Recipe for livestreaming over Tor
n9k b1f5bbdecd Force absent users to do the access captcha again
Before this, if a request was not coming from an existing user (no token
in the request or no user with the given token), then and only then
would we send the access captcha.  This meant that if a user left a chat
message and became absent, they wouldn't be prompted to do the access
captcha again until their message was eventuallly rotated.  (While
messages exist we don't delete the users who posted them.)

This commit makes it so if user['verified'] is None, the user is kicked
and prompted with the access captcha.  This is automatically done for
absent users by a background task.
2022-07-20 07:55:32 +00:00
anonstream Force absent users to do the access captcha again 2022-07-20 07:55:32 +00:00
.gitignore use `socat -u` in examples 2022-06-29 02:20:29 +00:00 mention `access.captcha` config option 2022-06-22 08:58:02 +00:00 Minor readme changes 2022-06-13 22:53:28 +00:00 Give `create_app` a dictionary, not a file location 2022-06-16 03:15:21 +00:00
config.toml Emotes: one emote, one file 2022-07-20 07:37:33 +00:00
emotes.json Emotes 2022-07-14 17:14:04 +00:00
requirements.txt Compress some responses 2022-06-09 01:34:59 +00:00


Recipe for livestreaming over Tor


The canonical location of this repo is

These mirrors also exist:


You must have Python 3.10 at a minimum. You can check your version of Python with python --version.

Clone the repo:

git clone
cd anonstream

Install dependencies in a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Before you run it you may want to edit the config (/config.toml). Most of the defaults are probably okay, but here are some that you might want to know what they do:

  • secret_key: used for cryptography, make it any long random string (e.g. $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 | base64), definitely set this yourself before running in "production" (whatever that is for you)

  • segments/directory: directory containing stream segments, the default is stream/ in the cloned repository

  • title/file: location of the stream title, the default is title.txt in the cloned repository

  • captcha/fonts: locations of fonts for the captcha, leaving it blank will use the default font

  • access/captcha: if true, users must complete a captcha before accessing the site proper

Run it:

python -m anonstream

This will start a webserver listening on the local host at port 5051 (use --port PORT to override).

If you go to http://localhost:5051 in a web browser now you should see the site. When you started the webserver some credentials were printed in the terminal; you can log in with those at http://localhost:5051/login.

The only things left are (1) streaming, and (2) letting other people access your stream. / has instructions for setting up OBS Studio and a Tor onion service. If you want to use different streaming software and put your stream on the Internet some other way, read those instructions and copy the gist.


Start anonstream like this:

python -m anonstream

The default port is 5051. Append --help to see options.

If you want to use a different ASGI server, point it to the app factory at asgi:create_app(). For example with uvicorn:

python -m uvicorn asgi:create_app --factory --port 5051

In either case you can explicitly set the location of the config file using the ANONSTREAM_CONFIG environment variable.


anonstream has APIs for accessing internal state and hooking into internal events. They can be used by humans and other programs. See /


anonstream is AGPL 3.0 or later, see /LICENSES/

