

3 コミット

作成者 SHA1 メッセージ 日付
b155c443e5 Turns out I was right about the covAIDS 2023-02-25 16:26:46 +09:00
0249f2f6c8 Glossary 2023-02-25 16:26:23 +09:00
0beee275bd No, you're not an elitist for gatekeeping normies, even if you're called as such 2023-02-25 16:26:08 +09:00

src/blog/you-are-not-elitist/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
title: No, you're not an elitist for gatekeeping normies, even if you're called as such
author: 寮
date: 2023-02-19
tags: technology,internet,webdev
Have you heard about the whole concept of elitism?\
Seems to exist exclusively in technology.\
However, elitism doesn't actually exist.
Arch users are being called "elitists" all the time for being openly hostile towards Wintoddlers.\
OpenBSD users are often called "elitists" by Linux users for belitteling every single OS that's not OpenBSD (I like and use both, plus FreeBSD, and all 3 of them have a use and deserve the love for their merits, and I'd not consider any of them to the the ultimate go-to system for everything).\
Users of suckless software are commonly considered "elitists" for using simple software instead of over the top bloated soyware.\
Hell, veteran internet users are commonly called "elitists" for calling out the dystopian direction technology is going into.
I'd like to ask the following:\
Consider if Mr. Bean would just walk into an ICU unit and demand to perform heart surgery on somebody who might die in a matter of minutes, and the surgeon would tell him to fuck off, is the surgeon an elitist?\
If a 4 year old would want to edit Monna Lisa while it's 75% done, and Leonardo da Vinci would tell him to go play in a sandbox with his friends, is Vinci-san an elitist?\
Obviously, technology is far more accessible than an ICU unit at a hospital or a time machine for that matter, but the point remains the same; all we want is to preserve (well, it's far too late for that anyway, so we'd want to restore rather) the internet culture as it was intended, and having tech illiterate normies going around making demands is exactly what destroyed everything.\
And I'd honestly be much more tolerant towards normies if they would at the very least learn to adapt, or better yet, just adapt.\
So many people tried to make the internet and technology in general easier to use, and all it did was making it all harder to use instead.
I personally use the command line for everything except for web browsers, when I started using dwm on Linux (formerly i3-gaps) and FreeBSD, and cwm on OpenBSD, I have grown to hate GUI software.\
Only if the internet was more accessible from terminal browsers, and get Fcitx to work in fbterm (or get mlterm to work at all), I would probably just delete the window managers and go full blown TTY.\
I was using byobu on Linux and FreeBSD, and got disappointed that I couldn't get it to work on OpenBSD, so I decided to configure tmux to make it work, look, and feel exactly like byobu, except I'm using tmux directly now rather than as a layer within byobu, so it's even more based now.
And there's nothing elitist about that, it's just way easier to use because GUI's have been so nerfed down to the lowest common denominator, they accidentally became harder to use because they all got many layers of abstraction added to prevent normies from breaking stuff, and this comes at a very high price, which is freedom and control over your system.\
Sure, command line might feel hard and all that, but at the very least try to live in it for a month, I bet you'll never look back anymore.\
Right now dwm and cwm are just there to allow Fcitx, multi monitor setup, and web browsers, other than that I just full screen into a terminal with tmux running in it, and launch other programs inside of it, I can't imagine anything more comfortable than that!
Actually, there is!\
I have a couple of servers, each running either Devuan, or FreeBSD, or OpenBSD, plus my ThinkPads run either Artix, or GhostBSD, or OpenBSD, and I SSH into all of them in different terminal windows, and using DWM keybindings I switch between them, and they all run tmux with my custom config (which I'll finetune a little bit further, and then release it on Gitler and Ryogit).\
I even configured tmux to display the name of the OS and version number (with the obvious exception of Artix), and gave each OS a different color status bar, so Devuan got a pink-ish one, FreeBSD is red, OpenBSD is yellow, GhostBSD is dark grey, and Artix is blue.\
Top notch productivity, the levels of perfection is overflowing!\
Although I'm slowly moving all my Devuan servers to either FreeBSD or OpenBSD (depending on what's supported and what usecase each server has) as I no longer see Linux as a viable server OS (I mean kernel, whatever nobody cares), more on that in a later article.


@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [Emasculated Maccaroni](#emasculatedmaccaroni) | | [Emasculated Maccaroni](#emasculatedmaccaroni) |
| [Fakebook](#fakebook) | | [Fakebook](#fakebook) |
| [フェイクブック](#feikubukku) | | [フェイクブック](#feikubukku) |
| [FreeBullShiD]($freebullshid) | | ~~[FreeBullShiD](#freebullshid)~~ |
| [Furryfox](#furryfox) | | [Furryfox](#furryfox) |
| [Glass source code](#glasssourcecode) | | [Glass source code](#glasssourcecode) |
| [Glownigger](#glownigger) | | [Glownigger](#glownigger) |
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [Hell care](#hellcare) | | [Hell care](#hellcare) |
| [肥満ページ](#himanpage) | | [肥満ページ](#himanpage) |
| [Instantkilograms](#instantkilograms) | | [Instantkilograms](#instantkilograms) |
| [邪魔スクリプト](#jamascript) |
| [JewTube](#jewtube) | | [JewTube](#jewtube) |
| [Jewhoo](#jewhoo) | | [Jewhoo](#jewhoo) |
| [Justin Castro](#justincastro) | | [Justin Castro](#justincastro) |
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [RNG検査](#rngkensa) | | [RNG検査](#rngkensa) |
| [Roshan](#roshan) | | [Roshan](#roshan) |
| [Satan Klaus](#satanklaus) | | [Satan Klaus](#satanklaus) |
| [Scamco](#scamco) |
| [Scamdemic](#scamdemic) | | [Scamdemic](#scamdemic) |
| [新型茶番](#shingatachaban) | | [新型茶番](#shingatachaban) |
| [Shitter](#shitter) | | [Shitter](#shitter) |
@ -249,14 +251,18 @@ Facebook is fake and gay (and crazy boomers).
意味:フェイスブック\ 意味:フェイスブック\
フェイクブックはフェイクニュース(と可笑しいお父さん)ばかりだ。 フェイクブックはフェイクニュース(と可笑しいお父さん)ばかりだ。
<h2 id="freebullshid">FreeBullShiD</h2> <h2 id="freebullshid"><s>FreeBullShiD</s></h2>
Made up by myself.\ ~~Made up by myself.\
Meaning: FreeBSD\ Meaning: FreeBSD\
Can't get X to work on it, lots of bloat, bullshit file system structure...\ Can't get X to work on it, lots of bloat, bullshit file system structure...\
Also, community seems to be slowly taken over by LGBT rainbow terrorists, so the future of this operating system is pretty dark.\ Also, community seems to be slowly taken over by LGBT rainbow terrorists, so the future of this operating system is pretty dark.\
And they had a CoCk for a while, but seems like that's taken down fortunately.\ And they had a CoCk for a while, but seems like that's taken down fortunately.\
But at least this and OpenBSD were the only BSDs that refused to force covAIDS propaganda down everybody's treats, so at least that's a plus side. But at least this and OpenBSD were the only BSDs that refused to force covAIDS propaganda down everybody's treats, so at least that's a plus side.~~
Update: I came to terms with FreeBSD, they no longer seem to have a CoCk, and rainbow terrorists was a false alarm apparently.\
While I still find it bullshit they put everything in /usr/local/ENTIREFUCKINGFILESYSTEM, I really got to appreciate their ports collection and ZFS support.\
Also, I finally got X working, so I no longer need to rely on GhostBSD for desktop use, yay!
<h2 id="furryfox">Furryfox</h2> <h2 id="furryfox">Furryfox</h2>
@ -318,6 +324,12 @@ From 暗黒騎士.\
Meaning: Yahoo\ Meaning: Yahoo\
Yahoo is just as Jewish run as the rest of big tech. Yahoo is just as Jewish run as the rest of big tech.
<h2 id="jamascript">邪魔スクリプト</h2>
<h2 id="jewtube">JewTube</h2> <h2 id="jewtube">JewTube</h2>
From Bitchute commenters.\ From Bitchute commenters.\
@ -490,6 +502,12 @@ From DollarVigilante.\
Meaning: Klaus Schwab\ Meaning: Klaus Schwab\
The pure evil super villain of humanity, the inventer of The Great Reset where you will own nothing and be happy (aka, Communism as a trojan horse). The pure evil super villain of humanity, the inventer of The Great Reset where you will own nothing and be happy (aka, Communism as a trojan horse).
<h2 id="scamco">Scamco</h2>
Made up by myself.\
Meaning: Bandai Namco\
They release so much DLCs, those combined often cost way more than the base game itself.
<h2 id="scamdemic">Scamdemic</h2> <h2 id="scamdemic">Scamdemic</h2>
From The Cobert Report.\ From The Cobert Report.\


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
title: Turns out I was right about the covAIDS
author: 寮
date: 2023-02-25
tags: politics,psyop,covaids
> Just to clear things up, previously I said that [I will no longer write about politics](/blog/no-more-politics/) because I was hoping to just stop writing about it altogether.\
> Instead, I ended up just moving polblogging to SNS.\
> This time, polblogging will remain separate from the main blog, but I don't think I'll write much about politics now that the covAIDS is finally on its way out (and that was the only reason for me to care about politics as it affected me personally like having Comiket cancelled and/or inaccessible all the time), and I realized that you just can't change course unless everyone would stop funding governments.
> Giving them any attention whether good or bad is counter productive.
8 months ago from now I wrote about [how the covAIDS is nothing more but a money making operation](/pol/lethal-injection-covaids-is-just-a-money-making-operation/), which is perhaps the most important political blog post I've ever written on this entire website.\
Back then I told you to not take my word as the truth and it's pure observation.\
However, as time went by, I really got to notice that this is the actual true real truth after all, and yet it's something only me and loli frog happened to come to this conclusion, and nobody else.\
And literally all I did was following the money trail and observe with my own eyes in real life.
## The entire story line was well planned out
In many parts of the world people were relieved when governments put an end to the scamdemic everywhere except for east Asia and to some extend USSA.\
The left forgot that there was a scamdemic at all, while the right was boasting about how the power of people waking up has put an end to it.\
However, what if I told you that everything is just on schedule?
Back in 2019, a nurse from Germany was supposed to visit Japan in April 2020 for a conference, but then at the last minute the organizers announced a change in dates, they moved the conference up from April 2020 to October 2022.\
When did the Japanese borders kind of re-open? In September 2022.\
And I got this information from her all the way back in 2020.\
But this really shows that they already knew that the borders would remain tightly closed until that time.
## Bullshit comes from both sides
Both the left and the right have been spewing bullshit, whether willfully or not.\
Because both rely on information provided to them, and then they pretend they were "looking into it" or "doing proper research".\
No, all you did was watching TV (for the left) or watching online videos (for the right).\
So, raise your hand if you actually went out in public, did on the ground observation, asked as many people as possible (left and right, jabbed and unjabbed, "believer" and "denier", random stranger or ICU nurse, just anyone) the right questions, and so on without relying on random people on the other end of the world's intel.\
I raise my hand, maybe somewhere in the crowds I might see 1 or 2 hands, but that's it.
## Death rate bias
Yeah, it's happening on both ends of the political X axis, and nobody seems to notice.\
Just so you know that I'm not just making these numbers up, [I used this as the source](http://goolag.i2p/window?nojs=1&location=https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/WLD/world/death-rate).\
Feel free to check out other soyces, many people tend to prefer Our World in Data, which shows a massive spike in deaths in 2020, 2021, and 2022, only to then go back to normal in 2023, so in case you're wondering, I'm not denying the fact that more people died than usual as a result of the jabs (I even wrote about it 8 months ago), but it actually proves I was right on that as well.\
When I checked yesterday (just to troll fashtag #Fediblock), the world population today is 8 billion and still going up as we speak.\
Back in 2020 the left has predicted a mass die off to barely anyone alive due to the virus that doesn't exist, and in 2021 and 2022, and even to this day in 2023 the right is predicting a mass die off to barely anyone alive due to the jabs by the end of whatever year is current year, and then keep moving the goal post every time it doesn't happen, and last year I wrote that just a small percentage will die off, the rest will become dependent on the hell care soystem.
7,874,965,825 (population count in 2021 according to Statistics Times) - 69,000,000 (death count in 2021 according to Our World in Data) = 7,805,965,825\
So that's a 'whopping' 0.87619427859549% decrease of the entire world population, wow, what a disaster...
And to be fair, not only I'm going to debunk the vax genocide bullshit, I will also debunk the killer virus bullshit.\
7,794,798,739 (population count in 2020 according to Statistics Times) - 63,000,000 (death count in 2020 according to Our World in Data) = 7,731,798,739\
This is a decrease of 0.80823125919583%, which is really about the same as 2021.
I gave you the sources of both, feel free to make your own calculations for both years + 2022 + 2019 + 2018 + 2017.......\
You'll see that you'll end up at a similar spot each time.
## Population growth during mass genocide!?
While reading what I've just said, did you notice something odd?\
Both during the heights of the so-called "pandemic" and so-called "mass genocide", world population **INCREASED** rather than decreased!
Using the same years:
* 2017: 7,547,858,925
* 2018: 7,631,091,040
* 2019: 7,713,468,100
* 2020: 7,794,798,739
* 2021: 7,874,965,825
Statistic Times didn't get updated in a long time, which is why I refrained from listing 2022 numbers.\
However, Worldometer gets updated every single second, and the number there is still higher than both 2020 and 2021.
And of course I'll get people telling me how the government is lying about statistics, but throughout 2020 I was told by the left that government is lying, but they then told me they're accurate in 2021 onwards.\
And the right on its turn told me that government was giving accurate numbers until 2020, and started lying from 2021 onwards.\
All this does however, is proving that both have their biases.
## In the end, it's all about the money
Jabs were all about the money, and "virus" was just to brainwash you into taking it.\
I explained that in my 8 months old blog post already, so read that one for more on it.\
Do note that they tend to repeat these scamdemics rather frequently, and the entire population starts freaking out in their own ways each time.\
The phrase "in a war, the first victim is the truth" is pretty damn true after all, as it literally took a Unix nerd from the far east that nobody seems to be listening to until it no longer matters anyway to let the world know that no, the world is not coming to an end, no, there's no spectacular increase of deaths, and no, not a single "truther" took any effort at research other than watching some BITCHute videos most likely uploaded by NSA/CIA/FBI glowniggers in the attempt to misdirect them (in which they succeeded).