# anonstream Recipe for livestreaming over Tor ## Repo The canonical location of this repo is . These mirrors also exist: * * ## Setup You must have Python 3.10 at a minimum. You can check your version of Python with `python --version`. Clone the repo: ```sh git clone https://git.076.ne.jp/ninya9k/anonstream.git cd anonstream ``` Install dependencies in a virtual environment: ```sh python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` This is all the setup needed to run the application, but before you do you may want to edit the config ([config.toml](/config.toml)). Most of the defaults are probably okay, but here are some that you might want to know what they do: * `secret_key`: used for cryptography, make it any long random string (e.g. `$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 | base64`), definitely set this yourself before running in "production" * `segments/directory`: directory containing stream segments, the default is `stream/` in the cloned repository * `title/file`: location of the stream title, the default is `title.txt` in the cloned repository * `captcha/fonts`: locations of fonts for the captcha, leaving it blank will use the default font * `access/captcha`: if true, users must complete a captcha before accessing the site proper Run it: ```sh python -m anonstream ``` This will start a webserver listening on the local host at port 5051 (use `--port PORT` to override). If you go to `http://localhost:5051` in a web browser now you should see the site. When you started the webserver some credentials were printed in the terminal; you can log in with those at `http://localhost:5051/login`. The only things left are (1) streaming, and (2) letting other people access your stream. [OBS.md](doc/guide/OBS.md) has instructions for setting up OBS Studio and [ONIONSITE.md](doc/guide/ONIONSITE.md) has instructions for creating a Tor onion service. If you want to use different streaming software and put your stream on the Internet some other way, read those instructions and copy the gist. ## Running Start anonstream like this: ```sh python -m anonstream ``` The default port is 5051. Append `--help` to see options. If you want to use a different ASGI server, point it to the app factory at `asgi:create_app()`. For example with `uvicorn`: ```sh python -m uvicorn asgi:create_app --factory --port 5051 ``` In either case you can explicitly set the location of the config file using the `ANONSTREAM_CONFIG` environment variable. ## Hacking anonstream has APIs for accessing internal state and hooking into internal events. They can be used by humans and other programs. See [HACKING.md][/doc/HACKING.md]. ## Copying anonstream is AGPL 3.0 or later, see [LICENSES/AGPL-3.0-or-later.md][licence]. ### Assets * [anonstream/static/settings.svg][settings.svg]: [setting](https://thenounproject.com/icon/setting-685325/) by [ulimicon](https://thenounproject.com/unlimicon/) is licensed under [CC BY 3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). ### Dependencies * aiofiles ([Apache 2.0][aiofiles]) * captcha ([BSD 3-Clause][captcha]) * itsdangerous ([BSD 3-Clause][itsdangerous]) * m3u8 ([MIT][m3u8]) * quart ([MIT][quart]) * toml ([MIT][toml]) * uvicorn ([BSD 3-Clause][uvicorn]) * werkzeug ([BSD 3-Clause][werkzeug]) [licence]: https://git.076.ne.jp/ninya9k/anonstream/src/branch/master/LICENSES/AGPL-3.0-or-later.md [settings.svg]: https://git.076.ne.jp/ninya9k/anonstream/src/branch/master/anonstream/static/settings.svg [aiofiles]: https://github.com/Tinche/aiofiles/blob/master/LICENSE [captcha]: https://github.com/lepture/captcha/blob/master/LICENSE [itsdangerous]: https://github.com/pallets/itsdangerous/blob/main/LICENSE.rst [m3u8]: https://github.com/globocom/m3u8/blob/master/LICENSE [quart]: https://gitlab.com/pgjones/quart/-/blob/main/LICENSE [toml]: https://github.com/uiri/toml/blob/master/LICENSE [uvicorn]: https://github.com/encode/uvicorn/blob/master/LICENSE.md [werkzeug]: https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/blob/main/LICENSE.rst