# VNM Venom (vnm, virtual nano media) is an experimental image, audio, and video file format. It's suppposed to be extremely simple and [suckless](https://suckless.org). Images are 16 color and run length encoded, It's like 'farbfeld' driven to its end conclusion. The default color palette is that of TempleOS'. __Venom is the best set of multimedia formats in the world.__ --- ## IMAGES Magic number letter "V" (86) uint8 width and height as a single value (must be power of two), this is multiplied by 8, max resulting resolution is 1024x1024 So to get 1024x1024 this value is 128, to get 512x512 you do 64. row by row uint8 (color) and uint8 (run length) --- ## AUDIO Audio is always 8000hz Magic number letter "A" (65) uint8 list of samples. --- ## VIDEO Video is at the top, audio at the bottom, Video is 30FPS. Width and height is unchanging. Sequence of "V" images The audio "A" sequence --- ## TOS COLOR PALETTE This will be default for all the programs. 00. #000000 (Black) 0,0,0 01. #0000AA (Blue) 0,0,170 02. #00AA00 (Green) 0,170,0 03. #00AAAA (Cyan) 0,170,170 04. #AA0000 (Red) 170,0,0 05. #AA00AA (Magenta) 170,0,170 06. #AA5500 (Brown) 170,79,0 07. #AAAAAA (Light Gray) 170,170,170 08. #555555 (Dark Gray) 79,79,79 09. #5555FF (Light Blue) 79,79,255 10. #55FF55 (Light Green) 79,255,79 11. #55FFFF (Light Cyan) 79,255,255 12. #FF5555 (Light Red) 255,79,79 13. #FF55FF (Light Magenta) 255,79,255 14. #FFFF55 (Yellow) 255,255,79 15. #FFFFFF (White) 255,255,255 --- ## Why? Multimedia sucks. You may notice that all the files are completely composed of eight bit integers, this allows for multimedia files to be easily modified by UNIX utilities in interesting interactions, or be generated very easily. I can see the feasibility of getting a VNM file to glitch out, but I don't really care, and it has never happened in practice. Ive discovered that 16 color isnt a such a hardship, it's quite liberating, especially with proper dithering images can look indistinguishable and 'cooler'. The palettes of the programs can also just be modified to best suite a set of images. VNM is also perfect for embedded assets in ROMs. --- ## PROGRAMS ff2vnm - Convert farbfeld images to vnm images vnmstat - Program that identifies, validates, and makes stats for a vnm file vnmnoise - Example program that generates an unoptimized noisy image vnmbeat - Example program that generates a sound file vnmcarr - Convert VNM files into C arrays VNM is so simple, you can just use your core utils to work with it. Combining images into a video: cat baby.vnm recursion.vnm > slideshow.vnm Splitting video into images and audio: csplit -z slideshow.vnm /V/ '{*}' --- ## SCRIPTS png2vnm.sh - Convert PNG to VNM given png2ff vid2vnm.sh - Convert video to VNM ## PHILANTHROPY _official VNM donation fund_ Monero (XMR): 48Sxa8J6518gqp4WeGtQ4rLe6SctPrEnnCqm6v6ydjLwRPi9Uh9gvVuUsU2AEDw75meTHCNY8KfU6Txysom4Bn5qPKMJ75w Wownero (WOW): WW2L2yC6DMg7GArAH3nqXPA6UBoRogf64GodceqA32SeZQpx27xd6rqN82e36KE48a8SAMSoXDB5WawAgVEFKfkw1Q5KSGfX9 If you have philanthropic interest in VNM, contact Vilyaem. --- ## LICENSE CHRISTIAN FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE CFSL This software is free and open source charity ware, users are asked to donate to the Eastern Orthodox Church by any means. Redistribution of this project in source and/or binary forms with/without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions must retain this notice, the conditions, and the disclaimer. 2. Redistributions must retain credit to the author, and signage to where the original work can be found. 3. Redistributions cannot become a part of, in anyway shape or form, part of proprietary software, or software that is clearly out of line with Christian values. 4. Redistributions must remain free, both in price, and what users may do with the software, the software must remain public and easily accessible. DISCLAIMER THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.