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package rdf
import (
const (
JSON_LD_CONTEXT = "@context"
JSON_LD_TYPE = "@type"
JSON_LD_TYPE_AS = "type"
// JSONLD is an alias for the generic map of keys to interfaces, presumably
// parsed from a JSON-encoded context definition file.
type JSONLD map[string]interface{}
// ParsingContext contains the results of the parsing as well as scratch space
// required for RDFNodes to be able to statefully apply changes.
type ParsingContext struct {
// Result contains the final ParsedVocabulary from a file.
Result *ParsedVocabulary
// Current item to operate upon. A call to Push or Pop will overwrite
// this field.
Current interface{}
// Name of the Current item. A call to Push or Pop will modify this
// field.
Name string
// The Stack of Types, Properties, References, Examples, and other
// items being analyzed. A call to Push or Pop will modify this field.
// Do not use directly, instead use Push and Pop.
Stack []interface{}
// Applies the node only for the next level of processing.
// Do not touch, instead use the accessor methods.
OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel RDFNode
// OnlyApplied keeps track if OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel has applied
// once.
OnlyApplied bool
// Applies the node once, for the rest of the data. This skips the
// recursive parsing, and the node's Apply is given an empty string
// for a key.
// Do not touch, instead use the accessor methods.
OnlyApplyThisNode RDFNode
// GetResultReferenceWithDefaults will fetch the spec and set the Vocabulary
// Name and URI values as well. Helper function when getting a reference in
// order to populate known value types.
func (p *ParsingContext) GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(spec, name string) (*Vocabulary, error) {
v, err := p.Result.GetReference(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u, err := url.Parse(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.Name = name
v.URI = u
return v, nil
// SetOnlyApplyThisNode sets the provided node to be the only one applied until
// ResetOnlyApplyThisNode is called.
func (p *ParsingContext) SetOnlyApplyThisNode(n RDFNode) {
p.OnlyApplyThisNode = n
// ResetOnlyApplyThisNode clears the only node to apply, if set.
func (p *ParsingContext) ResetOnlyApplyThisNode() {
p.OnlyApplyThisNode = nil
// SetOnlyApplyThisNodeNExtLevel will apply the next node only for the next
// level.
func (p *ParsingContext) SetOnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel(n RDFNode) {
p.OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel = n
p.OnlyApplied = false
// GetNextNodes is given the list of nodes a parent process believes should be
// applied, and returns the list of nodes that actually should be used.
// If there is node that should only apply or should only apply at the next
// level (and hasn't yet), then the passed in list will not match the resulting
// list.
func (p *ParsingContext) GetNextNodes(n []RDFNode) (r []RDFNode, clearFn func()) {
if p.OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel == nil {
return n, func() {}
} else if p.OnlyApplied {
return n, func() {}
} else {
p.OnlyApplied = true
return []RDFNode{p.OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel}, func() {
p.OnlyApplied = false
// ResetOnlyAppliedThisNodeNextLevel clears the node that should have been
// applied for the next level of depth only.
func (p *ParsingContext) ResetOnlyAppliedThisNodeNextLevel() {
p.OnlyApplyThisNodeNextLevel = nil
p.OnlyApplied = false
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
// Push puts the Current onto the Stack.
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
func (p *ParsingContext) Push() {
p.Stack = append([]interface{}{p.Current}, p.Stack...)
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
// Pop puts the top item on the Stack into Current, and sets Name as
// appropriate.
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
func (p *ParsingContext) Pop() {
p.Current = p.Stack[0]
p.Stack = p.Stack[1:]
if ng, ok := p.Current.(NameGetter); ok {
p.Name = ng.GetName()
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
// IsReset determines if the Context's Current is nil and Name is empty. Note
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
func (p *ParsingContext) IsReset() bool {
return p.Current == nil &&
p.Name == ""
// Reset sets Current to nil and Name to empty string.
2018-12-02 02:31:35 +09:00
func (p *ParsingContext) Reset() {
p.Current = nil
p.Name = ""
// NameSetter is a utility interface for the rdf Vocabulary types.
type NameSetter interface {
// NameGetter is a utility interface for the rdf Vocabulary types.
type NameGetter interface {
GetName() string
// URISetter is a utility interface for the rdf Vocabulary types.
type URISetter interface {
SetURI(string) error
// NotesSetter is a utility interface for the rdf Vocabulary types.
type NotesSetter interface {
// ExampleAdder is a utility interface for the rdf Vocabulary types.
type ExampleAdder interface {
// RDFNode is able to operate on a specific key if it applies towards its
// ontology (determined at creation time). It applies the value in its own
// specific implementation on the context.
type RDFNode interface {
// Enter is called when the RDFNode is a label for an array of values or
// a key within a JSON object, and the parser is about to examine its
// value(s). Exit is guaranteed to be called afterwards.
Enter(key string, ctx *ParsingContext) (bool, error)
// Exit is called after the parser examines the node's value(s).
Exit(key string, ctx *ParsingContext) (bool, error)
// Apply is called by the parser on nodes when they appear as values.
Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *ParsingContext) (bool, error)
// ParseVocabularies parses the provided inputs in order as an ActivityStreams
// context that specifies one or more extension vocabularies.
func ParseVocabularies(registry *RDFRegistry, inputs []JSONLD) (vocabulary *ParsedVocabulary, err error) {
vocabulary = &ParsedVocabulary{
References: make(map[string]*Vocabulary, len(inputs)-1),
currentRegistry := registry.clone()
for i, input := range inputs {
var v *ParsedVocabulary
v, err = parseVocabulary(currentRegistry, input, vocabulary.References)
if err != nil {
for k, ref := range v.References {
if ref.Registry != nil {
err = ref.Registry.AddOntology(&ReferenceOntology{v.Vocab})
if err != nil {
vocabulary.References[k] = ref
if i < len(inputs)-1 {
currentRegistry = v.Vocab.Registry.clone()
err = currentRegistry.AddOntology(&ReferenceOntology{v.Vocab})
if err != nil {
vocabulary.References[v.Vocab.URI.String()] = &v.Vocab
} else {
vocabulary.Vocab = v.Vocab
vocabulary.Order = append(vocabulary.Order, v.Vocab.URI.String())
// parseVocabulary parses the specified input as an ActivityStreams context that
// specifies a Core, Extended, or Extension vocabulary.
2019-01-17 05:53:36 +09:00
func parseVocabulary(registry *RDFRegistry, input JSONLD, references map[string]*Vocabulary) (vocabulary *ParsedVocabulary, err error) {
var nodes []RDFNode
nodes, err = parseJSONLDContext(registry, input)
if err != nil {
2019-01-17 05:53:36 +09:00
vocabulary = &ParsedVocabulary{References: make(map[string]*Vocabulary, len(references))}
for k, v := range references {
vocabulary.References[k] = v
ctx := &ParsingContext{
Result: vocabulary,
// Prepend well-known JSON LD parsing nodes. Order matters, so that the
// parser can understand things like types so that other nodes do not
// hijack processing.
nodes = append(jsonLDNodes(registry), nodes...)
// Step 1: Parse all core data, excluding:
// - Value types
// - Referenced types
// - VocabularyType's 'Properties' and 'WithoutProperties' fields
// This is all horrible code but it works, so....
err = apply(nodes, input, ctx)
if err != nil {
// Step 2: Populate value and referenced types.
err = resolveReferences(registry, ctx)
if err != nil {
// Step 3: Populate VocabularyType's 'Properties' and
// 'WithoutProperties' fields
err = populatePropertiesOnTypes(registry, ctx)
vocabulary.Vocab.Registry = registry
// populatePropertiesOnTypes populates the 'Properties' and 'WithoutProperties'
// entries on a VocabularyType.
func populatePropertiesOnTypes(registry *RDFRegistry, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
for _, p := range ctx.Result.Vocab.Properties {
if err := populatePropertyOnTypes(registry, p, ctx.Result.Vocab.URI.String(), ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// populatePropertyOnTypes populates the VocabularyType's 'Properties' and
// 'WithoutProperties' fields based on the 'Domain' and 'DoesNotApplyTo'.
func populatePropertyOnTypes(registry *RDFRegistry, p VocabularyProperty, vocabName string, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
ref := VocabularyReference{
Name: p.Name,
// Vocab will only be populated on types outside of its own
// vocabulary.
for _, d := range p.Domain {
if len(d.Vocab) == 0 {
t, ok := ctx.Result.Vocab.Types[d.Name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot populate property on type %q for desired vocab", d.Name)
t.Properties = append(t.Properties, ref)
ctx.Result.Vocab.Types[d.Name] = t
} else {
vocab := d.Vocab
if u, err := registry.ResolveAlias(d.Vocab); err == nil {
vocab = u
v, err := ctx.Result.GetReference(vocab)
if err != nil {
return err
t, ok := v.Types[d.Name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot populate property on type %q for vocab %q", d.Name, vocab)
// Since the type is outside this property's vocabulary,
// populate the Vocab field.
refCopy := ref
refCopy.Vocab = vocabName
t.Properties = append(t.Properties, refCopy)
v.Types[d.Name] = t
for _, dna := range p.DoesNotApplyTo {
if len(dna.Vocab) == 0 {
t, ok := ctx.Result.Vocab.Types[dna.Name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot populate withoutproperty on type %q for desired vocab", dna.Name)
t.WithoutProperties = append(t.WithoutProperties, ref)
ctx.Result.Vocab.Types[dna.Name] = t
} else {
vocab := dna.Vocab
if u, err := registry.ResolveAlias(dna.Vocab); err == nil {
vocab = u
v, err := ctx.Result.GetReference(vocab)
if err != nil {
return err
t, ok := v.Types[dna.Name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot populate withoutproperty on type %q for vocab %q", dna.Name, vocab)
// Since the type is outside this property's vocabulary,
// populate the Vocab field.
refCopy := ref
refCopy.Vocab = vocabName
t.WithoutProperties = append(t.WithoutProperties, refCopy)
v.Types[dna.Name] = t
return nil
// resolveReferences ensures that all references mentioned have been
// successfully parsed, and if not attempts to search the ontologies for any
// values, types, and properties that need to be referenced.
// Currently, this is the only way that values are added to the
// ParsedVocabulary.
func resolveReferences(registry *RDFRegistry, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
vocabulary := ctx.Result
for _, t := range vocabulary.Vocab.Types {
for _, ref := range t.DisjointWith {
if err := resolveReference(ref, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
for _, ref := range t.Extends {
if err := resolveReference(ref, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range vocabulary.Vocab.Properties {
for _, ref := range p.Domain {
if err := resolveReference(ref, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
for _, ref := range p.Range {
if err := resolveReference(ref, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
for _, ref := range p.DoesNotApplyTo {
if err := resolveReference(ref, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
if len(p.SubpropertyOf.Name) > 0 {
if err := resolveReference(p.SubpropertyOf, registry, ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// resolveReference will attempt to resolve the reference by either finding it
// in the known References of the vocabulary, or load it from the registry. Will
// fail if a reference is not found.
func resolveReference(reference VocabularyReference, registry *RDFRegistry, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
name := reference.Name
vocab := &ctx.Result.Vocab
if len(reference.Vocab) > 0 {
name = joinAlias(reference.Vocab, reference.Name)
url, e := registry.ResolveAlias(reference.Vocab)
if e != nil {
return e
vocab, e = ctx.Result.GetReference(url)
if e != nil {
return e
if _, ok := vocab.Types[reference.Name]; ok {
return nil
} else if _, ok := vocab.Properties[reference.Name]; ok {
return nil
} else if _, ok := vocab.Values[reference.Name]; ok {
return nil
} else if n, e := registry.getNode(name); e != nil {
return e
} else {
applicable, e := n.Apply("", nil, ctx)
if !applicable {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve reference with unapplicable node for %s", reference)
} else if e != nil {
return e
return nil
// apply takes a specification input to populate the ParsingContext, based on
// the capabilities of the RDFNodes created from ontologies.
// This function will populate all non-value data in the Vocabulary. It does not
// populate the 'Properties' nor the 'WithoutProperties' fields on any
// VocabularyType.
func apply(nodes []RDFNode, input JSONLD, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
// Hijacked processing: Process the rest of the data in this single
// node.
if ctx.OnlyApplyThisNode != nil {
if applied, err := ctx.OnlyApplyThisNode.Apply("", input, ctx); !applied {
return fmt.Errorf("applying requested node failed")
} else {
return err
// Special processing: '@type' or 'type' if they are present
if v, ok := input[JSON_LD_TYPE]; ok {
if err := doApply(nodes, JSON_LD_TYPE, v, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := input[JSON_LD_TYPE_AS]; ok {
if err := doApply(nodes, JSON_LD_TYPE_AS, v, ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Normal recursive processing
for k, v := range input {
// Skip things we have already processed: context and type
} else if k == JSON_LD_TYPE {
} else if k == JSON_LD_TYPE_AS {
if err := doApply(nodes, k, v, ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// doApply actually does the application logic for the apply function.
func doApply(nodes []RDFNode,
k string, v interface{},
ctx *ParsingContext) error {
// Hijacked processing: Only use the ParsingContext's node to
// handle all elements.
recurNodes := nodes
enterApplyExitNodes, clearFn := ctx.GetNextNodes(nodes)
defer clearFn()
// Normal recursive processing
if mapValue, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if err := enterFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if err = apply(recurNodes, mapValue, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if err = exitFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if arrValue, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, val := range arrValue {
// First, enter for this key
if err := enterFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Recur or handle the value as necessary.
if mapValue, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if err := apply(recurNodes, mapValue, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := applyFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, val, ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Finally, exit for this key
if err := exitFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, ctx); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := applyFirstNode(enterApplyExitNodes, k, v, ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// enterFirstNode will Enter the first RDFNode that returns true or an error.
func enterFirstNode(nodes []RDFNode, key string, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
for _, node := range nodes {
if applied, err := node.Enter(key, ctx); applied {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("no RDFNode applicable for entering %q", key)
// exitFirstNode will Exit the first RDFNode that returns true or an error.
func exitFirstNode(nodes []RDFNode, key string, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
for _, node := range nodes {
if applied, err := node.Exit(key, ctx); applied {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("no RDFNode applicable for exiting %q", key)
// applyFirstNode will Apply the first RDFNode that returns true or an error.
func applyFirstNode(nodes []RDFNode, key string, value interface{}, ctx *ParsingContext) error {
for _, node := range nodes {
if applied, err := node.Apply(key, value, ctx); applied {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("no RDFNode applicable for applying %q with value %v", key, value)
// parseJSONLDContext implements a super basic JSON-LD @context parsing
// algorithm in order to build a set of nodes which will be able to parse the
// rest of the document.
func parseJSONLDContext(registry *RDFRegistry, input JSONLD) (nodes []RDFNode, err error) {
i, ok := input[JSON_LD_CONTEXT]
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("no @context in input")
if inArray, ok := i.([]interface{}); ok {
// @context is an array
for _, iVal := range inArray {
if valMap, ok := iVal.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
// Element is a JSON Object (dictionary)
for alias, val := range valMap {
if s, ok := val.(string); ok {
var n []RDFNode
n, err = registry.getAliased(alias, s)
if err != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n...)
} else if aliasedMap, ok := val.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
var n []RDFNode
n, err = registry.getAliasedObject(alias, aliasedMap)
if err != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n...)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("@context value in dict in array is neither a dict nor a string")
} else if s, ok := iVal.(string); ok {
// Element is a single value
var n []RDFNode
n, err = registry.getFor(s)
if err != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n...)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("@context value in array is neither a dict nor a string")
} else if inMap, ok := i.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
// @context is a JSON object (dictionary)
for alias, iVal := range inMap {
if s, ok := iVal.(string); ok {
var n []RDFNode
n, err = registry.getAliased(alias, s)
if err != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n...)
} else if aliasedMap, ok := iVal.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
var n []RDFNode
n, err = registry.getAliasedObject(alias, aliasedMap)
if err != nil {
nodes = append(nodes, n...)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("@context value in dict is neither a dict nor a string")
} else {
// @context is a single value
s, ok := i.(string)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("single @context value is not a string")
return registry.getFor(s)