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2021-04-10 02:30:11 +09:00
<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="20"></noscript>
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html {color: white;}
2021-04-12 00:15:34 +09:00
#stream-title {display:inline-block;width:calc(100% - 20px - 6.75em);font-size:150%;font-weight: bold;}
2021-04-10 02:30:11 +09:00
#stream-light {font-size: 200%;vertical-align: sub;margin-right:0.125em;}
#refresh-button {font-weight:bold;margin-left:0.25em;padding: 0.25em 0.375em 0.25em 0.375em;color: white;}
svg {
fill: #ff8280;
img {
vertical-align: text-bottom;
2021-04-12 00:15:34 +09:00
{% if stream_uptime != None %}
.digit {overflow: hidden;display:inline-block;height:2em;}
.digit div {height:2em;}
2021-04-12 03:52:38 +09:00
.seconds-ones {animation: count10 10s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.seconds-tens {animation: count6 60s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.minutes-ones {animation: count10 600s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.minutes-tens {animation: count6 3600s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.hours-ones {animation: count10 36000s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.hours-tens {animation: count10 360000s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
.hours-hundreds {animation: count10 3600000s step-end -{{ stream_uptime }}s infinite;}
2021-04-12 00:15:34 +09:00
.digit-hours-separator {width: 0;overflow: hidden;animation: unhide 0s forwards {{ 3600 - stream_uptime }}s;}
.digit-hours-ones {width: 0;overflow: hidden;animation: unhide 0s forwards {{ 3600 - stream_uptime }}s;}
.digit-hours-tens {width: 0;overflow: hidden;animation: unhide 0s forwards {{ 36000 - stream_uptime }}s;}
.digit-hours-hundreds {width: 0;overflow: hidden;animation: unhide 0s forwards {{ 360000 - stream_uptime }}s;}
.timer {animation: hide 0s forwards {{ 3600000 - stream_uptime }}s;}
.timer-overflow {width: 0; overflow: hidden; animation: unhide 0s forwards {{ 3600000 - stream_uptime }}s;}
@keyframes hide {
to {width: 0;height:0;visibility:hidden;}
@keyframes unhide {
to {width: revert;}
@keyframes count10 {
0% {margin-top: -0em;}
10% {margin-top: -2em;}
20% {margin-top: -4em;}
30% {margin-top: -6em;}
40% {margin-top: -8em;}
50% {margin-top: -10em;}
60% {margin-top: -12em;}
70% {margin-top: -14em;}
80% {margin-top: -16em;}
90% {margin-top: -18em;}
@keyframes count6 {
0.0000% {margin-top: -0em;}
16.6667% {margin-top: -2em;}
33.3333% {margin-top: -4em;}
50.0000% {margin-top: -6em;}
66.6667% {margin-top: -8em;}
83.3333% {margin-top: -10em;}
{% endif %}
2021-04-10 02:30:11 +09:00
<div style="margin: 0.5em;margin-bottom: 0;">
<div id="stream-title">{{ title }}</div>
2021-04-12 00:15:34 +09:00
<div id="stream-stats" style="display:inline;">
<div id="uptime" style="float:right;color:lightgray;">
{% if stream_uptime != None %}
<div class="timer">
<span class="digit digit-hours-tens">
<div class="hours-tens">0</div>
><span class="digit digit-hours-ones">
<div class="hours-ones">0</div>
><span class="digit digit-hours-separator">:</span
><span class="digit digit-minutes-tens">
<div class="minutes-tens">0</div>
><span class="digit">
<div class="minutes-ones">0</div>
><span class="digit">:</span
><span class="digit">
<div class="seconds-tens">0</div>
><span class="digit">
<div class="seconds-ones">0</div>
<div class="timer-overflow">1000+ hours</div>
{% endif %}
<div style="float:right;color:#ff8280;margin-right:0.5em;">
<svg id="svg" style="display:none;" width="20px" height="20px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 20 20" x="0px" y="0px"><g><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5 7a5 5 0 116.192 4.857A2 2 0 0013 13h1a3 3 0 013 3v2h-2v-2a1 1 0 00-1-1h-1a3.99 3.99 0 01-3-1.354A3.99 3.99 0 017 15H6a1 1 0 00-1 1v2H3v-2a3 3 0 013-3h1a2 2 0 001.808-1.143A5.002 5.002 0 015 7zm5 3a3 3 0 110-6 3 3 0 010 6z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></g></svg><noscript><img src=""></noscript
><span id="viewer-count" style="margin-left: 0.125em;">{{ viewer_count }}</span>
2021-04-10 02:30:11 +09:00
<span id="stream-light" style="color:{% if online %}green{% else %}red{% endif %};"></span>
<span id="stream-status">{% if online %}The stream is online.{% else %}The stream has ended.{% endif %}</span>
<a id="refresh-button" class="pure-button pure-button-primary" style="display: none;">Refresh</a>
2021-04-11 03:00:27 +09:00
/* ensure that the svg only appears when scripts are enabled */
document.getElementById("svg").style.display = "";
var streamAbsoluteStart = {{ stream_start_abs_json }};
var streamRelativeStart = {{ stream_start_rel_json }};
2021-04-11 03:00:27 +09:00
2021-04-10 02:30:11 +09:00