误做些什么 return Promise.reject(error); }, ); } if (retry && process.env.RETRY === '1') { client.interceptors.response.use( undefined, function axiosRetryInterceptor(err) { // 如果请求失败并且重试次数少于一次,则重试 if (err) { // 返回 axios 实例,进行一次新的请求 console.log('axios failed, retrying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'); return retryClient(err.config); } // 如果失败且重试达到最大次数,将错误返回到用户 return Promise.reject(err); }, ); } return client; } export function CreateTlsProxy( config: SessionConstructorOptions, proxy?: string, ): Session { const client = new tlsClient.Session(config); const useProxy = process.env.http_proxy || proxy; if (useProxy) { client.proxy = useProxy; } return client; } export async function CreateNewPage( url: string, options?: { allowExtensions?: boolean; proxy?: string; args?: string[] }, ) { const { allowExtensions = false, proxy = process.env.http_proxy, args = [], } = options || {}; const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: process.env.DEBUG === '1' ? false : 'new', args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', `--proxy-server=${proxy}`, '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', ...args, ], } as PuppeteerLaunchOptions); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(url); await page.setViewport({ width: 1920, height: 1080 }); return page; } export async function CreateNewBrowser() { const options: PuppeteerLaunchOptions = { headless: 'new', args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', ], }; if (process.env.DEBUG === '1') { options.headless = false; } if (process.env.http_proxy) { options.args?.push(`--proxy-server=${process.env.http_proxy}`); } return await puppeteer.launch(options); } let pptPort = 19222 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); export function launchChromeAndFetchWsUrl(): Promise { pptPort += 1; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const command = `${process.env.CHROME_PATH}`; if (!command) { reject(new Error('not config CHROME_PATH in env')); } const args = [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', `--remote-debugging-port=${pptPort}`, '--remote-debugging-address=', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', // `--user-data-dir=${path.join(__dirname, `${randomStr(10)}`)}`, ]; if (process.env.http_proxy) { args.push(`--proxy-server=${process.env.http_proxy}`); } if (process.env.DEBUG !== '1') { args.push('--headless=new'); } const chromeProcess = spawn(command, args); chromeProcess.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { const output = data.toString(); // Search for websocket URL const match = /ws:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+):(\d+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]+)/.exec( output, ); if (match) { console.log('found ws link'); resolve(match[0]); // Return the full WebSocket URL } }); chromeProcess.on('error', (error) => { reject(error); }); chromeProcess.on('exit', (code) => { if (code !== 0) { reject(new Error(`chrome exited with code ${code}`)); } }); }); } export class WSS { private ws: WebSocket; private cbMap: Record = {}; constructor( target: string, callbacks?: { onOpen?: Function; onClose?: Function; onMessage?: (data: string) => void; onError?: Function; }, ) { const { onOpen, onClose, onMessage, onError } = callbacks || {}; // 创建一个代理代理 const wsOptions: WebSocket.ClientOptions = {}; if (process.env.http_proxy) { wsOptions.agent = HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.http_proxy || ''); } // 创建一个配置了代理的 WebSocket 客户端 const ws = new WebSocket(target, wsOptions); ws.on('open', () => { console.log('ws open'); onOpen && onOpen(); }); ws.on('close', () => { console.log('ws close'); onClose && onClose(); }); ws.on('message', (data, isBinary) => { const str = data.toString('utf8'); onMessage && onMessage(str); for (const cb of Object.values(this.cbMap)) { cb(str); } }); ws.on('error', (err) => { console.log('ws error', err); onError && onError(err); }); = ws; } send(data: string) {; } close() {; } onData(cb: (data: string) => void) { const key = moment().valueOf(); this.cbMap[key] = cb; return () => { delete this.cbMap[key]; }; } } // export function fetchWithProxy(url: string, options?: RequestInit) { // const initOptions: RequestInit = {}; // if (process.env.http_proxy) { // initOptions.agent = HttpsProxyAgent(process.env.http_proxy || ''); // } // return fetch(url, { ...initOptions, ...options }); // } export class WebFetchProxy { private page?: Page; private streamMap: Record = {}; private readonly homeURL: string; constructor(homeURL: string) { this.homeURL = homeURL; this.init().then(() => console.log(`web fetch proxy init ok`)); } async init() { try { const options: PuppeteerLaunchOptions = { headless: process.env.DEBUG === '1' ? false : 'new', args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', ], }; if (process.env.http_proxy) { options.args?.push(`--proxy-server=${process.env.http_proxy}`); } const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options); = await browser.newPage(); await; await closeOtherPages(browser,; await'onChunk', (id: string, text: string) => { const stream = this.streamMap[id]; if (stream) { stream.write(text); } }); await'onChunkEnd', (id: string) => { const stream = this.streamMap[id]; if (stream) { stream.end(); delete this.streamMap[id]; } }); await 'onChunkError', (id: string, err: string) => { const stream = this.streamMap[id]; if (stream) { stream.emit('error', err); delete this.streamMap[id]; } }, ); } catch (e) { console.error('WebFetchProxy init failed, ', e); } } async fetch(url: string, init?: RequestInit) { if (! { throw new Error('please retry wait init'); } const id = v4(); const stream = new PassThrough(); this.streamMap[id] = stream; .evaluate( (id, url, init) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(url, init) .then((response) => { if (!response.body) { resolve(null); return null; } const reader = response.body.getReader(); function readNextChunk() { reader .read() .then(({ done, value }) => { const textChunk = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(value); if (done) { // @ts-ignore window.onChunkEnd(id); // @ts-ignore resolve(textChunk); return; } // @ts-ignore window.onChunk(id, textChunk); readNextChunk(); }) .catch((err) => { // @ts-ignore window.onChunkError(id, err); reject(err); }); } readNextChunk(); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); reject(err); }); }); }, id, url, init, ) .catch(console.error); return stream; } }