require "./macros" struct Nonce db_mapping({ nonce: String, expire: Time, }) end struct SessionId db_mapping({ id: String, email: String, issued: String, }) end struct Annotation db_mapping({ id: String, annotations: String, }) end struct ConfigPreferences module StringToArray def self.to_json(value : Array(String), json : JSON::Builder) json.array do value.each do |element| json.string element end end end def self.from_json(value : JSON::PullParser) : Array(String) begin result = [] of String value.read_array do result << HTML.escape(value.read_string[0, 100]) end rescue ex result = [HTML.escape(value.read_string[0, 100]), ""] end result end def self.to_yaml(value : Array(String), yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) yaml.sequence do value.each do |element| yaml.scalar element end end end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : Array(String) begin unless node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Sequence) node.raise "Expected sequence, not #{node.class}" end result = [] of String node.nodes.each do |item| unless item.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) node.raise "Expected scalar, not #{item.class}" end result << HTML.escape(item.value[0, 100]) end rescue ex if node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) result = [HTML.escape(node.value[0, 100]), ""] else result = ["", ""] end end result end end module BoolToString def self.to_json(value : String, json : JSON::Builder) json.string value end def self.from_json(value : JSON::PullParser) : String begin result = value.read_string if result.empty? CONFIG.default_user_preferences.dark_mode else result end rescue ex if value.read_bool "dark" else "light" end end end def self.to_yaml(value : String, yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) yaml.scalar value end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : String unless node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) node.raise "Expected scalar, not #{node.class}" end case node.value when "true" "dark" when "false" "light" when "" CONFIG.default_user_preferences.dark_mode else node.value end end end yaml_mapping({ annotations: {type: Bool, default: false}, annotations_subscribed: {type: Bool, default: false}, autoplay: {type: Bool, default: false}, captions: {type: Array(String), default: ["", "", ""], converter: StringToArray}, comments: {type: Array(String), default: ["youtube", ""], converter: StringToArray}, continue: {type: Bool, default: false}, continue_autoplay: {type: Bool, default: true}, dark_mode: {type: String, default: "", converter: BoolToString}, latest_only: {type: Bool, default: false}, listen: {type: Bool, default: false}, local: {type: Bool, default: false}, locale: {type: String, default: "en-US"}, max_results: {type: Int32, default: 40}, notifications_only: {type: Bool, default: false}, player_style: {type: String, default: "invidious"}, quality: {type: String, default: "hd720"}, default_home: {type: String, default: "Popular"}, feed_menu: {type: Array(String), default: ["Popular", "Trending", "Subscriptions", "Playlists"]}, related_videos: {type: Bool, default: true}, sort: {type: String, default: "published"}, speed: {type: Float32, default: 1.0_f32}, thin_mode: {type: Bool, default: false}, unseen_only: {type: Bool, default: false}, video_loop: {type: Bool, default: false}, volume: {type: Int32, default: 100}, }) end struct Config module ConfigPreferencesConverter def self.to_yaml(value : Preferences, yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) value.to_yaml(yaml) end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : Preferences*, node).to_tuple) end end module FamilyConverter def self.to_yaml(value : Socket::Family, yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) case value when Socket::Family::UNSPEC yaml.scalar nil when Socket::Family::INET yaml.scalar "ipv4" when Socket::Family::INET6 yaml.scalar "ipv6" end end def self.from_yaml(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) : Socket::Family if node.is_a?(YAML::Nodes::Scalar) case node.value.downcase when "ipv4" Socket::Family::INET when "ipv6" Socket::Family::INET6 else Socket::Family::UNSPEC end else node.raise "Expected scalar, not #{node.class}" end end end def disabled?(option) case disabled = CONFIG.disable_proxy when Bool return disabled when Array if disabled.includes? option return true else return false end end end YAML.mapping({ channel_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for crawling videos from channels (for updating subscriptions) feed_threads: Int32, # Number of threads to use for updating feeds db: DBConfig, # Database configuration full_refresh: Bool, # Used for crawling channels: threads should check all videos uploaded by a channel https_only: Bool?, # Used to tell Invidious it is behind a proxy, so links to resources should be https:// hmac_key: String?, # HMAC signing key for CSRF tokens and verifying pubsub subscriptions domain: String?, # Domain to be used for links to resources on the site where an absolute URL is required use_pubsub_feeds: {type: Bool | Int32, default: false}, # Subscribe to channels using PubSubHubbub (requires domain, hmac_key) top_enabled: {type: Bool, default: true}, captcha_enabled: {type: Bool, default: true}, login_enabled: {type: Bool, default: true}, registration_enabled: {type: Bool, default: true}, statistics_enabled: {type: Bool, default: false}, admins: {type: Array(String), default: [] of String}, external_port: {type: Int32?, default: nil}, default_user_preferences: {type: Preferences, default:*ConfigPreferences.from_yaml("").to_tuple), converter: ConfigPreferencesConverter, }, dmca_content: {type: Array(String), default: [] of String}, # For compliance with DMCA, disables download widget using list of video IDs check_tables: {type: Bool, default: false}, # Check table integrity, automatically try to add any missing columns, create tables, etc. cache_annotations: {type: Bool, default: false}, # Cache annotations requested from IA, will not cache empty annotations or annotations that only contain cards banner: {type: String?, default: nil}, # Optional banner to be displayed along top of page for announcements, etc. hsts: {type: Bool?, default: true}, # Enables 'Strict-Transport-Security'. Ensure that `domain` and all subdomains are served securely disable_proxy: {type: Bool? | Array(String)?, default: false}, # Disable proxying server-wide: options: 'dash', 'livestreams', 'downloads', 'local' force_resolve: {type: Socket::Family, default: Socket::Family::UNSPEC, converter: FamilyConverter}, # Connect to YouTube over 'ipv6', 'ipv4'. Will sometimes resolve fix issues with rate-limiting (see port: {type: Int32, default: 3000}, # Port to listen for connections (overrided by command line argument) host_binding: {type: String, default: ""}, # Host to bind (overrided by command line argument) pool_size: {type: Int32, default: 100}, # Pool size for HTTP requests to and (each domain has a separate pool of `pool_size`) admin_email: {type: String, default: ""}, # Email for bug reports }) end struct DBConfig yaml_mapping({ user: String, password: String, host: String, port: Int32, dbname: String, }) end def rank_videos(db, n) top = [] of {Float64, String} db.query("SELECT id, wilson_score, published FROM videos WHERE views > 5000 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 1000") do |rs| rs.each do id = wilson_score = published = # Exponential decay, older videos tend to rank lower temperature = wilson_score * Math.exp(-0.000005*((Time.utc - published).total_minutes)) top << {temperature, id} end end top.sort! # Make hottest come first top.reverse! top = { |a, b| b } return top[0..n - 1] end def login_req(f_req) data = { # Unfortunately there's not much information available on `bgRequest`; part of Google's BotGuard # Generally this is much longer (>1250 characters), see also # . # For now this can be empty. "bgRequest" => %|["identifier",""]|, "pstMsg" => "1", "checkConnection" => "youtube", "checkedDomains" => "youtube", "hl" => "en", "deviceinfo" => %|[null,null,null,[],null,"US",null,null,[],"GlifWebSignIn",null,[null,null,[]]]|, "f.req" => f_req, "flowName" => "GlifWebSignIn", "flowEntry" => "ServiceLogin", # "cookiesDisabled" => "false", # "gmscoreversion" => "undefined", # "continue" => "", # "azt" => "", # "bgHash" => "", } return HTTP::Params.encode(data) end def html_to_content(description_html : String) description = description_html.gsub(/(
)|()/, { "
": "\n", "
": "\n", }) if !description.empty? description = XML.parse_html(description).content.strip("\n ") end return description end def extract_videos(nodeset, ucid = nil, author_name = nil) videos = extract_items(nodeset, ucid, author_name) { |item| item.is_a?(SearchVideo) }.map { |video| } end def extract_items(nodeset, ucid = nil, author_name = nil) # TODO: Make this a 'common', so it makes more sense to be used here items = [] of SearchItem nodeset.each do |node| anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-title")]/a)) if !anchor next end title = anchor.content.strip id = anchor["href"] if anchor["href"].starts_with? "" next end author_id = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-byline")]/a)).try &.["href"].split("/")[-1] || ucid || "" author = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-byline")]/a)).try &.content.strip || author_name || "" description_html = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-description")])).try &.to_s || "" tile = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-tile")])) if !tile next end case tile["class"] when .includes? "yt-lockup-playlist" plid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(id).query.not_nil!)["list"] anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-meta")]/a)) if !anchor anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//ul[@class="yt-lockup-meta-info"]/li/a)) end video_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="formatted-video-count-label"]/b)) || node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="formatted-video-count-label"])) if video_count video_count = video_count.content if video_count == "50+" author = "YouTube" author_id = "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ" end video_count = video_count.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i? end video_count ||= 0 videos = [] of SearchPlaylistVideo node.xpath_nodes(%q(.//*[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-playlist-items")]/li)).each do |video| anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//a)) if anchor video_title = anchor.content.strip id = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(anchor["href"]).query.not_nil!)["v"] end video_title ||= "" id ||= "" anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//span/span)) if anchor length_seconds = decode_length_seconds(anchor.content) end length_seconds ||= 0 videos << video_title, id, length_seconds ) end playlist_thumbnail = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span/img)).try &.["data-thumb"]? playlist_thumbnail ||= node.xpath_node(%q(.//span/img)).try &.["src"] items << title: title, id: plid, author: author, ucid: author_id, video_count: video_count, videos: videos, thumbnail: playlist_thumbnail ) when .includes? "yt-lockup-channel" author = title.strip ucid = node.xpath_node(%q(.//button[contains(@class, "yt-uix-subscription-button")])).try &.["data-channel-external-id"]? ucid ||= id.split("/")[-1] author_thumbnail = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div/span/img)).try &.["data-thumb"]? author_thumbnail ||= node.xpath_node(%q(.//div/span/img)).try &.["src"] if author_thumbnail author_thumbnail = URI.parse(author_thumbnail) author_thumbnail.scheme = "https" author_thumbnail = author_thumbnail.to_s end author_thumbnail ||= "" subscriber_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(@class, "subscriber-count")])) .try &.["title"].try { |text| short_text_to_number(text) } || 0 video_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//ul[@class="yt-lockup-meta-info"]/li)).try &.content.split(" ")[0].gsub(/\D/, "").to_i? items << author: author, ucid: ucid, author_thumbnail: author_thumbnail, subscriber_count: subscriber_count, video_count: video_count || 0, description_html: description_html, auto_generated: video_count ? false : true, ) else id = id.lchop("/watch?v=") metadata = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-meta")]/ul)) published = metadata.try &.xpath_node(%q(.//li[contains(text(), " ago")])).try { |node| decode_date(node.content.sub(/^[a-zA-Z]+ /, "")) } published ||= metadata.try &.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@data-timestamp])).try { |node| Time.unix(node["data-timestamp"].to_i64) } published ||= Time.utc view_count = metadata.try &.xpath_node(%q(.//li[contains(text(), " views")])).try &.content.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i64? view_count ||= 0_i64 length_seconds = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="video-time"])).try { |node| decode_length_seconds(node.content) } length_seconds ||= -1 live_now = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(@class, "yt-badge-live")])) ? true : false premium = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[text()="Premium"])) ? true : false if !premium || node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(text(), "Free episode")])) paid = false else paid = true end premiere_timestamp = node.xpath_node(%q(.//ul[@class="yt-lockup-meta-info"]/li/span[@class="localized-date"])).try &.["data-timestamp"]?.try &.to_i64 if premiere_timestamp premiere_timestamp = Time.unix(premiere_timestamp) end items << title: title, id: id, author: author, ucid: author_id, published: published, views: view_count, description_html: description_html, length_seconds: length_seconds, live_now: live_now, paid: paid, premium: premium, premiere_timestamp: premiere_timestamp ) end end return items end def extract_shelf_items(nodeset, ucid = nil, author_name = nil) items = [] of SearchPlaylist nodeset.each do |shelf| shelf_anchor = shelf.xpath_node(%q(.//h2[contains(@class, "branded-page-module-title")])) next if !shelf_anchor title = shelf_anchor.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(@class, "branded-page-module-title-text")])).try &.content.strip title ||= "" id = shelf_anchor.xpath_node(%q(.//a)).try &.["href"] next if !id shelf_is_playlist = false videos = [] of SearchPlaylistVideo shelf.xpath_nodes(%q(.//ul[contains(@class, "yt-uix-shelfslider-list") or contains(@class, "expanded-shelf-content-list")]/li)).each do |child_node| type = child_node.xpath_node(%q(./div)) if !type next end case type["class"] when .includes? "yt-lockup-video" shelf_is_playlist = true anchor = child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-title")]/a)) if anchor video_title = anchor.content.strip video_id = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(anchor["href"]).query.not_nil!)["v"] end video_title ||= "" video_id ||= "" anchor = child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="video-time"])) if anchor length_seconds = decode_length_seconds(anchor.content) end length_seconds ||= 0 videos << video_title, video_id, length_seconds ) when .includes? "yt-lockup-playlist" anchor = child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-title")]/a)) if anchor playlist_title = anchor.content.strip params = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(anchor["href"]).query.not_nil!) plid = params["list"] end playlist_title ||= "" plid ||= "" playlist_thumbnail = child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//span/img)).try &.["data-thumb"]? playlist_thumbnail ||= child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//span/img)).try &.["src"] video_count = child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="formatted-video-count-label"]/b)) || child_node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="formatted-video-count-label"])) if video_count video_count = video_count.content.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i? end video_count ||= 50 videos = [] of SearchPlaylistVideo child_node.xpath_nodes(%q(.//*[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-playlist-items")]/li)).each do |video| anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//a)) if anchor video_title = anchor.content.strip id = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(anchor["href"]).query.not_nil!)["v"] end video_title ||= "" id ||= "" anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//span/span)) if anchor length_seconds = decode_length_seconds(anchor.content) end length_seconds ||= 0 videos << video_title, id, length_seconds ) end items << title: playlist_title, id: plid, author: author_name, ucid: ucid, video_count: video_count, videos: videos, thumbnail: playlist_thumbnail ) end end if shelf_is_playlist plid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(id).query.not_nil!)["list"] items << title: title, id: plid, author: author_name, ucid: ucid, video_count: videos.size, videos: videos, thumbnail: "{videos[0].id}/mqdefault.jpg" ) end end return items end def check_enum(db, logger, enum_name, struct_type = nil) if !db.query_one?("SELECT true FROM pg_type WHERE typname = $1", enum_name, as: Bool) logger.puts("CREATE TYPE #{enum_name}") db.using_connection do |conn|"config/sql/#{enum_name}.sql")) end end end def check_table(db, logger, table_name, struct_type = nil) # Create table if it doesn't exist begin db.exec("SELECT * FROM #{table_name} LIMIT 0") rescue ex logger.puts("CREATE TABLE #{table_name}") db.using_connection do |conn|"config/sql/#{table_name}.sql")) end end if !struct_type return end struct_array = struct_type.to_type_tuple column_array = get_column_array(db, table_name) column_types ="config/sql/#{table_name}.sql").match(/CREATE TABLE public\.#{table_name}\n\((?[\d\D]*?)\);/) .try &.["types"].split(",").map { |line| line.strip } if !column_types return end struct_array.each_with_index do |name, i| if name != column_array[i]? if !column_array[i]? new_column = { |line| line.starts_with? name }[0] logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{new_column}") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{new_column}") next end # Column doesn't exist if !column_array.includes? name new_column = { |line| line.starts_with? name }[0] db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{new_column}") end # Column exists but in the wrong position, rotate if struct_array.includes? column_array[i] until name == column_array[i] new_column = { |line| line.starts_with? column_array[i] }[0]?.try &.gsub("#{column_array[i]}", "#{column_array[i]}_new") # There's a column we didn't expect if !new_column logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]}") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]} CASCADE") column_array = get_column_array(db, table_name) next end logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{new_column}") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD COLUMN #{new_column}") logger.puts("UPDATE #{table_name} SET #{column_array[i]}_new=#{column_array[i]}") db.exec("UPDATE #{table_name} SET #{column_array[i]}_new=#{column_array[i]}") logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]} CASCADE") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]} CASCADE") logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} RENAME COLUMN #{column_array[i]}_new TO #{column_array[i]}") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} RENAME COLUMN #{column_array[i]}_new TO #{column_array[i]}") column_array = get_column_array(db, table_name) end else logger.puts("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]} CASCADE") db.exec("ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_array[i]} CASCADE") end end end end class PG::ResultSet def field(index = @column_index) @fields.not_nil![index] end end def get_column_array(db, table_name) column_array = [] of String db.query("SELECT * FROM #{table_name} LIMIT 0") do |rs| rs.column_count.times do |i| column = column_array << end end return column_array end def cache_annotation(db, id, annotations) if !CONFIG.cache_annotations return end body = XML.parse(annotations) nodeset = body.xpath_nodes(%q(/document/annotations/annotation)) if nodeset == 0 return end has_legacy_annotations = false nodeset.each do |node| if !{"branding", "card", "drawer"}.includes? node["type"]? has_legacy_annotations = true break end end if has_legacy_annotations # TODO: Update on conflict? db.exec("INSERT INTO annotations VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", id, annotations) end end def create_notification_stream(env, config, kemal_config, decrypt_function, topics, connection_channel) connection = Channel(PQ::Notification).new(8) connection_channel.send({true, connection}) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? since = env.params.query["since"]?.try &.to_i? id = 0 if topics.includes? "debug" spawn do begin loop do time_span = [0, 0, 0, 0] time_span[rand(4)] = rand(30) + 5 published = Time.utc -[0], time_span[1], time_span[2], time_span[3]) video_id = TEST_IDS[rand(TEST_IDS.size)] video = get_video(video_id, PG_DB) video.published = published response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, decrypt_function)) if fields_text = env.params.query["fields"]? begin JSONFilter.filter(response, fields_text) rescue ex env.response.status_code = 400 response = {"error" => ex.message} end end env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 sleep 1.minute Fiber.yield end rescue ex end end end spawn do begin if since topics.try &.each do |topic| case topic when .match(/UC[A-Za-z0-9_-]{22}/) PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid = $1 AND published > $2 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 15", topic, Time.unix(since.not_nil!), as: ChannelVideo).each do |video| response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale, config, Kemal.config)) if fields_text = env.params.query["fields"]? begin JSONFilter.filter(response, fields_text) rescue ex env.response.status_code = 400 response = {"error" => ex.message} end end env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 end else # TODO end end end end end spawn do begin loop do event = connection.receive notification = JSON.parse(event.payload) topic = notification["topic"].as_s video_id = notification["videoId"].as_s published = notification["published"].as_i64 if !topics.try &.includes? topic next end video = get_video(video_id, PG_DB) video.published = Time.unix(published) response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale, config, Kemal.config, decrypt_function)) if fields_text = env.params.query["fields"]? begin JSONFilter.filter(response, fields_text) rescue ex env.response.status_code = 400 response = {"error" => ex.message} end end env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 end rescue ex ensure connection_channel.send({false, connection}) end end begin # Send heartbeat loop do env.response.puts ":keepalive #{Time.utc.to_unix}" env.response.puts env.response.flush sleep (20 + rand(11)).seconds end rescue ex ensure connection_channel.send({false, connection}) end end def extract_initial_data(body) initial_data = body.match(/window\["ytInitialData"\] = (?.*?);\n/).try &.["info"] || "{}" if initial_data.starts_with?("JSON.parse(\"") return JSON.parse(JSON.parse(%({"initial_data":"#{initial_data[12..-3]}"}))["initial_data"].as_s) else return JSON.parse(initial_data) end end def proxy_file(response, env) if response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "gzip") do |deflate| response.pipe(deflate) end elsif response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "deflate") do |deflate| response.pipe(deflate) end else response.pipe(env.response) end end class HTTP::Client::Response def pipe(io) HTTP.serialize_body(io, headers, @body, @body_io, @version) end end # Supports serialize_body without first writing headers module HTTP def self.serialize_body(io, headers, body, body_io, version) if body io << body elsif body_io content_length = content_length(headers) if content_length copied = IO.copy(body_io, io) if copied != content_length raise"Content-Length header is #{content_length} but body had #{copied} bytes") end elsif Client::Response.supports_chunked?(version) headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" serialize_chunked_body(io, body_io) else io << body end end end end class HTTP::Client property family : Socket::Family = Socket::Family::UNSPEC private def socket socket = @socket return socket if socket hostname = @host.starts_with?('[') && @host.ends_with?(']') ? @host[1..-2] : @host socket = hostname, @port, @dns_timeout, @connect_timeout, @family socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout socket.sync = false {% if !flag?(:without_openssl) %} if tls = @tls socket =, context: tls, sync_close: true, hostname: @host) end {% end %} @socket = socket end end class TCPSocket def initialize(host, port, dns_timeout = nil, connect_timeout = nil, family = Socket::Family::UNSPEC) Addrinfo.tcp(host, port, timeout: dns_timeout, family: family) do |addrinfo| super(, addrinfo.type, addrinfo.protocol) connect(addrinfo, timeout: connect_timeout) do |error| close error end end end end