title: Scams ---- # Worldwide scams This world is so full of scams, I even had to split the list by alphabet!\ I'm not going to point out scams everyone knows like the Indian tech support scammers, Nigerian prince scammers, and such, my focus is on scams most people aren't even aware they're scams.\ So it might be very triggering if you're unaware of these, but by being aware of these scams and actually considering them as such, we can actually create paradise on Earth.\ The more people become aware, the sooner we can live on Earth as intended by the creator or God or Buddha or Allah or the universe or your soul or however you want to call it. # 9 * [9-5 jobs](/scams/9to5) # A * [Adult Diaper League](/scams/adl) * [Alt tech](/scams/alttech) * [Anti Money Laundering](/scams/aml) * [The ultra-fascists called "Anti Fascists"](/scams/antifa) * [Automatic Updates](/scams/autoupdate) # B * [Medical Mafia](/scams/bigpharma) * [Big tech](/scams/bigtech) * [Bitcoin](/scams/bitcoin) * [Burn Loot Murder](/scams/blm) * [Blockchain = decentralization (spoiler alert: it's not)](/scams/blockchaindecentralization) # C * [Planetfuckers](/scams/climate-change) * [Certificate of being Brainwashed by the Government](/scams/college-university-degrees) * [Communism/Socialism/Fascism (same shit, different name)](/scams/communism) * [The Fake "Resistance"](/scams/controlledopposition) * [Copyright/DMCA](/scams/copyright) * [covAIDS-19](/scams/covid19) * [Crypto exchanges](/scams/crypto-exchanges) # D * [DEMONcracy (aka, mobsters in suits)](/scams/democracy) # E * [The Eww](/scams/eu) # F * [Western version of capitalism](/scams/fake-capitalism) * [Fiat currencies](/scams/fiat) * [Free speech platforms](/scams/freespeechplatforms) # G * [Mind Control](/scams/government) # K * [Know Your Customer (so that they can screw you over)](/scams/kyc) # L * [The alphabetsoup "community"](/scams/lgbt) # M * [Official propaganda](/scams/mainstreammedia) * [The modern soyweb](/scams/makeeverythingjavascript) * [Death Contract](/scams/mortage) # O * [Object Oriented Programming and design patterns](/scams/oop) # P * [National borders and passports](/scams/passport) * [Project micromanagement](/scams/projectmanagement) # R * [Religions](/scams/religions) # S * [Government Indoctrination Centers](/scams/schools) * [SDGs](/scams/sdgs) * [Smart tech](/scams/smartphone) * [Sportsball](/scams/sportsball) # T * [Extortion, I mean Taxation](/scams/taxation) * [Terrorism (aka, Jewish cosplay)](/scams/terrorism) * [The Cloud](/scams/thecloud) * [Think of the chillens](/scams/thinkofthechildren) # V * [Slave suggestion box](/scams/voting) # W * [Bankster Wars (so all wars since WWI)](/scams/wars) * [Web 3.0](/scams/web3) * [*aaS](/scams/whateverasaservice)