import p from "phin"; import Keyv from "keyv"; import { CookieJar } from "tough-cookie"; import { HttpsCookieAgent } from "http-cookie-agent/http"; const keyv = new Keyv(process.env.REDIS_URL); const strategy = process.env.NHENTAI_IP_ORIGIN || "true"; keyv.on("error", err => console.log("Connection Error", err)); const ttl = 1000 * 60 * 60 * Number(process.env.EXPIRE_CACHE); const jar = new CookieJar(); jar.setCookie(process.env.COOKIE || "", ""); class JandaPress { url: string; useragent: string; constructor() { this.url = ""; this.useragent = "jandapress/1.0.5 Node.js/16.9.1"; } async simulateCookie(target: string, parseJson = false): Promise { if (!parseJson) { const res = await p({ url: target, followRedirects: true, core: { agent: new HttpsCookieAgent({ cookies: { jar, }, }), }, headers: { "User-Agent": process.env.USER_AGENT || "", }, }); return res; } else { const res = await p({ url: target, parse: "json", core: { agent: new HttpsCookieAgent({ cookies: { jar, }, }), }, headers: { "User-Agent": process.env.USER_AGENT || "", }, }); return res.body; } } /** * Simulating nhentai request if origin api is not available * You'll need [tough-cookie]( and [http-cookie-agent]( to make this work * @param target url to fetch * @returns Promise * @throws Error */ async simulateNhentaiRequest(target: string): Promise { if (strategy === "true") { const res = await p({ url: target, parse: "json" }); return res.body; } else { try { const res = await this.simulateCookie(target, true); return res; } catch (err) { const e = err as Error; throw new Error(e.message); } } } /** * Fetch body from url and check if it's cached * @param url url to fetch * @returns Buffer */ async fetchBody(url: string): Promise { const cached = await keyv.get(url); if (cached) { console.log("Fetching from cache"); return cached; } else if (url.includes("/random")) { console.log("Random should not be cached"); const res = await p({ url: url, followRedirects: true }); return res.body; } else { console.log("Fetching from source"); const res = await p({ url: url, followRedirects: true }); await keyv.set(url, res.body, ttl); return res.body; } } /** * Fetch json from url and check if it's cached * @param url url to fetch * @returns Buffer */ async fetchJson(url: string): Promise { const cached = await keyv.get(url); if (cached) { console.log("Fetching from cache"); return cached; } else { console.log("Fetching from source"); const res = await this.simulateNhentaiRequest(url); await keyv.set(url, res, ttl); return res; } } currentProccess() { const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 7, 8, 9, 10]; arr.reverse(); const rss = process.memoryUsage().rss / 1024 / 1024; const heap = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024; const heaptotal = process.memoryUsage().heapTotal / 1024 / 1024; return { rss: `${Math.round(rss * 100) / 100} MB`, heap: `${Math.round(heap * 100) / 100}/${Math.round(heaptotal * 100) / 100} MB` }; } } export default JandaPress;