Users watching ({{ len(people['watching']) }})
{% for person in people['watching'] %}
{% if broadcaster %}
{% endif %}
{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% with tag = person['nickname'] == None %}{% if tag %}{{ person['tag'] }}{% endif %}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %}{% if tag %}
{% endif %}
{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}
{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% if person['token'] == token %}
(You){% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Users not watching ({{ len(people['not_watching']) }})
{% for person in people['not_watching'] %}
{% if broadcaster %}
{% endif %}
{{ person['nickname'] or default_nickname(person['token']) }}{% with tag = person['nickname'] == None %}{% if tag %}{{ person['tag'] }}{% endif %}{% if person['tripcode']['string'] %}{% if tag %}
{% endif %}
{{ person['tripcode']['string'] }}
{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% if person['token'] == token %}
(You){% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if broadcaster %}