

2 コミット

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64d26065c1 Slight modifications for a more based audience. 2023-01-22 18:47:26 +09:00
3744b0b891 No need to wait for 2030 for owning nothing, it's already here 2023-01-22 18:47:00 +09:00

src/blog/2030-is-already-here/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
title: No need to wait for 2030 for owning nothing, it's already here
author: 寮
date: 2023-01-22
tags: technology,dystopia,new-world-order,
thumbnail: 2030-is-already-here.jpg
3 years ago (or 2 years? dunno, I'm too boomer for that) the New World Order, I mean World Economic Forum (which never has anything to do with economics) released this very controversial video saying "by 2030, you'll own nothing and be happy" with a soyboy giving a creepy as fuck laugh at it.\
Of course there's more like living in a pod, 3D printed organs, eating zi bugz, and all that, but since this is a technology focused blog, I'll focus on just the you'll own nothing and be happy aspect.
<audio controls>
<source src="http://ass.ryocafe.site/help-me-erin-horoism-ver.oga" type="audio/ogg" />
People seem legit concerned about it, but I will tell you one thing, it's already here.\
In fact, it has been here long before the announcement!\
One example I gave on [SNS](https://social.076.moe/notice/102693) about the whole Pokemon storage thing:
> GameFreak 2003: "You can store more Pokemon than before on your GameCube and still have full ownership over them thanks to Pokemon Box."
> GameFreak 2013: "Here's a revolutionary new product: store more Pokemon on our computer, I mean The Cloud, at the sacrifice your ownership over them for an annual fee thanks to Pokemon Bank."
> GameFreak 2020: "Yea it's the exact same product as before, but this time you can store all your Pokemon on our computer, I mean The Cloud, have no ownership over them anymore, because WE decide in which games they are usable now TEEHEE!! Oh yea, and you will pay us monthly for that thanks to Pokemon Home."
> Back in the old days, the more you paid the better off you were.\
> Nowadays, the LESS you pay, the better off you are!\
> But this is what "you'll own nothing and be happy" by Satan Klaus ultimately means; you pay for stuff you don't have.
Other examples I bring up extremely often are related to the internet.\
20 years ago everyone with an online presence owned their own website where they could say whatever they wanted, likewise there was no shortage of self hosted communities, setting them all up was simple, running them was easy, and there was no worry of censorship or governments and/or corporations collecting everybody's data behind their backs.\
And of course [tech illiterate doomers will try to lecture me how the internet has been all about data harvesting from the very beginning](https://thecrowhouse.community/viewtopic.php?p=46947#p46947), but I've actually seen the internet way before that was the case first hand, so you can't tell me otherwise!\
But Ryo-chan, why would you accuse him of being tech illiterate? Well, [he said so himself](https://thecrowhouse.community/viewtopic.php?p=46838#p46838).
Today however, [all communities are on Discuck](https://koshka.love/babel/irc-forever.html), all websoytes are behind Cuckflare, all main activities exist on soycial media, all email goes through [Big Email](/blog/liberate-email-ignore-dkim/), all servers are on AWS, all shopping happens on Amazon, so all of this is already under somebody else's control!\
But give it another few years, and it's all going to fall down, the only survivors will be those of us who insisted on actually having full control over our online properties.\
Those of us run our own XMPP, IRC, and/or Mumble servers, email servers, web servers, darknet mirrors (or darknet only servers for those of us who want actual full control), webshops, Fedi instances, and so on.
Oh yea, back to gaming, 20 years ago we had the concept for online gaming of hosting dedicated servers.\
Everyone could play games uncensored, without having to worry about too much trouble makers.\
Now that gaming servers are all centralized, we have to deal with being reported by fucking retards, lag, being banned from places we're paying for, spammers, cheaters, and all other bullcrap.\
So unless you insist on playing the classic Runescape, WoW, and Unreal Tournament games, or otherwise play alternatives like Minetest instead of Minecraft, we no longer own our gaming servers.
And I will stay at gaming, because there's just so much to talk about when it comes to losing ownership.\
Remember the games you bought 20 years ago?\
How do you buy them today?\
In the past we bought physical copies, now it's all digital.\
With the exception of Nintendo consoles, even if you buy physical copies and put that disc into your console or PC, you'll still download and install the digital version anyway, so the physical copy effectively got reduced to just a trophy, because the moment the devs take the file or server down, even with that disc you won't be able to play that game anymore in the future, and it's a matter of time before they take it offline considering the size of games these days.\
And even though you can technically make offline copies of games you bought from Steam, I wouldn't blindly trust that neither, simply because some of the more famous games might come with DRM (which is malware) which not only makes it unplayable on Linux, it literally treats you as a criminal too.\
And this is exactly why piracy is on the raise.\
And unlike taxation, [piracy is not theft](/blog/it-is-ok-to-be-a-pirate/).
Goolag's Stadia went a step further by even making your gaymes exist on their computer, I mean The Cloud only, this whole concept was already doomed to fail from the get go, and the only devs who supported it are the most greedy motherfuckers, which should tell a lot already on what they think of their own customers, it's a great way for all the rest of us to basically filter out the trash.\
And as expected, [it got added to the Goolag graveyard](https://web.archive.org/web/20230120211851/https://killedbygoogle.com/).
And finally for the gaming segment, DLC.\
This meme should explain it all.
How about computers?\
Are you running Linux or BSD?\
Then you own your computer.\
Do you run WinDOS, macOS, iOS, or Android?\
The your computer owns you.


@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Lots of soytes made by hipsters who can't code and were never supposed to code i
This time there are no buttons, but plain text notices saying something like "This websoyte only works in Goolag adrenoChrome 99 and newer or Furryfox 100 and newer", this is no different from basically saying "if you don't show me your papers, then I will deny you from entering the store", which to any reasonable person is pure fascism and pure evil, although many brainless and soulles government drones don't seem to even realize this as it was made clear over the past 3 years.
What's worse is that more and more websoytes are growing dependent on Cuckflare or some other malicious CDN soyvice.\
This is the direct result of their servers being unable to handle their soy apps, so instead of taking the little bit of time to make their shit more lightweight and more usable, they resort to Cuckflare, as they're in denial of the fact that they're a bunch of browser fascists.\
This is the direct result of their servers being unable to handle their soyware, so instead of taking the little bit of time to make their shit more lightweight and more usable, they resort to Cuckflare, as they're in denial of the fact that they're a bunch of browser fascists.\
And in addition to that, they're even more discriminatory by blanket banning all Tor and most VPN users.\
This is a triple middle finger towards the people who are in big danger, political refugees, dissidents, the resistance, and people who just don't want to be tracked wherever they go.


@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ tags:technology,privacy
Also, ever noticed how the cookie popups ALWAYS require Javascript to even click away, let alone configure?\
You're making people aware of cookies (read: force them to accept cookies and make it as hard as possible to not accept them), but not only you completely ignore the fact that you need Javascript for it to work, you're replacing even the fucking DOM in favor for a Javascript-only web!\
Also, how about the mandatory JS, ANALytics, Captcha's, many CDNs, ads, WASM, CuckFlare, Fakebook like button, JewTube embeds, Tweet embeds, the push to using mobile apps over the browser interface, 2FA, browser and/or device fingerprinting, FLOC, AI chat/support bots, blanket banning of Tor users, restricting people who use VPNs, and the list of privacy hating features goes on and on.\
Also, how about the mandatory JS, ANALytics, Captcha's, many CDNs, ads, WASM, CuckFlare, Fakebook like button, JewTube embeds, Tweet embeds, the push to using mobile programs over the browser interface, 2FA, browser and/or device fingerprinting, FLOC, AI chat/support bots, blanket banning of Tor users, restricting people who use VPNs, and the list of privacy hating features goes on and on.\
You have seemingly no problem at all using all of these, BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT........only the cookies are a concern, because the Eww says so...


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ They went from a niche salarymen tool, to a hip gadget, to a mainstream device e
Credit/debit cards, bank/cash cards, public transport passes, and flight tickets are already on the way out in favor for Goolag Pay or Crapple Pay.\
Soon the national ID card, residence card, passport, drivers loysense, hell insurance card, MyNumber card, and the rest of the bullshit will become appified (already the case in Ukraine, NIGGERia, and CHAINA!!, and piloting in AusJAILia apparently).
Soon after that you'll need all these apps on a smartphone you have permission to use (because you can't own a smartphone, the big 2 have full control over it, so it's never YOUR smartphone) in order to even log online, this is technically already the case in Pakistan with their "get lethally injected or else you won't be able to use a SIM card you're paying for every single month" policy.
Soon after that you'll need all these programs on a smartphone you have permission to use (because you can't own a smartphone, the big 2 have full control over it, so it's never YOUR smartphone) in order to even log online, this is technically already the case in Pakistan with their "get lethally injected or else you won't be able to use a SIM card you're paying for every single month" policy.
"Ryo-kun, you gloomer and doomer!\
If you're so smart, then gives us a solution to stop it then!"\


@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ If you pay enough attention, you'll see the following problems:
And now lots of pro-PostgreSQL people will be mad at me, and pro-MariaDB and pro-MySQL people will be like "what's wrong with PostgreSQL?", the problem with PostgreSQL is that, in my experience throughout my entire carreer, it ALWAYS breaks at some point in time.\
I have yet to see any web app that's using PostgreSQL that manages to stay afloat after at least 3 years since its initial installation.\
In comparison, I've seen web apps that use MariaDB have been running for years and years without a single problem, even if MariaDB is a bit slower and less strict by default.\
In comparison, I've seen web applications that use MariaDB have been running for years and years without a single problem, even if MariaDB is a bit slower and less strict by default.\
Plus PostgreSQL has always been a massive pain to install, and even worse to manage unless you install some stupid Electron soyware like pgAdmin or some shit.
So the only way to remain on the Fediverse will be to build your own Federated software from scratch, with MySQL/MariaDB, without any frameworks at all, can be installed painlessly, doesn't need JS for the frontend to function (yes, I prefer to periodically press F5 over getting half my screen spammed with notifications all the time).\


@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ With that out of the way, next time you cry about cycrims getting your personal
You're having a tracking device called a "smartphone" with you at all times, it has all sorts of antenna's and other components that make stealing your personal information possible 24/7.\
You most likely visit websoytes made in over the top bloated JS frameworks (yes, multiple!), that spam you with all kinds of ads and trackers, that are hosted on AWS servers, that are behind Cuckflare, that spam you with "ACCEPT MY COOKIES OR ELSE!!" popups, fingerprinting, and so on wherever you go.\
And if you at least put a bit of work to mitigate these problems, you're additionally getting confronted with either a "we're checking your browser" page, a "access denied because you're a spambot" page, or "please solve this captcha in order to enter the soyte" page, plus broken web elements, broken pages or completely blank pages, even more captcha's, and so on on an every day (or even every minute) basis.\
And if you're a smartphone user (which you really shouldn't be if you're smart), you probably have Fakebook, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, Telegram, Signal, Shitter, JewTube, LBRY, Discucked, Slack, Zoom, Goolag Maps, Goolag Translate, Siri/Goolag ASSistant, OneNote, Goolag Drive or OneDrive or iCloud, SnapChat, TikTok, Vkontakte, Skype, and many other spyware apps you really shouldn't use to begin with, along with apps for your bank account and multiple government apps which shouldn't exist at all.\
And if you're a PC user, you probably know people who are running WinDOS, macOS, or Chrome OS (I don't ASSume anyone viewing this site to be on any of these 3 OSs anyway, I don't know because I run 0 trackers here), and might have Steam installed as well as all the desktop versions of the apps and/or browser versions of these, which are additional spyware.
And if you're a smartphone user (which you really shouldn't be if you're smart), you probably have Fakebook, WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, Telegram, Signal, Shitter, JewTube, LBRY, Discucked, Slack, Zoom, Goolag Maps, Goolag Translate, Siri/Goolag ASSistant, OneNote, Goolag Drive or OneDrive or iCloud, SnapChat, TikTok, Vkontakte, Skype, and many other spyware crapps you really shouldn't use to begin with, along with crapps for your bank account and multiple government crapps which shouldn't exist at all.\
And if you're a PC user, you probably know people who are running WinDOS, macOS, or Chrome OS (I don't ASSume anyone viewing this site to be on any of these 3 OSs anyway, I don't know because I run 0 trackers here), and might have Steam installed as well as all the desktop versions of the programs and/or browser versions of these, which are additional spyware.
And at times you're not using technology, consider the CCTV camera's, facial recognition camera's, hidden camera's, speeding camera's, camera's on or near traffic lights, all the luxery in your car, camera's in the train, anti-theft gaytes, glowies hiding behind trees, random strangers taking pictures which then accidentally include you into that shot and then put it on SNS, your ID card, your bank/credit/debit card, your drivers loycense, your hell insurance card, and so on and so forth.\
The glowniggers and tech companies know far more about you than any cycrim would ever dream of.


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ And now with the PinePhone and Librem 5, we're seeing yet another liberation hap
This is because those 2 devices run Linux out of the box, and Linux can also be installed on a number of (older) Android device.\
Sure, it's unfinished, and the "turn everything into an app" meme that Android and iOS are prevents Linux phones from becoming great (which I think is for the better, as we already have 2 mainstream OSs for the peasants), but most stuff can actually be mitigated.\
Most apps are just pimped websites anyway, and most of the major apps even have a browser interface (for now), but there are harder nuts to crack, apps with no browser or desktop version and blatantly force you into using a mobile app, like many banks, and from what comes up in my mind, Mercari, LINE, [Starlink router configuration](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/rdKQ7MVTBrMpqxgzXRa5n9), Phillips scale configuration, and so on.
Most crapps are just pimped websites anyway, and most of the major crapps even have a browser interface (for now), but there are harder nuts to crack, crapps with no browser or desktop version and blatantly force you into using a mobile crapp, like many banks, and from what comes up in my mind, Mercari, LINE, [Starlink router configuration](https://video.076.ne.jp/w/rdKQ7MVTBrMpqxgzXRa5n9), Phillips scale configuration, and so on.
Guess what?\
You don't need them!


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This got me thinking, every time I try to convince people to self host and feder
Let me tell you, this is total bullshit.\
In fact, I'm proof of that!\
I have no big tech presence, I have no alt tech presence, I almost exclusively use self hosted solutions and Fediverse (I am on 2 forums, although inactive, but almost none of these people are who I met at Fedi and vice versa).\
And even before I got my clearnet domain name, I've had a loyal readership, I have followers on Pleroma, I get to reach out pretty far and wide actually, even without having an account on any of the big or alt tech platforms or chat apps.
And even before I got my clearnet domain name, I've had a loyal readership, I have followers on Pleroma, I get to reach out pretty far and wide actually, even without having an account on any of the big or alt tech platforms or chat programs.
Apart from that, Fedi's biggest userbase is human, whereas the userbases of pretty much all big tech and alt tech platforms are bots.\
Sorry, but I'm not buying into this whole audience argument at all.\


@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Or you can use the ADB shell, but it requires a PC and a USB cable in order to a
On iOS it's even worse, there's absolutely no terminal at all unless you jailbreak and download one from Cydia or some shit.
On the PC front it's only slightly better, but still worrysome.\
10 years ago with the WinDOS 7 system, at least much of its users still knew what a CMD was, they at least knew that apps are stored in "C:\Program Files" (look, I'm not even a WinDOS user, and I know exactly where that is!), they at least knew you could edit the registry.\
10 years ago with the WinDOS 7 system, at least much of its users still knew what a CMD was, they at least knew that programs are stored in "C:\Program Files" (look, I'm not even a WinDOS user, and I know exactly where that is!), they at least knew you could edit the registry.\
Now the WinDOS 10 and WinDOS 11 users (at least people who started using computers from either of these 2, or even 8 or 8.1) have absolutely no idea about any of these.\
They're effectively smartphone users with a mouse and keyboard.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Hell, WinDOS 11 recently got a new update that [requires a full re-install of yo
I absolutely say that!\
You don't need to be a guru, even knowing basic file management related commands is good enough.\
You should also take the tiny little time to know the OS you're using more, every PC user should at the very least know where the installed apps are stored, where the config files are located, how to compile already made source code, and where exactly your home folder is located, I view these as the bare minimal skills every PC user needs to know.\
You should also take the tiny little time to know the OS you're using more, every PC user should at the very least know where the installed programs are stored, where the config files are located, how to compile already made source code, and where exactly your home folder is located, I view these as the bare minimal skills every PC user needs to know.\
If you master the command line, you master the PC.\
If you don't, then the PC masters you.


@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Solaris OS, basically Ubuntu with a lack of software.
Windows, just like Mac, I got introduced to it in middle school, except it was running on hundreds of PCs there instead of just 1.\
The only non-WinDOS and non-Mac PC there was 1 Linux Mint PC, which I loved to use the most.\
Coming from Linux, WinDOS is insanely hard to use, none of the commands you know work on it, you're highly dependent on Internet Exploiter for software installation (well, Mac OS X was the same way with Safari), settings are spread all over the place, the UI is inconsistent (if you found GTK vs Qt apps to be inconsistent from each other, just look at how all the 3rd party music players for WinDOS XP looked like compared to, say, WinDOS Exploiter), and so on.
Coming from Linux, WinDOS is insanely hard to use, none of the commands you know work on it, you're highly dependent on Internet Exploiter for software installation (well, Mac OS X was the same way with Safari), settings are spread all over the place, the UI is inconsistent (if you found GTK vs Qt programs to be inconsistent from each other, just look at how all the 3rd party music players for WinDOS XP looked like compared to, say, WinDOS Exploiter), and so on.
Fedora, it was a serious crash-fest when I tried it.


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ tags:technology,linux
* you use SCP in a password-less setup (SSH keys) to upload and download files rather than relying on a bloated FTP client.
* you know exactly what /etc, /usr, /lib, /var, and /bin are for.
* you spend your time as the root user as little as possible.
* you update all your apps using the Linux distro's or BSD variant's native package manager (sorry, Flatpak, Snaps, AppImages, and downloading binaries from the internet doesn't cut it).
* you update all your programs using the Linux distro's or BSD variant's native package manager (sorry, Flatpak, Snaps, AppImages, and downloading binaries from the internet doesn't cut it).
* you use vim, Neovim, and/or emacs for text editing and as your IDE of choice rather than relying on some bloated graphical IDE.
* you prefer using a tiling (or floating) window manager over a desktop environment.
* your bash or shell history is filled with "cd", "ls", "grep", "mv", "cp", "rm", "touch", "mkdir".


@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ I'm running it on my smartphone.
# For servers: Devuan
It's a bit odd to use Devuan over Debian on servers, considering so many web apps are made exclusively with systemd in mind (because soydevs), and it's very rare for VPS providers to provide a Devuan image, but once you get around and manage to set shit up to work with OpenRC, it's absolutely awesome!\
It's a bit odd to use Devuan over Debian on servers, considering so many web applications are made exclusively with systemd in mind (because soydevs), and it's very rare for VPS providers to provide a Devuan image, but once you get around and manage to set shit up to work with OpenRC, it's absolutely awesome!\
The very server this website is running on is powered by Devuan even, it's not a VPS, it's my former mini PC which I repurposed as a webserver!
I'm running it on all my servers.


@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Luckily I didn't have to teach myself to make sure my code is 100% self written,
Over time I started adding in more rules, like total size of the project (excluding ASSets like images, videos, favicons, databases etc, but including HTML, CSS, JS, PHP or Go) should never exceed 1 MiB (or 1024 KiB, or 1.48 MB), which in many cases is quite a lot of space.\
In perspective, the comments section is only 1.58 KiB (1.62 kB), Hozon Site is only 10.93 KiB (11.19 kB), URL Loli is only 6.86 KiB (7.02 kB), and Kensaku Online is 15.81 KiB (16.19 kB) for now (the last one can signigicantly change, as it's still in development).\
With the exception of my comments section, they're all full blown web apps, and none of them exceed 20 KiB (again, for now), and my biggest project I made for a customer was a around 600 KiB (614.4 kB) total (would be 90 MiB if you include all the ASSets, but then again those aren't editable code anyway), so 1 MiB is actually extremely generous.\
With the exception of my comments section, they're all full blown web applications, and none of them exceed 20 KiB (again, for now), and my biggest project I made for a customer was a around 600 KiB (614.4 kB) total (would be 90 MiB if you include all the ASSets, but then again those aren't editable code anyway), so 1 MiB is actually extremely generous.\
I only made the limit to be 1 MiB to allow complex management systems that require lots of code, but even with complex CRM systems I never manage to hit that limit.
For the GenXers and millenials out there, 1 MiB fits on 1 floppy disc.


@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Seriously, stop discriminating against users of real computers by enforcing the
Again, don't force people to use smartphones, even for logins!\
MFA has nothing to do with security, and everything to do with tracking you by linking your PC's browser to your smartphone, and track you using your smartphone instead of PC browser.\
I'm still OK with Authenticator-style OTP ones, because at least it's just a 6 digit code, and you can still do it on your PC, which mitigates the privacy issues.\
But if you make it so that it ONLY works on specific Authenticator apps (some disservices started doing so!), then you're pure evil.
But if you make it so that it ONLY works on specific Authenticator crapps (some disservices started doing so!), then you're pure evil.
A little technological secret I want to share with you that apparently very few people know, but will make you no longer want to use MFA: password managers exist!\
GNU Pass is by far the best password manager.\


@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ And a bit less related but still related, this is why I'm on Fediverse and not o
Because I prefer to own what I use, rather than have permission to be allowed to use something I on top of that have to pay for too.\
Even if you disagree, what do you think is more attractive?\
Download and install something for free and have full control over it, or pay a lot of money (or use up lots of system resources in the case of chat apps/protocols and SNS) and be a total slave to whoever made it?
Download and install something for free and have full control over it, or pay a lot of money (or use up lots of system resources in the case of chat programs/protocols and SNS) and be a total slave to whoever made it?