title: You know you're a fanatic Linux or BSD user if... author: 寮 date: 2022-06-03 06:00:01 tags: blog,technology,linux ---- * you have more terminal windows opened up than graphical applications, and you don't even realize that. * you use the terminal far more than graphical applications. * you love to using the terminal, fuck graphical soyware! * you use rsync to sync your config files across multiple computers. * you use git (the terminal app, not just the protocol) to manage all your source code. * you login to multiple computers and servers (and phones if you have a Linux phone) via SSH every single day. * you use SCP in a password-less setup (SSH keys) to upload and download files rather than relying on a bloated FTP client. * you know exactly what /etc, /usr, /lib, /var, and /bin are for. * you spend your time as the root user as little as possible. * you update all your apps using the Linux distro's or BSD variant's native package manager (sorry, Flatpak, Snaps, AppImages, and downloading binaries from the internet doesn't cut it). * you use vim, Neovim, and/or emacs for text editing and as your IDE of choice rather than relying on some bloated graphical IDE. * you prefer using a tiling (or floating) window manager over a desktop environment. * your bash or shell history is filled with "cd", "ls", "grep", "mv", "cp", "rm", "touch", "mkdir". * you consult the "man" over internet resources. * you know that copyright is a scam. * even if you buy yourself a Surface or Mac, you ALWAYS make sure to install Linux or BSD before the initial boot, and make it use up the entire storage too. * you make bootable USB drives using the "dd" command instead of relying on some bloated graphical USB drive flasher. * you get disappointed when newbies REALLY want to turn Linux and BSD into yet another Windows or macOS clone. * you hate to use smartphones, because no keyboard. * you know the difference between "open source" and "free software", and only use "open source" or "FOSS" for the noobs who think that "free software" means piracy. * you know full well that Torrents aren't limited to piracy. * you find using Windows and/or macOS like trying to navigate through a massive maze. * you know that Epstein didn't kill himself.