storePath = storage_path('app/public/store'); $this->objUser = new UserController(); $this->objPermission = new PermissionController(); } // Game public function getGames() { // /api/rpc/store/game/getgames return DB::table('str_games_loc') ->join('str_games', '', '=', 'str_games_loc.ref_id') ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname' )); } public function getGame($id) { // /api/rpc/store/game/getgame/id return DB::table('str_games_loc') ->join('str_games', '', '=', 'str_games_loc.ref_id') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname' )); } public function newGame(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/games/newgame $add = DB::table('str_games') ->insert([ 'name' => $request->name ]); return \Response::json($add); } public function editGame(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/games/editgame return DB::table('str_games') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update([ 'name' => $request->name ]); } // Category public function getCategories() { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategories return DB::table('str_category_loc') ->join('str_category', '', '=', 'str_category_loc.ref_id') ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname', 'str_category.game_id', 'str_category.min_screenshots' )); } public function getCategory($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategory/id return DB::table('str_category_loc') ->join('str_category', '', '=', 'str_category_loc.ref_id') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname', 'str_category.game_id', 'str_category.min_screenshots' )); } public function getCategoriesOfGame($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategoriesofgame/id return DB::table('str_category_loc') ->join('str_category', '', '=', 'str_category_loc.ref_id') ->join('str_games', 'str_category.game_id', '=', '') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname' )); } public function getGameOfCategory($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getgameofcategory/id return DB::table('str_games_loc') ->join('str_games', '', '=', 'str_games_loc.ref_id') ->join('str_category', 'str_category.game_id', '=', '') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', '', ' as altname' )); } public function getCategoryGame($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategorygame/id return DB::table('str_category') ->select('game_id') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function getCategoryMinScreenshots($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategoryminscrot/id return DB::table('str_category') ->select('min_screenshots') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function getCategoryName($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategoryname/id return DB::table('str_category_loc') ->join('str_category', '', '=', 'str_category_loc.ref_id') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', ' as altname' )); } public function getCategoryNameOfEntry($id) { // /api/rpc/store/category/getcategorynameofentry/id return DB::table('str_file') ->join('str_category', '', '=', 'str_file.cat_id') ->join('str_category_loc', '', '=', 'str_category_loc.ref_id') ->where('', $id) ->get(array( '', ' as altname' )); } public function newCategory(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/category/newcategory $add = DB::table('str_category') ->insert([ 'name' => $request->name, 'game_id' => $request->game_id, 'min_screenshots' => $request->min_screenshots ]); return \Response::json($add); } public function editCategory(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/category/editcategory return DB::table('str_category') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update([ 'name' => $request->name, 'min_screenshots' => $request->min_screenshots ]); } // Entries public function getAllEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getallentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select('*') ->get(); } public function getAllApprovedEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getallapprovedentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select('*') ->where('isApproved', 1) ->get(); } public function getAllBrokenEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getallbrokenentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select('*') ->where('isBroken', 1) ->get(); } public function getAllPendingEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getallpendingentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select('*') ->where('isApproved', 0) ->get(); } public function getNewEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getnewentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'submit_date' ) ->where('isApproved', 1) ->orderBy('submit_date', 'desc') ->limit(5) ->get(); } public function getHotEntries() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/gethotentries return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'downloads' ) ->where('isApproved', 1) ->orderBy('downloads', 'desc') ->limit(5) ->get(); } public function getEntriesPageAll($cat, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentriespageall/cat/from/to return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'views', 'downloads' ) ->where('cat_id', $cat) ->offset($from) ->limit($to) ->get(); } public function getEntriesPageApproved($cat, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentriespageapproved/cat/from/to return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'views', 'downloads' ) ->where('cat_id', $cat) ->where('isApproved', 1) ->offset($from) ->limit($to) ->get(); } public function getEntriesPagePopularView($cat, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentriespagepopularview/cat/from/to return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'views', 'downloads' ) ->where('cat_id', $cat) ->where('views', '>', 1000) ->offset($from) ->limit($to) ->get(); } public function getEntriesPagePopularDownload($cat, $from, $to) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentriespagepopulardownload/cat/from/to return DB::table('str_file') ->select( 'id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'views', 'downloads' ) ->where('cat_id', $cat) ->where('downloads', '>', 1000) ->offset($from) ->limit($to) ->get(); } public function getChangelog($id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getchangelog/id return DB::table('str_file') ->select('version', 'changelog') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function getNotice($id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getnotice/id return DB::table('str_file') ->select('title', 'version', 'warningnote') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function getDownloadCount($id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getdownloadcount/id return DB::table('str_file') ->select('downloads') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function updateDownloadCount(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/updatedownloadcount return DB::table('str_file') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update(['downloads', $request->downloads]); } public function FileSizeConvert($bytes) { $bytes = floatval($bytes); $arBytes = array( 0 => array( // "UNIT" => "TiB", // "VALUE" => pow(1024, 4) "UNIT" => "TQ", "VALUE" => pow(4096, 4) ), 1 => array( // "UNIT" => "GiB", // "VALUE" => pow(1024, 3) "UNIT" => "GQ", "VALUE" => pow(4096, 3) ), 2 => array( // "UNIT" => "MiB", // "VALUE" => pow(1024, 2) "UNIT" => "MQ", "VALUE" => pow(4096, 2) ), 3 => array( // "UNIT" => "KiB", // "VALUE" => 1024 "UNIT" => "KQ", "VALUE" => 4096 ), 4 => array( // "UNIT" => "B", "UNIT" => "Q", "VALUE" => 1 ) ); foreach($arBytes as $arItem) { if($bytes >= $arItem["VALUE"]) { $result = $bytes / $arItem["VALUE"]; $result = strval(round($result, 2))." ".$arItem["UNIT"]; break; } } return $result; } public function getFilesOfEntry($id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getfilesofentry/id $files = array_map("htmlspecialchars", scandir("assets/store/$id")); $files = array_diff($files, array('..', '.', 'screens')); $result = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { array_push($result, [ 'id' => $id, 'file' => $file, 'size' => $this->FileSizeConvert(filesize('assets/store/'.$id.'/'.$file)) ]); } return $result; } public function getNextEntryId() { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getnextentryid $get = DB::table('str_file')->max('id'); $get++; return $get; } public function getEntry($id, $mode) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentry/id/mode if ($mode == 'user') { return DB::table('str_owners') ->join('str_file', 'str_owners.file_id', '=', '') ->join('users', 'str_owners.user_id', '=', '') ->join('usr_details', 'usr_details.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->join('usr_profile', 'usr_profile.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->join('usr_perm_id', 'usr_perm_id.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->where('str_owners.user_id', $id) ->get(array( 'file_id', 'str_owners.user_id', 'cat_id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'changelog', 'views', 'downloads', 'isApproved', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'username', 'avatar', 'perm_id', 'gender', 'display_name', 'name_style', )); } else { return DB::table('str_owners') ->join('str_file', 'str_owners.file_id', '=', '') ->join('users', 'str_owners.user_id', '=', '') ->join('usr_details', 'usr_details.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->join('usr_profile', 'usr_profile.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->join('usr_perm_id', 'usr_perm_id.user_id', '=', 'str_owners.user_id') ->where('file_id', $id) ->take(1) ->get(array( 'file_id', 'str_owners.user_id', 'cat_id', 'title', 'version', 'description', 'changelog', 'views', 'downloads', 'isApproved', 'submit_date', 'last_date', 'username', 'avatar', 'perm_id', 'gender', 'display_name', 'name_style', )); } } public function getEntryName($id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentryname/id return DB::table('str_file') ->select('title', 'version') ->where('id', $id) ->get(); } public function getEntriesInCategory($cat_id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/getentriesincategory/cat_id return DB::table('str_file') ->select('*') ->where('cat_id', $cat_id) ->get(); } public function countEntriesInCategory($cat_id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/countentriesincategory/cat_id // return $this->storePath.'/screens'; return DB::table('str_file') ->where('cat_id', $cat_id) ->where('isApproved', 1) ->count(); } public function countEntriesInCategoryFull($cat_id) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/countentriesincategoryfull/cat_id return DB::table('str_file') ->where('cat_id', $cat_id) ->count(); } public function makedir(Request $request) { $id = $request->id; if (!mkdir($this->storePath.'/'.$id, 0755, true)) { Log::error('File MKDIR failed: '); exit(); } if (!mkdir($this->storePath.'/'.$id.'/screens', 0755, true)) { Log::error('Asset MKDIR failed: '); exit(); } } public function uploadEntry(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/upload header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $id = $request->id; Log::info('Name: '.$request->file('imgfile')); //TMP Log::info('Type: '.gettype($request->file('imgfile'))); // TMP $request->file('upfile')->move(public_path('storage/store'.$id), $request->file('imgfile')->getClientOriginalName); $request->file('imgfile')->move(public_path('storage/store'.$id.'/screens'), $request->file('imgfile')->getClientOriginalName); exit(); // TMP $add = DB::table('str_file') ->insert([ 'game_id' => intval($request->game_id), 'cat_id' => intval($request->cat_id), 'title' => $request->title, 'version' => $request->version, 'video' => (!empty($request->video) ? $request->video : ''), 'description' => $request->description, 'changelog' => '', 'warningnote' => (!empty($request->warningnote) ? $request->warningnote : ''), 'submit_date' => intval($request->submit_date), 'last_date' => intval(0), 'views' => intval(0), 'downloads' => intval(0), 'isApproved' => intval(1), 'isBroken' => intval(0), 'failreason' => '', 'breakreason' => '', 'approveignore' => intval(0), 'brokenignore' => intval(0) ]); return \Response::json($add); } public function updateEntry(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/update return DB::table('str_file') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update([ 'cat_id' => $request->cat_id, 'title' => $request->title, 'version' => $request->version, 'description' => $request->description, 'changelog' => $request->changelog, 'warningnote' => $request->warningnote, 'last_date' => $request->last_date ]); } public function restoreEntry(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/restore return DB::table('str_file') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update(['isApproved' => 1]); } public function removeEntry(Request $request) { // /api/rpc/store/entry/remove return DB::table('str_file') ->where('id', $request->id) ->update(['isApproved' => 0]); } public function browsePermissions($uid) { // Get user ID. $perm = $this->objUser->getUser($uid); // Does the user ID exist? Grand the appropriate rights. Otherwise, use guest. if ($uid != 0) { // Store permissions. $grouppermstr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('str', $perm[0]->perm_id); $userpermstr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionUser('str', $uid); // User permissions. $grouppermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('usr', $perm[0]->perm_id); $userpermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionUser('usr', $uid); // Now provide an array of user overwritten permissions if it exists. Otherwise, give its group permissions. $strarr = array(); $usrarr = array(); if (!empty($userpermstr[0])) { $strarr = (array)$userpermstr[0]; } else { $strarr = (array)$grouppermstr[0]; } if (!empty($userpermusr[0])) { $usrarr = (array)$userpermusr[0]; } else { $usrarr = (array)$grouppermusr[0]; } $merge = array(); $merge = array_merge($strarr, $usrarr); return $merge; } else { // Store permissions. $grouppermstr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('str', 6); // User permissions. $grouppermusr = $this->objPermission->getPermissionGroup('usr', 6); // Since guests don't have user overwritten permissions, simply return the group permissions. $merge = array(); $merge = array_merge((array)$grouppermstr[0], (array)$grouppermusr[0]); return $merge; } } }