
50 行
1.7 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 n9k <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import base64
import hashlib
import math
import re
import secrets
from functools import lru_cache
from quart import escape
class NonceReuse(Exception):
def generate_nonce():
return secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
def get_message_for_websocket(user, message):
message_keys = ('seq', 'date', 'time_minutes', 'time_seconds', 'markup')
user_keys = ('token_hash',)
return {
**{key: message[key] for key in message_keys},
**{key: user[key] for key in user_keys},
def get_approx_linespan(text):
def height(line):
return math.ceil(len(line) / 48)
linespan = sum(map(height, text.splitlines()))
linespan = linespan if linespan > 0 else 1
return linespan
def precompute_emote_regex(schema):
for emote in schema:
assert emote['name'], 'emote names cannot be empty'
assert not'\s', emote['name']), \
'whitespace is not allowed in emote names'
# If the emote name begins with a word character [a-zA-Z0-9_],
# match only if preceded by a non-word character or the empty
# string. Similarly for the end of the emote name.
# Examples:
# * ":joy:" matches "abc :joy:~xyz" and "abc:joy:xyz"
# * "JoySi" matches "abc JoySi~xyz" but NOT "abcJoySiabc"
onset = r'(?:^|(?<=\W))' if re.fullmatch(r'\w', emote['name'][0]) else r''
finish = r'(?:$|(?=\W))' if re.fullmatch(r'\w', emote['name'][-1]) else r''
emote['regex'] = re.compile(''.join(
(onset, re.escape(escape(emote['name'])), finish)