title: Fake Anarchist/Libertarian Instance Database ---- Originally I made this list of Fediverse instances claiming to be anarchist and/or libertarian, yet ending up being communist and/or authoritarian instead.\ Then I started adding heavily censorious "free speech" instances as well.\ After that I started adding instances that are *maybe* truly free speech with red flags, and instances that are truly free speech, anarchist, and/or libertarian, but don't claim to be as such.\ So now this is a one stop Fedi instance review area to see whether their claims actually match reality, though I've left the original name unchanged until I figure out an acronym using the same letters. I break their TOS, COCk, and/or about pages down so you don't have to. ## Fake libertarians * [Liberdon](/fali/liberdon/) * [Outer Heaven](/fali/outerheaven/) ## Fake anarchists * [Kolektiva](/fali/kolektiva/) ## Fake free speech * [Gab](/fali/gab/) * [TRUTH Social](/fali/truthsocial/) * [Randland](/fali/randland/) * [Poast](/fali/poast/) ## Fake anti fascists * [Disqordia](/fali/disqordia/) * [Todon.nl and Todon.eu](/fali/todon/) ## Possibly true free speech, but has red flags * [GC2](/fali/gc2/) ## True free speech, true anarchist, and true libertarian, but doesn't claim to be one * [076 SNS](/fali/076/)