require "csv" struct Invidious::User module Import extend self # Parse a youtube CSV subscription file def parse_subscription_export_csv(csv_content : String) rows ='\n'), headers: true) subscriptions = Array(String).new # Counter to limit the amount of imports. # This is intended to prevent DoS. row_counter = 0 rows.each do |row| # Limit to 1200 row_counter += 1 break if row_counter > 1_200 # Channel ID is the first column in the csv export we can't use the header # name, because the header name is localized depending on the # language the user has set on their account channel_id = row[0].strip next if channel_id.empty? subscriptions << channel_id end return subscriptions end def parse_playlist_export_csv(user : User, raw_input : String) # Split the input into head and body content raw_head, raw_body = raw_input.strip('\n').split("\n\n", limit: 2, remove_empty: true) # Create the playlist from the head content csv_head ='\n'), headers: true) title = csv_head[4] description = csv_head[5] visibility = csv_head[6] if"Public", case_insensitive: true) == 0 privacy = PlaylistPrivacy::Public else privacy = PlaylistPrivacy::Private end playlist = create_playlist(title, privacy, user) Invidious::Database::Playlists.update_description(, description) # Add each video to the playlist from the body content csv_body ='\n'), headers: true) csv_body.each do |row| video_id = row[0] if playlist next if !video_id next if video_id == "Video Id" begin video = get_video(video_id) rescue ex next end playlist_video ={ title: video.title, id:, author:, ucid: video.ucid, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, published: video.published, plid:, live_now: video.live_now, index: Random::Secure.rand(0_i64..Int64::MAX), }) Invidious::Database::PlaylistVideos.insert(playlist_video) Invidious::Database::Playlists.update_video_added(, playlist_video.index) end end return playlist end # ------------------- # Invidious # ------------------- # Import from another invidious account def from_invidious(user : User, body : String) data = JSON.parse(body) if data["subscriptions"]? user.subscriptions += data["subscriptions"] user.subscriptions.uniq! user.subscriptions = get_batch_channels(user.subscriptions) Invidious::Database::Users.update_subscriptions(user) end if data["watch_history"]? user.watched += data["watch_history"] user.watched.reverse!.uniq!.reverse! Invidious::Database::Users.update_watch_history(user) end if data["preferences"]? user.preferences = Preferences.from_json(data["preferences"].to_json) Invidious::Database::Users.update_preferences(user) end if playlists = data["playlists"]?.try &.as_a? playlists.each do |item| title = item["title"]?.try &.as_s?.try &.delete("<>") description = item["description"]?.try &.as_s?.try &.delete("\r") privacy = item["privacy"]?.try &.as_s?.try { |privacy| PlaylistPrivacy.parse? privacy } next if !title next if !description next if !privacy playlist = create_playlist(title, privacy, user) Invidious::Database::Playlists.update_description(, description) videos = item["videos"]?.try &.as_a?.try &.each_with_index do |video_id, idx| if idx > CONFIG.playlist_length_limit raise"Playlist cannot have more than #{CONFIG.playlist_length_limit} videos") end video_id = video_id.try &.as_s? next if !video_id begin video = get_video(video_id, false) rescue ex next end playlist_video ={ title: video.title, id:, author:, ucid: video.ucid, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, published: video.published, plid:, live_now: video.live_now, index: Random::Secure.rand(0_i64..Int64::MAX), }) Invidious::Database::PlaylistVideos.insert(playlist_video) Invidious::Database::Playlists.update_video_added(, playlist_video.index) end end end end # ------------------- # Youtube # ------------------- private def is_opml?(mimetype : String, extension : String) opml_mimetypes = [ "application/xml", "text/xml", "text/x-opml", "text/x-opml+xml", ] opml_extensions = ["xml", "opml"] return opml_mimetypes.any?(&.== mimetype) || opml_extensions.any?(&.== extension) end # Import subscribed channels from Youtube # Returns success status def from_youtube(user : User, body : String, filename : String, type : String) : Bool extension = filename.split(".").last if is_opml?(type, extension) subscriptions = XML.parse(body) user.subscriptions += subscriptions.xpath_nodes(%q(//outline[@type="rss"])).map do |channel| channel["xmlUrl"].match(/UC[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{22}/).not_nil![0] end elsif extension == "json" || type == "application/json" subscriptions = JSON.parse(body) user.subscriptions += subscriptions.as_a.compact_map do |entry| entry["snippet"]["resourceId"]["channelId"].as_s end elsif extension == "csv" || type == "text/csv" subscriptions = parse_subscription_export_csv(body) user.subscriptions += subscriptions else return false end user.subscriptions.uniq! user.subscriptions = get_batch_channels(user.subscriptions) Invidious::Database::Users.update_subscriptions(user) return true end def from_youtube_pl(user : User, body : String, filename : String, type : String) : Bool extension = filename.split(".").last if extension == "csv" || type == "text/csv" playlist = parse_playlist_export_csv(user, body) if playlist return true else return false end else return false end end # ------------------- # Freetube # ------------------- def from_freetube(user : User, body : String) # Legacy import? matches = body.scan(/"channelId":"(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{24})"/) subs =["channel_id"]) if subs.empty? profiles = body.split('\n', remove_empty: true) profiles.each do |profile| if data = JSON.parse(profile)["subscriptions"]? subs +=["id"].as_s) end end end user.subscriptions += subs user.subscriptions.uniq! user.subscriptions = get_batch_channels(user.subscriptions) Invidious::Database::Users.update_subscriptions(user) end # ------------------- # Newpipe # ------------------- def from_newpipe_subs(user : User, body : String) data = JSON.parse(body) user.subscriptions += data["subscriptions"].as_a.compact_map do |channel| if match = channel["url"].as_s.match(/\/channel\/(?UC[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{22})/) next match["channel"] elsif match = channel["url"].as_s.match(/\/user\/(?.+)/) # Resolve URL using the API resolved_url = YoutubeAPI.resolve_url("{match["user"]}") ucid = resolved_url.dig?("endpoint", "browseEndpoint", "browseId") next ucid.as_s if ucid end nil end user.subscriptions.uniq! user.subscriptions = get_batch_channels(user.subscriptions) Invidious::Database::Users.update_subscriptions(user) end def from_newpipe(user : User, body : String) : Bool io = do |file| file.entries.each do |entry| do |file_io| # Ensure max size of 4MB io_sized =, 0x400000) next if entry.filename != "newpipe.db" tempfile = File.tempfile(".db") begin File.write(tempfile.path, io_sized.gets_to_end) rescue return false end db ="sqlite3://" + tempfile.path) user.watched += db.query_all("SELECT url FROM streams", as: String) .map(&.lchop("")) user.watched.uniq! Invidious::Database::Users.update_watch_history(user) user.subscriptions += db.query_all("SELECT url FROM subscriptions", as: String) .map(&.lchop("")) user.subscriptions.uniq! user.subscriptions = get_batch_channels(user.subscriptions) Invidious::Database::Users.update_subscriptions(user) db.close tempfile.delete end end end # Success! return true end end # module end