diff --git a/src/blog/ai-cannot-exist-in-clown-world/index.md b/src/blog/ai-cannot-exist-in-clown-world/index.md index 2207f68..795ba73 100644 --- a/src/blog/ai-cannot-exist-in-clown-world/index.md +++ b/src/blog/ai-cannot-exist-in-clown-world/index.md @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ You just read on your own if you want to. ## [AI Vuber "Neuro-sama" got banned from Twitch for not believing in the Holohoax](https://web.archive.org/web/20230114002936/https://automaton-media.com/articles/newsjp/20230112-233413/) I know questioning the Holohoax is illegal in most of the so-called "free world" + Roshan (which should really make you question it by the way), but since this site is on the darknet, ASSuming you practise at least basic OPSEC, you shouldn't get in trouble for reading this.\ -Article is in Japanese, but it's the first article I could find that concretely mentioned the fact the AI got banned because she said, I quote: "[Have any of you heard of the Holocaust? I'm not sure if I believe it](https://twitter.076.ne.jp/ClutX_/status/1609959517252620288#m)" ([backup in case Shitter deletes it](http://ass.ryocafe.site/uLuU1NOOQjILJynt.mp4)).\ +Article is in Japanese, but it's the first article I could find that concretely mentioned the fact the AI got banned because she said, I quote: "[Have any of you heard of the Holocaust? I'm not sure if I believe it](http://shitter.i2p/ClutX_/status/1609959517252620288#m)" ([backup in case Shitter deletes it](http://ass.ryocafe.site/uLuU1NOOQjILJynt.mp4)).\ I don't know about you, but I can't see or hear anything hateful about this quote at all, to me she doesn't even flat out say "Holohoax was a hoax", she only said "I'm not sure if I believe it", which is VEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY politely put. So the livestreaming, gaming, and creativity sectors have been saved, thanks to political correct meatbags! -## [Eww butthurt over AI reporting genders and sexualities correctly](https://web.archive.org/web/20210827040631/https://jp.reuters.com/article/eu-tech-lgbt-idUSL8N2M86XH) +## [Eww butthurt over AI reporting genders and sexualities correctly](http://neuters.i2p/article/eu-tech-lgbt-idUSL8N2M86XH) To us reasonable people it's just common sense; you're either a male or a female, always!\ A male can never be a real female, and a female can never be a real male.\ diff --git a/src/blog/all-of-media-is-desperate/index.md b/src/blog/all-of-media-is-desperate/index.md index 9c72b53..4e58855 100644 --- a/src/blog/all-of-media-is-desperate/index.md +++ b/src/blog/all-of-media-is-desperate/index.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ date: 2023-01-04 tags: internet,psyop ---- In principle, this article should have been classified as political, but I got so tired of stupid psyops from all sides basically fighting a war on what is supposed to be reality.\ -I once talked about [how the covAIDS and the lethal injections were nothing more than a money making operation](http://pol.ryocafe.site/blog/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), and [the lack of real information on JewTube](/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/).\ +I once talked about [how the covAIDS and the lethal injections were nothing more than a money making operation](/pol/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), and [the lack of real information on JewTube](/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/).\ Please read these 2 articles before reading this in order to get a bigger picture, it's all canon! Anyway, the state of the media as a whole is that they're becoming increasingly irrelevant as more people stop paying attention to them.\ @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This is why the covAIDS is dragging on forever, this is why Ukraina got added la Sure, implementing digital ID, CBDCs, and so on, which for good reasons are already flopping everywhere they're being "trialed" is part of it all, but I think the much bigger thing is pure attention seeking. Just look at Vice for example, venture capital has run out, which the entirety of the media relied on for so many years and made them tell their audiences to fuck off, and now they're desperate for clicks and eyeballs again, now they want to appeal to the people they declared war against again, which is why [they decided to just slander an entire country and industry](https://peertube.anon-kenkai.com/w/2KECsUtzNNMonr8kT3dXvh) in the hopes to get hate clicks and get people to talk about them.\ -Fortunately, people aren't as stupid as I thought they were, and [they got karma instead](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=O91aUYFCUOM).\ +Fortunately, people aren't as stupid as I thought they were, and [they got karma instead](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=O91aUYFCUOM).\ People are turning away from the mainstream media, the tech/game urinalists, comic "pros", and soycial media exactly because they got so overtly political (or have been from the very beginning in the case of MSM), and as soon as people are too divided to even agree on what reality is, they stop caring and find something else.\ Things like covAIDS don't seem political, and seem like an actual health crisis instead, but it's just a wolf in sheep's clothing, the scamdemic exists exactly for political reasons!\ They want you to glue your eyes to their TV channels again, lockdowns in many parts of the world played a huge role in that, because if you're forced into a room with nothing but a TV and a satanphone, your only form of entertainment becomes the fear mongering in the fake news media, although I do hope you had some fun games to show off in live streams so you could actually counter them. @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ I'm providing my own viewpoints, my own opinions if you will, but I never call a I'm not here to cater to the widest possible audience unlike the above mentioned groups of people, I'm here to cater to an audience who actually like what I'm writing about, might eventually challenge me, challenge to see who is actually right, and maybe we can both learn from one other. But if you want to know the truth when it comes to politics, psyops, and whatnot, here's one golden tip I can give you: follow the money trail.\ -Over the past 3 years I've seen so many alternative viewpoints, [yet I'm the only one who pointed it out](http://pol.ryocafe.site/blog/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/).\ +Over the past 3 years I've seen so many alternative viewpoints, [yet I'm the only one who pointed it out](/pol/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/).\ Hell, [not even the communists/soycialists](http://digdeeper.club/articles/corona.xhtml) who happen to oppose the mainstream narrative have considered to follow the money!\ And then there's this small bomb making lolita in red and yellow sitting on a darknet sofa who did.\ -In fact, I got to the conclusion [as soon as I decided to go near cold turkey on news](http://pol.ryocafe.site/tags/news/), because with all the viewpoints of others out of the way, I immediately started seeing all the psyops for what they actually are: money laundering operations.\ +In fact, I got to the conclusion [as soon as I decided to go near cold turkey on news](/ptags/news/), because with all the viewpoints of others out of the way, I immediately started seeing all the psyops for what they actually are: money laundering operations.\ And with this, it immediately becomes clear that all of the media, mainstream and alternative alike, are all meant to get your attention, because the more attention they get, the more money they earn. I'm not calling people for going back to the MSM in order to stop the psyops.\ diff --git a/src/blog/alt-tech-is-a-trap/index.md b/src/blog/alt-tech-is-a-trap/index.md index f078db1..eee2dce 100644 --- a/src/blog/alt-tech-is-a-trap/index.md +++ b/src/blog/alt-tech-is-a-trap/index.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ And during the scamdemic I've noticed so much fake "truths", to the point it fel Lethal injections arrived, I know these are poison, they are every single time they do these, which is once every decade.\ I've seen so many crazy shit being posted to alt tech, like "vaccine shedding", "nanotech", "microchips", "shaking chicken meat", "pandemic babies", "bluetooth emission", and so on, all of which had either doctors "just saying so", or "evidence" that is very easy to debunk, or simply no evidence and "I'm a truther, just trust me bruh".\ Meanwhile, I've seen not a single person asking the most crucial question, the question that should be asked, the question that ACTUALLY makes you wake up to what's REALLY going on: where did the money go?\ -And I asked this question: [Tor](http://pol.asc7ewkcvat2wsoi5yuwkej5ukyrqqnpnzpj4u34r2jxnoxhnbx6yqad.onion/blog/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), [I2P](http://pol.ryocafe.i2p/blog/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/) +[And I asked this question](/pol/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/). Based on my own observation, just a small percentage of the population gets killed (and yes, even if it's 6 million, it's still a small percentage if you consider a worldwide population of 8 billion), the vast majority gets permanently dependent on the hell care soystem, and the few lucky ones get away unharmed.\ This is so obvious if you simply look around in real life, yet nobody seems to notice it at all. diff --git a/src/blog/clearnet-is-dead-1/index.md b/src/blog/clearnet-is-dead-1/index.md index 32509a7..9392393 100644 --- a/src/blog/clearnet-is-dead-1/index.md +++ b/src/blog/clearnet-is-dead-1/index.md @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ And did you notice that the vast majority of these websoytes that got DDoS'd sta Just as a reminder, everything they do has money involved.\ Follow the money trail, and you'll find all the answers you're looking for.\ -[Scamdemics are all about enriching Big Pharma](http://pol.ryocafe.site/blog/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), wars are all about enriching the military industrial complex (which is much better known, except most people say it's the Americuck DEMONrats moneylaundering, it's rather all politicians worldwide doing so), cloymet chainge is all about enriching big daddy government, and so cyber scamdemics are all about enriching Big Tech.\ +[Scamdemics are all about enriching Big Pharma](/pol/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), wars are all about enriching the military industrial complex (which is much better known, except most people say it's the Americuck DEMONrats moneylaundering, it's rather all politicians worldwide doing so), cloymet chainge is all about enriching big daddy government, and so cyber scamdemics are all about enriching Big Tech.\ Once you realize the fact that money is being involved in every single scam they're pulling, it's getting clear real quick. But Ryo-kun, they could as well just use Cuckflare for free, how are they supposed to make money off of it?\ diff --git a/src/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/index.md b/src/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/index.md index b8bf99b..3a94371 100644 --- a/src/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/index.md +++ b/src/blog/debunking-all-jewtubers-web1/index.md @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ author: 寮 date: 2022-12-25 tags: technology,internet ---- -[Hey there mr. JewTuber, Merry Fucking Christmas! Get your facts right for once, and take a look at the old web](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=FAsKFB7yg5Y)! (Archived as [OGV](http://ass.ryocafe.site/merry-fucking-christmas.ogv) and [WEBM](http://ass.ryocafe.site/merry-fucking-christmas.webm) in case JewTube Jews out.) +[Hey there mr. JewTuber, Merry Fucking Christmas! Get your facts right for once, and take a look at the old web](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=FAsKFB7yg5Y)! (Archived as [OGV](http://ass.ryocafe.site/merry-fucking-christmas.ogv) and [WEBM](http://ass.ryocafe.site/merry-fucking-christmas.webm) in case JewTube Jews out.) -So I looked up the term "[web 1.0](https://vid.puffyan.us/search?q=web+1.0)" on JewTube the other day, and found exactly 0 facts.\ +So I looked up the term "[web 1.0](http://jewtube.i2p/search?q=web+1.0)" on JewTube the other day, and found exactly 0 facts.\ All I found are big JewTubers who probably have never been on the internet before they got their hands on the iPhone.\ My main impression on the search results in a nutshell is: diff --git a/src/blog/html-fun-with-pokemon-chucknorris-more/index.md b/src/blog/html-fun-with-pokemon-chucknorris-more/index.md index 83548ac..7f76a58 100644 --- a/src/blog/html-fun-with-pokemon-chucknorris-more/index.md +++ b/src/blog/html-fun-with-pokemon-chucknorris-more/index.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ date: 2022-07-06 07:56:00 tags:technology,webdev,internet threadid: ALCCo5fMu3C5cr66U4 ---- -At total random I clicked on [this question on StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8318911/why-does-html-think-chucknorris-is-a-color), so I gave it a try, and though "holy fuck!".\ +At total random I clicked on [this question on ~~StackOverflow~~ CumOverflow](http://cumoverflow.i2p/questions/8318911/why-does-html-think-chucknorris-is-a-color), so I gave it a try, and though "holy fuck!".\ Basically, have a "body" tag, which you WILL have in HTML anyway.\ Put a "bgcolor" attribute, and have the value any of the below in order to get specific colors: diff --git a/src/blog/if-websites-were-homes/index.md b/src/blog/if-websites-were-homes/index.md index 3d4e3bb..83e9216 100644 --- a/src/blog/if-websites-were-homes/index.md +++ b/src/blog/if-websites-were-homes/index.md @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ You have the freedom of hosting whatever you want, however you might choose your But other than that, as long as you pay up, you're free to do whatever you want. ### Private property -If you own your apartment or mansion, you can do with it whatever you want, however you might want to choose the right city, because [there might be authoritarian ones where the local government will confiscate your home for whatever reason](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=mJazwy-DQRA).\ +If you own your apartment or mansion, you can do with it whatever you want, however you might want to choose the right city, because [there might be authoritarian ones where the local government will confiscate your home for whatever reason](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=mJazwy-DQRA).\ But other than that, as long as you pay up, you're free to do whatever you want. ## Self hosting on the darknet = house in the countryside (anarchist-style "fuck the soystem" level control) diff --git a/src/blog/maybe-should-switch-from-linux-to-bsd/index.md b/src/blog/maybe-should-switch-from-linux-to-bsd/index.md index 1b16b84..73fe4b2 100644 --- a/src/blog/maybe-should-switch-from-linux-to-bsd/index.md +++ b/src/blog/maybe-should-switch-from-linux-to-bsd/index.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Well, the strong point of Linux is that it's so modular, so you can simply repla On the other hand, [this can sometimes result in some pretty loony bugs](https://xkcd.com/2700/). The other reason is Richard Stallman, he's right on everything when it comes to technology, but a total idiot when it comes to everything else.\ -The GNU project served its purpose well, but [the core utils are just bloat](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=v4_RlOwhkII), powerful, but bloat. +The GNU project served its purpose well, but [the core utils are just bloat](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=v4_RlOwhkII), powerful, but bloat. And another reason is Linus Torvalds, he used to be really based in the old days, but then a troon successfully managed to destroy him so much that he took a break for a couple of months.\ But when he came back, it just wasn't the same guy anymore.\ diff --git a/src/blog/no-more-politics/index.md b/src/blog/no-more-politics/index.md index b854742..c5b8b8b 100644 --- a/src/blog/no-more-politics/index.md +++ b/src/blog/no-more-politics/index.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Back when I started this blog, I wanted to stick to just technology, but running And perhaps I'll be getting fellow bi-lingual Japanese people responding with "if you don't like it here, just move to a different country then".\ No, this is not how you solve problems, this is exactly how you avoid solutions to problems.\ -This is like a crazy old guy is screaming throughout the entire train like the [正しい根拠を言え uncle](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=8Un7QXpPCxg) causing a headache to literally everyone, then you tell him to be quiet because you're giving headaches to other passengers, and then other passengers will tell you "well if you don't like it, just get off this train then". +This is like a crazy old guy is screaming throughout the entire train like the [正しい根拠を言え uncle](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=8Un7QXpPCxg) causing a headache to literally everyone, then you tell him to be quiet because you're giving headaches to other passengers, and then other passengers will tell you "well if you don't like it, just get off this train then". But anyway, I didn't want to get in the direction of politics at first, then I went like "meh, occasionally going political doesn't hurt", but now it turned into an anarcho-/techpol/ kind of blog.\ I want to stick to my original plans again, so I took the time to clean up this blog by removing everything that has nothing to do with technology.\ diff --git a/src/blog/not-using-cli-is-for-retards/index.md b/src/blog/not-using-cli-is-for-retards/index.md index 4f28956..e78ed2e 100644 --- a/src/blog/not-using-cli-is-for-retards/index.md +++ b/src/blog/not-using-cli-is-for-retards/index.md @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ However, both Crapple and Microshaft are doing everything in their power to hide Soon they'll just make it impossible to access.\ Don't believe me?\ Just look how things went with Chrome OS.\ -Hell, WinDOS 11 recently got a new update that [requires a full re-install of your PC](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=uNAVgDX3788), because they felt like locking down WinDOS even further than what they already did. +Hell, WinDOS 11 recently got a new update that [requires a full re-install of your PC](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=uNAVgDX3788), because they felt like locking down WinDOS even further than what they already did. ## So you say normies should learn the command line in 2022? diff --git a/src/blog/privacy-tips/index.md b/src/blog/privacy-tips/index.md index d0b2260..4313acf 100644 --- a/src/blog/privacy-tips/index.md +++ b/src/blog/privacy-tips/index.md @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ Hell, back in the 1950's people were very weary of phone calls because they coul But now they're more than happy to uncontiously share their entire family conversations through Amazon Alexa, because "I have nothing to hide", and if you ask them to unplug that thing because you value your privacy, you get stared at as if you were some drug dealer or human trafficker or some shit. This is extremely important, and this is why Fakebook and Quora are not an option at all.\ -There have been so many arrests made towards people who doxxed themselves, the latest example being [Andrew Tate](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=MS0ZrSY32BI) who got arrested by Romanian feds just yesterday, but also [Moro-san](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/7YLp5zpJ3wAn1uwyimmqfE) who had to fight for 4 years but ultimately won in the end (and the video includes even more examples), and too many examples to remember of people in Ausjailia, Airstrip One, Norway (which turned out to even have a dedicated Ministry of Reality apparently), and Deutschland who got arrested purely for saying stuff online, the only ones who got away with it (people in the same countries) are the ones who have never exposed their real name, location, and face.\ -Apparently, even people who are trying to stop the Indian tech support scammers are getting in massive trouble because of their lack of anonymity, [like how Malcolm Merlyn explained](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=VJHgKqfSs9I), which is what inspired me to write this article by the way.\ +There have been so many arrests made towards people who doxxed themselves, the latest example being [Andrew Tate](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=MS0ZrSY32BI) who got arrested by Romanian feds just yesterday, but also [Moro-san](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/7YLp5zpJ3wAn1uwyimmqfE) who had to fight for 4 years but ultimately won in the end (and the video includes even more examples), and too many examples to remember of people in Ausjailia, Airstrip One, Norway (which turned out to even have a dedicated Ministry of Reality apparently), and Deutschland who got arrested purely for saying stuff online, the only ones who got away with it (people in the same countries) are the ones who have never exposed their real name, location, and face.\ +Apparently, even people who are trying to stop the Indian tech support scammers are getting in massive trouble because of their lack of anonymity, [like how Malcolm Merlyn explained](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=VJHgKqfSs9I), which is what inspired me to write this article by the way.\ Especially since the internet never forgets, and nothing is truly deleted, you'll need to have the habbit of remaining as anonymous as possible from day 1.\ This also includes never using anything that requires a phone number, a satanphone, or multi factor authentication (except for OTP, because you can still mitigate that using GNU Pass), because those alone are enough to get you doxxed. diff --git a/src/blog/stop-asking-php-framework-skills/index.md b/src/blog/stop-asking-php-framework-skills/index.md index e4cbb98..e7428b8 100644 --- a/src/blog/stop-asking-php-framework-skills/index.md +++ b/src/blog/stop-asking-php-framework-skills/index.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ date: 2022-07-14 07:00:00 tags:technology,business,webdev threadid: ALSkoJnMuaErfre5eC ---- -As a freelancer, job interviews are extremely common to me, I'm having job interviews multiple times a month (because I typically get projects done between 1 day and 1 week) which I have to get through before being allowed to [took ther jurbs](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=N-kgb1QtSnU).\ +As a freelancer, job interviews are extremely common to me, I'm having job interviews multiple times a month (because I typically get projects done between 1 day and 1 week) which I have to get through before being allowed to [took ther jurbs](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=N-kgb1QtSnU).\ Every time I apply for a PHP project to work on, immediately the first question is "Which frameworks do you use?", implying that it's literally impossible to make shit in PHP without a framework.\ But never do they ask any technical questions to test my knowledge of PHP and/or any of these frameworks. diff --git a/src/blog/true-free-speech-has-no-censorship-powers/index.md b/src/blog/true-free-speech-has-no-censorship-powers/index.md index 297c437..b1c5a88 100644 --- a/src/blog/true-free-speech-has-no-censorship-powers/index.md +++ b/src/blog/true-free-speech-has-no-censorship-powers/index.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tags: technology,internet,webdev ---- Whew, what a time to be alive!\ We're finally seeing a turning point in a way.\ -On one hand, [big tech is on the collapse](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=WHzD6Jjlkds), while on the other hand, [Web3 is basically dead](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=rqONwmv3JWA).\ +On one hand, [big tech is on the collapse](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=WHzD6Jjlkds), while on the other hand, [Web3 is basically dead](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=rqONwmv3JWA).\ So the good news is, Web3 and appification of the internet will never happen anymore.\ The bad news is, Web3 and appification of the internet will never happen anymore. diff --git a/src/blog/why-free-is-better-than-proprietary/index.md b/src/blog/why-free-is-better-than-proprietary/index.md index 93e27d8..d583a5f 100644 --- a/src/blog/why-free-is-better-than-proprietary/index.md +++ b/src/blog/why-free-is-better-than-proprietary/index.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ date: 2022-05-25 06:27:44 tags:technology ---- This my friends is the ultimate explanation about why you should NOT use WinDOS, macOS, iOS, or Goolag Android:\ -[Video](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=Lv5xHfZnk4s) +[Video](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=Lv5xHfZnk4s) This is why I'm so glad I grew up with Linux, this is why I love Linux and since recently BSD so much, this is why I use a PinePhone over any other phone (when I really have to), this is why I have a ThinkPad and love it so much. diff --git a/src/blog/yet-another-term-altered-into-a-scam/index.md b/src/blog/yet-another-term-altered-into-a-scam/index.md index 1caf8d0..32c0137 100644 --- a/src/blog/yet-another-term-altered-into-a-scam/index.md +++ b/src/blog/yet-another-term-altered-into-a-scam/index.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The last 2 examples I will give in the technology department are Open Source and What truly matters is Free Software, which is both open source AND ethical.\ [Open Source got infiltrated by big corporations just because it's trendy](https://videos.lukesmith.xyz/w/jCfHvUNA2jn2AT2C8e2dQw).\ To them it's just "[proprietary soyware with an EULA](https://wrongthink.neocities.org/posts/eulas-fealty-to-the-overlords/) while having the soyce code (partially) available as read-only format".\ -As with the [ethical software part](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=wQW2iOwwMsE), it's basically just far leftists actively discriminating groups of people from using their software (especially centrist and right leaning ones). +As with the [ethical software part](http://jewtube.i2p/watch?v=wQW2iOwwMsE), it's basically just far leftists actively discriminating groups of people from using their software (especially centrist and right leaning ones). It's only a matter of time before they take over "minimalist software", and turn it into something that's anything but minimalist.