<% content_for "header" do %> "> <%= rendered "components/player_sources" %> <%= HTML.escape(video.title) %> - Invidious <% end %>
<%= rendered "components/player" %>

<%= HTML.escape(video.title) %> <% if params[:listen] %> <% else %> <% end %>

<% if !reason.empty? %>

<%= reason %>

<% end %>

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<%= number_with_separator(video.views) %>

<%= number_with_separator(video.likes) %>

<%= number_with_separator(video.dislikes) %>

Genre: <%= video.genre %>

Family Friendly? <%= video.is_family_friendly %>

Wilson Score: <%= video.wilson_score.round(4) %>

Rating: <%= rating.round(4) %> / 5

Engagement: <%= engagement.round(2) %>%

<% if video.allowed_regions.size != REGIONS.size %>

<% if video.allowed_regions.size < REGIONS.size / 2 %> Whitelisted regions: <%= video.allowed_regions.join(", ") %> <% else %> Blacklisted regions: <%= (REGIONS.to_a - video.allowed_regions).join(", ") %> <% end %>

<% end %>

<%= video.author %>

<% if user %> <% if subscriptions.includes? video.ucid %>

"> Unsubscribe from <%= video.author %>

<% else %>

"> Subscribe to <%= video.author %>

<% end %> <% else %>

"> Login to subscribe to <%= video.author %>

<% end %>

Shared <%= video.published.to_s("%B %-d, %Y") %>

<%= video.description %>

<% if preferences && preferences.related_videos %> <% end %>