
188 行
4.8 KiB
Raw 通常表示 履歴

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns=""
<kcfgfile name="breezerc"/>
<!-- common options -->
<group name="Common">
<!-- shadow -->
<entry name="ShadowStrength" type = "Int">
<!-- shadow -->
<entry name="ShadowSize" type = "Enum">
<choice name="ShadowNone"/>
<choice name="ShadowSmall"/>
<choice name="ShadowMedium"/>
<choice name="ShadowLarge"/>
<choice name="ShadowVeryLarge"/>
<entry name="ShadowColor" type = "Color">
<default>0, 0, 0</default>
<!-- close button -->
<entry name="OutlineCloseButton" type = "Bool">
<!-- widget style -->
<group name="Style">
<!-- animations -->
<entry name="AnimationsEnabled" type="Bool">
<entry name="AnimationSteps" type = "Int">
<entry name="AnimationsDuration" type="Int">
<!-- transition flags -->
<entry name="StackedWidgetTransitionsEnabled" type="Bool">
<!-- busy progress bars -->
<entry name="ProgressBarAnimated" type="Bool">
<!-- progress bar animation durations -->
<entry name="ProgressBarBusyStepDuration" type="Int">
<!-- scrollbar buttons -->
<entry name="ScrollBarAddLineButtons" type="Int">
<entry name="ScrollBarSubLineButtons" type="Int">
<!-- mnemonics -->
<entry name="MnemonicsMode" type="Enum">
<choice name="MN_NEVER" />
<choice name="MN_AUTO" />
<choice name="MN_ALWAYS" />
<!-- toolbars -->
<entry name="ToolBarDrawItemSeparator" type="Bool">
<!-- views -->
<entry name="ViewDrawFocusIndicator" type="Bool">
<!-- sliders -->
<entry name="SliderDrawTickMarks" type="Bool">
<!-- tree views -->
<entry name="ViewDrawTreeBranchLines" type="Bool">
<!-- Direction of sort order arrow in table view headers -->
<!-- True means the arrow points down when biggest stuff is on top -->
<entry name="ViewInvertSortIndicator" type="Bool">
<!-- tab bars -->
<entry name="TabBarDrawCenteredTabs" type="Bool">
<entry name="DockWidgetDrawFrame" type="Bool">
<entry name="SidePanelDrawFrame" type="Bool">
<entry name="MenuItemDrawStrongFocus" type="Bool">
<!-- window dragging -->
<entry name="WindowDragMode" type="Enum">
<choice name="WD_NONE" />
<choice name="WD_MINIMAL" />
<choice name="WD_FULL" />
this is the comma separated list of special per-app widgets on which
window dragging can be installed (in addition to the build-in list of
standard widgets. They are reference by the widget class name.
<entry name="WindowDragWhiteList" type="StringList">
this is the comma separated list of special per-app widgets on which
window dragging must be disabled (in addition to the build-in list of
standard widgets). They are reference by the widget class name.
<entry name="WindowDragBlackList" type="StringList">
<!-- splitter proxy -->
<entry name="SplitterProxyEnabled" type="Bool">
<entry name="SplitterProxyWidth" type="Int">
<!-- debugging -->
<entry name="WidgetExplorerEnabled" type="Bool">
<entry name="DrawWidgetRects" type="Bool">
<!-- transparency -->
<entry name="MenuOpacity" type="Int">