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* Created by Reliese Model.
* Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 17:18:07 +0900.
namespace App\Models;
use Reliese\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\JWTSubject;
* Class ForUser
* @property int $id
* @property string $username
* @property string $password
* @property string $salt
* @property int $group
* @property int $perm_id
* @property string $member_title
* @property int $permission_id
* @property int $total_posts
* @property int $total_threads
* @property int $reg_date
* @property int $last_post_date
* @property int $last_post_location
* @property string $email
* @property string $website_address
* @property string $website_name
* @property int $gender
* @property string $location
* @property int $birthday
* @property string $bio
* @property string $ip_address
* @property string $avatar
* @property int $ontime
* @property int $ostatus
* @property string $header
* @property string $footer
* @property string $theme
* @property int $timezone
* @property int $strikes
* @property string $name_colour
* @property int $permission_access
* @property string $test_theme
* @property int $theme_expire
* @property string $display_name
* @property string $yt_channel
* @property string $country
* @property string $video_css
* @property string $curLanguage
* @property string $curTheme
* @property string $curTZ
* @property string $curDF
* @property string $curTF
* @property int $curSBSize
* @property int $coq
* @property int $dev
* @property int $fullsub
* @property int $wikiadm
* @property int $odbman
* @property int $usr_per_id
* @property int $blg_per_id
* @property int $for_per_id
* @property int $sbx_per_id
* @property int $str_per_id
* @property int $doc_per_id
* @property int $odb_per_id
* @package App\Models
class ForUser extends Eloquent
* Get the identifier that will be stored in the subject claim of the JWT.
* @return mixed
public function getJWTIdentifier() {
return $this->getKey(); // Eloquent Model method
* Return a key value array, containing any custom claims to be added to the JWT.
* @return array
public function getJWTCustomClaims() {
return [];
public $timestamps = false;
protected $casts = [
'group' => 'int',
'perm_id' => 'int',
'permission_id' => 'int',
'total_posts' => 'int',
'total_threads' => 'int',
'reg_date' => 'int',
'last_post_date' => 'int',
'last_post_location' => 'int',
'gender' => 'int',
'birthday' => 'int',
'ontime' => 'int',
'ostatus' => 'int',
'timezone' => 'int',
'strikes' => 'int',
'permission_access' => 'int',
'theme_expire' => 'int',
'curSBSize' => 'int',
'coq' => 'int',
'dev' => 'int',
'fullsub' => 'int',
'wikiadm' => 'int',
'odbman' => 'int',
'usr_per_id' => 'int',
'blg_per_id' => 'int',
'for_per_id' => 'int',
'sbx_per_id' => 'int',
'str_per_id' => 'int',
'doc_per_id' => 'int',
'odb_per_id' => 'int'
protected $hidden = [
protected $fillable = [