2022-06-18 22:03:33 +09:00
コミット 6cdc8eda21

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config ノーマルファイル

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<div class="heading">寮居酒屋</div>{{ end }}
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<hr />
<div class="footer">
Staff memeber of <a href="https://076.moe">076 AIB</a>.
Consider donating in Monero if you like my shit:
</html>{{ end }}
{{define "date"}}{{ .Format "2006/01/02" }}{{end}}
{{ define "page" }}{{ template "header" . }}
{{ template "container" . }}
<p style="text-align: center;">
<a href="/">Blog</a> |
<a href="/about/">About me</a> |
<a href="/scams/">Scams</a> |
<a href="/faq/">The Fack</a> |
<a href="/codeofconduct/">The COCk</a> |
<a href="/webring/">Webring</a> |
<a href="/glossary">Glossary</a>
<p style="text-align: center;">
<a href="/blog.atom">RSS Feeds</a> |
<a href="https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo">Soycial Media</a> |
<a href="https://video.076.ne.jp/c/ryo">PeerTube-chan</a>
<hr />
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{{ define "post" }}<div class="header">
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
<a href="/">Return to home</a>
<div class="info">
{{ .Other.Author }}、
{{ template "date" .Date }} &mdash;
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src/about/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: About me
I'm ryo (寮), a bilingual, drunk web engineer (since the late 90's) from the Tohoku region of Japan.\
You want to know who caused 311 back in 2011, it was me!\
I drank too much Sapporo beer, so I started to pee so hard, it made the earth in the fucking ocean shake like a motherfucker.
For the autists reading it, it's a joke bruh!
Jokes aside, I'm an anarcho-capitalist that hates the government, hates the rich elites, hates the modern soyweb, hates the shitcoin called fiat currencies, hates worldwide scams (covAIDS, extortion I mean taxation, copyright/DMCA, laws other than natural law, Ukraine "war", ISIS, vacciNATIONs, transsexualism, LGBT (and the rest of the retard alphabet), DEMONcracy, soycialism, communism, SDGs, New World Order, new abnormal, and so on), more about it in the [scams](/scams) department.

src/blog.atom ノーマルファイル

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{{ range .Slice 0 5 }}
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{{ with cut "<div class=\"section\">" "</div>" .Process.Content }}
{{ html . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}


@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
title: Americans can't guarantee free speech, again
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-06 16:17:33
tags: blog,censorship,politics
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND yet another example about why Americans should never be trusted as a guarantor of free speech:\
Sure, you're free to dislike porn, you're free to dislike whatever, but as soon as you start calling for censorship (regardless of what you want to see censored), then all trust is lost for good.
Us adults should be allowed to decide what we do, your dogma/ideology is not our (collective) opinion.
## A debate between Udon and 寮
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) The consumption of pornography is morally corrupt, mentally debilitating and detrimental to society.
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) Could be, but that's not the point.\
Even if it's porn censorship, censorship = censorship.\
And censorship = anti free speech.
And porn is always the 2nd thing that gets censored, 1st is lolicon and shotacon.\
After that, censors start expanding into every other topic.\
So even if you hate lolicon, shotacon, and/or porn, no censorship shall be supported, because as soon as censorship exists, it's only going to expand.
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) (I'm just copy-pasting btw)
Notice they always love to represent the 'society'.\
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) Ah, I thought it was your opinion.
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) I hope people need to understand the effects objectively, which is, there exists no such 'good people' doing 'good things/missions', and vise versa.
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) What is considered "good people" depends on how your mind is programmed to view good and bad (or good and evil like how it's viewed by most people these days).
For example, the lethal injection takers believe you need to comply with government mandates to get the lockdowns to end, while the people speaking out against it believe you need to oppose it to get the lockdowns to end.\
Both sides mean good, and both sides see the opposite side as the evil that prolongs the lockdowns.
In the end, neither way lockdowns are going to end, because those who are calling the shots won't get removed or won't back off regardless of which side you're on.\
And as long as both sides remain divided, no one is going to overthrow their mini-Hitlers.
> What is considered "good people" depends on how your mind is programmed to view good and bad (or good and evil like how it's viewed by most people these days).
Government and big coporations are always good people.
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) At least more good than the UN/WEF one world government.
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) They are not that different other than the formality.
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) Not in policy, but in a multi-government system at least you get the option to get out of extreme tyranny and go to somewhere more sane (for example Canadians, Australians, and Dutch migrating to Mexico, Niceragua, Belarus, and Romania).\
Under a one world government system, unless somebody finally invents space travel somehow, there's literally no escape.
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) Forget about finding freedoms in other planets. You can't live/move without their support/devices.

src/blog/boycott-virtue-signallers/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Boycott pro-NWO virtue signallers
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-24 12:44:07
tags: blog,technology,politics
You know what?\
Fuck Framework Laptop!
Doesn't ship to Japan, doesn't come with a Japanese keyboard layout, doesn't come with Linux out of the box, and virtue signals the crap out of every single psyop (first they did so with covAIDS, then with Ukraine, and now with the whole "carbon neutral" scam).\
I'll just stick to the older ThinkPads, there's literally not a single corporation you can trust.
"Why is virtue signalling a problem?\
You're just using a product of that company right?"\
If they go along with the latest globalist scams, do you think they will make products that will last forever?\
Rather, it's a sign that they go along with the whole planned obsolecense scam, so the product you buy will magically stop working the moment your warrenty runs out.
It's also a sign they might screw you over remotely at some point in time.\
And it's certainly a sign they'll install a remote control kill switch or something else as soon as the one world government (or Microshaft) demands it in the future.
So if you want to know why corporations virtue signalling the latest scams should be avoided, that's why.


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
title: Breaking down an article about making Tor "safer" and "easier"
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-31 12:56:14
tags: blog,technology,anonymity,darknet
Source article: https://marketresearchtelecast.com/anonymization-service-new-functions-are-intended-to-make-tor-safer-and-easier/236255/
>New functions are intended to make Tor safer and easier
Remember, every time they say "to make something safer and easier", it always ends up being another way of saying "install more mass surveilance".\
Especially the "self defense" part pretty much confirms it.
> Over 60 percent of the exit nodes are already geared towards such a self-defense procedure with the Authenticated Relay Operator ID.
So basically, over 60% of the exit nodes are open for getting doxxed.\
In the realm of anonymity, we don't need more trust, we need a trustless set up, preferrably with zero knowledge about the operator.
> In response to questions from hackers, Gus said he saw no problem in the fact that the non-profit sponsoring company of the Tor project was based in the United States.
You're setting yourself up for a massive disappointment here.
> There is also “currently no pressure” from the US government.
"currently" being the keyword.
> It is important, however, to “ensure sustainable funding” in order to no longer depend
You seriously believe they'll let you go once they grab you by the balls?\
How cute!

src/blog/cdn-is-bad-for-year-health/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Again, showing why relying on CDNs is a bad thing
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-22 23:54:04
tags: blog,technology
Dear government of Yokohama,
Come on man!\
I'm getting a white page of semi-death; while apparently I can still click on links and go to different pages, and even scroll, the page appears entirely white.
Looking in the CancerScript console, I see Goolag Tag Manager (because of course, with the exceptions of websites owned by [@TechnicalSuwako](https://social.076.ne.jp/TechnicalSuwako) and [@JapanAnon](https://pl.anon-kenkai.com/users/JapanAnon), Japanese websites that DON'T use it is almost non-existent) being blocked, but also jQuery and CSS failed to load, because they're both fucking CDN'd.
CDN is the WRONG way of managing dependencies, very CORS unfriendly, very insecure, enables spyware and censorship, and so on.\
All resources should be hosted locally, preferrably on the same domain to ensure the website works even for the most security oriented users.\
The most secure way of running websites is to never NEVER NEVER have any 3rd party or even 2nd party requests.\
1st party ONLY!!
## Comment by チャノさん
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) [@TechnicalSuwako](https://social.076.ne.jp/TechnicalSuwako) We should probably be impressed it renders on anything aside from Internet Explorer

src/blog/cdn-users-are-braindead/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
title: Webdevs using CDNs are absolutely retarded
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-13 20:53:35
tags: blog,technology,webdev
Reading through the answers here, I wonder if with the exception of the user called "cari", those so-called "webmasters" even know what the hell they're even talking about.
Cari is the only one who's spot on, should have deserved far more upvotes IMO.\
Everyone else is more like "CDN good, local bad", and CodyA is especially ironic by sourcing the reason why CDNs should be used...from a CDN provider.\
Like how we should believe a government funded study that shows that for every government created problem the solution is more government, according to the government.
> The CDN should be used for all static files (.css/.js/images).
How about self-hosting static files?\
Oh wait, because CSS and JS files these days are so insanely bloated, because soydevs make use of worst possible tools to generate them rather than writing them by hand like a web developer.\
As for images, nobody likes JPEGs, so PNGs of at least 4000x3000 each must be used.\
Now there's a problem: "files are too big, I need to save bandwidth, so I'll just host them on CDNs instead of optimizing these files".
> Other benefits from using a CDN would be that the CDN server would most likely be located closer to your end users then your origin which will benefit loading times.
Any thoughts on how that CDN server knows which server is closer by?\
Isn't that basically you admitting that Big Brother is watching you?
No need to break down CodyA's comment, as it's just a remix of Analog.
> Use a CDN if you need a CDN.
And when is that?
> If your user is global and spread over a large area
Ah, I see.\
But why?
> or you have a lot of such content that you don't want to store on your own server
Alright, so you prove my point that soydev files are just too bloated.\
So why not fix your shit rather than relying on services that only make the problems worse?
> Globally, it can speed up access to your content if the server is closer to the user.
Yet another copy/paste from Analog and CodyA.
> If you have many GB or Terabytes of static data and a heavy load for access to that content, a CDN can help with that.
Again, optimize your own files.\
If you need many GB or TB (or even MB for that matter) of static data in the first place, then it means you're doing something horribly wrong.\
Unless you have a very good excuse, a single webpage should never exceed 4 MB, including ASSets.\
One exception I can make is video files, simply because there's just nothing you can do about that.\
But those fuckers should never be autoplay and never with controls hidden.
> However, small, local sites or lightly loaded sites rarely need such things and a CDN can only add one more complication to your set up, operation and workflow, such as caching problems.
Thank you!
> Too often I see people use a CDN cause they read they should be using one and no other reason.

src/blog/censorship-by-us-eu-china/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: The difference between Chinese censorship, American censorship, and European censorship
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-04 19:15:28
tags: blog,technology,censorship,politics
Noticed a difference between Chinese censors (TikTok), European censors (Bitchute), and American censors (every other centralized SNS the whole world uses).\
When the Chinese censor, they censor only in China, and leave everything uncensored in the rest of the world (as long as they don't talk about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, or the weagers).\
When the Europeans censor, they only censor in Europe, and leave everyone else the fuck alone.\
When the Americans censor, it's censored for everybody, even if you're not an American and there's nothing illegal about it in your own country.


src/blog/china-pork-gestapo/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: Chinese pork ASS-ASSins killing pigs in name of covAIDS
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-18 21:01:52
tags: blog,politics,covaids,psyop
Guys, this is going to be your New World Order, next global super power after the controlled demolition of the American Empire if you don't wake up right the fuck now.
> Chinese covAIDS stormtroopers in China have moved on from killing pets and are now killing pigs in every village to "prevent the spread of covAIDS.
<video src="e4344807acb561131f537d93505850fa85a0c305d27855a46f17c790d03148bf.mp4" controls />
## Comment by xianc78 (alt)
They're going to crackdown on home and local chicken farmers with this fake bird flu outbreak. Yeah, the same bird-flu that people have been hyping up has the next big pandemic for decades but yet has never happened. All of this is to force everyone to stop eating local grown foods and start eating fake/synthetic/plant-based/insect-based/GMO garbage.
## Comment by Lina Inverse
hohol spy apprehended in china in suspicion of potential sabotage
## Comment by Tadano Hitonari
So basically the great leap forward happens forever

src/blog/communism-is-not-anarchy/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
title: Sorry anarcho-communists, but "anarcho-communism" is impossible
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-28 13:00:39
tags: blog,politics
I'm sure I will make lots of enemies with this post, but when people ask me why I choose to be anarcho-capitalist instead of anarcho-communist while agreeing that "blockchain is the magic solution to everything" is a bunch of BS, here's why:
# The reality of communism
Communism is a centrally planned form of economy, controlled by 1 massive 1 party government.\
If they knock on your door and tell you "you WILL work in the mine", there is no such a thing as saying "no thanks", or you'll end up in a gulag.\
The whole point of anarchy is to have no government at all.\
Therefore, "anarcho-communism" is pure fantasy invented by young zealots who never had to live under communism before, so it's like saying "motherboard-less computer", or "TV with no video and audio".
# Why capitalism and anarchy can go together
Capitalism on the other hand doesn't require a government, since the economy is decentrally controlled by the free market.\
A government can come into existence in a free market economy, because a government is in fact a corporation on its own too.\
And if the free market lacks the balls to reject centralization, it'll degenerate into socialism, and ultimately into communism, until the people break their chains again and go back into capitalism again.
# Western capitalism = soycialism
"Capitalism" in the west is only "capitalist" on paper, in reality it's soycialist and in some countries or states it's even communist already.\
So while capitalism has its flaws, it's by far the lesser evil.
Under capitalism, communism can be prevented.\
Under communism, capitalism is inevitable.
# DEMONcracy is a scam
No, democracy (DEMONcracy) is NOT a good system.\
Democracy is 2 wolfs and 1 sheep deciding what's for dinner.\
In reality, democracy is mob rule, it can only work in an intelligent society, not one filled with complete retards who can easily be manipulated into giving up freedom and skill in favor for the illusion of security and comfort (which in the end means they get none of that).
# Blockchain does NOT equal decentralization
As for blockchain, sure it's great for money as you can't just manipulate the flow of money (on Bitcoin and Monero networks only, the rest needs to die), but we don't need to fall for the "blockchain is decentralization" meme, because 99% of the time it just isn't.\
Don't even get me started on NFT's, the 2nd biggest scam of all times (the biggest scam of all times is still DMCA).
As for capitalism, I don't believe we need more big corpo's.\
In fact, I believe a healthy form of capitalism consists of small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and freelancers.\
This form is more robust against centralization too.
# Voting is a scam
As for voting, voting is just a suggestion box for slaves.\
Results are already decided long before voting even starts, and all candidates are basically the same anyway.\
All you the slave can do is choose in what way your master should control you.\
Do you want brown diarhea or a rainbow colored diarhea for dinner?\
In the end you'll still be eating diarhea, but you'll get offered the illusion of difference.
# Define money
As for money, the irony of young western commies is that they are against the existence of money, while still believing you should trade physical goods.\
What they never seem to realize is, in a world with no money (in the sense of cash, crypto, coins etc), physical goods = money.
Imagine you being a vegetable farmer, and you really want to get yourself a delicious steak for dinner.\
There's a beef farmer 2 streets away from you, and he wants to have a good plate of veggies with his beef, so since beef is far more scarce than most veggies, you can agree to exchange your bag of rice, carrots, and onions for his meat.\
If you want to get bigger meat, you might want to give him some tomatoes so that the beef farmer can make himself some ketchup.\
In this sense, vegetables and beef is effectively money.
If you happen to live in a big city, you can agree to get bread at the local bakery in return for a website you can design for that bakery.\
So here bread and website is money.
The Greek even temporarily used paper ballots as money during their banking crisis in 2008.\
Eastern Europe did a similar thing at the near end of the Soyviet Union.\
And during that same time, since the USSR had absolutely worthless currency, PepsiCo traded coke for vodka, and thus coke and vodka was the money they used with each other.

src/blog/cookie-privacy-non-issue/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Cookies should be bottom priority when it comes to privacy
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-18 14:59:35
tags: blog,technology,privacy
Also, ever noticed how the cookie popups ALWAYS require Javascript to even click away, let alone configure?\
You're making people aware of cookies (read: force them to accept cookies and make it as hard as possible to not accept them), but not only you completely ignore the fact that you need Javascript for it to work, you're replacing even the fucking DOM in favor for a Javascript-only web!\
Also, how about the mandatory JS, ANALytics, Captcha's, many CDNs, ads, WASM, CuckFlare, Fakebook like button, JewTube embeds, Tweet embeds, the push to using mobile apps over the browser interface, 2FA, browser and/or device fingerprinting, FLOC, AI chat/support bots, blanket banning of Tor users, restricting people who use VPNs, and the list of privacy hating features goes on and on.\
You have seemingly no problem at all using all of these, BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT........only the cookies are a concern, because the Eww says so...

src/blog/cuckflare-vs-microshaft/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Cuckflare vs Microshaft?
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-28 16:06:11
tags: blog,technology
That's why it sucks that so many crypto-related websites use CuckFlare and/or CDNs...\
CuckFlare literally decrypts your SSL connection between you and them, so all it takes is for a bad actor working for CuckFlare (or some alphabetsoup agency), and this attack becomes possible.



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src/blog/dalle-mini-complilation/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
title: Dalle-Mini compilation
author: 寮
date: 2077-01-01 00:00:00
tags: blog,ai,art


@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
title: Darknet will win, not Web3 or Web0
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-11 18:51:59
tags: blog,technology,darknet,anonymity,privacy,internet
Both web 3.0 and web0 will eventually fail.\
Web 3.0 is using way too many hardware resources, too much bloat, "decentralization" through centralization (blockchain, NFT, forced paywalls, the dead universe, I mean Metaverse...).
Web0 is actually decentralized, but has tons of problems on its own.\
For example, on https://small-tech.org/ they state web0 is "inclusive", while on their manifesto (https://web0.small-web.org/) they make it very clear that they blanket exclude the lib-right from the get go.
They state "zero knowledge", "private by default", and "easy to use" as their main properties, then on the same page they go big on turning everything into Javascript, which the Web 3.0 guys also want to enforce.
Web 2.0 is on its way out regardless, but I believe what will replace it will be the darknet, specifically Tor and I2P, though Gemini serves well as a next-gen Gopher.
As for other standards:\
IPFS: not anonymous, and forces JS.\
ZeroNet: not anonymous, forces JS, and lack of development.\
Freenet: old and slow, barely anyone uses it anymore.\
Lokinet: proprietary, 1 domain per machine, blockchain meme.\
Yggdrasil: who the fuck even uses that!?\
Qortal: aka, IPFS behind a paywall, what could possibly go wrong...
Tor and I2P are the only darknets that allow you to use the technologies we're already familiar with from web 1.0 and web 2.0, while still cutting out almost every middleman (with the exception of the IPS, which simply can't be cut out until every household has its own ham radio, or otherwise we manage to take over all the cell towers).
## Debate between xianc78 (alt) and 寮
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) Jesus Fucking Christ, they could just say "without the corporate bullshit" without bashing the LibRight, but they just had to do so. It's probably going to be another Mastodon situation where it is mostly used by extreme "LibLeft" (really closeted/confused tankie) SJWs.
>until every household has its own ham radio
That would probably be slow as fuck and I can imagine that the government can easily trace radio signals back to their source. HAM Radio is already heavily regulated.\
I just wish the agorists and crypto-anarchists start making black market ISPs or meshnets to solve the ISP problem because it's only a matter of time before governments start forcing ISPs and cellular networks to block P2P and crypto protocols. I've heard proposals to create meshnets by linking pirate boxes together but I don't know how practical that would be. I honestly don't have a solution to this problem but it needs to be addressed because things are only getting worse.\
I'm actually surprised that it's licensed under the AGPL because with that shitty LibRight bashing, I would expect them to use one of those anti-capitalist licenses that a lot of far-left devs have been promoting lately.
[xianc78](https://bae.st/users/xianc78) About the HAM Radio part, imagine you still have enough food stocked up for another 2 years to survive the apocalypse, every house is heavily guarded by military personnel to make absolutely sure you won't get out of your cage, I mean house, and they've shut down every other form of communication, would you even give a fuck about regulations, or it being slow as fuck?\
The tracability might indeed be the one legit concern though.
As for the black market ISPs, that would be great, too bad fiber cables are so heavily controlled by governments and/or big corpoes though.\
I was considering meshnets too, but that reminded me of the Crapple AirTags and Amazon Alexa which technically already are meshnetworks.\
And meshnetworks work fine within big cities, but in the country side though...
P2P and crypto protocols aren't really blockable on the ISP level, you can however block individual IP addresses or hostnames on that specific network.\
You can also block port numbers used by the P2P or crypto protocols, but nothing's stopping you from just changing the port number to something else.
Anti-capitalist loycenses, do you mean GPLv2 and GPLv3, or something else I'm not yet aware of?\
Because MIT and BSD licenses aren't restrictive enough to qualify.
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) Shit like this.\
They basically restrict private businesses from using or modifying the software, so they are much more restrictive than the GPL. There are others. A lot of far-leftists have been promoting these, especially after they threw Stallman under the bus.\
The ironic thing is is that these licenses still permit use of the software by non-profit organizations, but NPOs are still capitalist institutions.\
There are also so called "ethical software licenses" that even restrict freedom 0, making them no different than EULAs. They restricts things like using the software to "spread hate speech" and shit like that.\
>but nothing's stopping you from just changing the port number to something else.
But doesn't that also mean that everyone else has to change the port number to the same one you change to? I only brought this up because I heard that some ISPs block certain protocols like Usenet or FTP unless you pay an extra fee and I remember hearing proposals to block torrent protocols on ISP level to clamp down on piracy, but these were most likely made by tech-illerate copyright holders.\
And they really don't have to necessarily block the protocols. They could just have a policy that if they catch you using them or if the see any encrypted packets, then they could just cut your Internet. Many universities already have this policy when it comes to file sharing.
[xianc78](https://bae.st/users/xianc78) Holy fuck, they literally even put their ideology into the license name itself, speaking of a lack of creativity.\
Never seen any software using that license before.\
But at least they keep it short.
> The ACSL is right for you if you reject the status quo
Yet another example of binary extremism; you're either on the extreme left or on the extreme right, no middle ground possible.\
Sure, I reject the status quo, but I don't reject self sufficiency.
As I stated in the past, the healthy way to take down the current "capitalist" system (which is just soycialism pretending to be capitalism) is by having a capitalist system of independent entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses, not something as radically opposite of capitalism as communism, I mean New World Order, I mean the great "you'll own nothing and be happy" reset.
If I had to choose, I'd rather go with a meme license like this:\
> But doesn't that also mean that everyone else has to change the port number to the same one you change to?
> I only brought this up because I heard that some ISPs block certain protocols like Usenet or FTP unless you pay an extra fee
What, is that a thing too now...
> And they really don't have to necessarily block the protocols. They could just have a policy that if they catch you using them or if the see any encrypted packets, then they could just cut your Internet.
I wonder how long it'll take before a mass exitus from those ISPs will come and have such an impact, that they'll be forced to back down, and other ISPs will take note.\
Probably won't happen in current year, unless maybe someone like the Saudi prince would become the largest investor of those ISPs, he's the reason why SNK doesn't censor bouncing tiddies while all the other developers do.
>As I stated in the past, the healthy way to take down the current "capitalist" system (which is just soycialism pretending to be capitalism) is by having a capitalist system of independent entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses, not something as radically opposite of capitalism as communism, I mean New World Order, I mean the great "you'll own nothing and be happy" reset.
I'm on the same boat, but I'm not against communists and socialists voluntarily starting their own communes. I'm a Panarchist and I think both systems can coexist. I'm just tired of commies thinking that the whole world needs to fall under their system.
[xianc78](https://bae.st/users/xianc78) Never heard of panarchy before, rating the name it would be like a combination of multiple political ideologies, or?\
I'm an anarchist (anarcho-capitalist to be more precise, because I still believe that capital is still important in a soyciety that lacks human life skills like how to build your own house, how to grow your own food, and so on).\
Unlike what the mainstream media makes it out to be, anarchy simply means "lack of ruler", so it's self-governance.
>What, is that a thing too now...
I've only heard about it. Can't remember specifics, but I could be wrong.
>I wonder how long it'll take before a mass exitus from those ISPs will come and have such an impact, that they'll be forced to back down, and other ISPs will take note.
Not if it is required by law. Then your only option would be to use a black market ISP which even if some prop up, most normies wouldn't even bother using them.\
Another thing that has been brought up is that governments and corporations can use backdoors in CPUs to kill crypto and other processes. Sure there might be some obscure and open source architectures out there but how many people are using them and how well supported are they?
Panarchy is a political system where people can voluntarily choose what political or economic system to live by. It's pretty much compatible with ancap principles. In fact, it's just another way of expressing anarcho-capitalism.\
People can use property and contract law to create "voluntary governments" where if you follow their rules, you receive benefits like access to certain amenities and services. Or you can choose no government and just take care of everything yourself (or buy services from others if they don't require you to be part of a contract).\
Lately, I've been looking for other words to describe myself like "voluntaryist" or "autarchist". I think "anarchy" and "capitalism" both have negative connotations and I feel like the whole "live and let live" principle should also include letting people live by whatever system they want.
[xianc78](https://bae.st/users/xianc78) I'm willing to build a RISC-V based PC.\
I'm using exclusively FOSS software, so for support that's not an issue.\
The problem rather is, where do you even buy a SiFive?
I don't mind a government system that has an opt-out and/or opt-in feature built-in, the question is how long is that feature going to exist before the least free government starts brainwashing those who live under the other governments into compliance?
Or even worse, imagine some corporation buying up the entire free market via industrial investors while buying up all the politicians in the world and ASS-ASSinating dissent, and then some stereotypically German sounding boomer would call for a 1 world government, making every single world misleader repeat "Build Back Better" all at the same time.\
That would be a disaster to humanity if that would ever happen...

src/blog/dear-twitter-refugees/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Dear Musk defectors, here's some Fediverse basics to help you understand what it's all about
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-27 15:30:00
tags: blog,technology,darknet,anonymity,privacy,internet
I perfectly understand you really hate the fact that your favorite soycial media platform Shitter is being "run" by an Afro-American, so you're finally discovering the Fediverse.\
This is great, because we're an all inclusive bunch of motherfuckers from all sorts of hobbies, birth places I mean countries, skin colors, sexual orientations, genders (even though there are only 2 of those), political beliefs, languages, and so on.\
However, Shitter is not the same as Fediverse, and vice versa.\
Let me explain the differences:
| | Twitter | Fediverse (Mastodon, Pleroma, Misskey) |
|Usage of the word "NIGGER"|Illegal and punishable by artificial "law"|Depends on the instance|
|Live and let live standards|None|Any instance run by adults of capable of doing so|
|Discrimination|Only allowed to discriminate straight white men|Depends on the instance, ranging between fully allowed and fully bannable, with quite a few having double standards|
|Which rules apply|Twitter TOS|Whatever instance you're using or viewing its content from|
|Who runs the instance?|The Twitter CEO|Whoever the owner of the instance in question is|
|Bannable offense|Anything|Depends on the instance|
|Takes reports seriously?|Only if the reporter in question is anything other than a straight white male, otherwise no|Depends on how reasonable the report in question is|
|Racism and sexism|Only against straight white males allowed|Depends on the instance|
|Do instances have to comply with the rules of other instances?|There's only 1 instance, so of course|nope.|
|Type of service|Centralized corporation owned by BlackCock and Vanguard (and Tesla lol)|Decentralized and federated|
We understand it's very hard to understand the fact that virgin Web 2.0's Shitter isn't like chad Web 1.0's Fediverse, so if you can't adjust yourself to the new environment, then go the fuck back to Shitter, you've already destroyed Shitter, and we don't need you to do the same thing here.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Kind regards.

src/blog/declare-semite/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: Define "semite"
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-09 00:59:36
tags: blog,politics,religion
[Define "semite"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semite):\
1a: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
1b: a descendant of these peoples
2: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language
If "anti-semite" specifically means "racism against the Jews",
1. ASSuming 1A, wouldn't that make it mean "racism against Arabs" and other ancient civils in that region too? Wouldn't that mean that Arabs are basically against themselves?
2. ASSuming 1b, wouldn't that mean it means "racism against pretty much anyone"?
3. ASSuming 2, wouldn't that mean that you're racist towards multiple groups of native speakers rather than a skin color (and therefore it being NOT racism)?

src/blog/define-cellphone/index.md ノーマルファイル

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title: Define cellphone
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-07 15:05:24
tags: blog,smartphone,new-world-order,technology
Define cellphone.\
Cell: prison, jail, chains around your feet.\
Phone: spying device, telemetry (example: Chrome phones home to Goolag servers at all times).
Who wears chains around their feet? Obedient slaves.\
Who is in prison or jail? Disobedient slaves who got caught refusing orders.
So cellphones are chains with telemetry.\
If you have one, leave it at home at all times, preferably throw them away and use a computer instead.\
Smartphones are the New World Order.\
No cellphone means less convenience, but also means more freedom.


src/blog/demoncracy-is-retarded/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: The most accurate explanation on what DEMONcracy is
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-18 22:03:22
tags: blog,politics
The most accurate explanation of what a democracy really is in a little bit over a minute.\
Too bad he's dead though...
<video src="d3dac83cafa129fcb2117444702bf30f628b6d6a17bc329a9ea50f729101fdb6.mp4" controls />


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Dependence on Cuckflare is NOT cool, it's a sign of weakness
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-11 19:13:47
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
If you need to rely on CuckFlare because you fear of getting DDoS'd or have been DDoS'd before, then maybe it means you'll need to up your security and not use over the top bloated soyware on your server.
After all, CuckFlare goes down sometimes too, and when they go down, all websites behind the great cloudwall will go down with it, effectively breaking about about 95% of the entire internet, because centralization.\
Because even websoytes that aren't behind CuckFlare will probably use one or more dependencies that's hosted on a server that is behind CuckFlare, especially notable with FontAwesome, because every soydev uses it, and they all use it over a CDN instead of just hosting it locally at the very least.

src/blog/digital-point-card-dystopia/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: The digital point "card" applification dystopia
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-03 17:39:57
tags: blog,technology,smartphone
Went to a yakitori shop earlier today with my GF after a very long time of not going there, I already had 9 stamps on my stamp card, only 1 left for a free meal.
And now they told me they no longer take paper stamp cards, I have to scan a QR code and download their own smartphone app instead now.\
I have no Crapple iPhone and no Goolag Android, only a Linux phone and a degoolagged Android, neither of which I took with me, it's not a body part, m'kay...
Reminds me to how much I hate these New World Order devices called smartphones.\
They went from a niche salarymen tool, to a hip gadget, to a mainstream device everyone has, to a device you can't leave at home, to a compulsary device to own or you won't be able to do basic things you used to be able to do perfectly fine without one.
Credit/debit cards, bank/cash cards, public transport passes, and flight tickets are already on the way out in favor for Goolag Pay or Crapple Pay.\
Soon the national ID card, residence card, passport, drivers loysense, hell insurance card, MyNumber card, and the rest of the bullshit will become appified (already the case in Ukraine, NIGGERia, and CHAINA!!, and piloting in AusJAILia apparently).
Soon after that you'll need all these apps on a smartphone you have permission to use (because you can't own a smartphone, the big 2 have full control over it, so it's never YOUR smartphone) in order to even log online, this is technically already the case in Pakistan with their "get lethally injected or else you won't be able to use a SIM card you're paying for every single month" policy.
"Ryo-kun, you gloomer and doomer!\
If you're so smart, then gives us a solution to stop it then!"\
The more people throw away their smartphones, or at least keep it at home only and never carry it around anywhere, the less likely this New World Order system can be rolled out.\
Remember, the elites don't hold the power, YOU are the power!

src/blog/disobedience-really-works/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
title: How disobedience saves the world
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-04 17:05:28
tags: blog,politics,psyop,money,covaids
The wonders of being aware of criminals, I mean politicians and their plans while not taking them seriously.\
Remember monkeypox?\
Lasted only 1 week or so, and nobody cares about it anymore, because we all exposed the scam for what it is early on.
In the same way, they were unable to start the alien invasion, Taiwan invasion, and cyber scamdemic psyops, because too many people were expecting those to come, and too many people called those out as scams.
As you can see once again, they only have power if you give them your power.\
They need you to respond in fear so that you voluntarily give up your power.\
If you don't respond in fear, you won't give them your power.\
If you don't give them your power, they can't do shit.
Because the elites never held any power, YOU are the power.
When the fiat system goes down, it's always best to have your money into something people are likely to use.
Because if you can't pay in yen, euro, dollar, or whatever currency your government demands you're using, people will use something else as a currency, whether it be crypto, or "food you grow for food somebody else grows", or "a meal for washing dishes", or even paper ballots.
A monetary system collapse is a great opportunity for the elites to enslave humanity, but at the same time it's also a great opportunity for humanity to be turned into entrepreneurs, and replace the old system for a new one that's not controlled by the government.\
It all depends on which one becomes the most successful.
And I feel like even places as docile as Japan, CHAINA!!, and Kongyo North Korea will revolt and go full anarchy in the very near future.
WHO scamdemic treaty destroyed by Africa.\
Africa is by far the most based continent right now.\
First they got the least amount of lethally injected people (only 4%), and now they told the WHO to go fuck themselves.
Just like how North America and Latin America are swapping ranks (from the rich and free north and poor tyrannical south to the rich and tyrannical noth and poor and free south) Africa might perhaps become the new Europe, and Europe might become the new Africa.
Kanaduh declared that nobody is allowed to leave the country at all.\
The only other countries who did that were Edo era Japan, the Soyviet Union (minus Poland at one point in time), North Korea, Mao era CHAINA!!, and Cuba.
With the exception of Edo era Japan, every single prison country is or was COMMUNIST!!

src/blog/diversity-vs-quality/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: I'd rather choose AI over wokeness
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-22 21:19:14
tags: blog,politics,technology
While both are terrible, if I had to choose between a "human" novellist making all characters BIPOC black pragnant transwomen who are all gay complaining throughout the entire story how everything is racist and misogenic, or an AI novellist who makes soulless storylines filled with out of context errors and you'd be getting into a coma while reading because it's this boring, I'd definitely pick the latter one.

src/blog/dump-oop/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Want to be a real programmer? Stop using OOP!
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-27 20:53:09
tags: blog,technology,webdev
When you say "I want to land my first coding job".\
What applicants often think you need: "I need to show that I know all about OOP(s), MVC, 20 billion different design patterns, frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, Spring, Django, .NET and the rest of the bloat, polymorphism, abstraction etc".\
What you really need: a good portfolio with samples and a Git repository (for backend) or real world web designs (for frontend) so you can actually show what you're capable of.
Yes, you might come over as knowledgeable if you know frameworks and programming theories, but in the world of IT you're valued by your previous works.
And I bet it works like that in many other types of jobs too.\
If you studied swimming for 4 years without ever touching a pool, then all of the sudden you dive into a deep pool, sure you might be an expert in swimming, but you'll drown.\
Likewise, if you studied Japanese for 10 years and never spoke to a Japanese person, never read any Japanese text, and so on, you will still be unable to understand, speak, read, write etc Japanese.
And the same thing holds true with programming; with theory alone you're basically a researcher, and will never manage to put anything together.\
Witnessed it so many times during my career as a programmer, and also how these people effectively get fired for being unable to finishing 1 project in 2 years which I was able to complete by making it from scratch in 3 days.
Sure, theory is comfortable and all that, but never brings you anywhere if you don't have experience.

src/blog/europeans-pay-attention/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: Europeans, don't drop your guards, and look at 上海
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-21 09:03:03
tags: blog,politics
Every single European I'm talking with are talking with pride on how nobody cares about covAIDS anymore over there.
Guys, pay attention to what's happening in CHAINA!!, every time something happens there and the western politicians go "REEE!! LOOK AT WHAT CHAINA IS DOING!! MUH HIUMUN LAITS BAIOLEESHONSS!!", they're in the process of preparing to do the same themselves, but 20 times worse.
Keep exposing these motherfuckers en mass to prevent it from happening, or you'll get a Shanghai in a western city near you this autumn.\
Mass exposure works, we've already prevented blackouts and fake alien invasion from happening, because too many people are expecting these.\
But continue to expose those even after they gave up on it, because if they give up on something now, nothing is stopping them from trying again at a later time.


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: Everything as a Service is a scam
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-18 21:19:18
tags: blog,technology
Remember the saying, "if a corporation gives you something for free, than YOU are the product"?\
With the raise of Literallyeveryfuckingthing as a Service, you can safely change it to "if a corporation provides anything at all, than YOU are the product, in addition to the product you're renting".
WinDOS is no longer a buyable loycense.\
Instead it effectively got turned into an OS as a Service since WinDOS 10.\
The software is the product, the hardware is the product, and YOU is the product.
It has gotten to the point that the only way you can actually own a product is by either making your own, or using exclusively FLOSS software ONLY!!\
Or of course both.
The other alternative is to download a pirated copy of a commercial product, because pirates generally remove DRM, serial keys, telemetry, and all the other bullshit, so effectively pirates offer the superior version for free.\
Pirates are the new patriots.
"But ryo, weren't you a capitalist?"\
Yes I am, but it doesn't mean I support scamming the crap out of people and being hostile towards customers.
In fact, it has nothing to do with capitalism.\
Sure, making money is a fundamental part of capitalism, but so is competition which is motivating you to providing the best of the best products and/or services.\
Centralized "The Entire Fucking Universe as a Service" bullshit destroys competition, nobody is able to compete unless you're the first in the market.\
This is not free market capitalism, this is centrally planned communism.\
If not, it leads to a centrally planned economy, aka communism.


@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Current year "full stack" is not what it originally used to mean
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-26 18:24:20
tags: blog,technology,webdev
Back when I started my web dev career, "full stack" meant "HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and optionally JS, AJAX, and/or jQuery to spice things up in the frontend, program however you want as long as it works".
What has changed?
* Just PHP is no longer allowed, must go through a bloated framework.
* Just CSS is no longer allowed, must go through either SASS or SCSS.
* Just JS is no longer allowed, must go through either Angular, or React, or Vue.
* Additionally, JS is now deemed compulsary.
* Oh, and while we're at it, it must be made using a bloated SPA framework too, and backend code must go through JSON-based API calls.
* You have to put everything into a Docker container, as if Apache or Nginx were unable to do their job.
* Dependencies MUST be managed through NPM/Yarn and Composer.
* Additionally, everything apart from index.html MUST go through a CDN.
* Prosedural programming (aka, real programming) is no longer allowed, must be Object Oriented Programming (aka, spaghetti code).
* You have to spend weeks upon weeks to setting up automated test units, as if normal testing is impossible.
* You must only edit the virtual DOM, because editting the normal DOM is for boomers.
* You must go through the Redis cache.
* You must know MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, and ORACLE, even though you only need 1 of those.
* Must be code reviewed by the managers who can't even read the code.
* Must use a frontend router.
Leave one thing out, and all of the sudden it's no longer considered "full stack" in current year...


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Goolag will eventually dump Android in favor for Fushia
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-25 22:40:28
tags: blog,technology,smartphone
I don't know about you, but I believe that Android is what made most people who would otherwise never go to smartphones go to smartphones.
So what if Goolag decides they'll discontinue Android in favor for Fushia?\
Fushia is NOT running on the Linux kernel, but instead they invented their own kernel, and therefore they no longer have the obligation to make the OS (partially) open source.\
It might be open source at first to lure the FOSS fans to the OS, but it's their own kernel, so it would be naive to not expect a blatant bait and switch at one point.\
And the reason why Android is so great is exactly because they can't legally lock it down (I don't care about legal, but all the slaves, I mean way too many people do).
From what I've seen, Fushia might eventually become as locked down as iOS has been since 2007.\
If not initially, it would be later eventually.\
Just like how WinDOS is getting more and more locked down like macOS as time goes on, which is also getting more and more locked down like iOS.\
Slow boil of the (gay) frogs.
Of course Goolag will debunk it, but history showed us again and again and again and again, when the same developer has to maintain 2 different things doing basically the same thing, they'll dump one in favor for the other, so don't expect Goolag to keep Android around when Fushia starts gaining (artificial) popularity.
JewTube also has a massive track record of installing a new feature while a similar one not only still works fine, but is superior over the new one too, then they break that older one bit by bit, then they lock people out of that older feature, and then they say "well, looks like nobody cares about that older feature anymore, so I guess we can remove it then".


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: The more governments try to destroy privacy crypto, the more successful they become
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-05 13:14:02
tags: blog,technology,privacy,anonymity,politics
Actually, sometimes the government can do really good things.\
All this will do is it'll make Europeans who already hodl crypto to swap it all into Monero, Dero, Pirate Chain, and Haven.\
The more governments crack down on crypto while at the same time shutting down bank accounts of those who question their ATHORITAY, the more inevidable a privacy crypto-based economy will become.
And the government doesn't care, and that's a good thing.\
If they'd care, they'd back down and make sure their slaves, I mean citizens remain in chains.
<video src="92b51ce47d48c7ee42fb8632553916279f5e00ec24b48e87903304ac23934916.mp4" controls />

src/blog/government-hypocrity-part-1/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Exposing government hypocricy, part 1 of way too many to come
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-29 22:16:29
tags: blog,money,cryptocurrency,politics
Fuck the government for their attempt to turn crypto into police state bank accounts, and fuck Coinbase for bending the knee to them once again.\
If money laundering is really such a big problem that needs to be banned, then how about we ban the use of fiat currencies (yens, dollars, euros, rubles, yuans, wons, ruppees...)?\
How about we ban throwing endless amounts of worthless currencies (fiat) into the blackhole that's Ukraine?\
How about we ban the possibility to bomb and completely destroy, sorry I mean spreading freedom and DEMONcracy in the Middle East?\
How about we disband all governments, the UN, the EU, and the rest of the unnecessary bloat?
Those are the real money laundering enabling stuff, crypto is just a VEEEEEEERY minor factor in comparison.

src/blog/how-psyops-really-work/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
title: How psyops really work
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-29 19:20:42
tags: blog,politics,psyop
The only person who truly has power is you, and only you.\
Psyops are all designed to make you believe that you don't, and make you redirecting your power to someone else instead.\
That's one pattern which you can keep in mind if you want to distinguish psyops from reality.
## Fear-based and emotion-based (hereafter referred to as just "fear-based", since it's the same thing anyway) psyops
Meant to transfer your power to someone else to save your own life (even when they tell you it's to save somebody else's life).\
Examples of fear-based psyops:
* The mainstream media, telling you how the world is on fire all the time because illnesses, terrorists, wars, ismphobia, or climate change.
* Channels like RT and Sputnik, telling you basically the same things as above, except that instead of blaming the Russians, they're blaming the west.
* Political debates, it's basically fear theater from all sides, no exception.
* Big names like Alex Jones, David Icke, and Joe Rogan, telling you how the deep state globalists have already taken over the world, and are out there to kill you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
* MAG Bitter Truth, telling you how we're living in the end of times, therefore there's no way we can restore freedom and peace to the world at all.
* Joseph Paul Whatson, telling you how the world is already done for.
## Hope-based psyops
Meant for those who don't trust the fear-based or anger-based ones anymore, and are meant to transfer your power to someone else who can fix the problems for you.\
Examples of hope-based psyops:
* Qanon (or Q in case they get mad again), telling you "hold the line, Trump is going to save your ass".
* Religions (all of them), telling you that their main character is going to save the world.
* Operation Trust, same as Qanon, except 100 years ago in Russia, with the savior being some anti-USSR figure in the government at that time.
* Adolf Hitler, telling "if we get rid of the Jews, we're free".
* Mao, same as Hitler, but in China, and with the nationalists being the target instead of the Jews.
## Anger-based psyops
Meant for those who need a boogiemen to redirect their own mistakes on to, and basically tell you that some outsider is taking over, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.\
Examples of anger-based psyops:
Try the following exercise:\
Instead of saying "I want to be", say "I am", but of course within the realms of possibility.\
For example, if you've been saying "I want to become a game developer" for a very long time, did you ever advance?\
Now try saying "I am a game developer" instead, and legit imagine yourself to be a game developer, look at how much you'll start playing around with game engines, what you'll do to train yourself into becoming a game developer, and how long it takes before you actually start working as one.
By saying "I want to become a game developer", you're basically admitting that you're not a game developer, and will not even start learning game development.\
Your mindset will mirror reality, because reality is a mirror of your mind.

src/blog/how-to-detect-propaganda/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: If you're not allowed to pick a side other than approved, then it's propaganda
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-23 01:20:00
tags: blog,politics
Remember, if you're coersed into standing for 1 side you're told to stand with, and standing with the "wrong" side, neither side, or both sides gets you canceled from soyciety, gets you surrounded with angry mobs, or like in 2 European countries already gets you in jail, then it most likely means it's all of the following:
* Psyop
* Propaganda
* Hoax
* Conditioning the masses into accepting soycial credit system.
Just ask yourself, if you're reminded every single day that you're living in a free country, but you can't question the narrative, don't you think you actually living under a DICKtatorship?



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src/blog/how-to-msm/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: How to mainstream media
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-24 13:02:29
tags: blog,politics
1. Scare the crap out of your own audience for no reason at all.
2. Force the exact same fear porn in the offline world as much as possible for the 99.9999% of the people who don't watch the mainstream media.
3. Install depression, make the public suicidal.
4. Sell them a suicide hotline to cash in more money before they start hanging themselves out of depression.



@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: How to scam the entire world with Satan Klaus
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-29 16:30:18
tags: blog,politics,psyop,covaids
Part 1: "GO GET THE COVAIDS LETHAL INJECTION KIDS!!" propaganda (purposefully sped up that bit of bullshit by 500%, you'll probably find it somewhere on JewTube at regular speed anyway).
Part 2: Real world example of a child getting lethally injected, then getting incredibly sick, and then dies.
Part 3: Mass murderers, I mean politicians at the WEF telling you right in your face what they're REALLY doing.
How long until you admit that "those crazy, dangerous conspiracy theorists" were right all along?
How long until you admit you've been betrayed by the very people you put all your trust into instead?
<video src="3df37d12aab587e378a495be2ca5fac195da53ef028331d8d1d67b6502d8d50b.mp4" controls />

src/blog/interesting-times/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: You know we live in a very interesting time when...
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-17 19:50:40
tags: blog
* "crazy conspiracy theorists" know more about health, climate, and war than their representative "experts"
* anarchists know more about human rights than politicians
* libertarians know more about economics than banksters and corporations
* satire websites give more accurate news reporting than the mainstream media (and that the mainstream media is more ridiculous than satire)
Once you understand these very basic facts, you'll survive the apocalypse and mass genocide very easily and with a big smile on your face.

src/blog/itler/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
title: Learn alphabet like a pro with Adult Hitler
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-27 06:30:50
tags: blog,meme,joke

src/blog/japan-vs-lethal-injection/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: Japan vs 4th lethal injection
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-29 17:48:20
tags: blog,politics,psyop,covaids
The comments section on the 4th lethal injection announcement is golden.
So many people who got between 0 to 3 shots so far just roasting the criminals for having the 4th shot available, and even more people giving them an いいね! (aka, giving them a like).
Finally more fellow citizens questioning it, 2 years late, but better late then never.



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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: joshwhotv.com is yet another fake alternative to JewTube
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-21 09:34:28
tags: blog,technology,politics
Max Igan followers are now praising https://www.joshwhotv.com/.
Let's take a look at the technical part:
whois joshwhotv.com
Registry Domain ID: 2355609353_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.google.com
Registrar URL: http://domains.google.com
Updated Date: 2022-01-11T21:48:35Z
Creation Date: 2019-01-26T00:25:02Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2023-01-26T00:25:02Z
Registrar: Google LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 895
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: registrar-abuse@google.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.8772376466
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
DNSSEC: signedDelegation
DNSSEC DS Data: 2371 13 2 973B29EA87DE6A3C6943D15783CD2083F61DEBB68FD8BCF07170645BA4ABCC07
URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/
>>> Last update of whois database: 2022-04-21T01:12:58Z <<<
Registrar is Goolag, and the site is CuckFlared, already 2 red flags.
Also, looking at the requests it's making is rather creepy.\
And visiting the website for the 2nd time gives me an "Idiot Banned" page featuring just a white page with an unplayable video (request seems to point to https://static.buddylist.co/x/YourNeverGonnaHackMe.mp4 ).\
Literally all I did before getting this page was looking at the top page (and the blurred thumbnails).\
So I consider it a failure right from the start.
## Some additional comments by [BananaMulcher](https://thecrowhouse.community/viewtopic.php?p=30779#p30779)
Pushing it through an archiver hangs for a long time at
But eventually produces [a capture](https://archive.ph/U6evB).
The [web archive bot gets fed with captchas](https://web.archive.org/web/20220313101309/https://www.joshwhotv.com/) and other [issues](https://web.archive.org/web/20220228101822if_/https://www.joshwhotv.com/).
Although there are a few [good captures](https://web.archive.org/web/20220401015353/https://www.joshwhotv.com/).
This is behavior typical of sites which heavily profile connections. Probably just inherited from using cloudflare, so even if the people behind joshwho are well intentioned, they have built a visitor profiling honeypot.
I am already critical of Bitchute because of their cloudflare wall. mpv can be used to at least avoid their web player. Let's see if the same is true for joshwhotv:
[ffmpeg] https: header='X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff'
[ffmpeg] https: header='Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=redacted"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}'
[ffmpeg] https: header='NEL: {"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}'
[ffmpeg] https: header='Server: cloudflare'
[ffmpeg] https: header=''
It *works* but still makes connections to cloudflare :mad:, the same problem Bitchute suffers from. I suppose one could put mpv over a proxy but that's a lot of hoops to jump through when a video uploader could have just used a better host to begin with.


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: Left and right wing is only for authoritarians
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-22 22:02:05
tags: blog,politics
Remember when the only difference between the lib-left and lib-right was that the former supports legal cannabis and anonymity and the latter supports gun rights and cryptocurrency?\
Now the lib-left is catching on with why having arms and crypto is a good idea and the lib-right is catching on with why cannabis and anonymity are essensial things to have, instead of saying "libertarian left" / "anarcho-communist" and "libertarian right" / "anarcho-capitalist", I just consider both sides to be just "libertarians" or "anarchists" nowadays.\
Both sides consider themselves to be the true libertarian/anarchist anyway, so why not just merge?
Meanwhile, the auth-left and auth-right (combined roughly 90% of the world population) keeps getting increasingly divided and the auth-left are the real communists/woke, while the auth-left are the real conservatives/puritans, and oh my kami-sama I hate both sides so fucking much!

src/blog/linux-phone-is-resistance/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: Linux phones are roadblockers to the New World Order
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-26 11:59
tags: blog,politics,technology,linux,smartphone
I was watching a presentation [Luke Smith gave at MoneroTalk](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/eHVrtr7FXrWoeSjHAv2au3), and took note on how he mentioned that if it wasn't for Richard Stallman and his free software movement, we wouldn't have good software today at all, and we'd all be vendor-locked into closed systems of control.\
The next day somebody else pointed me to [a speech by Richard Stallman himself](https://media.libreplanet.org/mgoblin_media/media_entries/2730/rms-2022-state-of-the-free-software-movement.ogg) basically pointing out how they're still trying to closed sourcify free software through things like Docker and all that, basically proving my point on why we need to avoid Docker containers like the plague.\
But what motivated me the most to write this article was the discussion I had [here](https://social.076.ne.jp/notice/AIpK9RiXZWtpTPh6rw) where in a matter of 13 posts we went from the raise and fall of loli-friendly Fedi instances to how awesome the 1990's were to how Gnome has fucked up the Linux desktop to alternative smartphone UIs.
This got me thinking, desktop liberation happened when Linux and BSD became a thing, and soycial media liberation happened when the Fediverse became a thing.\
Doesn't matter what you think about Linux, BSD, and Fedi, they did actually improve the quality of life for everyone, whether you're still using closed source junk or joined us in the free and open source paradise.\
And now with the PinePhone and Librem 5, we're seeing yet another liberation happening, whether you like it or not.
This is because those 2 devices run Linux out of the box, and Linux can also be installed on a number of (older) Android device.\
Sure, it's unfinished, and the "turn everything into an app" meme that Android and iOS are prevents Linux phones from becoming great (which I think is for the better, as we already have 2 mainstream OSs for the peasants), but most stuff can actually be mitigated.\
Most apps are just pimped websites anyway, and most of the major apps even have a browser interface (for now), but there are harder nuts to crack, apps with no browser or desktop version and blatantly force you into using a mobile app, like many banks, and from what comes up in my mind, Mercari, LINE, [Starlink router configuration](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/rdKQ7MVTBrMpqxgzXRa5n9), Phillips scale configuration, and so on.
Guess what?\
You don't need them!
The same banks that require you to use their banking app are the ones freezing your account for standing up for your freedom, so either switch to a different bank where they don't require it, or just use crypto before the masses do so.\
Instead of using Mercari, try selling your stuff offline, or on other 2nd hand storefronts, or make your own webshop ([please without modern soydevery, otherwise you'll be better off selling on Amazon instead](/blog/why-nobody-cares-about-webshops/)), or hell even Amazon doesn't require you to have a mobile app to sell stuff.\
Instead of LINE, just use XMPP, because everything else just sucks.\
If you need a Starlink satellite, just buy a 3rd party router, you should be able to connect to it anyway.\
Even SoftBank doesn't lock me into their own routers, I just use a Linksys router with DD-WRT on it with no issues at all, and enjoy a superior router too.\
As for the Phillips scale, just buy a normal scale, all you need to know is your weight, there's literally no need for a space ship for that.
And as for the "Vaccine" Passport, that's the point I'm dumping smartphones altogether.\
Just stop complying with your own slavery, even though the non-Linux phone I use is a degoolagged Android phone, I always keep it at home and just take a Linux phone with me instead (when going on a longer trip, I leave everything at home if I stay close to my home), which I use as a portable router for my note PC which I also take with me.
The fact of the matter is, the smartphone is the New World Order.\
The raise of the Linux phones might sabotage this just like how Linux desktops have sabotaged their attempt to take full control over the desktop and even the web.\
So I'm seeing it as a great opportunity to fight back against the anti-christ.\
If you're so anti-smartphone that you wouldn't even give Linux phones a try, [more power to you](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/sEtsKgMxxmZCMr4m6PtJnQ).\
The point is that there's an alternative available [that](https://techcrunch.com/2016/02/01/jolla-confirms-the-sailfish-tablet-is-dead/) [can't](https://gamefromscratch.com/firefox-os-is-officially-dead/) [be](https://www.bit-tech.net/news/tech/mobile/canonical-confirms-ubuntu-phone-death/1/) [killed](https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/9/16446280/microsoft-finally-admits-windows-phone-is-dead) due to a lack of profit, I mean users.\
You don't need to buy a Linux phone to support the pushback against the New World Order powered by iOS and Android duopoly (or actually monopoly, since both [Crapple](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL/holders?p=AAPL) and [Goolag](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOOG/holders?p=GOOG) are owned by BlackCock and Vanguard anyway), the very existence of the Linux phones alone is already great.\
And of course the big nerds will buy one just because it's FOSS.\
Like how the existence of Pale Meme a pushback against the Chromium (and WebKit and Gecko, but both are in bed with Chromium anyway) takeover of the browsers, so is the existence of Linux phones a pushback against the iOS and Android takeover of mobile phones.

src/blog/monkeypox-is-a-scam/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: The monkeypox scamdemic is a scam, already complete with damning evidence
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-27 22:05:28
tags: blog,politics,psyop,covaids
In as early as November 2021, they have planned out the "monkeypox" scamdemic:\
Page 12 includes a full schedule with exact dates, exact amount of cases, and exact about of deaths from between May 15 all the way to December 1.
Spreading this for awareness sake.\
They failed to do a cyber scamdemic psyop and cause blackouts because too many people were aware.\
They failed to initialize the aliens psyop because too many people were aware.\
They had to cut both Ukraine and abortion psyops short, and also quit with the covAIDS psyop because too many people started getting aware and rightfully so declare it all a hoax.\
Monkeypox is the current psyop, so if enough of us are aware, they'll have no other choice but to cancel it (and move on to the next psyop).

src/blog/my-history-on-waking-up/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
title: My history on waking (the fuck) up
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-09 08:01
tags: blog,politics,psyop
Everyone is born on this earth awake, and everyone will be put to sleep at one point, whether it be at [government indoctrination camps](/scams/schools), or through [propaganda](/scams/mainstreammedia), or they get prevented from waking up through [fake truthers](/scams/controlledopposition) or [religion](/scams/religion).\
I too went through all of these before I truly woke up.
I realized that everything we know from indoctrination and mainstream media is complete bullshit during the ISIS psyop, which was simply a daily Disney movie streamed to you via the mainstream media.\
A bit before that, I voted for the first time in elections, than the second time, and then I was done with it, because I realized that nothing will ever change through [voting](/scams/voting).
However, it really wasn't until recently that I ACTUALLY woke up, and it's a process everyone eventually goes through.\
Everyone waking up will go through a tunnel, most will be stuck somewhere within the tunnel, either long term or permanently.\
This tunnel has many different exits and turning points.\
My route has been mainstream media → RT International → Alex Jones → videos on Bitchute → people like WeAreChange and PressForTruth → people like DollarVigilante, The Crowhouse, World Alternative Media, and so on → the other side of the tunnel, which I'll explain shortly.
The further towards the exit, the more true they are.\
It's actually possible to take a massive shortcut by reading this blog post alone, which I'll explain below.
# Learn to detect bullshit
Basically, turn off your TV, maybe use it only for anime, but once it ends, shut it down again.\
Don't buy any newspapers, they're all a total scam anyway.\
Even online content should be avoided, there's lots of fake "truths" out there on sites like Bitchute and Odysee.\
Some might have the right intentions because they believe it's true, but simply copy/paste from bad actors, but there are lots of NSA/CIA agents on these sites putting out fake truths to misdirect people who are in the process of waking up, and will therefore be prevented from waking up.
The basic rules of thumb are, if it involves fear, it's bullshit.\
If it gives you hopes for a savior to come to the rescue, it's bullshit.\
If it's pulling on your heart string, it's bullshit.\
Basically, anything that gives you the idea that there's nothing you can do about it should be disgarded as bullshit.
On soycial media I recently started saying "the elites don't have the power, YOU are the power" in rants (which I'll port over to this site soon) for a reason.\
I want to make it clear that there are things you can do, and even make massive impact.\
The mainstream media and controlled opposition are both designed to alter your vision into the direction the elites want you to go into, so that it all becomes reality.\
Because whether you believe in spirituality or not, your vision is what creates reality, because reality is a mirror of yourself.\
It might sound like the New Age religion (which by the way is absolute bullshit too), but it really isn't.\
I'm saying that from first hand experience and observation.\
Once again, YOU are the savior you're waiting for.
# Then how do I know the truth?
Remember that all what matters is what's within your own environment.\
Just look at what's happening around you, think with common sense, and make judgements based on what you experience.\
That's the only true information there is.\
Want to know the weather? Look at the clouds instead of your phone.\
Want to know if they'll go back to the [covAIDS](/scams/covid19)? Look at whether there's any kind of "leftovers" still present, even stuff like plastic shields at registers with "stop the spread" on it even after the country in question has declared they're done with the covAIDS is a hint that they're planning on yet another lockdown soon.\
Want to know if there's inflation? Notice the prices and the quantity of the food in your local supermarket, and keep note of it for a while to see any changes. Write down in a pocket notebook if you have to.
# How can I make positive change?
Apparently we're living in the LEGO movie...\
Simply live by example.\
Treat ATHORITAH!! like a joke (because they are), or simply dismiss and ignore their orders instead of blindly following them.\
Stop saying "I want to be free", say "I am free" instead, and actually believe it.\
And before you know it, you will be free for real.\
By saying "I want to be free", you admit that you're not free, and your reality will then adjust you to that.\
And again, this is NOT a New Age thing, this is exactly the same trick the elites, mainstream media, and controlled opposition use all the time on to you.
Always live positively, even if shit goes very wrong, there's always something about it you can turn into a positive thing.\
For example, if you get to live in a too expensive housing, and end up living paycheck to paycheck, see it as a lesson that you need to move to some cheaper housing instead.\
Unless you have a partner and 3 children, you probably don't even need a big house in the first place, a studio-like room with room for 1 bed, a PC, a desk, a chair, a kitchen, a closet to put your clothes into, a shower, a toilet, and a washing machine is really all you need.\
Sure, there's barely any room in a 18m2 one room, but after living in one for a while, you'll notice that you really don't need more than that.
Throw away your smart devices, or if you really want to have one, keep it at home at all times.\
Pay with cash instead of a card.\
Replace WinDOS or macOS for Linux or BSD if you haven't done so yet.\
Set up your own Fediverse instances instead of making use of any centralized shovelware, for example big tech like JewTube, Shitter, Fakebook, or TikTok, or alt tech like Gab, Minds, Odysee/Bitchute/Rumble, and whatever more they've cranked out over the past few years.\
Or better yet, instead of using soycial media, set up your own website on your own server at your own home (I did it, and I'll do it again once I'm done nomadding, but for a while I'll be on a VPS instead).\
Stop using government money, and use Monero instead.
They're all small things, but you can actually do those, and all the small things will eventually make a big impact, just be patience.\
Even if you don't believe in it, even if you're a big pessimist, at the very least try.\
By keeping yourself in the "I want to do so, but I can't" mindset, you'll only hurt yourself in the long run, plus "I want to do so, but I can't" is a double negative.\
Instead, try to have a "I'm doing it" mindset, and you'll see how quickly you'll accomplish your goals.
I even know some obese dude of 140 kg jumping around like a kitten, and easily doing 2 hour long walks without any breaks, and doesn't even get tired after all that (and also doesn't seem to lose any weight either).\
When I asked him how he does that, he told me he imagined himself being Serval Cat from Kemono Friends for multiple weeks, and just started becoming capable of doing all of that, despite his weight, and despite the massive belly he has to carry around.
Likewise, I imagined being Son Goku for a while, sure I can't fly, transform, blast a kamehameha or something, but started feeling very strong, and actually became physically more powerful than I used to be.

src/blog/please-keep-irc-as-it-is/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: Please keep IRC IRC!
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-16 16:53:08
tags: blog,technology
Can't we even have chat software that's just chat software these days?\
> Modern features
> Push notifications, link previews, file uploads, and more bring IRC to the 21st century.
Translation: Make Everything Discord Again (MEDA).
> Always connected
> Remain connected to IRC servers while you are offline. Forget about bouncers. Resume where you left off on any device.
Question: why do we need to participate in the forced always-online bullcrap?
> Responsive interface
> The client works smoothly on every desktop, smartphone and tablet.
Text-only is as responsive as it gets, no CSS necessary.
> Free and open-source
> The Lounge is open source and licensed under the MIT license.
OK, fair enough.
> Cross platform
> It doesn't matter what OS you use. The Lounge just works wherever Node.js runs.
Aka, only works on already super bloated OSs and/or ultra bloated browsers with at least 2 PB of RAM (for long term use, though perhaps the processor might already be worn out by the time Node.js finally gets too bloated to run on 1 PB of RAM anyway).
> Multi-user support
> Supports multiple user accounts. Share your server with your friends!
Meanwhile, normal IRC doesn't even have any user accounts, so no need to share anything.\
Just let IRC be IRC, if you really need to have bloatware chat soyware, there's already Discord, Matrix, Rocket.chat, Slack, Skype, and 100s more Discord-wanabee "alternatives".\
IRC, XMPP, Mumble, and Tox are really the only good chat protocols left that don't attempt to lure Discord sheep in (apart from individual clients like Dino and since recently Gajim), which are all too happy to remain vendor-locked into Discord no matter how hard you try.


@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: CBDCs will fail, privacy cryptocurrencies will win, part 1
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-29 13:34:25
tags: blog,technology,money,cryptocurrency,politics
Back in 2020 just before the entire world lost their minds over an imaginary sickness, I made a prediction about economics for the whole decade (so until 2030) based on what I've observed throughout the previous decade.\
Since the first part has come true so far, I'll share with you my prediction.
# But first the part what already came true
The ruling elites have realized that the fiat system is done (easily verifyable by just looking at how much everything costs between the great boomer era and now), so they will have to change to a different currency, but they know that they can't just do it or the masses will just grill them alive.\
So instead, they came up with "the deadliest pandemic of all time" (which by the way has already been in the making for decades, they already knew their end was coming) to cover their asses while basically developing a dystopian version of Bitcoin for each country (CBDC).
They injected literal poison into many people's arms, and made insentives like "free pizza", "free donuts" etc, and even used literal violence, all "for their own health".
Once the "pandemic" magic wears off, people will no longer go along with it and start noticing inflatio...OH LOOK WHAT RASSHA IS DOING TO YOUKRAYJIN!! REEE!!\
Meanwhile, the people in the west standing for their freedom on one hand and Russia being cancelled by the entire universe on the other hand have realized how retarded fiat is, and will start going into Bitcoin.\
But then they and many long time Bitcoin brah's realized that they have no privacy in Bitcoin at all, that their money can be niggerlisted at any random moment, and so will find anything to get their Bitcoin converted into Monero, Etherium into Dero, Dogecoin into Wownero, Litecoin into Pirate Chain, Chainlink into Equilibria, BAT Tokens into OXEN, Tether into Haven, and so on.\
And maybe distribute their wealth over multiple of them, because privacy coins are currently pretty cheap.
# Now comes what is yet to come
CBDCs come out while more eligible sheeple (the lethally injected) keep dying.\
By the time CBDCs get launched, the few lethally injected that still remain alive for now will start using it, and quickly get redpilled by the fact they can't spend shit with it, because they'll notice that CBDCs are no money, but vouchers effectively.
While the real capitalists (small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and freelancers) have long switched to Monero (for retail) and Dero (for smart contracts), big corpoes, supermarkets, convenience stores, and the like will support only CBDCs out of fear that the government will intervene, but as they are getting near bankruptcy, they'll start accepting Monero and other privacy coins.\
They'll realize that nobody uses CBDCs, and will just dump CBDCs as they no longer care about what the government has to say.
And so by 2025, the economy will great reset into a privacy crypto-based system as everyone has lost faith in the elites, and the elites will own nothing, and be unhappy.
CBDCs are just guaranteed to fail, even if at first it doesn't seem so.
# Simple trick on how to predict the future
In case you wonder how I can know what the elites are up to, it's pretty simple: they always tell you well in advance what they're up to.\
You only need to pay well enough attention, and most people's attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish, so of course most people don't know in advance, and as we're seeing in Europe, they'll forget about the fact their very own governments have been literally destroying their lives the second they change over to the next psyop.


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: CBDCs will fail, privacy cryptocurrencies will win, part 2
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-01 22:38:50
tags: blog,technology,money,cryptocurrency,politics
Whenever I bring up cryptocurrencies when talking to the gold-boomers, I'm being asked "If you view CBDCs as a total scam, then why do you trust crypto then? Isn't that like a double standard? derp"
Ultimately, there are 3 types of non-physical currencies: slave currencies I mean CBDCs (digital yuan, digital dollar, digital euro, digital yen etc), cryptocurrencies (technically only Monero and Dero, because the rest is trash anyway), and scam coins (Squid Coin, Shiba Inu, Iron Fish, technically CBDCs too, but those already have a category).
As you'd expect, scam coins are run by scammers.\
Cryptocurrencies are run by anonymous hackers (Monero and Bitcoin) and businesses (every other crypto).\
And slave currencies, sorry I mean CBDCs are run by the New World Order, one world government, AI tyrannical control grid I mean smart grid system.
By holding currency, you're siding with the side that controls it, and gold is no different considering you need to dox yourself in order to buy some.
But if I had to choose between siding with the scammers, the government, or anonymous hackers and the free market, the choice is very easy: anonymous hackers and the free market.\
Because at least they don't outright steal your money and/or attach conditions you have to obey to or else.



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src/blog/privacy-matters-part-2/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Privacy matters, part 2
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-10 09:41:02
tags: blog,darknet,technology,politics
Order of events:
1. Hydra (a Tor-only marketplace) got shutdown, and the Deutsches maffia, I mean officials seized 25 MIILIEN DALURS!! of Bitcoin.
2. The masses once again realize why Monero should be the coin of choice, so everyone is swapping their Bitcoin into Monero as quickly as they can.
3. Binance and HuobiGlobal (didn't know the latter even existed until now) noticed, and decided to stop Monero withdrawals.
And here's me wondering why the fuck it took 8 years for humanity to finally realize you need privacy coins.

src/blog/privacy-matters/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Privacy and anonymity matters
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-05 13:05:59
tags: blog,technology,privacy,anonymity,politics
> Ryo-san, how comes you're still not cancelled despite your world views?
Anonymity and/or privacy.
* Use a different persona, email address, and password for each website.
* Pay in Monero where possible, pay cash if Monero is not possible (even rent!).
* Keep your bank accounts as empty as possible (withdraw as soon as you receive salary, or trade in for crypto).
* Never ever ever ever ever ever ever publish your face, name, phone number, and/or address not even to your closest real life friends (the danger of them using Fakebook and adding your phone number to their addressbooks for example). If your client requires you to make Zoom calls, ask them if it's possible to meet offline instead. If not, avoid.
* When shopping online, make use of crypto, convenience store payments, or prepaid VISA/Slavecard. If none of this is an option, avoid. Also, make them deliver at convenience stores instead of your front door, even if you have to drive to that store to pick up your delivery, it's still better than using your actual home address.
* When buying a new laptop or phone, best to crack it open and remove the camera and microphone before you boot it up, and get an external camera and/or microphone so you can plug it in whenever you really have to. Or otherwise buy a phone with physical kill switches (currently exclusive to PinePhone). Preferrably dump your phone altogether, but if you need to have one, keep it at home ONLY!!
* Stop using bloatware, boycott websites that use CuckFlare, disable Javascript and boycott websites that depend on Javascript unless you can fully trust the website. Learn to live with a crappy old laptop, and stick to it until it completely stops working, and maybe have a high-end PC for gaming if you want, but don't hook it up to the internet. Pre-2008 laptops have far fewer spyware, and easier to repair, and if you avoid soyware, you can easily use it even in current year and beyond. As a bonus, by not wasting so much money on a new PC or phone all the time, you'll be able to earn money while asleep.
* Stay up to date on anonymity and privacy related topics, because the government will always find new ways to violate your basic human rights (it's by design!). Government is your 2nd biggest enemy in all of existence (the number one is your mind).
There's far more, but I only mentioned the very easy things you can do.
## Comment by Udon
> ・Keep your bank accounts as empty as possible (withdraw as soon as you receive salary, or trade in for crypto).
Governement and zoomers: Let's abolish cash! It's a lot more convenient and Covid-free!
## Comment by 寮
[@udon](https://social.076.ne.jp/udon) It's a very dangerous move.\
But I guess more zoomers start waking up the more they start shutting down their bank accounts for not being docile enough.

src/blog/rant-against-odysee-part-1/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: Odysee Rant, part 1
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-31 9:28:53
tags: blog,technology,cryptocurrency
Dear LBRY, I know you love Javascript so much, but why the fuck do I need to turn on Javascript to unsubscribe from your email list!?
> Javascript is required to securely send your unsubscribe information. Email help@lbry.com for manual unsubscription.
"Javascript" and "securely" in one sentence, what a joke...
While the Web3 believers are still blindly shilling for LBRY/Odysee, I was done with it the day @TechnicalSuwako told me about blatant loli censorship on Odysee, and how her channel was entirely inaccessible for a few days until she asked them what the fuck is going on by email, to which they told her to add the "mature" tag to 2 videos in order to get her channel back.
This counts as censorship, because Odysee won't show you any content marked as "mature" and there's no way to enable it.\
Sure, you can still watch in the LBRY app or on lbry.tv (that site still existed at the time it happened) instead (after you manually enable "mature content" if you're even aware that option even exists), but how many people are shilling for Odysee vs LBRY?\
How many people do you think will be using odysee.com exclusively?\
Even Librarian wouldn't help much, because Suwako's fork is perhaps the only one that allows you to watch videos with the "mature" tag, since vanilla Librarian has a hard-coded "porn" filter as well as a hard-coded "anything that's not commie-friendly" filter.
They might be good programmers when it comes to cryptocurrencies, because unlike many other crypto-focussed services LBRY Credit is an actual crypto instead of yet another Etherium-based token like BAT or USDT for example.\
But if you make your entire websites depend on Javascript and serve the white page of death to everyone who disables JS for security and privacy reasons, you're just sending a virtual middle finger to all the security and privacy minded people.
All you're showing by depending entirely on JS is that you have no idea about how to make websites, and just support the current thing.\
Ever noticed how your CPU fan starts going wild whenever you open Odysee in a browser tab though?
Meanwhile, the authoritarian wannabee "libertarian", privacy and technology illiterate boomers are still full blown "OMG MAH BLUCKCHEYN (so?)!! OMG MAH DECENTRALYZED (even though it exists on a single server, which on top of that exists behind CuckFlare)!! OMG MAH NO CENSORZ (yes there is)!!", possibly until censorship finally starts biting them in the ass, that would be hillarious to watch.

src/blog/rant-against-odysee-part-2/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: Odysee Rant, part 2
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-19 12:15:00
tags: blog,technology,cryptocurrency
People in the Odysee comments are just dumb.\
"But you can get your PeerTube instance blacklisted, so how is that better than blockchain?"
Well, if your decentralized PeerTube instance gets blacklisted, you still have your server and therefore account intact, and people who want to follow you can continue to follow you from a different instance (or via RSS).
But if the Odysee team decides to censor your account on the fake "decentralized" (so actually centralized) Odysee platform, it gets recorded on the entire LBRY blockchain, and thus you're censored across all platforms, and you need to beg the Odysee team to get your account back.
## Debate with multiple Fedizens
Fuck it, I got a bit tired copying each individual comment, so just click the URL below and read everything by yourself instead.\

src/blog/real-linux-bsd-fanatics/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
title: You know you're a fanatic Linux or BSD user if...
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-03 06:00:01
tags: blog,technology,linux
* you have more terminal windows opened up than graphical applications, and you don't even realize that.
* you use the terminal far more than graphical applications.
* you love to using the terminal, fuck graphical soyware!
* you use rsync to sync your config files across multiple computers.
* you use git (the terminal app, not just the protocol) to manage all your source code.
* you login to multiple computers and servers (and phones if you have a Linux phone) via SSH every single day.
* you use SCP in a password-less setup (SSH keys) to upload and download files rather than relying on a bloated FTP client.
* you know exactly what /etc, /usr, /lib, /var, and /bin are for.
* you spend your time as the root user as little as possible.
* you update all your apps using the Linux distro's or BSD variant's native package manager (sorry, Flatpak, Snaps, AppImages, and downloading binaries from the internet doesn't cut it).
* you use vim, Neovim, and/or emacs for text editing and as your IDE of choice rather than relying on some bloated graphical IDE.
* you prefer using a tiling (or floating) window manager over a desktop environment.
* your bash or shell history is filled with "cd", "ls", "grep", "mv", "cp", "rm", "touch", "mkdir".
* you consult the "man" over internet resources.
* you know that copyright is a scam.
* even if you buy yourself a Surface or Mac, you ALWAYS make sure to install Linux or BSD before the initial boot, and make it use up the entire storage too.
* you make bootable USB drives using the "dd" command instead of relying on some bloated graphical USB drive flasher.
* you get disappointed when newbies REALLY want to turn Linux and BSD into yet another Windows or macOS clone.
* you hate to use smartphones, because no keyboard.
* you know the difference between "open source" and "free software", and only use "open source" or "FOSS" for the noobs who think that "free software" means piracy.
* you know full well that Torrents aren't limited to piracy.
* you find using Windows and/or macOS like trying to navigate through a massive maze.
* you know that Epstein didn't kill himself.



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src/blog/real-meaning-of-mortgage/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: The true meaning of "mortgage"
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-05 20:42:43
tags: blog,meme

src/blog/recommended-linux-distro-2/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
title: Which Linux distribution or BSD variant should I use? Doesn't matter!
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-18 06:30:00
tags: blog,technology,linux
In my [previous entry](/blog/recommended-linux-distro), I recommended a bunch of different distro's for specific use cases.\
However, these recommendations were based on my own personal taste, and I realized that what is the right choice to me might possibly be the wrong choice for you, and vice versa.
Maybe you're forced to use a specific Linux distro or BSD variant because that one plays nicely with your hardware while others don't.\
One example of that is me trying to install FreeBSD on a Surface Pro 3, and the tablet shuts down the moment the installer boots up, and apparently [it's a well known issue too](https://wiki.freebsd.org/Laptops/Microsoft_Surface_Pro_3).\
OpenBSD on the other hand is installable...kinda.\
While OpenBSD does get installed, the issue now is that as soon as I boot it up, I get greeted with a rather not so easy to understand error:
"INT33A1" at acpi0 not configured
acpipci0 at acpi0 PCI0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x00000001
acpibtn0 at acpi0: LID0
"MSHW0029" at acpi not configured
"MSHW0028" at acpi not configured
acpicmos0 at acpi0
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit offline
acpibat0 at acpi0kernel: integer divide fault trap, code=0
Stopped at aml_parse+0x2bad: divl %ecx,%eax
My experience with Manjaro on that thing is that WiFi drivers don't work.\
The only distro that works on it is Kubuntu, so I had to go with that.
I always get asked to give Linux Mint a try, because "once you use Mint, you won't want to use anything else".\
The problem I'm having with DEB-based distributions is that while they're great for servers, they're a pain for desktops.\
Packages are forever hopelessly outdated, and installing newer versions of said packages is quite a pain, especially if a new version of whatever distro you're using JUST came out, because 3rd party repositories aren't up to date yet.\
Makes me quite guity for recommending MX Linux to beginners, but on the other hand, beginners are generally the types of people who shouldn't mess around with different combinations of versions in the first place, at least not until they're comfortable enough with Linux so that they will never want to go back to WinDOS or macOS ever again.
But the above is exactly why I prefer to use Artix Linux over any other distro myself.\
While it theoretically takes more time to prepare your desktop (installation of software, configuration, and so on), the distro isn't really meant to be re-installed many times.\
And if you have to re-install or install on a different computer, for the most part it's simply a matter of RSYNCing (or SCPing if you're on that team) your dot files, then installing the software you want, and you're good to go.\
In fact, you can most likely use dotfiles meant for Artix on MX Linux too, maybe you'll need to place some stuff in different directories (like .config/newsboat instead of .newsboat for example), but that's really a non-issue for the most part.\
Or otherwise you can just delete the directory your distro creates for you, and it'll still work.
At the end of the day, the question you should be asking is not "which distro should I use?", but rather "what do I need in order to get my job done?".\
Another way of looking at it, if you're using Yuzu the Nintendo Switch emulator, you probably want to use an Arch-based system, because the AUR repository gives you the early access version for free, while others have either just the standard version, or none at all.
Or if you're using a package that is only made with systemd in mind, you'll need to choose one that uses systemd over one that explicitely avoids it.
What shouldn't be celebrated is people switching from Ubuntu to Arch, or from Arch to OpenBSD, and so on.\
What should be celebrated is people switching from a proprietary OS such as WinDOS, macOS, iOS, ChromeOS, or Goolag Android to a free(dom respecting) OS such as any Linux distro, any BSD variant, ReactOS, FreeDOS, or a custom Android AOSP ROM (like GrapheneOS, LineageOS, or /e/ for example).

src/blog/recommended-linux-distro/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
title: List of recommended Linux distributions
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-04 23:30:00
tags: blog,technology,linux
Let me be clear, this is in no way an article about which ones you MUST use as if your life would depend on, and it's definitely not an article about which ones you need to avoid like the plague.\
This is purely my own opinion as they are in mid-2022.\
I too keep shifting my opinions about which Linux distro I recommend, like how I would recommend Ubuntu to beginners 15 years ago, then I started recommending Manjaro to the same group of people 5 years ago, only to recommend MX Linux to that same group of people.
I have multiple recommendations, so I'll list them accordingly, then give my historical recommendations.\
Also, I will deliberately avoid recommending BSD variants, simply because this article is about Linux distributions, I'll make my list of recommended BSD variants another time.
# For beginners: MX Linux
I already hinted on it, but it was a bit hard to choose between MX Linux and Devuan, because they're both basically Debian without systemd.\
But Devuan is literally nothing but that.\
MX Linux on the other hand to me feels much more lightweight, has been tweaked more towards beginners.
Also, it's currently the number 1 on DistroWatch, so it must be good!
# For advanced users: Artix Linux
btw...I use Artix.\
Arch users know what I mean.\
Artix is Arch without systemd; Artix is to Arch what Devuan is to Debian.\
The one disadvantage of Artix is that the AUR is of course catered towards pure Arch Linux, so lots of packages need systemd even if there's no reason for it at all.\
Also, you'll need to be aware of Connman spying on you, so you'll need to mitigate that piece of shit.
My desktop PC is running Artix.
# For old hardware: Void Linux
Void is awesome, but you'll have to deal with old outdated versions in the official repository.\
But since Void is an independent distro (is this a mandatory statement when talking about Void by the way?), none of the packages will require systemd, so that's making stuff easier.\
Also, the installer is pretty easy to use, and boot times are near instant even on my 10 year old note PC.
I'm running it on all my note PCs.
# For mobile: Mobian
I didn't choose Mobian because it's the best Linux phone OS, but rather because it's the least bad one (alongside Arch ARM, except that one breaks often).\
Sure, postmarketOS is much more optimized for phones, but it sure lacks so many packages, and the distro itself kind of feels like playing with a toy (like Android), I just can't get comfortable using it.
I'm running it on my smartphone.
# For servers: Devuan
It's a bit odd to use Devuan over Debian on servers, considering so many web apps are made exclusively with systemd in mind (because soydevs), and it's very rare for VPS providers to provide a Devuan image, but once you get around and manage to set shit up to work with OpenRC, it's absolutely awesome!\
The very server this website is running on is powered by Devuan even, it's not a VPS, it's my former mini PC which I repurposed as a webserver!
I'm running it on all my servers.
# Historic recommendations
## Red Hat Linux
I recommended Red Hat (now RHEL) back in the late 90's, simply because it's what the very first PC I used was running on, so I didn't know many others.\
But besides Debian and Mandrake, there wasn't much else anyway.\
Nowadays, I really don't like RPM-based distro's.\
Maybe CentOS and Fedora put a bad taste in my mouth?
## Ubuntu
I used Ubuntu since version 6.06 LTS, which was the only release that wasn't released in April or October, but was the most stable version ever.\
5.10 to 8.10 marked the golden age of Ubuntu, it was really easy to get into, it wasn't as bloated yet, and it just worked.\
Ubuntu remained decent until GNOME decided to destroy the Linux desktop experience for literally everyone and their mothers, effectively forcing Mint to go their own way with Cinnamon, Ubuntu going their own way with Unity, and MATE being created out of GNOME 2.\
What did they do? Well, they replaced the best DE ever (GNOME 2) for the worst DE ever (Gnome 3).\
Gnome 3 did get better over time, but it still sucks, and Gnome 40 is more like a continuation of the Gnome 3 dystopia than a major upgrade.\
Imagine if Apple would make Macbooks for the nerdiest of nerds, and all of the sudden decides to make their Macbooks for the normiest of normies, and tell the nerds to go fuck themselves.\
This is what Gnome did by going from 2 to 3.\
Hell, Gnome 3 sucked so much, I couldn't even run it at my back then gaming note PC, as it would always start in Gnome Flashback even if I'd choose the main one instead.
And if I got it to work on a different PC, it was laggy as fuck.
However, Unity was no improvement.\
It was better than Gnome 3, it really felt like they took notes from the Gnome team, and maybe they did because a few years later they decided to dump Unity for Gnome 3 anyway.\
But ever since they moved from Gnome 2 to Unity, Ubuntu as a whole started going downhill by putting Amazon spyware in (though unlike with WinDOS and macOS, opt-out actually is opt-out), the system got bloated with pointless scripts, bugs everywhere, they started lagging behind on adopting technology, and so on.
## Linux Mint
I started recommending Linux Mint back in 2009.\
I knew it since 2007, but back then I viewed it as Ubuntu with proprietary media codecs (including Flash) pre-installed, and 1 panel instead of 2.\
But as Ubuntu was degenerating, Linux Mint really started to shine with their Debian Edition spin-off (which really should be the mainline edition at this point), and their own Cinnamon DE which is basically Gnome 3 done right (though pretty buggy when I tried it out at the beginning of its existence).
## Manjaro
Manjaro to Arch is what Ubuntu is to Debian.\
At the beginning they were pretty based, but just like Ubuntu, they started to degenerate in pretty much the same way.\
Flatpaks? Steam? Pamac? Why the fuck do we even need it!?
## Debian
I used to recommend Debian for desktops in the early 2000's, and for servers from the same era until recently.\
To keep it short, I'll let you [read this article by unixsheikh](https://unixsheikh.com/articles/the-delusions-of-debian.html) for why I stopped recommending it, as it's well in line with what I think of it.
## Damn Small Linux
When I went to middle school, I got introduced to Windows for the very first time.\
I loved Windows so much, I always had a bootable Live CD (we didn't have bootable USBs yet back then) with Damn Small Linux on it, which I would boot up instead to do my work on.\
The reason why I stopped recommending it is, it hasn't been updated over the last 10 years, so imagine the many known bugs that exist in the latest version today, and bootable USBs aren't as god damn slow as live CDs were, so there's simply no point in using it anymore.\
And also, good luck booting it up on today's PCs.
## Puppy Linux
Same as with Damn Small Linux, except that one died much more recently, but served as a good alternative to DSL.
Back when I repaired computers back in 2008-ish, I used KNOPPIX as an easy to use all in one repair kit (as a Live CD though).\
I'm no longer in the PC repair business, so I no longer use it.

src/blog/religion-vs-spirituality/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: The difference between religion and spirituality
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-19 10:59:34
tags: blog,spirituality,religion
# What's the difference between religion and spirituality?
* Religion is forcing your dogmatic beliefs systems on to everybody else.
* Spirituality is getting to know who you really are, adapting to your inner self, and letting your soul navigate you peacefully through the otherwise miserable world.
# How to know more about religion and spirituality?
* Religion: read the book and go to a designated physical area to pray, AND YOU BETTER BELIEVE OR ELSE!!
* Spirituality: meditate and ask questions to your higher self.
# What is God?
* Religion: Jesuses father (Christianity), no Allah (Islam), no King David (Judiaism), no some kind of cow with 5 legs (Hinduism), no man god is literally everywhere (Shintoism), you guys are all drunk there is no god just sages (Buddhism).
* Spirituality: it's you! God, higher self, universe, contiousness, intuition, your soul, your inner self, the cosmos, Jesus, Buddha, or however the fuck you want to call it, it's literally the same thing anyway.
# Will God respect my love for lolicon art?
* Spirituality: yes, because your higher self respects your free will unconditionally. If you like lolicon art, so be it. If you hate it, so be it.

src/blog/rules-of-the-internet/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: BLAST FROM THE PAST!! Rules of the internet
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-14 19:12:00
tags: blog,meme,internet
For the zoomers out there, these were the rules of the internet back in the early 2000s, so right before idpol started infecting the internet as we knew it.\
So this is a refresher for us millenials and genx-ers, and maybe you zoomers can apply these rules too to make the internet great again.\
None of the rules below are based on my own opinions, it's literally a carbon copy from 4chan, therefore it does not necessarily reflect my opinions.
1. Do not talk about /b/
2. Do NOT talk about /b/
3. We are Anonymous
4. Anonymous is legion
5. Anonymous never forgives
6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
7. Anonymous is still able to deliver
8. There are no real rules about posting
9. There are no real rules about moderation either - enjou your ban
10. If you enjoy any rival sites - DON'T
11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily by ignored
12. Anything you say can and will be used against you
13. Anything you say can be turned into something else - fixed
14. Do not argue with trolls - it means that they win
15. The harder you try the harder you will fail
16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure
17. Every win fails eventually
18. Everything that can be labeled can be hated
19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets
20. Nothing is to be taken seriously
21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old.
22. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
24. Every repost is always a repost of a repost
25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post
26. Any topic can be easily turned into something totally unrelated
27. Always question a person's sexual preferences without any real reason
28. Always question a person's gender - just in case it's really a man
29. In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents
30. There are no girls on the internet
31. TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours
32. You must have pictures to prove your statements
33. Lurk more - it's never enough
34. There is porn of it, no exceptions
35. If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made
36. There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw
37. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so)
38. No real limits of any kind apply here - not even the sky
41. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.
42. Nothing is Sacred
43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it
44. Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo
45. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car.
46. There is always furry porn of it.
47. The pool is always closed.

src/blog/seo-must-die/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: SEO needs to die already, it killed search engines
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-10 01:33:24
tags: blog,technology
I swear to kami-sama, every time I see a company begging for SEO, I want to punch them in the face.\
SEO is exactly what destroyed the usefulness of search engines.
Especially now with AI generated sites and the absolute SEO masters REEdit and StackOverflow, it has become impossible to compete in the search engine space regardless of how well you optimize it.\
Plus there's search bubbles and censors that would potentially pull your website down the drain even deeper in favor for AI generated sites and the big guys.
The only good thing SEO has achieved is that it made more and more people desire a comeback of link aggregators and webrings (or official documentation in the case of programming languages or software in general).


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: Snowden is controlled opposition?
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-18 13:50:24
tags: blog,politics,technology
Something that had me on my mind for a while, but is Snowden possibly a controlled opposition?\
I mean, his documents and revelations were authentic, and it did make the grey masses 0.33% (THE MAGIC 33!! FREEMASON CONFIRMED!!) and 5% of the more technical people more privacy aware (about 30% more think they are more privacy aware but they're not, and the entire rest of them simply don't give a fuck), but there are some flaws going on which is never seen with any of the genuine resistance people:
* He appears on TV many times.
* Politicians respond to his revelations.
* The Eww creates new artificial "pro-privacy" "laws" that so far have brought 0 improvement, but yet people around the world give more props to the Eww (which is a New World Order organization just like the UN and WHO) than any national mafia, I mean government ever. And the Eww was set up to replace 28 (now 27) countries in Europe by 1 super state.
* He fled to HONK KONK and then to Russia, yet nobody even tried to arrest him, and he could have been easily snatched in Russia considering his passport was rendered invalid at the airport, which got him stuck in the international zone, and therefore any government of the world could have easily stopped him at any random moment.
* We know that their plan is to make people lose faith in national governments by 2025, then make the people overthrow them, and have them bag the UN one world government to come to the rescue. Snowden leaking the documents about a decade ago is a pretty good timing for that to happen using the "slow boil" method.
I'm not necessarily saying "don't trust Snowden" with this, but rather "it might possibly be a trap".



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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
title: StartPage is NOT a privacy search engine, part 2
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-09 09:56:09
tags: blog,technology,privacy
Remember how I said Startpage is a little bit less bad than CuckCuckGo for having a proper way of viewing the site without JS?\
Forget about it, yet another "Privacy Bad" search engine virtue signalling about privacy.\
## Comment by arcanicanis
You know what: YouTube, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, etc are helping make major strides in a freer and open internet again. They provide the prime example of what NOT to be, and are inadvertently exerting pressure for people to leave for alternatives.
Almost every day now for the past week I hear of another YouTube channel thats temp-banned (typically one or more accounts each day). Its absurd that the only way some channels are even able to get strikes rolled back is only if they have special connections to the company, but even then, they still often get screwed over.
I also see a significant uptake in federated instant messaging protocols in the past year or two, far more than Ive seen in the past two decades since options first existed.
But of course: some people will complain that these alternatives arent “friendly” enough for all their normie friends to adopt it. And you know what: thats perfect. Let it be a Turing or IQ test. Let the people that lack motivation to overcome simple obstacles reside to their normie-web, while those that have troubleshooting and critical thinking skills to have a space reserved for themselves, to be able to have rational, meaningful and thoughtful conversation. Its another reason Id like to start hosting more things exclusively on Tor or I2P: because it provides a simple obstacle to filter out the lazy and apathetic, while providing more privacy, encryption, etc.
## Comment by 寮
[@arcanicanis](https://were.social/arcanicanis) That's what I was thinking too.\
Well, perhaps I won't run any communities myself, I have friends doing a great job at that already, but when I launch my own website again, it'll be Tor exclusive.\
Maybe I2P too, but first I want the i2pd guys to finally make the daemon not go down after a few hours after restarting it again for no reason.



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src/blog/startpage-is-not-privacy/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: Startpage is NOT a privacy search engine
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-02 00:55:11
tags: blog,technology,privacy
Question: if Startpage claims to be a privacy search engine, then why the fuck:
1. does it load Goolag tracking?\
2. does it include multiple ad and adblock related JS scripts?\
The good thing about Startpage compared to CuckCuckGo is that it actually has a functioning website if you disable JavaScript.\
CuckCuckGo redirects you to a less than useless HTML version that's always using the eye blindening white theme, is search results only (no image search, no "news" search (not like anyone even cares anyway), no video search, just nothing!) and actively prevents you from accessing these parts too, and search results on CuckCuckGo's HTML version are even more useless than the JS version.
There's literally no reason for CuckCuckGo to not allow you to view images and videos if you disable JS, it's as if they're just punishing you for caring about privacy and security.\
StartPage on the other hand doesn't let you click on images when JS is disabled which too is pretty dumb, but at least it lets you search for those.
But both seem to be bending the knee with their censorship of Russian sites, so they're both not worth your time when it comes to neutrality.\
I'm not saying I trust Russian propaganda, they're just as bad as western propaganda, and both sides are spewing bullshit all the time, but the point is that being biased is NOT supposed to be the job of a search engine.

src/blog/stop-using-dependencies/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Stop fucking using dependencies!
author: 寮
date: 2022-03-29 12:37:44
tags: blog,technology,webdev
I'm pretty tired of having to fix projects of customers that keep collapsing because their original developers decided to spam with dependencies for literally everything.
Even for something like the CURL library, which is part of PHP itself, I've seen multiple libraries being used in a single project (I ASSume it's because they tested one, didn't work and installed a different one, and never bothered to deleting the previous one ever again).
What I do in this case is I just copy/paste the CURL function from one of my own projects, delete all the CURL libraries, replace all the lines of code where CURL is used (read: takes me a couple of hours), and shit just works!
To see what I mean:
1. Go to https://packagist.org/explore/
2. Type "curl".
3. Notice how many libraries get pooped out.
All you need is this:\
It's portable (works in PHP and all the bloatware/frameworks), and it fucking works!\
And if it doesn't, just install php-curl (on Debian: "sudo apt install php-curl"), and then it will work.
As a bonus, you'll start to actually understand your own code too.
What's worse is when they start using dependencies to fix a problem with a dependencies of a PHP framework, just because they don't know how to do it the right way.\
Or they use a dependency of 100s of MiB which literally only does "setcookie()" and "echo $_COOKIE" in the OOP way.\
Sure, let's just launch a ballistic missle with remote controls just to kill a mosquito, why the fuck not...

src/blog/stop-using-php-frameworks/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Stop using PHP frameworks, follow the KISS principle
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-21 15:23:42
tags: blog,technology,webdev
"We have to use a PHP framework so all programmers understand the code."
No you fucking idiot, by using a framework you achieve the exact opposite of that!\
A programmer's responsibility is to understand 100% of the code they're working with, not to abstract 95% of it so you only have to care about the remaining 5%.
I have experience writing code in real PHP, Laravel, Symphony, CakePHP, and Zend.\
And every time I have fully finished projects in a matter of days or weeks in real PHP, while I never get to finish shit in any of the frameworks after a year even, simply because it's designed to become a plate of spaghetti, no matter how much you try to keep it simple.
Simply because with real PHP you're starting from nothing and can have full control over your code, including applying the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle.
Meanwhile with the frameworks you start from somewhere between 666 KiB and 5 fricking MiB worth of dependencies, classes, middlewarez, routes, scripts, templates, config files, and all else you don't need.
If you want to make rock solid, lightweight software that is entirely bug free?\
Apply the KISS principle and the Unix phylosophy of doing 1 thing and doing it well.\
Yes, that means NO all-in-one Swiss knife type of soyware, from my own first hand experience this WILL lead to the continuous creation of many bugs, exploits, and other problems, which'll effectively render your project into being beta forever (or otherwise never finished).

src/blog/taxation-is-theft/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
title: The fact that taxation is theft is almost universally accepted now
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-11 00:49:28
tags: blog,politics,money
Just wondering, how long will it take before taxation will be universally seen as theft?\
The anarcho-capitalists (aka lib-right) were first to say that, and the lib-left (they call themselves "anarcho-communists", but IDK, anarchy and communism is mutually incompatible) also started saying that some time ago, so libertarians (10% of the world population?) universally agree that taxation is theft now.
The religious gold boomers (aka auth-right) started slowly waking up to this fact as well, so we might get up to 70% of the world population saying so by the end of the apocalypse.
I'd be surprised if the remaining 30%, the communists/soycialists/slaves (aka auth-left) will say that too, because taxation is especially a fascist or soycialist or communist (exact same thing, just different names given by different DICKtators) unique selling point.
## Comment by paws.jpg
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) A lot of the tankies are NPCs or rich city planner types. Hence why they hate cars too, their dream is for the peasants to take public transit and witness an AC bus fight daily.
## Comment by xianc78 (alt)
[@PhenomX6](https://fedi.pawlicker.com/users/PhenomX6) [@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) I've actually been seeing a lot of anti-car talk lately and it's not just from the AuthLeft.



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src/blog/the-evil-jew-meme-is-real/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: The evil Jew meme is real
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-05 18:36:34
tags: blog,politics,meme



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src/blog/think-tank/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: Think tank
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-25 22:44:13
tags: blog,meme


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: ThorChain is the latest example of how to NOT do JavaScript
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-13 14:24:11
tags: blog,technology,webdev
Question, when are we at peak Javascript?
If you disable Javascript, you can view the site perfectly fine.\
However, you can't click on any "a href" links, just none!\
Enable Javascript, and all of the sudden you can click on links, but the back button of the browser wraps me straight back to Searx, regardless on how many links I clicked on.\
And in addition, my CPU instantly jumps to 15%, and fans are going crazy.
Upon inspection, I noticed this:
Without Javascript:
<a target="_blank" label="not_defined" category="not_defined" action="not_defined" class="right-btn btn" data-v-f4582520="">Swap</a>
With Javascript:
<a target="_self" label="not_defined" category="not_defined" action="not_defined" class="right-btn btn" data-v-f4582520="" href="/ecosystem/interfaces">Swap</a>
If that's not a blatant "TURN ON JS OR ELSE!!", then I don't know.\
Like, why the fuck is Javascript needed to put a "href" variable into an "a" tag!?\
You literally have no way to justify this bullcrap!
## Comment by Udon
[@ryo](https://social.076.ne.jp/ryo) It's a cool way to show "I know scripting 🕶", maybe. (with a pure and innocent heart)


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Theory: is the so-called "Ukraine war" meant to prevent Europeans from escaping upcoming tyranny?
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-07 18:36:18
tags: blog,politics,psyop
I was considering something.
The EU goes full blown communist/tyrannical, dystopic ultra police state, the west exit is the ocean, and the opposite side is already in a even bigger downfall, the south exit (or rather south entrance) is the mediteranian and then Africa, which Europeans are afraid of anyway, and north exit is the North Pole (if it even exists to begin with).
The only exist they have left which they're not scared of to escape to is the east, air traffic to out of Europe has been blocked, so in order to get to the east exit, they need to get through either Belarus or Ukraine first, and both have the imaginary "war" going on (on TV), and the Europeans buy into it, and now they're just stuck in Europe (unless they want to go to Turkey).
At the same time, America has been erecting a wall at the Mexican border, us "crazy conspiracy theories" have been warning for a whole decade now that the wall exists only to keep the Americans in instead of the Mexicans out (think Berlin wall and keeping the commies in eastern Europe).
Australia, New Zealand, and the UK don't have to do much other than stopping boat traffic, because they're islands.
So don't they do the whole Ukraine vs Russia psyop just to prevent Europeans from escaping the EU?\
Because it sure as fuck seems like it!
This makes even more sense if you consider the fact that Poland is absolutely littered with pro-Ukraine propaganda, more than the rest of Europe combined.\
Still, pretty ironic that USSR defectors who escaped to western Europe always joked about Ukrainians being literally Russians, and now all of the sudden the very same people stand with Ukraine while hating Russians.

src/blog/unnecessary-js-bypass/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: How to bypass totally unnecessary Javascript
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-13 16:26:09
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
[This soyte](https://dragon-ball-official.com) requires Javascript in order to even view.\
However, all it takes is pressing F12 to open up developer tools, and deleting the "&lt;div class="intro"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" section, and the site is accessible again.\
Yet another example of why using Javascript on sites where it's absolutely unnecessary is a waste of time, money, and effort for both the soydevs and the end users...

src/blog/websoyte-ui-makes-no-sense/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
title: Websoyte UI elements make no sense
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-11 02:33:01
tags: blog,technology,internet,webdev
# Websoyte UI elements make no sense
## The "back" button to replace the back button
There's always a "back" button embedded into the webpage, even though every single browser ever made has its own "back" button already.\
This is perfectly fine if it's something like "go from the details page to the overview page", but often times the reason it's there is because soydevs do everything in their power to break the browser's back button.
## The "copy" button to replace CTRL+C
Another useless UI element is the copy button.\
Every PC OS with the exception of macOS has a "CTRL + C" hotkey, because in macOS it's "CMD + C".\
And with the exception of iPhone OS 2.0 and earlier (Crapple themselves called iOS like that back in the day!), every single smartphone OS has a built in "tap and hold text on the screen to select and then copy that shit" feature, even Phosh and Plasma Mobile can do this!
But apparently, a dedicated "copy" button is needed, which can eventually be abused to do malicious things, because Javascript.
## The "share" button to replace URL sharing
Another pointless button has to be the "share" button.\
How difficult is it to simply copy and paste the URL of the current page!?
## Predictions?
What's next?\
Make a "right click menu" button?\
Make a button that will click the hyperlink right next to it for you?
## Consequences
If we continue on like that, someday we will find ourselves in a situation when trends change and all these useless buttons disappear, and the normies will have no idea how the hell they have to copy text, share a URL with their friends, or go back in the browsing history.
And the freaky part about it is, the first 2 of those is already happening, when I asked my grandma (who's using an iPad, because of course) to share me the website she was viewing, she told me "How am I supposed to do that!? There's not even a share button on that page!!", or my mother complaining that she can't copy the URL of a webpage to XMPP, because she only knows how to do so to LINE.

src/blog/why-everyone-has-adblockers/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: Yet another example of why everyone uses adblockers
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-12 16:22:57
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
[This is peak ad insanity.](https://linuxhint.com/base64_encode_decode_command_line/)\
Big ass ad above the article, even bigger ass ad embedded on the right, smaller add embedded to the bottom, ads after every single paragraph, automagic full screen video ad of which the close button is barely visible that shows up as you scroll down.
This is why everyone uses adblockers, this is why more and more people disable JS, this is why uMatrix is so essencial while browsing online.
But at least it motivated me to fix the extensions issue I've been having, so I finally fixed uMatrix to work again, and that websoyte is far more readable without all these ads.


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: Why free software is ALWAYS superior over proprietary software
author: 寮
date: 2022-05-25 06:27:44
tags: blog,technology
This my friends is the ultimate explanation about why you should NOT use WinDOS, macOS, iOS, or Goolag Android:\
This is why I'm so glad I grew up with Linux, this is why I love Linux and since recently BSD so much, this is why I use a PinePhone over any other phone (when I really have to), this is why I have a ThinkPad and love it so much.
And a bit less related but still related, this is why I'm on Fediverse and not on any of the big tech or alt tech platforms, this is why I use XMPP and refuse to ever use LINE, Discord, Matrix, WhatsApp, Skype, or some other non-free chat app or protocol.
Because I prefer to own what I use, rather than have permission to be allowed to use something I on top of that have to pay for too.\
Even if you disagree, what do you think is more attractive?\
Download and install something for free and have full control over it, or pay a lot of money (or use up lots of system resources in the case of chat apps/protocols and SNS) and be a total slave to whoever made it?


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: Why everybody shops at Amazon despite the many alternative webshops
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-21 19:00:44
tags: blog,technology,webdev
How the landscape of webshops evolved:
1. "Amazon has too much power, we need more smaller webshops."
2. "Your own webshops? That's so cool! Everyone has to have their own webshop!"
3. (sees barely anyone is buying shit) "What can I do to get more customers? I KNOW!! Let's make it entirely in React.js, stuff it with a zillion NPM dependencies, fill all the pages with as many ads as possible, put more and more trackers, fight in the endless SEO war, and put it behind CuckFlare, because everyone loves cool looking webshops!"
4. (sees the customer rate dropped from barely anyone to absolutely 0) REEE!! WHY IS EVERYONE SHOPPING AT AMAZON INSTEAD!!??


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
title: The real reason why they pushed Ivermectin during the peak of the lethal injection fad
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-09 00:00:43
tags: blog,politics,covaids,psyop
Why did they introduce Ivermectin exactly during the peak of the lethal injection fad?\
Too many people were waking up to the fact that corona doesn't exist, so they had to give those people something to bait back to sleep.
Whether it's safe or not, I won't talk about it, but take the following under consideration:\
If you know there's no such a thing as a "COVID-19", if you know it doesn't exist at all, then what the fuck do you need Ivermectin for!?\
By shilling Ivermectin to cure covaids, aren't you basically saying that covaids exist?
Even if you use the "but cases are going down thanks to Ivermectin", how is that supposed to make any difference?\
This is the perfect example of "the illusion of choice".\
Raising cases = harsher lockdowns.\
Falling cases = make it 40% less harsh for a little while, only to then make it 60% worse next time cases go up.
How are the cases counted?\
RNG testing (which is not a test)?\
Or do they just make up the numbers however they want?\
Noticed how every single country had raising and falling cases all at the same time, regardless of whether the RNG tests (which are no tests) have been available or not? Regardless of whether the population obeys or disobeys? Regardless of it being expensive, cheap, or free of charge?
One thing this whole covaids psyop has confirmed, is how dumb the whole wide world is.



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