module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos def self.videos(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? begin video = get_video(id, PG_DB, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect env.response.headers["Location"] = env.request.resource.gsub(id, ex.video_id) return error_json(302, "Video is unavailable", {"videoId" => ex.video_id}) rescue ex return error_json(500, ex) end video.to_json(locale) end def self.captions(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? # See # It is possible to use `/api/timedtext?type=list&v=#{id}` and # `/api/timedtext?type=track&v=#{id}&lang=#{lang_code}` directly, # but this does not provide links for auto-generated captions. # # In future this should be investigated as an alternative, since it does not require # getting video info. begin video = get_video(id, PG_DB, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect env.response.headers["Location"] = env.request.resource.gsub(id, ex.video_id) return error_json(302, "Video is unavailable", {"videoId" => ex.video_id}) rescue ex haltf env, 500 end captions = video.captions label = env.params.query["label"]? lang = env.params.query["lang"]? tlang = env.params.query["tlang"]? if !label && !lang response = do |json| json.object do json.field "captions" do json.array do captions.each do |caption| json.object do json.field "label", json.field "languageCode", caption.languageCode json.field "url", "/api/v1/captions/#{id}?label=#{URI.encode_www_form(}" end end end end end end return response end env.response.content_type = "text/vtt; charset=UTF-8" if lang caption = { |caption| caption.languageCode == lang } else caption = { |caption| == label } end if caption.empty? haltf env, 404 else caption = caption[0] end url = URI.parse("#{caption.baseUrl}&tlang=#{tlang}").request_target # Auto-generated captions often have cues that aren't aligned properly with the video, # as well as some other markup that makes it cumbersome, so we try to fix that here if "auto-generated" caption_xml = YT_POOL.client &.get(url).body caption_xml = XML.parse(caption_xml) webvtt = do |str| str << <<-END_VTT WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: #{tlang || caption.languageCode} END_VTT caption_nodes = caption_xml.xpath_nodes("//transcript/text") caption_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i| start_time = node["start"].to_f.seconds duration = node["dur"]?.try &.to_f.seconds duration ||= start_time if caption_nodes.size > i + 1 end_time = caption_nodes[i + 1]["start"].to_f.seconds else end_time = start_time + duration end start_time = "#{start_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{start_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{start_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" end_time = "#{end_time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{end_time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}.#{end_time.milliseconds.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" text = HTML.unescape(node.content) text = text.gsub(//, "") text = text.gsub(/<\/font>/, "") if md = text.match(/(?.*) : (?.*)/) text = "#{md["text"]}" end str << <<-END_CUE #{start_time} --> #{end_time} #{text} END_CUE end end else webvtt = YT_POOL.client &.get("#{url}&format=vtt").body end if title = env.params.query["title"]? # env.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"#{URI.encode_www_form(title)}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{URI.encode_www_form(title)}" end webvtt end # Fetches YouTube storyboards # # Which are sprites containing x * y preview # thumbnails for individual scenes in a video. # See def self.storyboards(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? begin video = get_video(id, PG_DB, region: region) rescue ex : VideoRedirect env.response.headers["Location"] = env.request.resource.gsub(id, ex.video_id) return error_json(302, "Video is unavailable", {"videoId" => ex.video_id}) rescue ex haltf env, 500 end storyboards = video.storyboards width = env.params.query["width"]? height = env.params.query["height"]? if !width && !height response = do |json| json.object do json.field "storyboards" do generate_storyboards(json, id, storyboards) end end end return response end env.response.content_type = "text/vtt" storyboard = { |storyboard| width == "#{storyboard[:width]}" || height == "#{storyboard[:height]}" } if storyboard.empty? haltf env, 404 else storyboard = storyboard[0] end do |str| str << <<-END_VTT WEBVTT END_VTT start_time = 0.milliseconds end_time = storyboard[:interval].milliseconds storyboard[:storyboard_count].times do |i| url = storyboard[:url] authority = /(i\d?)![1]? url = url.gsub("$M", i).gsub(%r(https://i\d?, "") url = "#{HOST_URL}/sb/#{authority}/#{url}" storyboard[:storyboard_height].times do |j| storyboard[:storyboard_width].times do |k| str << <<-END_CUE #{start_time}.000 --> #{end_time}.000 #{url}#xywh=#{storyboard[:width] * k},#{storyboard[:height] * j},#{storyboard[:width] - 2},#{storyboard[:height]} END_CUE start_time += storyboard[:interval].milliseconds end_time += storyboard[:interval].milliseconds end end end end end def self.annotations(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.content_type = "text/xml" id = env.params.url["id"] source = env.params.query["source"]? source ||= "archive" if !id.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}/) haltf env, 400 end annotations = "" case source when "archive" if CONFIG.cache_annotations && (cached_annotation = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM annotations WHERE id = $1", id, as: Annotation)) annotations = cached_annotation.annotations else index = CHARS_SAFE.index(id[0]).not_nil!.to_s.rjust(2, '0') # IA doesn't handle leading hyphens, # so we use if index == "62" index = "64" id = id.sub(/^-/, 'A') end file = URI.encode_www_form("#{id[0, 3]}/#{id}.xml") location = make_client(ARCHIVE_URL, &.get("/download/youtubeannotations_#{index}/#{id[0, 2]}.tar/#{file}")) if !location.headers["Location"]? env.response.status_code = location.status_code end response = make_client(URI.parse(location.headers["Location"]), &.get(location.headers["Location"])) if response.body.empty? haltf env, 404 end if response.status_code != 200 haltf env, response.status_code end annotations = response.body cache_annotation(PG_DB, id, annotations) end else # "youtube" response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/annotations_invideo?video_id=#{id}") if response.status_code != 200 haltf env, response.status_code end annotations = response.body end etag = sha256(annotations)[0, 16] if env.request.headers["If-None-Match"]?.try &.== etag haltf env, 304 else env.response.headers["ETag"] = etag annotations end end def self.comments(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? region = env.params.query["region"]? env.response.content_type = "application/json" id = env.params.url["id"] source = env.params.query["source"]? source ||= "youtube" thin_mode = env.params.query["thin_mode"]? thin_mode = thin_mode == "true" format = env.params.query["format"]? format ||= "json" action = env.params.query["action"]? action ||= "action_get_comments" continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]? sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase if source == "youtube" sort_by ||= "top" begin comments = fetch_youtube_comments(id, continuation, format, locale, thin_mode, region, sort_by: sort_by) rescue ex return error_json(500, ex) end return comments elsif source == "reddit" sort_by ||= "confidence" begin comments, reddit_thread = fetch_reddit_comments(id, sort_by: sort_by) content_html = template_reddit_comments(comments, locale) content_html = fill_links(content_html, "https", "") content_html = replace_links(content_html) rescue ex comments = nil reddit_thread = nil content_html = "" end if !reddit_thread || !comments haltf env, 404 end if format == "json" reddit_thread = JSON.parse(reddit_thread.to_json).as_h reddit_thread["comments"] = JSON.parse(comments.to_json) return reddit_thread.to_json else response = { "title" => reddit_thread.title, "permalink" => reddit_thread.permalink, "contentHtml" => content_html, } return response.to_json end end end end