2023-02-26 22:51:44 +09:00
コミット aa470fcda1


@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ Facebook is fake and gay (and crazy boomers).
<h2 id="freebullshid"><s>FreeBullShiD</s></h2>
<h2 id="freebullshid">FreeBullShiD</h2>
Made up by myself.\
Meaning: FreeBSD\
~~Can't get X to work on it, lots of bloat, bullshit file system structure...\
Also, community seems to be slowly taken over by LGBT rainbow terrorists, so the future of this operating system is pretty dark.\~~
And they had a CoCk for a while, ~~but seems like that's taken down fortunately.\~~
Also, community seems to be slowly taken over by LGBT rainbow terrorists, so the future of this operating system is pretty dark.~~\
And they had a CoCk for a while, ~~but seems like that's taken down fortunately.~~\
But at least this and OpenBSD were the only BSDs that refused to force covAIDS propaganda down everybody's treats, so at least that's a plus side.
Update: rainbow terrorists was a false alarm apparently, but the CoCk is [still there](https://www.freebsd.org/internal/code-of-conduct)!\