Signed-off-by: Gary Niger <>
Gary Niger 2023-01-29 06:33:09 +00:00
コミット 216ea26f3d
署名者: garyniger
GPGキーID: E06A0468B3C79ED6

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<img class="thumb" src="assets/pictures/thinking-coy.jpg" /> </td>
<b>About GNAA</b><br>
GNAA leverages core skill sets and world-class team synergy through sodomy to provide clients worldwide with robust, scalable, modern turnkey implementations of flexible, personalized, cutting-edge Internet-enabled e-business application product suite e-solution architectures that accelerate response to customer and real-world market demands and reliably adapt to evolving technology needs, seamlessly and efficiently integrating and synchronizing with their existing legacy infrastructure, enhancing the e-readiness capabilities of their e-commerce production environments across the enterprise while giving them a critical competitive advantage and taking them to the next level.<br><br>
<img class="thumb" src="assets/pictures/smile-phone.jpg" /> </td>
<br> <b>Our Vision</b><br>
GNAA is committed to empowering the integrated dynamic e-compatibility environment of the incremental e-modular criteria e-performance basis while also creating and ensuring high standards of excellence through engineering dynamic e-services based on the e-synergy of core innovative e-systems and the utilization of trusted platform models in cooperation with enterprise models, ensuring a high level of e-satisfaction while providing our customers with the sexual experience that they so richly deserve.<br><br>
<img class="thumb" src="assets/pictures/corp.jpg" /> </td>
<br> <b>The GNAA Experience</b><br>
Ensuring a high level of satisfaction among our customers is an integral component of the experience that is uniquely GNAA. GNAA aims to incentivize scalable e-markets as part of a company-wide e-synchronization strategy to increase customer satisfaction with quality control services and improve experiences with our products, programs, and homosexual e-services.<br><br>
<img class="thumb" src="assets/pictures/writing.jpg" /> </td>
<br> <b>Our Mission</b><br>
GNAA is committed to maintain a dynamic integrated quality and systematic system that drives business growth, meets the changing erotic desires of customers, employees, business partners, corporate sponsors, and suppliers. We demonstrate integrity, respect and confidence with all our vendors and associates in pursuit of fair business practices to ensure timely delivery of affordable products of the highest possible quality to our customers. We believe in responsible corporate citizenship and place a substantial focus on conserving our environment.<br><br>
<img class="thumb" src="assets/pictures/office-phone.jpg" /> </td>
<br> <b>Why Choose GNAA?</b><br>
Since its founding, GNAA has been focusing on how it can gratify customers. With our many years of experience in the field, we are continuously innovating new ways to meet our customers' expectations and to fulfill our customers' salacious desires to the fullest of our ability. Every action that our employees take and every decision that our staff makes is taken and made with the customer in mind.<br><br>
<table class="leaders">
<img src="assets/pictures/pol1.jpg" /><br>
<b>Gary Niger</b><br>
Gary Niger is the front figure of GNAA. A very passionate and smart man, with a Ph.D in Law, Science & Technology, he's one of our finest members. In his free time, Gary enjoys picking cotton, chatting with fellow members and hitting the gay clubs around California.
<img src="assets/pictures/pol2.jpg" /><br>
<b>Donquisha Brown</b><br>
Donquisha manages GNAA and makes sure the men are satisfied. Donquisha takes pride in winning Miss. Gay USA in both 2004 and 2006. In her free time, Donquisha enjoys knitting, taking care of her boars and getting facials.
<img src="assets/pictures/pol3.jpg" /><br>
<b>Johntae Williams</b><br>
Johntae is the event coordinator, and does an excellent job at it! Being a recovering crackhead, he has said that "we really helped drag him out of his depression." In his free time, he enjoys taking a swim with the dolphins he owns, editing Wikipedia to Afro-Americans' advantage and smoking medicinal marijuana.
<h2>Our Future Plans</h2>
1. Bringing sexual justice to all gay niggers out there is an incredibly important task, but we are determined to succeed and we have done a great deal in order to accomplish this. Unfortunately there's still more work to do, but you have our promise that we're working on this the best we can every single day!<br>
2. Stop the Jewish hatred against gay niggers is another very important task as it has been proved to us that the Jewish community dislikes gays and niggers, and when you put those together you get a very high hatred level. The GNAA has been targeted by the Jews several times.<br>
3. The current government refuses to allow us to have our own GNAA pride parade, which is discrimination. We have been trying to get our own pride parade for quite some time. Due to getting denied every time, we have been taking a break from this mission, but we will start again soon!<br>
<h2>Our members</h2>
<table class="leaders">
<span class="large-text">4781</span><br>
Female members
<span class="large-text">9021</span><br>
Male members
<span class="large-text">1488</span><br>
New members this year

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<h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
<h2>About GNAA</h2>
<h3>Are you guys for real?</h3>
Yes, we are. GNAA is a world-famous human rights organization. For almost two decades, GNAA has worked tirelessly to ensure that gay black men receive the equal rights, fair treatment, and respect that they deserve. If you wish to know more, see <a href="index.html">the "About Us" section</a>.<br>
<h3>This website offends me</h3>
In no way does GNAA promote racism or homophobia. We are a support group for homosexual African Americans, who suffer from discrimination the likes of which you cannot even <i>begin</i> to imagine. If the great accomplishments we have made in our fight against racism and homophobia offend you, then you need to get your head checked. It is sad that someone would try to roll back all that we have done just for mere personal gain.
<h2>Other Common Questions</h2>
<h3>I need help with LastMeasure&trade;/Other</h3>
GNAA does not currently offer support for any of its products. For any information relating to GNAA products, please see <a href="products.html">our "products" page</a>.
<h3>Can I join?</h3>
That question is answered on <a href="join.html">our "join" page</a>. Please go there with any questions you may have.
<h3>Do you have a mailing list?</h3>
GNAA does not currently have a mailing list.
<h3>I have feelings for a transsexual in my class, his name is boukje</h3>
That is not a question.
<h3>My question is not answered here</h3>
If you have a question that is not answered on this page, feel free to send us an email using <a href="contact.html">our contact form</a>.

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Founded in 2002, GNAA is the oldest and largest sexual rights organization. From the ballot box to the classroom, the thousands of dedicated workers, organizers, leaders and members who make up the GNAA continue to fight for sexual justice for all citizens of this wonderful Earth of ours.
<div class="footer-paragraph">
<b>P:</b> (323) 938-5268<br>
<b>F:</b> (323) 938-8153<br>
GNAA Corporate Headquarters<br>
143 Rolloffle Avenue<br>
Tarzana, California 91356
<img src="/assets/pictures/320px-Gnaa-logo.png" />
Copyright &copy; 2023 Gay Nigger Association of America</div>

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<title>Gay Nigger Association of America</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="Gay Nigger Association of America. Are you gay? Are you a nigger? If you answered &quot;yes&quot; to both of these questions, then GNAA might be exactly what you're looking for!">
<meta name="keywords" content="Gay, Nigger, Gay Nigger Association of America, GNAA, America, Association, Human Rights, Sex, Dildos, Last Measure, LastMeasure, Gary Niger, Linux for Niggers">
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
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<h1 class="title">Gay Nigger Association of America</h1>
<span class="subtitle">Are you gay? Are you a nigger?<br>If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then GNAA might be exactly what you're looking for!</span>
<h1>About Us</h1>
The Gay Nigger Association of America, often referred to as <b>GNAA</b>, is an international organization dedicated to defending the rights of all men of both African and homosexual descent.<br>
Founded in 2002 by Gary Niger, it is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.<br>
The <b>GNAA</b> (<i>Gay Nigger Association of America</i>) is a group representing the world's gaynigger population as well as those non-gay, non-nigger patrons that support it. Its mission is to foster a gay and free-loving climate that supports and promotes our members' creative and financial vitality. Its members are the gayniggers that comprise the most vibrant national gaynigger conglomerate in the world. <b>GNAA</b> members create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 90% of all legitimate pro-homosexual propaganda and blue, rubber dicks produced and sold in the United States.<br>
With over 9000 members and counting, we're proud to flex our muscles. We have lawyers, doctors, members of the US congress, professional poker players, celebrities and royalties as members of our organization. Our main mission is to bring sexual justice to all the sexually oppressed gay niggers all over the world, from the jungles of Tanzania to the ice igloos in the North Pole. We believe that Zionists are out on a quest to corrupt the Afro-American community, as well as the Gay Afro-American community.<br>
We strongly urge you to <a href="/join">join</a> the <b>GNAA</b> and support our cause. Gayniggers everywhere need your help!
<li><b>BE NIGGER</b>!</li>
<li><b>BE GAY</b>!</li>
<li><b><a href="join">JOIN</a> GNAA</b>!</li>
<h1>Our Events</h1>
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<img src="assets/pictures/event1.jpg" /><br>
<b>Dancing festivals</b><br>
Old school style! We wear old African tribe clothes, dance and educate the youngin's. We also cook ancient African food and enjoy it.
<img src="assets/pictures/event2.jpg" /><br>
<b>Sport events</b><br>
The white devils are making food containing more calories, which results in us getting more fat. We hold sporting events where everybody gets to move and have fun while cursing the white man!
<img src="assets/pictures/event3.jpg" /><br>
<b>Exclusive courses for gay niggers</b><br>
We educate our members in black history, how to defeat the white man & the Zionists in debates. We also demonstrate how the white man has ruined our Afro-American community.

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<h1>Joining GNAA</h1>
<h2>Can I Join?</h2>
Are you GAY?<br>
Are you a <a href="assets/pictures/oj-simpson.jpg">NIGGER</a>?<br>
Are you a GAY NIGGER?<br>
If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then <b>GNAA</b> (<i>Gay Nigger Association of America</i>) might be exactly what you've been looking for!<br>
Join <b>GNAA</b> (<i>Gay Nigger Association of America</i>) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time <b>GNAA</b> member.<br>
<b>GNAA</b> (<i>Gay Nigger Association of America</i>) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of <b>GNAA</b> if you join today!<br>
Why not? It's quick and easy - <b>only 3 simple steps</b>!<br>
<li>You have to obtain a copy of <a href="">GAYNIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE THE MOVIE</a> and watch it. You can watch the full digitally remastered version (now with subtitles!), courtesy of GNAA, <a href="gayniggers/from/outer/space">here</a>.</li>
<li>Submit an application to join using <a href="/contact">the "contact" form</a>.</li>
<li>If your application interests us, you will receive an invite to a further interview.</li>
Upon submitting your application, you <b>will</b> be tested on you knowledge of GAYNIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE.
<h2>Is every GNAA member gay or black?</h2>
No. Homosexuals of any race, as well as blacks of any sexual orientation are allowed to join. Some GNAA members are neither but gained membership by supporting us in other ways (financially, etc). The only requirement for membership is a dedication to the struggle of gays and niggers everywhere.<br>
Are you a cracker? A chink, or perhaps a spic? It doesn't matter to us! If you're passionate about the cause, you can apply and become a member!
<h2>I do not live in America, can I still join?</h2>
Yes! GNAA has offices and branches all over the world!

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<h1>GNAA Product Line</h1>
What follows is a list of the official GNAA Product Line. All prices are guaranteed to be the best on the market. Checks, credit and debit cards are all accepted forms of payment. All prices are in United States Dollars (<b>USD</b>), although Euros (<b>EUR</b>), British Pounds (<b>GBP</b>), Bitcoins (<b>BTC</b>), Gold Dust, Gold Bars, Gold Teeth, and African Conflict Diamonds are all valid currencies. All products ship within 7 to 10 business days, and shipping costs are to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. All of our products can be bought in any quantity, as there is no minimal order quantity (MOQ). Our <a href="contact.html">contact form</a> can be used to place orders.<br>
<h2>Last Measure Unified X&trade;</h2>
The GNAA's premier web application suite, GNAA Last Measure&trade;, is currently the number one web image showcase gallery of the Internet. It uses Web 2.0 technology to leverage the full power of XML RSS Community syndication to empower servers to deliver live and up-to-date information directly to the user's Desktop.<br><br>
Last Measure&trade; is the GNAA's premier open source application. Last Measure&trade; is a complex application with many interdependencies. The effects of what has been dubbed the 'Open Source Final Solution' can be felt in almost every area of digital society. A striking example of this would be the once worthless .info TLD being re-energized with a huge cash and semen injection from the GNAA Last Measure&trade; project.<br><br>
For support with a copy of Last Measure, see our <a href="support.html">Product Support</a> page.<br><br>
A licensed copy of GNAA Last Measure Unified X&trade; is currently being sold at $99.99 per copy.
The Drilldo&trade; is six barrels of sixteen-inch nigger-cock fury. The device is mounted on a small set of tank treads - mobility technology licensed from the US Army robotics program. We've found the Drilldo&trade; to be effective in a number of uses. Both Goatse and Mr. Hands were found to be adequately fulfilled. Our special Ass-Sabot rounds are designed to directly penetrate deep into the rectal core.<br><br>
Drilldos&trade; are currently being sold at $24.99 per unit, or $199.99 for a box of 10.
<h2>Linux for Niggers&trade;</h2>
Linux for Niggers&trade; is a Linux "distro" that includes special features designed to make Linux easier and more comfortable for niggers the world over. Niggers have always had trouble understanding new technology. Computers are no exception. Some people have said this is because niggers are dumb, but we believe the real problem is that technology has traditionally been designed for white people. Linux for Niggers&trade; changes all that. It was developed from the ground up with niggers in mind. It will usher in a whole new era of Afro-ergonomic computing.<br><br>
Features unique to Linux for Niggers&trade; include an Ebonics-to-English translator, African "tribal beats" sound and desktop theme, and a collection of rap music and gay pornography. But this release isn't just about new features. This new version brings black men closer together than ever in the spirit of Ubuntu.<br><br>
Linux for Niggers&trade; is currently being sold at $14.88 per copy.
<h2>Gay Porn Avalanche&trade;</h2>
Gay Porn Avalanche&trade; is an unlimited high-speed Internet gay porn service that is unique in that the user can subscribe someone else to the service without their consent. Like most online services, the subscriber specifies location and payment method, but with Gay Porn Avalanche&trade; (GPA), someone other than the subscriber can be initiated as a recipient. The official brochure, printed in Kawasaki font on a bright pink adult incontinence product, says: "Know someone who's in denial about their sexual orientation? Send them more gay porn than they can view in a lifetime - and high speed access, too, for one low monthly price!"<br><br>
Subscribers will be given a high-speed Internet hookup which plugs right into the back of their computer, and can download from any number of local "channels" at speeds faster than distant, often hard-to-reach-(around) Internet sites. "No more waiting for gay pornography," the brochure says. "With GPA&trade;, it's home before you are." Upon its release, gay rights advocates immediately praised the venture as "soft outing," or a polite and acceptable way of encouraging others to face their inner homosexuality.<br><br>
GPA&trade; debuts at $19.45 per month with a one-time sign-up fee of $6.66.
FourRape&trade; is a fully extensible, Java-based crap-flooding solution, based on an innovative plugin architecture. In theory and with the right plugin, you could effectively Sodomize Without Consent (SWC) anything from Futaba image boards to the deep bowels of the vast left wing goblin-kike conspiracy.<br><br>
FourRape&trade; is currently being sold at $19.99 per unit.
<h2>GNAA OneNigger&trade;</h2>
OneNigger&trade; is a hosted collaboration group-ware for taking a more proactive approach to trolling. By leveraging OneNigger&trade; services with industry trolling best-practices, the lone gay nigger, or small gay nigger organization is empowered to think outside the box.<br><br>
Furthermore, in our focus group testing we were able to increase Last Measure&trade; coverage by 36.4% among bloggers participating in large blogrolls. Using modules like the OneNigger Date&trade; shared calendaring system allows groups to pick times to touch base on important trolling issues of the day.<br><br>
Other modules in the OneNigger Enterprise version&trade; include OneNigger Chizzat&trade; running on patented extensions to IRC, OneNigger Phone&trade;, which offers VoIP technologies with free toll-free access to the USA and Japan, and Gay Porn Avalanche Enterprise 2.0&trade; (GPAE2), now newly integrated into the OneNigger platform&trade;. OneNigger&trade; requires Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 running on an Intel processor. AMD is not supported, as OneNigger&trade; is an enterprise-level software suite, and requires a powerful computer.<br><br>
One can purchase a licensed copy of GNAA OneNigger&trade; for $199.99.

server.js ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
// I will rewrite it but I'm too lazy to
const fs = require('fs');
const http = require('http');
// std::string
let GNAAHeaderTemplate = fs.readFileSync('header.html', 'utf8');
const GNAAFooter = fs.readFileSync('footer.html', 'utf8');
// std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string>
const HTMLType = { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset=UTF-8' };
// Memoization, but I'm not sure if this works properly in JS
// std::vector<std::string> <- but the string is also used as a binary cache
let Contents = [];
// std::function<std::string(std::string)>
function ReadAsset(FileName) {
if (!Contents[FileName])
Contents[FileName] = fs.readFileSync(FileName);
return Contents[FileName];
// std::vector<bool>
let Dasein = [];
// std::function<std::future<bool>(std::string)>
async function FileExistence(FileName) {
if (!Dasein[FileName])
Dasein[FileName] =
await fs.promises
.then(() => true,
() => false);
return Dasein[FileName];
* struct Page {
* std::string href, Name;
* };
* std::vector<Page>
const Pages = [
{href: "/", Name: "Home"},
{href: "/corporate", Name: "Corporate"},
{href: "/products", Name: "Products"},
{href: "/support", Name: "Support"},
{href: "/testimonials", Name: "Testimonials"},
{href: "/faq", Name: "FAQ"},
{href: "/contact", Name: "Contact"},
{href: "/join", Name: "Join"},
{href: "/members", Name: "Members"},
{href: "/gayniggers/from/outer/space", Name: "Movie"},
// req: http.ClientRequest
// res: http.ServerResponse
async function GNAAServer(req, res) {
try {
const GenerateHeader = () => {
let ret = `<ul class="neat">`;
Pages.forEach((x) => {
ret += '<li><a '
+ (req.url === x.href ? 'class="active"' : "")
+ ' href="'
+ x.href
+ '">'
+ x.Name
+ '</a></li>';
return ret + '</ul></div>'
const GNAAHeader = GNAAHeaderTemplate + GenerateHeader();
new Date().toLocaleString(),,
'"' + req.headers['user-agent'] + '"'
// std::string
let Request = '';
// bool
let finished = false;
// std::vector<std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string>>
const MimeTypes = {
css: 'text/css',
png: 'image/png',
jpg: 'image/jpg',
gif: 'image/gif',
mp4: 'video/mp4',
wav: 'audio/wav',
ico: 'image/',
svg: 'image/svg+xml',
const NotFound = () => {
res.writeHead(404, HTMLType);
Request += GNAAHeader;
Request += `
<div class="content neat">
<h1>Not Found</h1>
The page you were looking for "<i>`
Request += req.url;
Request += `</i>" was not found on this site.</div>
Request += GNAAFooter;
// std::vector<std::string>
const StaticPages = [
if (StaticPages.includes(req.url.slice(1))) {
res.writeHead(200, HTMLType);
Request += GNAAHeader;
Request += ReadAsset('.' + (req.url === '/' ? '/index'
: req.url)
+ '.html');
res.end(Request + GNAAFooter);
} else if (req.url === "/members") {
} else if (req.url === "/gayniggers/from/outer/space") {
res.writeHead(200, HTMLType);
res.end(`<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>GayNiggers From Outer Space</title>
<meta name="description" content="Watch GayNiggers From Outer Space, digitally remasterd, with subtitles for the aurally impared. Blind need not apply. All content is owned by the respective creator. Site courtesy of GNAA.">
<meta name="keywords" content="Gay, Niggers, gayniggers, from, outer, space, outerspace, gnaa, gay nigger, gay niggers, gaynigger, gay nigger association of america">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
overflow: hidden;
background-color: black;
video {
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
<video controls autoplay>
<source src="/gayniggers/from/outer/space/gay.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<track label="English" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" src="/gay.vtt">
} else if (req.url.startsWith('/assets') ||
req.url.startsWith('/lastmeasure') ||
req.url === "/gayniggers/from/outer/space/gay.mp4" ||
req.url === '/favicon.ico') {
const FilePath = '.' + req.url;
const FileExists = await FileExistence(FilePath);
if (FileExists) {
const FileExt = require('path')
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': MimeTypes[FileExt] })
} else NotFound();
} else if (req.url === '/contact') {
res.writeHead(200, HTMLType)
Request += GNAAHeader
Request += `
<div class="content neat">
<table class="gallery">
<img class="thumb" src="/assets/pictures/contact.jpg" /> </td>
<b>Contact GNAA</b><br>
Please submit your comments and queries via our friendly feedback form. All submissions are reviewed. If we feel the matter warrants our attention and you leave details, a GNAA representative will get in touch with you shortly. Maybe.<br>
The contact form can also be used to place orders. Please see <a href="/products">our "products" page</a> for more details.<br>
<form method="POST" action="">
<table class="form">
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('gayniggers.txt', { flags: 'a' });
let body = ''
req.on('data', chunk => {
body += chunk
let ParsedBody = {}
let ParsedText = {}
req.on('end', () => {
ParsedBody = require('querystring').parse(body)
ParsedText = JSON.stringify(ParsedBody) + '\n'
// std::vector<std::string>
const Fields = [
let /*bool*/ empty = false
// std::vector<std::string>
let EmptyFields = [];
[...Fields.slice(0,3),"content"].forEach((x) => {
let str = Array
.call(x.toLowerCase(), y => {
return y !== '-';
if (!ParsedBody[str]) {
empty = true
} //else console.log(ParsedBody[str]);
* struct Tag {
* std::string Placeholder, Name, Value;
* };
* std::vector<Tag> InputFields;
let InputFields = [];
Fields.slice(0, 3).forEach((i) => {
let Name = Array.prototype
(x) => {
return x !== '-';
Placeholder: i,
Name: Name,
Value: ParsedBody[Name] ? ParsedBody[Name]
: "",
if (empty) {
Request += `<span class="bad">You cannot leave the `
Request += EmptyFields[0]
Request += ` blank.</span>`
} else {
Request += `<span class="good">Thank you for contacting us!</span>`
InputFields.forEach((x) => { x.Value = "" });
ParsedBody['content'] = "";
Request += '</td></tr>'
InputFields.forEach(x => {
Request += `<tr><td>`
Request += x.Placeholder
Request += '</td><td>'
Request += '<input type="text" placeholder="'
Request += x.Placeholder
Request += '" name="'
Request += x.Name;
Request += '" value="'
Request += x.Value ? x.Value : ''
Request += '"><br>'
Request += `</td></tr>`
Request += `<tr><td>Message</td><td><textarea placeholder="Message" name="content">`
Request += ParsedBody['content'] ? ParsedBody['content']
: "";
Request += `</textarea><br></td></tr>`
Request += `<tr>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />
res.end(Request + GNAAFooter);
} else/*GET*/ {
Request += `</td>
<input type="text" placeholder="Name" name="name" value=""><br>
<input type="text" placeholder="Subject" name="subject" value=""><br>
<input type="text" placeholder="E-mail" name="email" value=""><br>
<textarea placeholder="Message" name="content"></textarea><br>
Request += `<tr>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />
res.end(Request + GNAAFooter);
} else NotFound();
} catch (e) {
res.end('Something went wrong idk kek, try again nigger');

support.html ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<div class="content neat">
<h1>Product Support</h1>
<h2>Support for Last Measure&trade;</h2>
Last Measure&trade; as the GNAA's premier open source application, is the "open source final solution". If you are having trouble with it, there are a few things you need to be aware of.<br><br>
Last Measure&trade; is a complex application with many interdependencies. One must be aware of all these caveats and work around them in their use of Last Measure&trade; and derived applications. Last Measure&trade; is officially supported as a link on Slashdot.
<h3>What is Last Measure&trade;</h3>
Last Measure&trade; is a world-renowned website development platform released by the GNAA. Last Measure&trade; leverages a synergy of Flash, Javascript, and Java technologies to create windows containing unique, consumer-friendly media; launches IRC, telnet, BitTorrent, media player, AOL instant messenger (AIM), PDF viewer, and email windows; and informs those who may happen to be in the vicinity of the computer that the user of said computer is currently viewing deviant pornographic material of an overtly homosexual nature.
<h3>How can I help?</h3>
You can help support Last Measure&trade; by linking to it and/or mirroring it. You can also help us improve Last Measure&trade; by submitting code, images, audio files, and ideas using <a href="contact.html">the "contact" form</a>. Additionally, you can help by notifying us of any "free domain" giveaways by web hosts, as well as setting up mirrors using DNS services such as FreeDNS to point additional URLs to a working Last Measure&trade; mirror.
<h2>Common issues with Last Measure&trade;</h2>
<h3>Where do I download Last Measure&trade;</h3>
The code to Last Measure&trade; can be found here.
<h3>Nobody is clicking my links to Last Measure&trade;</h3>
You will encounter this problem more often than others. If you are posting them to Slashdot, you must disguise it among a set of legitimate links to get moderated up. Otherwise people will reply "MOD PARENT DOWN, GOATSE TROLL" and you will be placed in the shit-heap. On other chat media, you will have to modify your rules to match (cf. "social engineering").
<h3>Last Measure&trade; is being blocked by my browser!</h3>
Sadly, and ever-increasing number of browsers block known Last Measure&trade; URLs. The only known remedy is to use a Last Measure&trade; URL that is not blacklisted by the browser. This can be accomplished through linking to a mirror of Last Measure&trade;. GNAA is using innovative new technology to beat automatic detection attempts.
<h3>Last Measure&trade; only opens one pop-up or none at all</h3>
This is also a common problem. Many pop-up blockers and web browsers are getting better at blocking Last Measure&trade;'s pop-ups. Rest assured that GNAA is dedicated to figuring out how to bypass them. Last Measure Unified X-2&trade;, currently in private distribution, is more successful at this endeavor.
<li><b>Firefox</b> is notorious for their attempts to block users from accessing Last Measure&trade; websites, and its attempts to prevent users from leveraging its technology.</li>
<li><b>Google Chrome</b>, while less effective at blocking Last Measure&trade; technology, has also attempted to do this.</li>
<h3>My question is not answered here</h3>
If you have a question that is not answered on this page, feel free to send us an email using our <a href="contact.html">contact form</a>.<br>

testimonials.html ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
<div class="content neat">
Ignoring is too good for these shit heads; they should be set on fire and left in a lake of gasoline.
<span class="author"> - Wil Wheaton</span><br>
I was angry that someone created the site, but at the same time the very concept of the site dumbfounded me. I mean, GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA! That means that a bunch of niggers, not black people, but niggers (trust me, there is a difference between black people and niggers. If you don't believe me, watch Chris Rock - Bring the Pain), felt oppressed and decided to form an organization for the advancement of the rights of other gay niggers... The creators have a quote on the site that says 'If you think this site is racist, you need your head checked.', and that may be true. But if you are responsible for this site, you should have a spiked bat shoved up your ass while a thin metal wire heated at over 3000 degrees is shoved up your pee hole and boric acid is funneled down your throat... However, <b>I do not think that the GNAA site, or the creators for that matter are racist</b>. I think that the site is the most ignorant joke ever conceived by man, and the creators are ignorant, retarded-ass fuckshit monkey-spunks with the combined intelligence of a cum bucket from a bukkake film, <b>who also happen to be racist</b>. It's things like this that make the idea of the castration of men, with the exception of those viewed as fit to bear children (a practice advocated by some women's right groups) appealing, because if ever there are guys that need to have their dicks hacked off, it's these fuckers. Now, on the off chance that the creators happen to be black (which I doubt), then the following statement will be magnified 10 times, and I would like to add that <b>you are a disgrace to your race</b>.
<span class="author"> - Miles B., Atlanta, Georgia</span><br>
Those dumb niggers do not deserve to edit Wikipedia.
<span class="author"> - The Wikimedia Foundation</span><br>
Congratulations, GNAA. You won.
<span class="author"> - Michael P.</span><br>
By recreating <a href="">this article</a>, we have once again, given the GNAA the "fame" and "reinforcement" they clearly don't fucking deserve.
<span class="author"> - Thor M., Milton Keynes, United Kingdom</span><br>
GNAA exists for the "purpose" of shock value: whether someone wants to change the electronic bits within our database or manipulate life and coverage, vandalism is vandalism, and should be rewarded appropriately.
<span class="author"> - Jonathan C., DuPont, Washington</span><br>
Keep deleted. I'm afraid I've no wish to read the remarks next week about how the GNAA successfully trolled Wikipedia.
<span class="author"> - Marshall S., Hertfordshire, United Kingdom</span><br>
As much as I hate GNAA and everyone involved in it, it IS notable among the realm of internet troll activities.
<span class="author"> - George H., San Francisco, California</span><br>
If my involvement in Wikipedia is so dam<sup>[sic]</sup> important to you that you will threaten my family then <b>fine, you win, I am outta here</b>. I hope that satisfies you and you will leave me alone. It is just a web site for fucks sake.
<span class="author"> - Ryan B., Vancouver, British Columbia</span><br>
Offensive to Blacks, this article does nothing to improve the encyclopedia, is a self-reference because the group was founded specifically to troll Wikipedia and other prominent websites, and <b>it brings Foundation officials, editors, and projects into disrepute, risking funding and credibility</b>. All previous reasons to keep this abomination should be disregarded because per <a href="">WP:IAR</a> it does not improve the encyclopedia in any way, but damages it in the several ways specified.
<span class="author"> - "Selery"</span><br>
[The GNAA is a bunch of] people who work to make Wikipedia a hostile environment for blacks.
<span class="author"> - "Selery"</span><br>
I have been a Wikipedian for a year now, and because the GNAA will obviously not stop at anything to see my removal from this site, I have decided to retire. I wish the project the best of luck.
<span class="author"> - Andrew C., Montgomery, Alabama</span><br>
Sex, sex, and more sex. That's all I can say after being in GNAA for only two weeks. I went from 5.4 inches to 8 inches in those two weeks. I am more than amazed by the way GNAA has transformed my life. GNAA gave me more penetration and a longer lasting erection than ever before. Thank You! I am singing your praises all the way from San Francisco to Boston.
<span class="author"> - Seth T., San Francisco, California</span><br>
I've been embarrassed about my small penis size my entire life. I've tried pumps, creams, and nothing works. Thanks goodness for GNAA - 6 weeks later, and my life has been transformed. I didn't gain 3 inches, I put on 4! Those have been the 4 most important inches of my life. Thank you, thank you! I hope more people discover your organization.
<span class="author"> - Alex J., Austin, Texas</span><br>
My flaccid size is almost twice what it used to be, the GNAA works wonders! I have never gotten results this easily before, the GNAA delivered on each of its promises. Joining the GNAA is the best decision I have ever made.
<span class="author"> - Alex F., Orlando, Florida</span><br>
I had been struggling my whole life with my tiny penis. After reading countless articles on penis enlargement, I stuck with the people that had the most credibility. I wanted to get extra girth and that's what the GNAA gave me. Thank You, GNAA.
<span class="author"> - Pete F., Detroit, Michigan</span><br>
I learned that the curve in my penis was unhealthy, the GNAA straightened it out and I now have an average sized penis. The service didn't end after I joined the GNAA, they were with me all the way. I'm 48 years old and all I can say is that GNAA has given me that extra bit of "oomph" I needed. Now I have my confidence back and am currently dating a younger man.
<span class="author"> - Moe K., Albany, New York</span><br>
I was a closet lesbian for 24 years before I came out, all thanks to the GNAA! They have helped me tremendously, not only with coming out but improving myself as a gay nigger and my life. They have been able to defend me from the white man's rage on several occasions with their top notch lawyers and supportive members. Without the GNAA I don't think I would be able to survive the white man's hatred. If you are a gay nigger, you should join instantly. I don't go a day without thanking them!
<span class="author"> - Camdagnaisha J., New York</span><br>