Control socket: specify users by token hash

n9k 2022-06-15 21:17:09 +00:00
コミット 50d03ba8d5


@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ class ArgsInt(Args):
return self.spec, 1, [n]
class ArgsString(Args):
def transform_string(self, string):
return string
def consume(self, words, index):
string = words[index]
except IndexError:
raise NoParse(f'incomplete: expected string')
string = self.transform_string(string)
return self.spec, 1, [string]
class ArgsJson(Args):


@ -20,10 +20,19 @@ class ArgsJsonTokenUser(ArgsJsonString):
raise NoParse(f'no user with token {token!r}')
return user
class ArgsJsonHashUser(ArgsString):
def transform_string(self, token_hash):
for user in USERS:
if user['token_hash'] == token_hash:
raise NoParse(f'no user with token_hash {token_hash!r}')
return user
def ArgsUser(spec):
return Str({
'token': ArgsJsonTokenUser(spec),
#'hash': ArgsJsonHashUser(spec),
'hash': ArgsJsonHashUser(spec),
async def cmd_user_help():
@ -31,19 +40,18 @@ async def cmd_user_help():
response = (
'Usage: user [show | attr USER | get USER ATTR | set USER ATTR VALUE]\n'
' user [show] all users\' tokens\n'
' user attr names of a user\'s attributes\n'
' user get USER an attribute of a user\n'
' user set USER ATTR................set an attribute of a user\n'
' user eyes USER [show] a user\'s active video responses\n'
' user eyes USER delete EYES_ID.....end a video response to a user\n'
' user [show] all users\' tokens\n'
' user attr names of a user\'s attributes\n'
' user get USER an attribute of a user\n'
' user set USER ATTR............set an attribute of a user\n'
' user eyes USER [show] a user\'s active video responses\n'
' user eyes USER delete EYES_ID.end a video response to a user\n'
#' USER..............................={token TOKEN | hash HASH}\n'
' USER..............................=token TOKEN\n'
' TOKEN..............................a token, json string\n'
#' HASH..............................a token hash\n'
' ATTR...............................a user attribute, re:[a-z0-9_]+\n'
' EYES_ID............................a user\'s eyes_id, base 10 integer\n'
' USER..........................={token TOKEN | hash HASH}\n'
' TOKEN.........................a token, json string\n'
' HASH..........................a token hash\n'
' ATTR..........................a user attribute, re:[a-z0-9_]+\n'
' EYES_ID.......................a user\'s eyes_id, base 10 integer\n'
return normal, response