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2024-04-23 10:53:25 +09:00
1 3 Not done Fix loops in S? S seems to have some loop bugs, investigate this further, I think the state-machine-like\nway of handling loops is interesting.
2 3 Not done Finish core, finish emulator. \nFinish the emulated operating system.\n\nS - 8/10\nVedlin - 9/10\nKernel/libc - 1/10\nGraphics 0/10\n\nFor now we dont need to implement IO to disk, everything is temporal.
0 3 Done! Make vedlin use filesystem functions Vedlin is reimplementing functionality that should really be handled by the filesystem?
5 3 Done! Prompts are broken? \nWhen working on the Vedlin editor I notice that it will ask for a line number\non some operations, but will not ask the user for a string, this could be associated with the\nCIA and MIT bugs.\n\nSOLVED: scanf and fgets just mess each other up
4 3 Done! bugs caused by CIA and MIT For the past day and a half I have been scratching my head on a segmentation fault\nsupposedly caused by a call to strcpy, sounds like a trivial problem, but it turns\nout that is not the case, I thought it was related to scoping, it was not that either,\nwhen I switched compilers to TCC, tcc does not like having variable declarations in\nswitch cases, so after fixing them the program works just fine, on gcc it\nalways crashes. 'cproc' with its QBE backend never finishes compiling, qbe just\nperpetually hogs 100% CPU in the background. Must a combination of weird bugs that\nnestle in perfectly with minute compiler bugs. \n\nsolution: write your own compiler and assembler and or abstract stuff that could be\ntripping up\n\nGCC sucks\nGDB sucks\nTCC sucks\nQBE sucks\nLinux sucks\n\nSOLVED: This seems to have fixed it self, bad libc usage???
10 1 Not done Implement graphics into S \nUse SDL2 for emulator, VGA for x86, and some standard text buffer for arduino.\nThis requires implementation of built-in function calling. The Operating System,\nif it uses color, will at most be 640x480 16 color.\n\nFunctions required\n\n\n::GR_INIT -- intialize graphics\n::GR_CLR -- Clear the screen\n::GR_SETCOL -- Set color to stackptr-1(1-16)\n::GR_PLOT -- Plot pixel, stackptr-2(x) stackptr-1(y)\n::GR_SPR -- Draw a sprite in RLE 16 color, all sprites are square resolution, stackptr-1 is res, the rest is data\nuntil you hit -1
11 3 Not done Add string pushing. \nAdd the ability to push an ASCII string onto the stack.\n\nLike this\n\n."Hello World"
9 3 Done! Vedlin and VedlinWriteFile bugs \nThe first byte of 'vedfilename' is somehow becoming a newline?\nIs this a libc issue?\n\nThe first byte of 'strbuf' is becoming null, I dont think I am \ncomposing a string array into a single stringe seperated by newlines \ncorrectly.\n\nVedlin Load File also seems broken.\n\nIf these bugs are fixed then ZOS can be considered finished as a proof of concept.\n\nSOLVED:\n\nThis involved a big rewrite, also just removing some bad code.