Document all config options

n9k 2022-06-17 03:17:42 +00:00
コミット 5d42b1470a

61 ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
## Configuration
This file documents all configuration options in [/config.toml][config]
### Secret key
The `secret_key` is used for cryptography. It can be any string, but should be
one with a cryptographically secure amount of entropy. This command generates a
128-bit secret key which is sufficient:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 | base64
Using a weak secret key has these practical consequences:
* Tripcode algorithm becomes bruteforceable. This allows anyone to generate
vanity tripcodes and it allows weak passwords to be cracked.
* Token hashes become bruteforceable. Not a problem for tokens generated by
us, but tokens are not authenticated (manually chosen tokens are allowed).
A maually chosen low-entropy token could be cracked which allows
### Sockets
The keys in this section are for the API sockets: the control socket and the
event socket. See [/][hacking] for details about them.
| Option | Type | Explanation
| `socket.control.enabled` | bool | Enables the control socket |
| `socket.control.address` | path | Path of the control socket |
| `socket.event.enabled` | bool | Enables the event socket |
| `socket.event.address` | path | Path of the event socket |
### Auth
The `auth.username` option is the username the broadcaster logs in as. It can
be any string.
### Segments
| Option | Type | Explanation
| `` | path | Search for stream segments in this directory |
| `segments.playlist` | path | Path of the control socket |
| `segments.playlist_stale_threshold` | bool | Enables the event socket |
| `segments.playlist_cache_lifetime` | path | Path of the event socket |
| `segments.search_cooldown` | path | Path of the event socket |
| `segments.search_timeout` | path | Path of the event socket |
| `segments.stream_initial_buffer` | path | Path of the event socket |
### Title
| Option | Type | Explanation
| `socket.control.enabled` | bool | Enables the control socket |
| `socket.control.address` | path | Path of the control socket |
| `socket.event.enabled` | bool | Enables the event socket |
| `socket.event.address` | path | Path of the event socket |


@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
# Configuration file for anonstream
# Last updated 19 June 2022 for anonstream 1.2.3
secret_key = "place secret key here"
enabled = true
address = "control.sock"
enabled = true
address = "event.sock"
username = "broadcaster"
directory = "stream/"
playlist = "stream.m3u8"
@ -20,6 +13,9 @@ search_cooldown = 0.25
search_timeout = 5.0
stream_initial_buffer = 3
username = "broadcaster"
file = "title.txt"
file_cache_lifetime = 0.5
@ -27,6 +23,18 @@ file_cache_lifetime = 0.5
captcha = true
enabled = true
address = "control.sock"
enabled = true
address = "event.sock"
broadcaster = "Broadcaster"
anonymous = "Anonymous"
lifetime = 1800
fonts = []
@ -51,10 +59,6 @@ broadcast_ping = 8.0
broadcast_users_update = 4.0
broadcast_stream_info_update = 3.0
broadcaster = "Broadcaster"
anonymous = "Anonymous"
max_comment_length = 512
max_comment_lines = 12