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2022-04-04 08:33:16 +09:00
# I2Pd RC script for OpenBSD
Instructions on how to compile I2Pd on OpenBSD, together with a makefile and an
RC script to make it a system service, allowing it to be started at boot and so
2022-04-04 08:33:16 +09:00
## Description
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[I2Pd](https://i2pd.website/) is packaged in
[OpenBSD](https://www.openbsd.org/)'s official repositories, but the provided
versions are old, and older versions don't always run reliably when interacting
with newer versions on the I2P network.
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Fortunately, compiling the latest version from source on OpenBSD is painless.
LibreSSL is supported, the official instructions work out of the box, and only a
small manual intervention is required to make the daemon start at system boot.
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This repository contains instructions on how to compile I2Pd on OpenBSD together
with a makefile and an RC script to make it a system service, which allows it
to be started at boot, restarted if it crashes, managed by `rcctl`, and more.
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## Compiling and installing
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This part is taken from
[the official instructions](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/devs/building/unix/#building-on-unix-systems)
for compiling and installing I2Pd on a generic Unix system.
If the instructions listed here differ from the official instructions,
prioritize the official instructions, unless a detail specific to OpenBSD is
stated here.
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First, install
[a few dependencies](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/devs/building/requirements/).
Git is not in their list, but is needed as it does not come with OpenBSD's base
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$ doas pkg_add boost cmake git lzlib
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Next, clone their git repository:
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$ cd /a/folder/of/your/choice/where/to/clone/the/repo
$ git clone https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd.git
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Then, generate the makefile and compile the source. You can
[pass options to cmake](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/devs/building/unix/#cmake-options)
to customize your makefile:
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$ cd i2pd/build
$ cmake .
$ make
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Next, install the binaries you just compiled:
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$ doas make install
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Finally, the base config files and certificates must be copied in the
appropriate folders. This step is not clearly listed in the official
installation instructions. It is only mentionned
[on this page](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/run/#recommended-way-to-run-i2pd-built-from-source).
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These base files are in the `contrib` folder at the root of the git repository.
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$ cd ../contrib
$ doas mkdir -p /etc/i2pd /var/lib/i2pd
$ doas cp -R i2pd.conf tunnels.* /etc/i2pd
$ doas cp -R certificates /var/lib/i2pd
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## Making I2Pd start at boot
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At this point, you can start I2Pd manually, but it won't start automatically
when the system boots. This section describes how to achieve this.
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The first thing to do is to create a new login class to increase the number of
files I2Pd will be able to open simultaneously. By default, OpenBSD restricts
this number to a value that is too low for I2Pd to work properly. Symptoms of a
number that is too small include difficulties connecting to eepsites and high
CPU usage.
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To create a login class, simply add the following lines at the end of
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2022-04-04 08:33:16 +09:00
This login class will be used by the user `_i2pd` created in the following
steps. Next, clone this git repository:
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$ cd /a/folder/of/your/choice/where/to/clone/the/repo
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$ git clone https://gitlab.com/alpou/i2pd-rc-openbsd.git
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Then, simply run the makefile. This step creates a dedicated `_i2pd` user and a
group of the same name if they don't already exist, makes the binaries
previously compiled belong to them, and copies the init script in `/etc/rc.d`.
2022-04-04 08:33:16 +09:00
$ cd i2pd-rc-openbsd
$ doas make install
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The final step is to enable the service to make it start at boot time and
manually start it:
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$ doas rcctl enable i2pd
$ doas rcctl start i2pd