import timelineFetcher from '../services/timeline_fetcher/timeline_fetcher.service.js' import backendInteractorService from '../services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js' import { map, each, find, merge } from 'lodash' // TODO: Unify with mergeOrAdd in statuses.js export const mergeOrAdd = (arr, item) => { const oldItem = find(arr, {id:}) if (oldItem) { // We already have this, so only merge the new info. merge(oldItem, item) return {item: oldItem, new: false} } else { // This is a new item, prepare it arr.push(item) return {item, new: true} } } export const mutations = { setCurrentUser (state, user) { state.currentUser = user }, beginLogin (state) { state.loggingIn = true }, endLogin (state) { state.loggingIn = false }, addNewUsers (state, users) { each(users, (user) => mergeOrAdd(state.users, user)) } } export const defaultState = { currentUser: false, loggingIn: false, users: [] } const users = { state: defaultState, mutations, actions: { addNewStatuses (store, { statuses }) { const users = map(statuses, 'user') store.commit('addNewUsers', users) }, loginUser (store, userCredentials) { const commit = store.commit commit('beginLogin') store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.verifyCredentials(userCredentials) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { response.json() .then((user) => { user.credentials = userCredentials commit('setCurrentUser', user) commit('addNewUsers', [user]) // Start getting fresh tweets. timelineFetcher.startFetching({store, credentials: userCredentials}) // Set our new backend interactor commit('setBackendInteractor', backendInteractorService(userCredentials)) // Fetch our friends store.rootState.api.backendInteractor.fetchFriends() .then((friends) => commit('addNewUsers', friends)) }) } commit('endLogin') }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error) commit('endLogin') }) } } } export default users