
389 行
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Raw 通常表示 履歴

// Code generated by astool. DO NOT EDIT.
package streams
import (
typeaccept ""
typeactivity ""
typeadd ""
typeannounce ""
typeapplication ""
typearrive ""
typearticle ""
typeaudio ""
typeblock ""
typecollection ""
typecollectionpage ""
typecreate ""
typedelete ""
typedislike ""
typedocument ""
typeevent ""
typeflag ""
typefollow ""
typegroup ""
typeignore ""
typeimage ""
typeintransitiveactivity ""
typeinvite ""
typejoin ""
typeleave ""
typelike ""
typelink ""
typelisten ""
typemention ""
typemove ""
typenote ""
typeobject ""
typeoffer ""
typeorderedcollection ""
typeorderedcollectionpage ""
typeorganization ""
typepage ""
typeperson ""
typeplace ""
typeprofile ""
typequestion ""
typeread ""
typereject ""
typerelationship ""
typeremove ""
typeservice ""
typetentativeaccept ""
typetentativereject ""
typetombstone ""
typetravel ""
typeundo ""
typeupdate ""
typevideo ""
typeview ""
vocab ""
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAccept returns true if the other provided type is the
// Accept type or extends from the Accept type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAccept(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeaccept.IsOrExtendsAccept(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsActivity returns true if the other provided type is
// the Activity type or extends from the Activity type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsActivity(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeactivity.IsOrExtendsActivity(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAdd returns true if the other provided type is the
// Add type or extends from the Add type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAdd(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeadd.IsOrExtendsAdd(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAnnounce returns true if the other provided type is
// the Announce type or extends from the Announce type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAnnounce(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeannounce.IsOrExtendsAnnounce(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsApplication returns true if the other provided type
// is the Application type or extends from the Application type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsApplication(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeapplication.IsOrExtendsApplication(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsArrive returns true if the other provided type is the
// Arrive type or extends from the Arrive type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsArrive(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typearrive.IsOrExtendsArrive(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsArticle returns true if the other provided type is
// the Article type or extends from the Article type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsArticle(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typearticle.IsOrExtendsArticle(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAudio returns true if the other provided type is the
// Audio type or extends from the Audio type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsAudio(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeaudio.IsOrExtendsAudio(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsBlock returns true if the other provided type is the
// Block type or extends from the Block type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsBlock(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeblock.IsOrExtendsBlock(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCollection returns true if the other provided type is
// the Collection type or extends from the Collection type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCollection(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecollection.IsOrExtendsCollection(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCollectionPage returns true if the other provided
// type is the CollectionPage type or extends from the CollectionPage type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCollectionPage(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecollectionpage.IsOrExtendsCollectionPage(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCreate returns true if the other provided type is the
// Create type or extends from the Create type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsCreate(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecreate.IsOrExtendsCreate(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDelete returns true if the other provided type is the
// Delete type or extends from the Delete type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDelete(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedelete.IsOrExtendsDelete(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDislike returns true if the other provided type is
// the Dislike type or extends from the Dislike type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDislike(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedislike.IsOrExtendsDislike(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDocument returns true if the other provided type is
// the Document type or extends from the Document type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsDocument(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedocument.IsOrExtendsDocument(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsEvent returns true if the other provided type is the
// Event type or extends from the Event type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsEvent(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeevent.IsOrExtendsEvent(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsFlag returns true if the other provided type is the
// Flag type or extends from the Flag type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsFlag(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeflag.IsOrExtendsFlag(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsFollow returns true if the other provided type is the
// Follow type or extends from the Follow type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsFollow(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typefollow.IsOrExtendsFollow(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsGroup returns true if the other provided type is the
// Group type or extends from the Group type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsGroup(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typegroup.IsOrExtendsGroup(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsIgnore returns true if the other provided type is the
// Ignore type or extends from the Ignore type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsIgnore(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeignore.IsOrExtendsIgnore(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsImage returns true if the other provided type is the
// Image type or extends from the Image type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsImage(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeimage.IsOrExtendsImage(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivity returns true if the other
// provided type is the IntransitiveActivity type or extends from the
// IntransitiveActivity type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivity(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeintransitiveactivity.IsOrExtendsIntransitiveActivity(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsInvite returns true if the other provided type is the
// Invite type or extends from the Invite type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsInvite(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeinvite.IsOrExtendsInvite(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsJoin returns true if the other provided type is the
// Join type or extends from the Join type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsJoin(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typejoin.IsOrExtendsJoin(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLeave returns true if the other provided type is the
// Leave type or extends from the Leave type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLeave(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeleave.IsOrExtendsLeave(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLike returns true if the other provided type is the
// Like type or extends from the Like type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLike(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelike.IsOrExtendsLike(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLink returns true if the other provided type is the
// Link type or extends from the Link type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsLink(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelink.IsOrExtendsLink(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsListen returns true if the other provided type is the
// Listen type or extends from the Listen type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsListen(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelisten.IsOrExtendsListen(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsMention returns true if the other provided type is
// the Mention type or extends from the Mention type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsMention(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typemention.IsOrExtendsMention(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsMove returns true if the other provided type is the
// Move type or extends from the Move type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsMove(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typemove.IsOrExtendsMove(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsNote returns true if the other provided type is the
// Note type or extends from the Note type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsNote(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typenote.IsOrExtendsNote(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsObject returns true if the other provided type is the
// Object type or extends from the Object type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsObject(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeobject.IsOrExtendsObject(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOffer returns true if the other provided type is the
// Offer type or extends from the Offer type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOffer(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeoffer.IsOrExtendsOffer(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection returns true if the other provided
// type is the OrderedCollection type or extends from the OrderedCollection
// type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorderedcollection.IsOrExtendsOrderedCollection(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage returns true if the other
// provided type is the OrderedCollectionPage type or extends from the
// OrderedCollectionPage type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorderedcollectionpage.IsOrExtendsOrderedCollectionPage(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrganization returns true if the other provided type
// is the Organization type or extends from the Organization type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsOrganization(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorganization.IsOrExtendsOrganization(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPage returns true if the other provided type is the
// Page type or extends from the Page type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPage(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typepage.IsOrExtendsPage(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPerson returns true if the other provided type is the
// Person type or extends from the Person type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPerson(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeperson.IsOrExtendsPerson(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPlace returns true if the other provided type is the
// Place type or extends from the Place type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsPlace(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeplace.IsOrExtendsPlace(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsProfile returns true if the other provided type is
// the Profile type or extends from the Profile type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsProfile(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeprofile.IsOrExtendsProfile(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsQuestion returns true if the other provided type is
// the Question type or extends from the Question type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsQuestion(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typequestion.IsOrExtendsQuestion(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRead returns true if the other provided type is the
// Read type or extends from the Read type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRead(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeread.IsOrExtendsRead(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsReject returns true if the other provided type is the
// Reject type or extends from the Reject type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsReject(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typereject.IsOrExtendsReject(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRelationship returns true if the other provided type
// is the Relationship type or extends from the Relationship type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRelationship(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typerelationship.IsOrExtendsRelationship(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRemove returns true if the other provided type is the
// Remove type or extends from the Remove type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsRemove(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeremove.IsOrExtendsRemove(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsService returns true if the other provided type is
// the Service type or extends from the Service type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsService(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeservice.IsOrExtendsService(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTentativeAccept returns true if the other provided
// type is the TentativeAccept type or extends from the TentativeAccept type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTentativeAccept(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetentativeaccept.IsOrExtendsTentativeAccept(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTentativeReject returns true if the other provided
// type is the TentativeReject type or extends from the TentativeReject type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTentativeReject(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetentativereject.IsOrExtendsTentativeReject(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTombstone returns true if the other provided type is
// the Tombstone type or extends from the Tombstone type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTombstone(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetombstone.IsOrExtendsTombstone(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTravel returns true if the other provided type is the
// Travel type or extends from the Travel type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsTravel(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetravel.IsOrExtendsTravel(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsUndo returns true if the other provided type is the
// Undo type or extends from the Undo type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsUndo(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeundo.IsOrExtendsUndo(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsUpdate returns true if the other provided type is the
// Update type or extends from the Update type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsUpdate(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeupdate.IsOrExtendsUpdate(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsVideo returns true if the other provided type is the
// Video type or extends from the Video type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsVideo(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typevideo.IsOrExtendsVideo(other)
// IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsView returns true if the other provided type is the
// View type or extends from the View type.
func IsOrExtendsActivityStreamsView(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeview.IsOrExtendsView(other)