{% if not debug %}{% endif %}

{{ stream_title }}
{{ stream_viewers }} viewer(s), {% if uptime %}{{ stream_uptime }} uptime{% else %}offline{% endif %}

== Chat ==
{% if broadcaster %}
{% endif %} {% for message in messages %} {% if message.get('special') == 'date' %}
{{ message['content'] }}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if not message['hidden'] %} {% if broadcaster %} {% endif %} {{ message['time'] }} 🎥{{ RE_WHITESPACE.sub(chr(160), message['viewer']['nickname'] or default_nickname(message['viewer']['token'])) }}{% with tag = message['viewer']['nickname'] == None and not message['viewer']['broadcaster'] %}{% if tag %}{{ message['viewer']['tag'] }}{% endif %} <{{ message['viewer']['tripcode']['string'] }}>
{{ message['text'] }} {% endif %}
{% if broadcaster %}
{% endif %}
{% if include_user_list %}
== List of users ==
{% with person = people['broadcaster'] %} {% if person %}
🎥{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %} <{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}>{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% if broadcaster %}
{% endif %}
Users watching ({{ len(people['watching']) }})
{% for person in people['watching'] %}
{% if broadcaster %}{% endif %}{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% with tag = person['nickname'] == None %}{% if tag %}{{ person['tag'] }}{% endif %}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %}{% if tag %}{% endif %} <{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}>{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% if person['token'] == token %} (You){% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Users not watching ({{ len(people['not_watching']) }})
{% for person in people['not_watching'] %}
{% if broadcaster %}{% endif %}{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% with tag = person['nickname'] == None %}{% if tag %}{{ person['tag'] }}{% endif %}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %}{% if tag %}{% endif %} <{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}>{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% if person['token'] == token %} (You){% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if broadcaster %}
Banned ({{ len(people['banned']) }})
{% for person in people['banned'] %}
{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% with tag = person['nickname'] == None %}{% if tag %}{{ person['tag'] }}{% endif %}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %}{% if tag %}{% endif %} <{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}>{% endif %}{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}