
21 コミット

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Il`ya 2322e596ad Исправлен баг https://github.com/MarshalX/yandex-music-api/issues/122.
Обновлена документации к Pager, ArtistTracks, сокращению и методу Client'a.
Исправлен конструктор класса Pager.
В сокращении у класса Artist на получение треков убрано подставление количества треков (counts может быть None).
Добавлены .rst файлы.
2019-10-27 17:14:11 +03:00
Gleb Liutsko 66f27d9cbe Получение треков исполнителя 2019-10-21 18:47:31 +04:00
Gleb Liutsko da10813d67 Небольшие правки 2019-10-17 07:35:24 +04:00
Gleb Liutsko fe1aa9eea1 Добавил дополнительную иформацию о треке (Текст, ссылки на видео) 2019-10-17 00:10:52 +04:00
Marshal 5761f3f092 Добавлен метод получения информации об артисте (Brief Info https://github.com/MarshalX/yandex-music-api/issues/9).
Добавлены следующие классы: BriefInfo, Description, Vinyl, PlaylistId.
Класс Video вынесен из пакета Search в корень.
Добавлен de_list в Cover.
Добавлены следующие поля в класс Artist: likes_count, full_names, description, countries, en_wikipedia_link, db_aliases, aliases, init_date, end_date.
Добавлено поле track_id в класс Chart.
Добавлено поле available_full_without_permission в класс Track.
Класс Video расширен для поддержки второго типа (используется в brief info, спасибо яндух) видео (добавлены необязательные поля cover, embed_url, provider, provider_video_id).
Обновлена документация.
2019-09-12 18:32:43 +03:00
Marshal 89cd22203c Добавлен метод получения списка не понравившихся треков, метод установки и снятия дизлайка.
Исправлена десериализация даты окончания подписки.
Класс TracksLikes переименован в TracksList.
2019-07-06 11:09:47 +03:00
Marshal ff3b1fae02 Project documentation started using sphinx generator
Fixed imports
2019-06-04 16:30:33 +03:00
Marshal 1cd21aae01 New supported objects: Station, StationResult, StationTrackResult, Value, Sequence, RotorSettings, Restrictions, Id, Enum, DiscreteScale, DashBoard, AdParams
The following methods are wrapped:
- /rotor/account/status
- /rotor/stations/dashboard
- /rotor/stations/list
- /rotor/station/genre:{genre}/feedback
- /rotor/station/genre:{genre}/info
- /rotor/station/genre:{genre}/tracks
The following fields are now optional: Account[region, passport_phones], Status[cache_limit, subeditor, subeditor_level, plus], Subscription[auto_renewable, can_start_trial, mcdonalds]
Added new fields: Subscription.end, Status[skips_per_hour, station_exists, premium_region], Track..preview_duration_ms
Fixed downloading the cover of the track
2019-06-03 16:16:24 +03:00
Marshal 236b8ceb06 Code refactoring
Using normalization and major classes (forgot :) )
2019-06-02 19:23:29 +03:00
Marshal 7edef8ef8b New supported objects: Genre, Title, RadioIcon, Images
The following methods are wrapped:
- /genres
- /feed/wizard/is-passed
Changed getting playlists to another post request with multiple choice and tracks inside
Playlist now parse tracks :)
Keys that start with a digit now with a lower underscore...
2019-06-01 11:23:28 +03:00
Marshal 5cd9818c36 New supported objects: Landing, Block, BlockEntity, Chart, ChartItem, MixLink, PersonalPlaylistsData, PlayContext, PlayContextsData, Promotion, TrackId, TrackShorOld (YEAH!)
The following method are wrapped:
- /landing3
Added the ability to download covers
The following field are optional: Playlist.tags
Now, when parsing json, the "client" key is replaced with "client_"
2019-05-24 20:10:39 +03:00
Marshal 35ed03456b New supported objects: Search, Suggestions, Video, Best, AlbumSearchResult, ArtistSearchResult, PlaylistSearchResult, TrackSearchResult, VideoSearchResult,
The following methods are wrapped:
- /search
- /search/suggest
The following classes received optional fields instead of required ones: Album, Artist, Playlist, Track
Added "params" arg to the GET request
Code refactoring
2019-05-17 19:20:34 +03:00
Marshal 0f368027ca New supported objects: DownloadInfo
The following methods are wrapped:
- /tracks/{track_id}/download-info
- /play-audio
2019-05-16 18:29:49 +03:00
Marshal 9a717e6196 New supported objects: Response, PromoCodeStatus
The following method are wrapped: /account/consume-promo-code
Added error receiver
The following fields are optional: Ratings.day, InvocationInfo.exec_duration_millis, Account.registered_at
Request now accepts client object, not token
2019-05-16 15:45:25 +03:00
Marshal 67589f3cbb New supported objects: Feed, Day, Event, EventAlbum, EventArtist, GeneratedPlaylist, PlaylistsLikes, TrackWithAds
The following methods are wrapped:
- /feed
- /users/{user_id}/likes/playlists
Album type field is now optional
2019-05-15 22:38:39 +03:00
Marshal 3eb8482f78 New supported objects: AlbumsLikes, ArtistLikes
The following methods are wrapped:
- /users/{user_id}/likes/albums & rich arg
- /users/{user_id}/likes/artists & with-timestamps arg
2019-05-14 23:38:15 +03:00
Marshal b416768484 New supported objects: Album, CaseForms, Label, Library, MadeFor, Major, Normalization, PlayCounter, Playlist, Track, TrackPosition, TrackShort, User
The following methods are wrapped:
- albums;
- playlists/list;
- users/{user_id}/playlists/list;
- tracks;
- users/{user_id}/likes/tracks.
Added property to get full track ID
Cover received more optional fields
Ability to pass arguments to the request
Removed unnecessary type conversions
2019-05-12 20:39:12 +03:00
Marshal 3ac34e4c86 New supported objects: Artist, Counts, Cover, Link, Ratings
The following method are wrapped: artists
2019-05-11 11:37:47 +03:00
Marshal b4d173faf9 New supported objects: Experiments, PermissionAlerts, Settings
Added optional fields to Product object
The following methods are wrapped: settings, permission-alerts, account/experiments
Fixed receiving optional parameters during deserialization
2019-05-10 23:01:32 +03:00
Marshal 7c22415268 New supported objects: AutoRenewable, InvocationInfo, PassportPhone, Permissions, Plus, Price, Product, Subscription
Fully wrapped method of obtaining status
2019-05-09 18:28:46 +03:00
Marshal d5dc35e42b Initial commit 2019-05-07 00:02:21 +03:00