from enum import Enum ujson = False try: import ujson as json ujson = True except ImportError: import json class Operation(Enum): INSERT = 'insert' DELETE = 'delete' class Difference: def __init__(self): self.operations = [] def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.operations, ensure_ascii=not ujson) def add_delete(self, from_, to): operation = { 'op': Operation.DELETE.value, 'from': from_, 'to': to } self.operations.append(operation) return self def add_insert(self, at, tracks: dict or list): if not isinstance(tracks, list): tracks = [tracks] operation = { 'op': Operation.INSERT.value, 'at': at, 'tracks': [] } for track in tracks: track = type('TrackId', (), track) # TODO replace to normal TrackId object operation['tracks'].append( { 'id':, 'albumId': track.album_id } ) self.operations.append(operation) return self