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2022-01-27 01:24:03 +09:00
import jsony
import user, ../types/[graphuser, graphlistmembers]
from ../../types import User, Result, Query, QueryKind
2022-01-27 01:24:03 +09:00
proc parseGraphUser*(json: string): User =
let raw = json.fromJson(GraphUser)
result = toUser raw.data.user.result.legacy
result.id = raw.data.user.result.restId
proc parseGraphListMembers*(json, cursor: string): Result[User] =
result = Result[User](
beginning: cursor.len == 0,
query: Query(kind: userList)
let raw = json.fromJson(GraphListMembers)
for instruction in raw.data.list.membersTimeline.timeline.instructions:
if instruction.kind == "TimelineAddEntries":
for entry in instruction.entries:
case entry.content.entryType
of TimelineTimelineItem:
let userResult = entry.content.itemContent.userResults.result
if userResult.restId.len > 0:
result.content.add toUser userResult.legacy
of TimelineTimelineCursor:
if entry.content.cursorType == "Bottom":
result.bottom = entry.content.value