
25 行
762 B
Raw パーマリンク 通常表示 履歴

# Closing remarks
I hope you have found this project useful. All the major credit really goes to the all the doujin sites, which
allows this services to operate.
- [nhentai](https://nhentai.net)
- [pururin](https://pururin.to)
- [hentaifox](https://hentaifox.com)
- [hentai2read](https://hentai2read.com)
- [asmhentai](https://asmhentai.com)
- [simply-hentai](https://simply-hentai.com)
- [3hentai](http://3hentai.net)
- [nhentai.to](https://nhentai.to)
Major dependencies:
- [express](https://github.com/expressjs/express)
- [cheerio](https://cheerio.js.org/)
- [keyv](https://github.com/jaredwray/keyv)
# Alternative-links
Just in case if https://janda.mod.land down, here some alternative deployment
- https://janda.sinkaroid.org
- https://janda.fly.dev