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title: FILA: Kolektiva
# Kolektiva, a fake "anarchist" instance
> We are anarchists, and therefore, we do not care to think too long about how to govern every aspect of how other people should behave.
Alright, so far so good.
> On the other hand, we won't allow our collective resources to be used to spread ideas that go against our values.
Not really an anarchist mindset, but kinda understandable.
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist slurs, or other derogatory pejoratives for oppressed identity groups (unless you belong to that group and are reclaiming the term)
> Flatly racist, casteist, ableist, sexist, transphobic, or otherwise chauvinistic and bigoted discourse
That's not anarchy, that's wokeness.
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Symbols, slogans, memes/jokes, and vapid talking points ...
WHAAA!? No memes and jokes allowed!?\
That's authoritarian!
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Targeted harassment
Depends on what you mean by that.
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Pornographic and/or sexualized images
Authoritarianism and/or puritanism...
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Propaganda from political parties that seek to win elections
> Purposeful misinformation
> Messages promoting or encouraging pseudoscience, conspiracism, or breaks with reality
Which can be basically anything based on your bias.
> WHAT YOU SHOULDN'T POST AT ALL: Messages promoting purely commercial enterprises
Again, nothing to do with anarchy, everything to do with anti-corporatism.
> The COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is a real disease, and vaccines and masks are useful measures for impeding its spread.
So you're basically a far-left globalist.
Again, nothing anarchist about that, as you're literally in full support of a global government.
> We encourage users to make use of the block and mute options to help control what content appears on their timelines.
Fair enough.
> While moderators will do our best to block bad offenders and defederate from toxic instances, we recognize that people have different limits and expectations of the fediverse, and these options allow for a more personalized experience.
Communism, not anarchy.\
These are polar opposites of each other!
Everyone has pronounce under "CONTACT US", which is not anarchy, it's wokeness.
Also, they seem to block a lot of instances, which is authoritarian, not anarchist.
And there's the email address, RiseUp.\
A globohomo "CLOYMET CHANGE", wokeness, commie collective, which again are already 5 keywords that make them not anarchist.
Also, what the fuck is a "anarchist collectives"?\
It's either anarchist or collective, you can't be both.\
Same with "social movements and for liberation", is it social or liberty? Choose one!\
No idea what they mean with "anti-colonialists" though.