# See http://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html def ci_lower_bound(pos, n) if n == 0 return 0.0 end # z value here represents a confidence level of 0.95 z = 1.96 phat = 1.0*pos/n return (phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1 - phat) + z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1 + z*z/n) end def elapsed_text(elapsed) millis = elapsed.total_milliseconds return "#{millis.round(2)}ms" if millis >= 1 "#{(millis * 1000).round(2)}µs" end def make_client(url, proxies = {} of String => Array({ip: String, port: Int32}), region = nil) context = OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client.new context.add_options( OpenSSL::SSL::Options::ALL | OpenSSL::SSL::Options::NO_SSL_V2 | OpenSSL::SSL::Options::NO_SSL_V3 ) client = HTTPClient.new(url, context) client.read_timeout = 10.seconds client.connect_timeout = 10.seconds if region proxies[region]?.try &.sample(40).each do |proxy| begin proxy = HTTPProxy.new(proxy_host: proxy[:ip], proxy_port: proxy[:port]) client.set_proxy(proxy) break rescue ex end end end return client end def decode_length_seconds(string) length_seconds = string.split(":").map { |a| a.to_i } length_seconds = [0] * (3 - length_seconds.size) + length_seconds length_seconds = Time::Span.new(length_seconds[0], length_seconds[1], length_seconds[2]) length_seconds = length_seconds.total_seconds.to_i return length_seconds end def recode_length_seconds(time) if time <= 0 return "" else time = time.seconds text = "#{time.minutes.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{time.seconds.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}" if time.hours > 0 text = "#{time.hours.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}:#{text}" end text = text.lchop('0') return text end end def decode_time(string) time = string.try &.to_f? if !time hours = /(?\d+)h/.match(string).try &.["hours"].try &.to_f hours ||= 0 minutes = /(?\d+)m(?!s)/.match(string).try &.["minutes"].try &.to_f minutes ||= 0 seconds = /(?\d+)s/.match(string).try &.["seconds"].try &.to_f seconds ||= 0 millis = /(?\d+)ms/.match(string).try &.["millis"].try &.to_f millis ||= 0 time = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds + millis / 1000 end return time end def decode_date(string : String) # String matches 'YYYY' if string.match(/^\d{4}/) return Time.new(string.to_i, 1, 1) end # Try to parse as format Jul 10, 2000 begin return Time.parse(string, "%b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) rescue ex end case string when "today" return Time.now when "yesterday" return Time.now - 1.day end # String matches format "20 hours ago", "4 months ago"... date = string.split(" ")[-3, 3] delta = date[0].to_i case date[1] when .includes? "second" delta = delta.seconds when .includes? "minute" delta = delta.minutes when .includes? "hour" delta = delta.hours when .includes? "day" delta = delta.days when .includes? "week" delta = delta.weeks when .includes? "month" delta = delta.months when .includes? "year" delta = delta.years else raise "Could not parse #{string}" end return Time.now - delta end def recode_date(time : Time, locale) span = Time.now - time if span.total_days > 365.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` years", (span.total_days.to_i / 365).to_s) elsif span.total_days > 30.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` months", (span.total_days.to_i / 30).to_s) elsif span.total_days > 7.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` weeks", (span.total_days.to_i / 7).to_s) elsif span.total_hours > 24.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` days", (span.total_days.to_i).to_s) elsif span.total_minutes > 60.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` hours", (span.total_hours.to_i).to_s) elsif span.total_seconds > 60.0 span = translate(locale, "`x` minutes", (span.total_minutes.to_i).to_s) else span = translate(locale, "`x` seconds", (span.total_seconds.to_i).to_s) end return span end def number_with_separator(number) number.to_s.reverse.gsub(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/, "\\1,").reverse end def number_to_short_text(number) seperated = number_with_separator(number).gsub(",", ".").split("") text = seperated.first(2).join if seperated[2]? && seperated[2] != "." text += seperated[2] end text = text.rchop(".0") if number / 1000000 != 0 text += "M" elsif number / 1000 != 0 text += "K" end text end def arg_array(array, start = 1) if array.size == 0 args = "NULL" else args = [] of String (start..array.size + start - 1).each { |i| args << "($#{i})" } args = args.join(",") end return args end def make_host_url(config, kemal_config) ssl = config.https_only || kemal_config.ssl if ssl scheme = "https://" else scheme = "http://" end if kemal_config.port != 80 && kemal_config.port != 443 port = ":#{kemal_config.port}" else port = "" end if !config.domain return "" end host = config.domain.not_nil!.lchop(".") return "#{scheme}#{host}#{port}" end def get_referer(env, fallback = "/") referer = env.params.query["referer"]? referer ||= env.request.headers["referer"]? referer ||= fallback referer = URI.parse(referer) # "Unroll" nested referrers loop do if referer.query params = HTTP::Params.parse(referer.query.not_nil!) if params["referer"]? referer = URI.parse(URI.unescape(params["referer"])) else break end else break end end referer = referer.full_path referer = "/" + referer.lstrip("\/\\") if referer == env.request.path referer = fallback end return referer end def read_var_int(bytes) num_read = 0 result = 0 read = bytes[num_read] if bytes.size == 1 result = bytes[0].to_i32 else while ((read & 0b10000000) != 0) read = bytes[num_read].to_u64 value = (read & 0b01111111) result |= (value << (7 * num_read)) num_read += 1 if num_read > 5 raise "VarInt is too big" end end end return result end def write_var_int(value : Int) bytes = [] of UInt8 value = value.to_u32 if value == 0 bytes = [0_u8] else while value != 0 temp = (value & 0b01111111).to_u8 value = value >> 7 if value != 0 temp |= 0b10000000 end bytes << temp end end return Slice.new(bytes.to_unsafe, bytes.size) end def sha256(text) digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new("SHA256") digest << text return digest.hexdigest end