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.PHONY: install uninstall
# This command verifies if the group _i2pd exists. If it doesn't, it
# creates it with gid 838.
groupinfo -e _i2pd || groupadd -g 838 _i2pd
# These commands verify if the user _i2pd exists. If it doesn't, it
# creates it with uid 838, default group 838 (which is _i2pd), login
# class "i2pd" (created manually before running this script), comment
# "i2pd account", home directory /var/lib/i2pd, and login shell
# /sbin/nologin (which forbids it from loging in).
# The mkdir and chown are used instead of the -m option of useradd in
# case /var/lib/i2pd already existed before the execution of this make
# target.
mkdir -p /var/lib/i2pd
userinfo -e _i2pd || useradd -u 838 -g 838 -L i2pd \
-c "i2pd account" -d /var/lib/i2pd -s /sbin/nologin _i2pd
chown -R _i2pd:_i2pd /var/lib/i2pd
# This command copies the RC script in the RC script folder to allow
# I2Pd to be managed by the service supervisor.
install -o root -g bin -m 555 i2pd /etc/rc.d/i2pd
# This command removes the RC script.
rcctl disable i2pd
rm /etc/rc.d/i2pd
# This command removes the _i2pd user and its home.
userdel -r _i2pd
# This command removes the _i2pd group.
groupdel _i2pd