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2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory;
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
2018-02-27 01:12:06 +09:00
use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;
use App\Http\Controllers\PermissionController;
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
class BoardController extends Controller {
2018-02-27 01:12:06 +09:00
private $objUser;
private $objPermission;
public function __construct() {
$this->objUser = new UserController();
$this->objPermission = new PermissionController();
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
public function getCategories() { // /api/rpc/board/category/getcategories
return DB::table('for_category')
->orderBy('order', 'asc')
public function getCategory($id) { // /api/rpc/board/category/getcategory/id
return DB::table('for_category')
->where('id', $id)
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
public function getCategoryName($id) { // /api/rpc/board/category/getcategoryname/id
return DB::table('for_category')
->where('id', $id)
public function getForums() { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getforums
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
return DB::table('for_forums')
->orderBy('order', 'asc')
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
public function getForum($id) { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getforum/id
return DB::table('for_forums')
->where('id', $id)
->orderBy('order', 'asc')
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
public function getForumIdFromTopic($id) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/getforumidfromtopic/id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('id', $id)
public function getTopicIdFromPost($id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/gettopicidfrompost/id
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('id', $id)
public function getForumIdFromPost($id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getforumidfrompost/id
$top_id = $this->getTopicIdFromPost($id);
return $this->getForumIdFromTopic($top_id);
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
public function getForumName($id) { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getforumname/id
return DB::table('for_forums')
->select('cat_id', 'title')
->where('id', $id)
->orderBy('order', 'asc')
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
public function getPostCountFreeze($id) { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getpostcountfreeze/id
return DB::table('for_forums')
->where('id', $id)
public function getReadOnly($id) { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getreadonly/id
return DB::table('for_forums')
->where('id', $id)
2018-02-06 16:12:00 +09:00
public function getForumsInCategory($cat_id) { // /api/rpc/board/forum/getforumsincategory/cat_id
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00
return DB::table('for_forums')
->where('cat_id', $cat_id)
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
public function getTopics($for, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopics/for/from/to
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('for_id', $for)
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
->orderBy('last_date', 'desc')
public function getTopicsUnpinned($for_id, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopicsunpinned/for_id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('for_id', $for_id)
->where('sticky', 0)
->orderBy('last_date', 'desc')
public function getTopicsPinned($for_id) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopicspinned/for_id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('for_id', $for_id)
->where('sticky', 1)
->orderBy('last_date', 'desc')
public function getTopicStart($top_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/gettopicstart/top_id
2018-02-19 21:31:08 +09:00
$uid = DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
2018-02-19 21:31:08 +09:00
->orderBy('post_date', 'asc')
$pdt = DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
->orderBy('post_date', 'asc')
return array(
'uid' => $uid,
'date' => $pdt
public function getLastPost($top_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getlastpost/top_id
2018-02-19 21:31:08 +09:00
$uid = DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
2018-02-19 21:31:08 +09:00
->orderBy('post_date', 'desc')
$pdt = DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
->orderBy('post_date', 'desc')
return array(
'uid' => $uid,
'date' => $pdt
2018-02-19 22:35:31 +09:00
public function getFirstAndLastPosts($top_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getfirstandlastposts/top_id
$first = $this->getTopicStart($top_id);
$last = $this->getLastPost($top_id);
return array(
'first' => $first,
'last' => $last
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
public function countUnpinnedTopicsInForum($for_id) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/countunpinnedtopicsinforum/for_id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('for_id', $for_id)
->where('sticky', 0)
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
public function getTopic($id, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopic/id/from/to
2018-02-06 17:24:16 +09:00
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('id', $id)
->orderBy('last_date', 'desc')
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
public function getTopicLock($id) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopiclock/id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->where('id', $id)
public function getTopicName($id) { // /api/rpc/board/topic/gettopicname/id
return DB::table('for_threads')
->select('for_id', 'title')
->where('id', $id)
public function getPostsInTopic($top_id, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getpostsintopic/top_id/from/to
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
->orderBy('post_date', 'asc')
public function countPostsInTopic($top_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/countpostsintopic/top_id
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('top_id', $top_id)
public function getPost($id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getpost/id
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('id', $id)
public function getCurrentPostCount($user_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getcurrentpostcount/user_id
return DB::table('for_posts')->where('user_id', $user_id)->max('postcount');
public function getNextPostCount($user_id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getnextpostcount/user_id
$get = DB::table('for_posts')->where('user_id', $user_id)->max('postcount');
return $get;
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
public function getUserPosts($top_id, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getuserposts/top/from/to
return DB::table('for_posts')
2018-02-07 22:24:41 +09:00
->join('users', 'for_posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->join('usr_details', 'usr_details.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
->join('usr_profile', 'usr_profile.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
->join('usr_perm_id', 'usr_perm_id.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
->where('for_posts.top_id', $top_id)
->orderBy('for_posts.post_date', 'asc')
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
public function getUserPost($id) { // /api/rpc/board/post/getuserpost/id
return DB::table('for_posts')
2018-02-07 22:24:41 +09:00
->join('users', 'for_posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->join('usr_details', 'usr_details.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
->join('usr_profile', 'usr_profile.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
->join('usr_perm_id', 'usr_perm_id.user_id', '=', 'for_posts.user_id')
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
->where('for_posts.id', $id)
->orderBy('for_posts.post_date', 'asc')
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
2018-02-06 19:51:43 +09:00
public function addPost(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/board/post/addpost
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
$add = DB::table('for_posts')
'top_id' => $request->top_id,
'user_id' => $request->user_id,
'post_date' => $request->post_date,
'message' => $request->message,
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
'delete' => 0,
'lastedit' => 0,
'ipaddress' => $request->ipaddress,
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
'delreason' => '',
'nolayout' => $request->nolayout,
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
'postcount' => $request->postcount,
// Deprecated: remove like and read stuff after full release!
'likes' => 0,
'likers' => '',
'read' => ''
2018-02-16 23:09:35 +09:00
return \Response::json($add);
public function editPost(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/board/post/editpost
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('id', $request->id)
'lastedit' => $request->lastedit,
'message' => $request->message,
'nolayout' => $request->nolayout
public function deletePost(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/board/post/deletepost
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('id', $request->id)
'delete' => 1,
'delreason' => $request->delreason
public function undeletePost(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/board/post/undeletepost
return DB::table('for_posts')
->where('id', $request->id)
'delete' => 0,
'delreason' => ''
2018-02-27 01:12:06 +09:00
public function browseTopicInfo($tp, $id, $to) {
if ($tp == 'p') {
// Get information for the navigation.
$tid = $this->getTopicIdFromPost($id);
$tinfo = $this->getTopicName($tid);
else {
// Get information for the navigation.
$tinfo = $this->getTopicName($id);
$finfo = $this->getForumName($tinfo[0]->for_id);
$cinfo = $this->getCategoryName($finfo[0]->cat_id);
// Count posts for navigation.
if ($tp == 't') $pcount = $this->countPostsInTopic($id);
// Is this topic locked?
if ($tp == 't') $tlock = $this->getTopicLock($id);
else $tlock = $this->getTopicLock($tid);
$glock = false;
if ($tlock[0]->lock == 0) $glock = false;
else $glock = true;
if ($tp == 'p') {
// Compile.
return array(
'topId' => $tid,
'forId' => $tinfo[0]->for_id,
'topName' => $tinfo[0]->title,
'catId' => $finfo[0]->cat_id,
'forName' => $finfo[0]->title,
'catName' => $cinfo[0]->title,
'lock' => $glock,
else {
// Compile.
return array(
'forId' => $tinfo[0]->for_id,
'topName' => $tinfo[0]->title,
'catId' => $finfo[0]->cat_id,
'forName' => $finfo[0]->title,
'catName' => $cinfo[0]->title,
'maxPage' => ceil($pcount / $to),
'lock' => $glock,
public function browseTopicPosts($tp, $id, $from, $to) {
// Load group colours.
$ucol = $this->objUser->getGroupColours();
// All the user posts' user IDs.
if ($tp == 't') $uid = $this->getUserPosts($id, $from, $to);
else $uid = $this->getUserPost($id);
$udat = array();
$key = 0;
foreach ($uid as $i) {
$showName = '';
$showCol = '';
$showGroupName = '';
// Display name or username?
if (!empty($i->display_name)) {
$showName = $i->display_name;
else {
$showName = $i->username;
// Custom name styling or default?
if (!empty($i->name_style)) {
$showCol = $i->name_style;
else {
foreach ($ucol as $j) {
if ($j->id == $i->perm_id) {
if ($i->gender == 1) $showCol = $j->colour_m;
else if ($i->gender == 2) $showCol = $j->colour_f;
else $showCol = $j->colour_u;
// Group names.
$gname = $this->objUser->getGroupName($i->user_id);
$showGroupName = $gname[0]->name;
array_push($udat, [
'key' => $key,
'id' => $i->id,
'tid' => $i->top_id,
'uid' => $i->user_id,
'post_date' => date('Y/m/d, G:i:s T', $i->post_date),
'message' => $i->message,
'delete' => $i->delete,
'delreason' => $i->delreason,
'lastedit' => date('Y/m/d, G:i:s T', $i->lastedit),
'lasteditUnix' => $i->lastedit,
'ipaddress' => $i->ipaddress,
'nolayout' => $i->nolayout,
'postcount' => $i->postcount,
'total_posts' => $i->total_posts,
'header' => $i->header,
'footer' => $i->footer,
'member_title' => $i->member_title,
'gender' => $i->gender,
'avatar' => $i->avatar,
'showcol' => $showCol,
'showname' => $showName,
'showgroup' => $showGroupName,
'country' => $i->country,
// Assign group names.
return $udat;
public function browsePermissions($uid) {
// Get user ID.
$perm = $this->objUser->getUser($uid);
// Does the user ID exist? Grand the appropriate rights. Otherwise, use guest.
if ($uid != 0) {
// Forum permissions.
$grouppermfor = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('for', $perm[0]->perm_id);
$userpermfor = $this->objPermission->getPermissionUser('for', $uid);
// User permissions.
$grouppermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('usr', $perm[0]->perm_id);
$userpermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionUser('usr', $uid);
// Now provide an array of user overwritten permissions if it exists. Otherwise, give its group permissions.
$forarr = array();
$usrarr = array();
if (!empty($userpermfor[0])) {
$forarr = (array)$userpermfor[0];
else {
$forarr = (array)$grouppermfor[0];
if (!empty($userpermusr[0])) {
$usrarr = (array)$userpermusr[0];
else {
$usrarr = (array)$grouppermusr[0];
$merge = array();
$merge = array_merge($forarr, $usrarr);
return $merge;
else {
// Forum permissions.
$grouppermfor = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('for', 6);
// User permissions.
$grouppermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('usr', 6);
// Since guests don't have user overwritten permissions, simply return the group permissions.
$merge = array();
$merge = array_merge((array)$grouppermfor[0], (array)$grouppermusr[0]);
return $merge;
2018-02-06 06:08:19 +09:00