module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Authenticated # The notification APIs cannot be extracted yet! # They require the *local* notifications constant defined in # # def self.notifications(env) # env.response.content_type = "text/event-stream" # topics = env.params.body["topics"]?.try &.split(",").uniq.first(1000) # topics ||= [] of String # create_notification_stream(env, topics, connection_channel) # end def self.get_preferences(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) user.preferences.to_json end def self.set_preferences(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) begin preferences = Preferences.from_json(env.request.body || "{}") rescue preferences = user.preferences end PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET preferences = $1 WHERE email = $2", preferences.to_json, env.response.status_code = 204 end def self.feed(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? max_results = env.params.query["max_results"]?.try &.to_i? max_results ||= user.preferences.max_results max_results ||= CONFIG.default_user_preferences.max_results page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 videos, notifications = get_subscription_feed(PG_DB, user, max_results, page) do |json| json.object do json.field "notifications" do json.array do notifications.each do |video| video.to_json(locale, json) end end end json.field "videos" do json.array do videos.each do |video| video.to_json(locale, json) end end end end end end def self.get_subscriptions(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) if user.subscriptions.empty? values = "'{}'" else values = "VALUES #{ { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",")}" end subscriptions = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = ANY(#{values})", as: InvidiousChannel) do |json| json.array do subscriptions.each do |subscription| json.object do json.field "author", json.field "authorId", end end end end end def self.subscribe_channel(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] if !user.subscriptions.includes? ucid get_channel(ucid, PG_DB, false, false) PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET feed_needs_update = true, subscriptions = array_append(subscriptions,$1) WHERE email = $2", ucid, end # For Google accounts, access tokens don't have enough information to # make a request on the user's behalf, which is why we don't sync with # YouTube. env.response.status_code = 204 end def self.unsubscribe_channel(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET feed_needs_update = true, subscriptions = array_remove(subscriptions, $1) WHERE email = $2", ucid, env.response.status_code = 204 end def self.list_playlists(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) playlists = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE author = $1",, as: InvidiousPlaylist) do |json| json.array do playlists.each do |playlist| playlist.to_json(0, locale, json) end end end end def self.create_playlist(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? title = env.params.json["title"]?.try &.as(String).delete("<>").byte_slice(0, 150) if !title return error_json(400, "Invalid title.") end privacy = env.params.json["privacy"]?.try { |privacy| PlaylistPrivacy.parse( } if !privacy return error_json(400, "Invalid privacy setting.") end if PG_DB.query_one("SELECT count(*) FROM playlists WHERE author = $1",, as: Int64) >= 100 return error_json(400, "User cannot have more than 100 playlists.") end playlist = create_playlist(PG_DB, title, privacy, user) env.response.headers["Location"] = "#{HOST_URL}/api/v1/auth/playlists/#{}" env.response.status_code = 201 { "title" => title, "playlistId" =>, }.to_json end def self.update_playlist_attribute(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) plid = env.params.url["plid"] playlist = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id = $1", plid, as: InvidiousPlaylist) if !playlist || != && playlist.privacy.private? return error_json(404, "Playlist does not exist.") end if != return error_json(403, "Invalid user") end title = env.params.json["title"].try &.as(String).delete("<>").byte_slice(0, 150) || playlist.title privacy = env.params.json["privacy"]?.try { |privacy| PlaylistPrivacy.parse( } || playlist.privacy description = env.params.json["description"]?.try &.as(String).delete("\r") || playlist.description if title != playlist.title || privacy != playlist.privacy || description != playlist.description updated = Time.utc else updated = playlist.updated end PG_DB.exec("UPDATE playlists SET title = $1, privacy = $2, description = $3, updated = $4 WHERE id = $5", title, privacy, description, updated, plid) env.response.status_code = 204 end def self.delete_playlist(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) plid = env.params.url["plid"] playlist = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id = $1", plid, as: InvidiousPlaylist) if !playlist || != && playlist.privacy.private? return error_json(404, "Playlist does not exist.") end if != return error_json(403, "Invalid user") end PG_DB.exec("DELETE FROM playlist_videos * WHERE plid = $1", plid) PG_DB.exec("DELETE FROM playlists * WHERE id = $1", plid) env.response.status_code = 204 end def self.insert_video_into_playlist(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) plid = env.params.url["plid"] playlist = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id = $1", plid, as: InvidiousPlaylist) if !playlist || != && playlist.privacy.private? return error_json(404, "Playlist does not exist.") end if != return error_json(403, "Invalid user") end if playlist.index.size >= 500 return error_json(400, "Playlist cannot have more than 500 videos") end video_id = env.params.json["videoId"].try &.as(String) if !video_id return error_json(403, "Invalid videoId") end begin video = get_video(video_id, PG_DB) rescue ex return error_json(500, ex) end playlist_video ={ title: video.title, id:, author:, ucid: video.ucid, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, published: video.published, plid: plid, live_now: video.live_now, index: Random::Secure.rand(0_i64..Int64::MAX), }) video_array = playlist_video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) PG_DB.exec("INSERT INTO playlist_videos VALUES (#{args})", args: video_array) PG_DB.exec("UPDATE playlists SET index = array_append(index, $1), video_count = cardinality(index) + 1, updated = $2 WHERE id = $3", playlist_video.index, Time.utc, plid) env.response.headers["Location"] = "#{HOST_URL}/api/v1/auth/playlists/#{plid}/videos/#{playlist_video.index.to_u64.to_s(16).upcase}" env.response.status_code = 201 playlist_video.to_json(locale, index: playlist.index.size) end def self.delete_video_in_playlist(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) plid = env.params.url["plid"] index = env.params.url["index"].to_i64(16) playlist = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id = $1", plid, as: InvidiousPlaylist) if !playlist || != && playlist.privacy.private? return error_json(404, "Playlist does not exist.") end if != return error_json(403, "Invalid user") end if !playlist.index.includes? index return error_json(404, "Playlist does not contain index") end PG_DB.exec("DELETE FROM playlist_videos * WHERE index = $1", index) PG_DB.exec("UPDATE playlists SET index = array_remove(index, $1), video_count = cardinality(index) - 1, updated = $2 WHERE id = $3", index, Time.utc, plid) env.response.status_code = 204 end # Invidious::Routing.patch "/api/v1/auth/playlists/:plid/videos/:index" # def modify_playlist_at(env) # TODO # end def self.get_tokens(env) env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) scopes = env.get("scopes").as(Array(String)) tokens = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT id, issued FROM session_ids WHERE email = $1",, as: {session: String, issued: Time}) do |json| json.array do tokens.each do |token| json.object do json.field "session", token[:session] json.field "issued", token[:issued].to_unix end end end end end def self.register_token(env) user = env.get("user").as(User) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? case env.request.headers["Content-Type"]? when "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" scopes = { |k, v| k.match(/^scopes\[\d+\]$/) }.map { |k, v| v } callback_url = env.params.body["callbackUrl"]? expire = env.params.body["expire"]?.try &.to_i? when "application/json" scopes = env.params.json["scopes"].as(Array).map { |v| v.as_s } callback_url = env.params.json["callbackUrl"]?.try &.as(String) expire = env.params.json["expire"]?.try &.as(Int64) else return error_json(400, "Invalid or missing header 'Content-Type'") end if callback_url && callback_url.empty? callback_url = nil end if callback_url callback_url = URI.parse(callback_url) end if sid = env.get?("sid").try &.as(String) env.response.content_type = "text/html" csrf_token = generate_response(sid, {":authorize_token"}, HMAC_KEY, PG_DB, use_nonce: true) return templated "authorize_token" else env.response.content_type = "application/json" superset_scopes = env.get("scopes").as(Array(String)) authorized_scopes = [] of String scopes.each do |scope| if scopes_include_scope(superset_scopes, scope) authorized_scopes << scope end end access_token = generate_token(, authorized_scopes, expire, HMAC_KEY, PG_DB) if callback_url access_token = URI.encode_www_form(access_token) if query = callback_url.query query = HTTP::Params.parse(query.not_nil!) else query = end query["token"] = access_token callback_url.query = query.to_s env.redirect callback_url.to_s else access_token end end end def self.unregister_token(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" user = env.get("user").as(User) scopes = env.get("scopes").as(Array(String)) session = env.params.json["session"]?.try &.as(String) session ||= env.get("session").as(String) # Allow tokens to revoke other tokens with correct scope if session == env.get("session").as(String) PG_DB.exec("DELETE FROM session_ids * WHERE id = $1", session) elsif scopes_include_scope(scopes, "GET:tokens") PG_DB.exec("DELETE FROM session_ids * WHERE id = $1", session) else return error_json(400, "Cannot revoke session #{session}") end env.response.status_code = 204 end end